2020-04-20 16:46:00 -05:00

387 lines
18 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"`x` subscribers": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 人の登録者",
"": "`x` 人の登録者"
"`x` videos": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 個の動画",
"": "`x` 個の動画"
"`x` playlists": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 個の再生リスト",
"": "`x` 個の再生リスト"
"LIVE": "ライブ",
"Shared `x` ago": "`x`前に共有",
"Unsubscribe": "登録解除",
"Subscribe": "登録",
"View channel on YouTube": "YouTube でチャンネルを見る",
"View playlist on YouTube": "YouTube で再生リストを見る",
"newest": "新しい順",
"oldest": "古い順",
"popular": "人気順",
"last": "追加順",
"Next page": "次のページ",
"Previous page": "前のページ",
"Clear watch history?": "再生履歴を削除しますか?",
"New password": "新しいパスワード",
"New passwords must match": "新しいパスワードが一致していません",
"Cannot change password for Google accounts": "Google アカウントのパスワードは変更できません",
"Authorize token?": "トークンを認証しますか?",
"Authorize token for `x`?": "トークン `x` を認証しますか?",
"Yes": "はい",
"No": "いいえ",
"Import and Export Data": "データのインポートとエクスポート",
"Import": "インポート",
"Import Invidious data": "Invidious データをインポート",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "YouTube 登録チャンネルをインポート",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "FreeTube 登録チャンネルをインポート (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "NewPipe 登録チャンネルをインポート (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "NewPipe データをインポート (.zip)",
"Export": "エクスポート",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "登録チャンネルを OPML でエクスポート",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "登録チャンネルを OPML でエクスポート (NewPipe & FreeTube 用)",
"Export data as JSON": "データを JSON でエクスポート",
"Delete account?": "アカウントを削除しますか?",
"History": "履歴",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "YouTube の代わりとなる新しいフロントエンド",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript ライセンス情報",
"source": "ソース",
"Log in": "ログイン",
"Log in/register": "ログイン/登録",
"Log in with Google": "Google でログイン",
"User ID": "ユーザー ID",
"Password": "パスワード",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "時間 (時:分分:秒秒):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "テキスト CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "画像 CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "サインイン",
"Register": "登録",
"E-mail": "メールアドレス",
"Google verification code": "Google 認証コード",
"Preferences": "設定",
"Player preferences": "プレイヤー設定",
"Always loop: ": "常にループ: ",
"Autoplay: ": "自動再生: ",
"Play next by default: ": "デフォルトで次を再生: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "次の動画を自動再生: ",
"Listen by default: ": "デフォルトでオーディオモードを使用: ",
"Proxy videos: ": "動画をプロキシーに通す: ",
"Default speed: ": "デフォルトの再生速度: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "優先する画質: ",
"Player volume: ": "プレイヤーの音量: ",
"Default comments: ": "デフォルトのコメント: ",
"youtube": "youtube",
"reddit": "reddit",
"Default captions: ": "デフォルトの字幕: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "フォールバック時の字幕: ",
"Show related videos: ": "関連動画を表示: ",
"Show annotations by default: ": "デフォルトでアノテーションを表示: ",
"Visual preferences": "外観設定",
"Player style: ": "プレイヤースタイル: ",
"Dark mode: ": "ダークモード: ",
"Theme: ": "テーマ: ",
"dark": "ダーク",
"light": "ライト",
"Thin mode: ": "最小モード: ",
"Subscription preferences": "登録チャンネル設定",
"Show annotations by default for subscribed channels: ": "デフォルトで登録チャンネルのアノテーションを表示しますか? ",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "ホームからフィードにリダイレクト: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "フィードに表示する動画の量: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "動画を並び替え: ",
"published": "投稿日",
"published - reverse": "投稿日 - 逆順",
"alphabetically": "アルファベット",
"alphabetically - reverse": "アルファベット - 逆順",
"channel name": "チャンネル名",
"channel name - reverse": "チャンネル名 - 逆順",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "チャンネルの最新動画のみを表示: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "チャンネルの最新未視聴動画のみを表示: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "未視聴のみを表示: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "通知のみを表示 (ある場合): ",
