Samantaz Fox cbc34ad4c6
Crystal: Force using PCRE (legacy) for cross-compilation
PCRE2 support was added in Crystal v1.7.0, and used by default
in Crystal v1.8.0.

As we don't want to have to guess what version of the PCRE was
used on the build host, force the use of the legacy version until
we drop support for older versions of Crystal.
2023-09-17 14:08:03 +02:00

36 lines
918 B

FROM alpine:3.18 AS builder
RUN apk add --no-cache gcc make yaml-static libxml2-static sqlite-static zlib-static \
xz-static openssl-libs-static openssl-dev pcre-dev pcre2-dev gc-dev libevent-static musl-dev
ARG release
COPY ./Makefile .
COPY ./invidious-arm64-musl.o .
RUN make invidious-arm64-musl STATIC=1
FROM alpine:3.18
RUN apk add --no-cache librsvg ttf-opensans tini
WORKDIR /invidious
RUN addgroup -g 1000 -S invidious && \
adduser -u 1000 -S invidious -G invidious
COPY --chown=invidious ./config/ ./config/
RUN mv -n config/config.example.yml config/config.yml
RUN sed -i 's/host: \(\|localhost\)/host: invidious-db/' config/config.yml
COPY ./locales/ ./locales/
COPY ./assets ./assets/
RUN chmod o+rX -R ./assets ./config ./locales
COPY --from=builder /invidious-arm64-musl .
USER invidious
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--"]
CMD [ "/invidious/invidious-arm64-musl" ]