mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:46:42 -04:00
code more easy to read
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,9 +78,11 @@ function return_message(message, target_window) {
let url_params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
let widgetid = url_params.get('widgetid');
let additional_info = { from: 'invidious_control' };
if (widgetid !== null) {
additional_info.widgetid = widgetid;
if (message.message_kind === 'event') {
if (message.eventname === 'timeupdate' || message.eventname === 'loadedmetadata') {
additional_info['value'] = {
@ -99,9 +101,11 @@ function return_message(message, target_window) {
if (message.eventname === 'error') {
additional_info['value'] = { geterrorcode: player.error().code };
message = Object.assign(additional_info, message);
let target_origin = url_params.get('origin') || '*';
target_window.postMessage(message, target_origin);
@ -193,6 +197,7 @@ function control_embed_iframe(message) {
console.info("Unhandled event name: " + message.data.eventname);
if (message_return_value !== undefined) {
return_message({ command: message.data.eventname, value: message_return_value, message_kind: 'info_return' }, message.source);
@ -202,8 +207,23 @@ function control_embed_iframe(message) {
if (new URLSearchParams(location.search).get('enablejsapi') === '1') {
window.addEventListener('message', control_embed_iframe);
const event_list = ['ended', 'error', 'ratechange', 'volumechange', 'waiting', 'timeupdate', 'loadedmetadata', 'play', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'playerresize', 'pause'];
const event_list = [
event_list.forEach(event_name => {
player.on(event_name, function () { return_message({ message_kind: 'event', eventname: event_name }) });
player.on(event_name, function () {
return_message({ message_kind: 'event', eventname: event_name })
@ -1,7 +1,29 @@
class invidious_embed {
static widgetid = 0;
static eventname_table = { onPlaybackRateChange: 'ratechange', onStateChange: 'statechange', onError: 'error', onReady: 'ready' };
static available_event_name = ['ready', 'ended', 'error', 'ratechange', 'volumechange', 'waiting', 'timeupdate', 'loadedmetadata', 'play', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'playerresize', 'pause'];
static eventname_table = {
onPlaybackRateChange: 'ratechange',
onStateChange: 'statechange',
onError: 'error',
onReady: 'ready'
static available_event_name = [
static api_promise = false;
static invidious_instance = '';
static api_instance_list = [];
@ -33,12 +55,13 @@ class invidious_embed {
console.warn('removeEventListner cannot find such eventname : ' + eventname);
this.eventobject[internal_eventname] = this.eventobject[internal_eventname].filter(x => {
const allowFunctionDetected = x.toString()[0] === '(';
this.eventobject[internal_eventname] = this.eventobject[internal_eventname].filter(listed_function => {
const allowFunctionDetected = listed_function.toString()[0] === '(';
if (allowFunctionDetected) {
x.toString() !== func.toString();
listed_function.toString() !== func.toString();
} else {
x !== func;
listed_function !== func;
} else {
@ -162,19 +185,23 @@ class invidious_embed {
} else {
replace_elemnt = element;
let iframe_src = '';
if (options.host !== undefined && options.host !== "") {
iframe_src = new URL(options.host).origin;
} else if (invidious_embed.invidious_instance !== '') {
iframe_src = invidious_embed.invidious_instance;
if (!await this.instance_access_check(iframe_src)) {
await this.auto_instance_select();
iframe_src = invidious_embed.invidious_instance;
invidious_embed.invidious_instance = iframe_src;
this.target_origin = iframe_src;
iframe_src += '/embed/';
if (typeof options.videoId === 'string' && options.videoId.length === 11) {
iframe_src += options.videoId;
this.videoId = options.videoId;
@ -188,12 +215,14 @@ class invidious_embed {
let search_params = new URLSearchParams('');
search_params.append('widgetid', invidious_embed.widgetid);
this.widgetid = invidious_embed.widgetid;
search_params.append('origin', location.origin);
search_params.append('enablejsapi', '1');
let no_start_parameter = true;
if (typeof options.playerVars === 'object') {
this.option_playerVars = options.playerVars;
@ -214,19 +243,25 @@ class invidious_embed {
console.warn('player vars key must be string');
if (options.playerVars.start !== undefined) {
no_start_parameter = false;
if (options.playerVars.autoplay === undefined) {
search_params.append('autoplay', '0');
} else {
