require "http/client" require "json" require "kemal" require "pg" require "xml" macro templated(filename) render "views/#{{{filename}}}.ecr", "views/layout.ecr" end # pg ="postgres://kemal@visor/dev") alias Type = String | Hash(String, Type) def object_to_hash(value) object = {} of String => Type items = value.split("&") items.each do |item| key, value = item.split("=") value = URI.unescape(value) object[key] = parse_uri(value) end return object end def array_to_hash(value) array = {} of String => Type items = value.split(",") count = 0 items.each do |item| array[count.to_s] = parse_uri(item) count += 1 end return array end def parse_uri(value) if value.starts_with?("http") || value.starts_with?("[") return value else if value.includes?(",") return array_to_hash(value) elsif value.includes?("&") return object_to_hash(value) else return value end end end context = OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client.insecure client ="", 443, context) get "/" do |env| templated "index" end get "/watch/:video_id" do |env| video_id = env.params.url["video_id"] video_info_encoded = HTTP::Client.get("{video_id}&el=info&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en", nil, nil, tls = context).body video_info = object_to_hash(video_info_encoded) body = client.get("/watch?v=#{video_id}").body doc = XML.parse(body) likes = doc.xpath_node(%q(//button[@title="I like this"]/span)) if likes likes = likes.content else likes = "n/a" end dislikes = doc.xpath_node(%q(//button[@title="I dislike this"]/span)) if dislikes dislikes.content else dislikes = "n/a" end File.write("video_info/#{video_id}", video_info.to_json) templated "watch" end # get "/listen/:video_id" do |env| # video_id = env.params.url["video_id"] # video_info_encoded = HTTP::Client.get("{video_id}&el=info&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en", nil, nil, tls = context).body # video_info = object_to_hash(video_info_encoded) # File.write("video_info/#{video_id}", video_info.to_json) # templated "listen" # end public_folder "assets"