mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 17:06:31 -04:00
1111 lines
27 KiB
Protocol Buffer
1111 lines
27 KiB
Protocol Buffer
* This file is part of Bisq.
* Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Bisq. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file is part of Haveno.
* Haveno is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* Haveno is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Haveno. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
syntax = "proto3";
package io.haveno.protobuffer;
import "pb.proto";
option java_package = "haveno.proto.grpc";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// Help
service Help {
rpc GetMethodHelp (GetMethodHelpRequest) returns (GetMethodHelpReply) {
message GetMethodHelpRequest {
string method_name = 1;
message GetMethodHelpReply {
string method_help = 1;
// Version
service GetVersion {
rpc GetVersion (GetVersionRequest) returns (GetVersionReply) {
message GetVersionRequest {
message GetVersionReply {
string version = 1;
// Account
service Account {
rpc AccountExists (AccountExistsRequest) returns (AccountExistsReply) {
rpc IsAccountOpen (IsAccountOpenRequest) returns (IsAccountOpenReply) {
rpc CreateAccount (CreateAccountRequest) returns (CreateAccountReply) {
rpc OpenAccount (OpenAccountRequest) returns (OpenAccountReply) {
rpc IsAppInitialized (IsAppInitializedRequest) returns (IsAppInitializedReply) {
rpc ChangePassword (ChangePasswordRequest) returns (ChangePasswordReply) {
rpc CloseAccount (CloseAccountRequest) returns (CloseAccountReply) {
rpc DeleteAccount (DeleteAccountRequest) returns (DeleteAccountReply) {
rpc BackupAccount (BackupAccountRequest) returns (stream BackupAccountReply) {
rpc RestoreAccount (RestoreAccountRequest) returns (RestoreAccountReply) {
message AccountExistsRequest {
message AccountExistsReply {
bool account_exists = 1;
message IsAccountOpenRequest {
message IsAccountOpenReply {
bool is_account_open = 1;
message CreateAccountRequest {
string password = 1;
message CreateAccountReply {
message OpenAccountRequest {
string password = 1;
message OpenAccountReply {
message IsAppInitializedRequest {
message IsAppInitializedReply {
bool is_app_initialized = 1;
message ChangePasswordRequest {
string old_password = 1;
string new_password = 2;
message ChangePasswordReply {
message CloseAccountRequest {
message CloseAccountReply {
message DeleteAccountRequest {
message DeleteAccountReply {
message BackupAccountRequest {
message BackupAccountReply {
bytes zip_bytes = 1;
message RestoreAccountRequest {
bytes zip_bytes = 1;
uint64 offset = 2;
uint64 total_length = 3;
bool has_more = 4;
message RestoreAccountReply {
// Disputes
service Disputes {
rpc GetDispute (GetDisputeRequest) returns (GetDisputeReply) {
rpc GetDisputes (GetDisputesRequest) returns (GetDisputesReply) {
rpc OpenDispute (OpenDisputeRequest) returns (OpenDisputeReply) {
rpc ResolveDispute (ResolveDisputeRequest) returns (ResolveDisputeReply) {
rpc SendDisputeChatMessage (SendDisputeChatMessageRequest) returns (SendDisputeChatMessageReply) {
message GetDisputesRequest {
message GetDisputesReply {
repeated Dispute disputes = 1; // pb.proto
message GetDisputeRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
message GetDisputeReply {
Dispute dispute = 1; // pb.proto
message OpenDisputeRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
message OpenDisputeReply {
message ResolveDisputeReply {
message ResolveDisputeRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
DisputeResult.Winner winner = 2;
DisputeResult.Reason reason = 3;
string summary_notes = 4;
uint64 custom_payout_amount = 5 [jstype = JS_STRING];
message SendDisputeChatMessageRequest {
string dispute_id = 1;
string message = 2;
repeated Attachment attachments = 3; // pb.proto
message SendDisputeChatMessageReply {
// DisputeAgents
service DisputeAgents {
rpc RegisterDisputeAgent (RegisterDisputeAgentRequest) returns (RegisterDisputeAgentReply) {
rpc UnregisterDisputeAgent (UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest) returns (UnregisterDisputeAgentReply) {
message RegisterDisputeAgentRequest {
string dispute_agent_type = 1;
string registration_key = 2;
message RegisterDisputeAgentReply {
message UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest {
string dispute_agent_type = 1;
message UnregisterDisputeAgentReply {
// Notifications
service Notifications {
rpc RegisterNotificationListener (RegisterNotificationListenerRequest) returns (stream NotificationMessage) {
rpc SendNotification (SendNotificationRequest) returns (SendNotificationReply) { // only used for testing
message RegisterNotificationListenerRequest {
message NotificationMessage {
enum NotificationType {