search_params.append('autoplay', '0');
if (no_start_parameter) {
search_params.append('start', '0');
iframe_src += "?" + search_params.toString();
if (typeof options.events === 'object') {
Object.keys(options.events).forEach(key => {
if (typeof options.events[key] === 'function') {
@ -236,23 +271,27 @@ class invidious_embed {
this.player_iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
this.loaded = false;
this.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { this.event_executor('ready'); this.loaded = true; });
this.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { this.setVolume(this.volume); });
this.addEventListener('ended', () => { if (this.isPlaylistVideoList) { this.nextVideo() } })
this.player_iframe.src = iframe_src;
if (typeof options.width === 'number') {
this.player_iframe.width = options.width;
} else {
this.player_iframe.width = 640;
this.player_iframe.style.maxWidth = '100%';
if (typeof options.height === 'number') {
this.player_iframe.height = options.height;
} else {
this.player_iframe.height = this.player_iframe.width * (9 / 16);
this.player_iframe.style.border = "none";
this.eventdata = {};
@ -260,14 +299,22 @@ class invidious_embed {
postMessage(data) {
const additionalInfo = { 'origin': location.origin, 'widgetid': this.widgetid.toString(), 'target': 'invidious_control' };
const additionalInfo = {
'origin': location.origin,
'widgetid': this.widgetid.toString(),
'target': 'invidious_control'
data = Object.assign(additionalInfo, data);
this.player_iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(data, this.target_origin);
event_executor(eventname) {
const execute_functions = this.eventobject[eventname];
let return_data = { type: eventname, data: null, target: this };
let return_data = {
type: eventname,
data: null,
target: this
switch (eventname) {
case 'statechange':
return_data.data = this.getPlayerState();
@ -334,8 +381,10 @@ class invidious_embed {
promise_send_event(event_name) {
if (invidious_embed.api_promise) {
const promise_object = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.message_wait[event_name].push(resolve) });
this.postMessage({ eventname: event_name });
const promise_object = new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.message_wait[event_name].push(resolve) );
eventname: event_name
return promise_object;
} else {
return this.eventdata[event_name];
@ -389,7 +438,7 @@ class invidious_embed {
return this.promise_send_event('getmutestatus');
async seekTo(seconds, allowSeekAhead) {//seconds must be a number and allowSeekAhead is ignore
seekTo(seconds, allowSeekAhead) {//seconds must be a number and allowSeekAhead is ignore
if (typeof seconds === 'number') {
if (seconds !== NaN && seconds !== undefined) {
this.postMessage({ eventname: 'seek', value: seconds });
@ -433,17 +482,20 @@ class invidious_embed {
let startSeconds = 0;
let endSeconds = -1;
let mediaContetUrl = '';
if (typeof option === 'string') {
if (option.length === 11) {
videoId = option
videoId = option;
} else {
mediaContetUrl = option;
if (typeof startSeconds_arg === 'number') {
startSeconds = startSeconds_arg;
} else if (typeof option === 'object') {
if (typeof option.videoId === 'string') {
if (option.videoId.length == 11) {
videoId = option.videoId;
} else {
@ -458,9 +510,11 @@ class invidious_embed {
if (typeof option.startSeconds === 'number' && option.startSeconds >= 0) {
startSeconds = option.startSeconds;
if (typeof option.endSeconds === 'number' && option.endSeconds >= 0) {
endSeconds = option.endSeconds;
@ -475,14 +529,17 @@ class invidious_embed {
let iframe_sorce = this.target_origin.slice();
iframe_sorce += "/embed/" + videoId;
this.videoId = videoId;
if (!await this.videoid_accessable_check(videoId)) {
this.error_code = 100;
let search_params = new URLSearchParams('');
search_params.append('origin', location.origin);
search_params.append('enablejsapi', '1');
@ -490,6 +547,7 @@ class invidious_embed {
this.widgetid = invidious_embed.widgetid;
search_params.append('autoplay', Number(autoplay));
if (this.option_playerVars !== undefined) {
const ignore_keys = ['autoplay', 'start', 'end', 'index', 'list'];
Object.keys(this.option_playerVars).forEach(key => {
@ -498,6 +556,7 @@ class invidious_embed {
if (typeof additional_argument === 'object') {
const ignore_keys = ['autoplay', 'start', 'end'];
Object.keys(additional_argument).forEach(key => {
@ -506,6 +565,7 @@ class invidious_embed {
search_params.append('start', startSeconds);