"Enable web notifications": "ウェブ通知を有効化",
"`x` uploaded a video": "`x` が動画を投稿しました",
"`x` is live": "`x` がライブ中です",
"Data preferences": "データ設定",
"Clear watch history": "再生履歴の削除",
"Import/export data": "データのインポート/エクスポート",
"Change password": "パスワードを変更",
"Manage subscriptions": "登録チャンネルを管理",
"Manage tokens": "トークンを管理",
"Watch history": "再生履歴",
"Delete account": "アカウントを削除",
"Administrator preferences": "管理者設定",
"Default homepage: ": "デフォルトのホーム: ",
"Feed menu: ": "フィードメニュー: ",
"Top enabled: ": "Top enabled: ",
"CAPTCHA enabled: ": "CAPTCHA を有効化: ",
"Login enabled: ": "ログインを有効化: ",
"Registration enabled: ": "登録を有効化: ",
"Report statistics: ": "統計を報告: ",
"Save preferences": "設定を保存",
"Subscription manager": "登録チャンネルマネージャー",
"Token manager": "トークンマネージャー",
"Token": "トークン",
"`x` subscriptions": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 個の登録チャンネル",
"": "`x` 個の登録チャンネル"
"`x` tokens": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 個のトークン",
"": "`x` 個のトークン"
"Import/export": "インポート/エクスポート",
"unsubscribe": "登録解除",
"revoke": "revoke",
"Subscriptions": "登録チャンネル",
"`x` unseen notifications": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 個の未読通知",
"": "`x` 個の未読通知"
"search": "検索",
"Log out": "ログアウト",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Omar Roth によって AGPLv3 でリリースされています。",
"Source available here.": "ソースはここで閲覧可能です。",
"View JavaScript license information.": "JavaScript ライセンス情報を見る。",
"View privacy policy.": "プライバシーポリシーを見る。",
"Trending": "急上昇",
"Public": "公開",
"Unlisted": "限定公開",
"Private": "非公開",
"View all playlists": "再生リストをすべて見る",
"Updated `x` ago": "`x`前に更新",
"Delete playlist `x`?": "再生リスト `x` を削除しますか?",
"Delete playlist": "再生リストを削除",
"Create playlist": "再生リストを作成",
"Title": "タイトル",
"Playlist privacy": "再生リストのプライバシー",
"Editing playlist `x`": "再生リスト `x` を編集中",
"Watch on YouTube": "YouTube で視聴",
"Hide annotations": "アノテーションを隠す",
"Show annotations": "アノテーションを表示",
"Genre: ": "ジャンル: ",
"License: ": "ライセンス: ",
"Family friendly? ": "家族向け? ",
"Wilson score: ": "ウィルソンスコア: ",
"Engagement: ": "エンゲージメント: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "ホワイトリストの地域: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "ブラックリストの地域: ",
"Shared `x`": "`x`に共有",
"`x` views": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 回視聴",
"": "`x` 回視聴"
"Premieres in `x`": "Premieres in `x`",
"Premieres `x`": "Premieres `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript turned off. Click here to view comments, keep in mind they may take a bit longer to load.": "やあ!君は JavaScript を無効にしているのかな?ここをクリックしてコメントを見れるけど、読み込みには少し時間がかかることがあるのを覚えておいてね。",
"View YouTube comments": "YouTube のコメントを見る",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Reddit でコメントをもっと見る",
"View `x` comments": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 件のコメントを見る",
"": "`x` 件のコメントを見る"
"View Reddit comments": "Reddit のコメントを見る",
"Hide replies": "返信を非表示",
"Show replies": "返信を表示",
"Incorrect password": "パスワードが間違っています",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "試行を制限中です。数時間後にやり直してください",
"Unable to log in, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is turned on.": "ログインできませんでした。2段階認証 (認証アプリまたは SMS) が有効になっていることを確認してください。",
"Invalid TFA code": "TFA (2段階認証) コードが無効です",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not turned on for your account.": "ログインに失敗しました。あなたのアカウントで2段階認証が有効になっていない可能性があります。",
"Wrong answer": "回答が間違っています",
"Erroneous CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA が間違っています",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA は必須項目です",
"User ID is a required field": "ユーザー ID は必須項目です",
"Password is a required field": "パスワードは必須項目です",
"Wrong username or password": "ユーザー名またはパスワードが間違っています",
"Please sign in using 'Log in with Google'": "'Google でログイン' を使用してログインしてください",
"Password cannot be empty": "パスワードを空にすることはできません",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "パスワードは55文字より長くできません",
"Please log in": "ログインをしてください",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "`x` の Invidious プライベートフィード",
