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    "View playlist on YouTube": "在 YouTube 查看播放列表",
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    "oldest": "最老",
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    "last": "上一个",
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    "New passwords must match": "新密码必须匹配",
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    "No": "否",
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    "Import": "导入",
    "Import Invidious data": "导入 Invidious JSON 数据",
    "Import YouTube subscriptions": "导入 YouTube CSV 或 OPML 订阅",
    "Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "导入 FreeTube 订阅 (.db)",
    "Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "导入 NewPipe 订阅 (.json)",
    "Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "导入 NewPipe 数据 (.zip)",
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    "Export subscriptions as OPML": "导出订阅到 OPML 格式",
    "Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "导出订阅到 OPML 格式(用于 NewPipe 及 FreeTube)",
    "Export data as JSON": "导出 Invidious 数据为 JSON 格式",
    "Delete account?": "删除账户?",
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    "An alternative front-end to YouTube": "另一个 YouTube 前端",
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    "Login enabled: ": "是否启用登录: ",
    "Registration enabled: ": "是否启用注册: ",
    "Report statistics: ": "是否报告统计信息: ",
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    "search": "搜索",
    "Log out": "登出",
    "Released under the AGPLv3 on Github.": "依据 AGPLv3 许可证发布于 GitHub。",
    "Source available here.": "源码可在此查看。",
    "View JavaScript license information.": "查看 JavaScript 协议信息。",
    "View privacy policy.": "查看隐私政策。",
    "Trending": "时下流行",
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    "Unlisted": "不公开",
    "Private": "私享",
    "View all playlists": "查看所有播放列表",
    "Updated `x` ago": "`x` 前更新",
    "Delete playlist `x`?": "是否删除播放列表 `x`?",
    "Delete playlist": "删除播放列表",
    "Create playlist": "创建播放列表",
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    "Show more": "显示更多",
    "Show less": "显示较少",
    "Watch on YouTube": "在 YouTube 观看",
    "Switch Invidious Instance": "切换 Invidious 实例",
    "Hide annotations": "隐藏注释",
    "Show annotations": "显示注释",
    "Genre: ": "风格: ",
    "License: ": "许可: ",
    "Family friendly? ": "家庭友好? ",
    "Wilson score: ": "威尔逊得分: ",
    "Engagement: ": "参与度: ",
    "Whitelisted regions: ": "白名单地区: ",
    "Blacklisted regions: ": "黑名单地区: ",
    "Shared `x`": "`x`发布",
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    "Premieres `x`": "首映于 `x`",
    "Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript turned off. Click here to view comments, keep in mind they may take a bit longer to load.": "你好!看起来你关闭了 JavaScript。点击这里阅读评论。注意它们加载的时间可能会稍长。",
    "View YouTube comments": "查看 YouTube 评论",
    "View more comments on Reddit": "在 Reddit 查看更多评论",
    "View `x` comments": {
        "([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "查看 `x` 条评论",
        "": "查看 `x` 条评论"
    "View Reddit comments": "查看 Reddit 评论",
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    "Show replies": "显示回复",
    "Incorrect password": "密码错误",
    "Wrong answer": "错误的回复",
    "Erroneous CAPTCHA": "验证码错误",
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    "User ID is a required field": "用户名必填",
    "Password is a required field": "密码必填",
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    "Password cannot be empty": "密码不能为空",
    "Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "密码长度不能大于 55",
    "Please log in": "请登录",
    "Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "`x` 的 Invidious 私人 feed",
    "channel:`x`": "频道:`x`",
    "Deleted or invalid channel": "已删除或无效频道",
    "This channel does not exist.": "频道不存在。",
    "Could not get channel info.": "无法获取频道信息。",
    "Could not fetch comments": "无法获取评论",
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    "`x` ago": "`x` 前",
    "Load more": "加载更多",
    "comments_points_count_0": "{{count}} 分",
    "Could not create mix.": "无法创建合集。",
    "Empty playlist": "空播放列表",
    "Not a playlist.": "非播放列表。",
    "Playlist does not exist.": "播放列表不存在。",
    "Could not pull trending pages.": "无法获取“时下流行”页面。",
    "Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "隐藏表单项 \"challenge\" 为必填",
    "Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "隐藏表单项 \"token\" 为必填",
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    "Erroneous token": "错误的令牌",
    "No such user": "用户不存在",
    "Token is expired, please try again": "令牌过期,请重试",
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    "French (auto-generated)": "法语 (自动生成)",
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    "search_filters_date_option_none": "任意日期",
    "search_message_change_filters_or_query": "尝试扩大你的搜索查询和/或更改过滤器。",
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    "Popular enabled: ": "已启用流行度: ",
    "error_video_not_in_playlist": "此播放列表中不存在请求的视频。 <a href=\"`x`\">单击析出查看播放列表主页。</a>",
    "Music in this video": "此视频中的音乐",
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    "Download is disabled": "已禁用下载",
    "Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "导入 YouTube 播放列表(.csv)",
    "Import YouTube watch history (.json)": "导入 YouTube 观看历史(.json)",
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    "Add to playlist: ": "添加到播放列表: ",
    "Answer": "响应",
    "Search for videos": "搜索视频",
    "The Popular feed has been disabled by the administrator.": "“流行”源已被管理员禁用。",
    "carousel_slide": "当前为第 {{current}} 张图,共 {{total}} 张图",
    "carousel_skip": "跳过图集",
    "carousel_go_to": "转到图 `x`"