if (endSeconds !== -1 && endSeconds >= 0) {
if (endSeconds > startSeconds) {
@ -514,8 +574,10 @@ class invidious_embed {
throw 'Invalid end seconds because end seconds before start seconds';
iframe_sorce += "?" + search_params.toString();
this.player_iframe.src = iframe_sorce;
if (autoplay) {
this.player_status = 5;
@ -557,6 +619,7 @@ class invidious_embed {
if (typeof playlistData['listType'] === 'string') {
listType = playlistData['listType'];
switch (listType) {
case 'playlist':
if (typeof playlistData['list'] === 'string') {
@ -575,6 +638,7 @@ class invidious_embed {
if (typeof playlistData.startSeconds === 'number') {
startSeconds = playlistData.startSeconds;
@ -582,6 +646,7 @@ class invidious_embed {
console.error('playlist function first argument must be string or array of string');
if (this.playlistVideoIds.length === 0) {
console.error('playlist length 0 is invalid');
@ -594,11 +659,13 @@ class invidious_embed {
} else {
console.error('index must be number of undefined');
if (typeof playlistId === 'string') {
parameter['list'] = playlistId;
this.playlistId = playlistId;
this.sub_index = parameter.index;
if (index >= this.playlistVideoIds.length) {
index = 0;
parameter.index = 0;
@ -631,6 +698,7 @@ class invidious_embed {
if (now_index === null) {
now_index = this.sub_index;
if (now_index === this.playlistVideoIds.length - 1) {
if (this.loop) {
now_index = 0;
@ -680,15 +748,14 @@ class invidious_embed {
return this.target_origin + "/watch?v=" + this.videoId;
getTitle() {
return this.promise_send_event('gettitle');
getVideoEmbedCode() {
//const title = invidious_embed.api_promise? this.getTitle():await this.getTitle();]
const embed_url = encodeURI(`${this.target_origin}/embed/${this.videoId}`);
const html_escape = (html)=>{
const html_escaped = html.replace(/[&'`"<>]/g, match=>{
const html_escape = (html) => {
const html_escaped = html.replace(/[&'`"<>]/g, match => {
return {
'&': '&',
"'": ''',
@ -696,19 +763,20 @@ class invidious_embed {
'"': '"',
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
return html_escaped;
const iframe_constractor = (raw_title)=>{
const iframe_constractor = (raw_title) => {
const html_escaped_title = html_escape(raw_title);
return `<iframe width="560" height="315" src="${ embed_url }" title="${ html_escaped_title }" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay;encrypted-media;picture-in-picture;web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>`;
return `<iframe width="560" height="315" src="${embed_url}" title="${html_escaped_title}" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay;encrypted-media;picture-in-picture;web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>`;
return new Promise(async(resolve,reject)=>{
if (invidious_embed.api_promise) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
resolve(iframe_constractor(await this.getTitle()));
else {
return iframe_constractor(this.getTitle());
@ -719,7 +787,14 @@ class invidious_embed {
async getVideoData() {
const videoData = await this.videodata_api(this.videoId);
return { video_id: this.videoId, title: await this.promise_send_event('gettitle'), list: await this.promise_send_event('getplaylistid'), isListed: videoData.isListed, isLive: videoData.liveNow, isPremiere: videoData.premium };
return {
video_id: this.videoId,
title: await this.promise_send_event('gettitle'),
list: await this.promise_send_event('getplaylistid'),
isListed: videoData.isListed,
isLive: videoData.liveNow,
isPremiere: videoData.premium
getPlaylistIndex() {
@ -741,7 +816,15 @@ class invidious_embed {
constructor(element, options) {
this.Player(element, options);
window.addEventListener('message', (ms) => { this.receiveMessage(ms) });
this.message_wait = { getvolume: [], getmutestatus: [], getduration: [], getcurrenttime: [], getplaybackrate: [], getavailableplaybackrates: [], gettitle: [] };
this.message_wait = {
getvolume: [],
getmutestatus: [],
getduration: [],
getcurrenttime: [],
getplaybackrate: [],
getavailableplaybackrates: [],
gettitle: []
@ -755,7 +838,19 @@ function invidious_ready(func) {
invidious_embed.invidious_instance = new URL(document.currentScript.src).origin;
const invidious = { Player: invidious_embed, PlayerState: { ENDED: 0, PLAYING: 1, PAUSED: 2, BUFFERING: 3, CUED: 5 }, ready: invidious_ready };
const invidious = {
Player: invidious_embed,
PlayerState: {
ready: invidious_ready
if (typeof onInvidiousIframeAPIReady === 'function') {
try {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user