"channel:`x`": "チャンネル:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "削除済みまたは無効なチャンネルです",
"This channel does not exist.": "このチャンネルは存在していません",
"Could not get channel info.": "チャンネル情報を取得できませんでした。",
"Could not fetch comments": "コメントを取得できませんでした",
"View `x` replies": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` 件の返信を見る",
"": "`x` 件の返信を見る"
"`x` ago": "`x`前",
"Load more": "もっと読み込む",
"`x` points": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x` ポイント",
"": "`x` ポイント"
"Could not create mix.": "ミックスを作成できませんでした。",
"Empty playlist": "空の再生リスト",
"Not a playlist.": "再生リストではありません。",
"Playlist does not exist.": "再生リストが存在していません・",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "急上昇ページを取得できませんでした。",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "非表示項目 \"challenge\" は必須項目です",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "非表示項目 \"token\" は必須項目です",
"Erroneous challenge": "チャレンジが間違っています",
"Erroneous token": "トークンが間違っています",
"No such user": "ユーザーが存在しません",
"Token is expired, please try again": "トークンが期限切れです。再度試してください",
"English": "英語",
"English (auto-generated)": "英語 (自動生成)",
"Afrikaans": "アフリカーンス語",
"Albanian": "アルバニア語",
"Amharic": "アムハラ語",
"Arabic": "アラビア語",
"Armenian": "アルメニア語",
"Azerbaijani": "アゼルバイジャン語",
"Bangla": "ベンガル語",
"Basque": "バスク語",
"Belarusian": "ベラルーシ語",
"Bosnian": "ボスニア語",
"Bulgarian": "ブルガリア語",
"Burmese": "ビルマ語",
"Catalan": "カタルーニャ語",
"Cebuano": "セブアノ語",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "中国語 (簡体字)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": " ()",
"Corsican": "",
"Croatian": "",
"Czech": "",
"Danish": "",
"Dutch": "",
"Esperanto": "",
"Estonian": "",
"Filipino": "",
"Finnish": "",
"French": "",
"Galician": "",
"Georgian": "",
"German": "",
"Greek": "",
"Gujarati": "",
"Haitian Creole": "",
"Hausa": "",
"Hawaiian": "",
"Hebrew": "",
"Hindi": "",
"Hmong": "",
"Hungarian": "",
"Icelandic": "",
"Igbo": "",
"Indonesian": "",
"Irish": "",
"Italian": "",
"Japanese": "",
"Javanese": "",
"Kannada": "",
"Kazakh": "",
"Khmer": "",
"Korean": "",
"Kurdish": "",
"Kyrgyz": "",
"Lao": "",
"Latin": "",
"Latvian": "",
"Lithuanian": "",
"Luxembourgish": "",
"Macedonian": "",
"Malagasy": "",
"Malay": "",
"Malayalam": "",
"Maltese": "",
"Maori": "",
"Marathi": "",
"Mongolian": "",
"Nepali": "",
"Norwegian Bokmål": "",
"Nyanja": "",
"Pashto": "",
"Persian": "",
"Polish": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Punjabi": "",
"Romanian": "",
"Russian": "",
"Samoan": "",
"Scottish Gaelic": "",
"Serbian": "",
"Shona": "",
"Sindhi": "",
"Sinhala": "",
"Slovak": "",
"Slovenian": "",
"Somali": "",
"Southern Sotho": "",
"Spanish": "",
"Spanish (Latin America)": " ()",
"Sundanese": "",
"Swahili": "",
"Swedish": "",
"Tajik": "",
"Tamil": "",
"Telugu": "",
"Thai": "",
"Turkish": "",
"Ukrainian": "",
"Urdu": "",
"Uzbek": "",
"Vietnamese": "",
"Welsh": "",
"Western Frisian": "西",
"Xhosa": "",
"Yiddish": "",
"Yoruba": "",
"Zulu": "",
"`x` years": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x`",
"": "`x`"
"`x` months": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x`",
"": "`x`"
"`x` weeks": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x`",
"": "`x`"
"`x` days": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x`",
"": "`x`"
"`x` hours": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x`",
"": "`x`"
"`x` minutes": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x`",
"": "`x`"
"`x` seconds": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "`x`",
"": "`x`"
"Fallback comments: ": ": ",
"Popular": "",
"Top": "",
"About": "",
"Rating: ": ": ",
"Language: ": ": ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "",
"Music": "",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "",
"Movies": "",
"Download": "",
"Download as: ": ": ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%Y %B %-d %A",
"(edited)": "()",
"YouTube comment permalink": "YouTube ",
"permalink": "",
"`x` marked it with a ": "`x` ",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Community": "",
"Current version: ": ": "