ERROR = 0;
string id = 1;
NotificationType type = 2;
int64 timestamp = 3;
string title = 4;
string message = 5;
TradeInfo trade = 6;
ChatMessage chat_message = 7;
message SendNotificationRequest {
NotificationMessage notification = 1;
message SendNotificationReply {
// XmrConnections
service XmrConnections {
rpc AddConnection (AddConnectionRequest) returns (AddConnectionReply) {
rpc RemoveConnection(RemoveConnectionRequest) returns (RemoveConnectionReply) {
rpc GetConnection(GetConnectionRequest) returns (GetConnectionReply) {
rpc GetConnections(GetConnectionsRequest) returns (GetConnectionsReply) {
rpc SetConnection(SetConnectionRequest) returns (SetConnectionReply) {
rpc CheckConnection(CheckConnectionRequest) returns (CheckConnectionReply) {
rpc CheckConnections(CheckConnectionsRequest) returns (CheckConnectionsReply) {
rpc StartCheckingConnection(StartCheckingConnectionRequest) returns (StartCheckingConnectionReply) {
rpc StopCheckingConnection(StopCheckingConnectionRequest) returns (StopCheckingConnectionReply) {
rpc GetBestAvailableConnection(GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest) returns (GetBestAvailableConnectionReply) {
rpc SetAutoSwitch(SetAutoSwitchRequest) returns (SetAutoSwitchReply) {
message UrlConnection {
enum OnlineStatus {
enum AuthenticationStatus {
string url = 1;
string username = 2; // request only
string password = 3; // request only
int32 priority = 4;
OnlineStatus online_status = 5; // reply only
AuthenticationStatus authentication_status = 6; // reply only
message AddConnectionRequest {
UrlConnection connection = 1;
message AddConnectionReply {}
message RemoveConnectionRequest {
string url = 1;
message RemoveConnectionReply {}
message GetConnectionRequest {}
message GetConnectionReply {
UrlConnection connection = 1;
message GetConnectionsRequest {}
message GetConnectionsReply {
repeated UrlConnection connections = 1;
message SetConnectionRequest {
string url = 1;
UrlConnection connection = 2;
message SetConnectionReply {}
message CheckConnectionRequest {}
message CheckConnectionReply {
UrlConnection connection = 1;
message CheckConnectionsRequest {}
message CheckConnectionsReply {
repeated UrlConnection connections = 1;
message StartCheckingConnectionRequest {
int32 refresh_period = 1; // milliseconds
message StartCheckingConnectionReply {}
message StopCheckingConnectionRequest {}
message StopCheckingConnectionReply {}
message GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest {}
message GetBestAvailableConnectionReply {
UrlConnection connection = 1;
message SetAutoSwitchRequest {
bool auto_switch = 1;
message SetAutoSwitchReply {}
// XmrNode
service XmrNode {
rpc IsXmrNodeOnline (IsXmrNodeOnlineRequest) returns (IsXmrNodeOnlineReply) {
rpc GetXmrNodeSettings (GetXmrNodeSettingsRequest) returns (GetXmrNodeSettingsReply) {
rpc StartXmrNode (StartXmrNodeRequest) returns (StartXmrNodeReply) {
rpc StopXmrNode (StopXmrNodeRequest) returns (StopXmrNodeReply) {
message IsXmrNodeOnlineRequest {
message IsXmrNodeOnlineReply {
bool is_running = 1;
message GetXmrNodeSettingsRequest {
message GetXmrNodeSettingsReply {
XmrNodeSettings settings = 1; // pb.proto
message StartXmrNodeRequest {
XmrNodeSettings settings = 1;
message StartXmrNodeReply {
message StopXmrNodeRequest {
message StopXmrNodeReply {
// Offers
service Offers {
rpc GetOffer (GetOfferRequest) returns (GetOfferReply) {
rpc GetMyOffer (GetMyOfferRequest) returns (GetMyOfferReply) {
rpc GetOffers (GetOffersRequest) returns (GetOffersReply) {
rpc GetMyOffers (GetMyOffersRequest) returns (GetMyOffersReply) {
rpc PostOffer (PostOfferRequest) returns (PostOfferReply) {
rpc CancelOffer (CancelOfferRequest) returns (CancelOfferReply) {
message GetOfferRequest {
string id = 1;
message GetOfferReply {
OfferInfo offer = 1;
message GetMyOfferRequest {
string id = 1;
message GetMyOfferReply {
OfferInfo offer = 1;
message GetOffersRequest {
string direction = 1;
string currency_code = 2;
message GetOffersReply {
repeated OfferInfo offers = 1;
message GetMyOffersRequest {
string direction = 1;
string currency_code = 2;
message GetMyOffersReply {
repeated OfferInfo offers = 1;
message PostOfferRequest {
string currency_code = 1;
string direction = 2;
string price = 3;
bool use_market_based_price = 4;
double market_price_margin_pct = 5;
uint64 amount = 6 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 min_amount = 7 [jstype = JS_STRING];
double buyer_security_deposit_pct = 8;
string trigger_price = 9;
bool reserve_exact_amount = 10;
string payment_account_id = 11;
message PostOfferReply {
OfferInfo offer = 1;
message CancelOfferRequest {
string id = 1;
message CancelOfferReply {
message OfferInfo {
string id = 1;
string direction = 2;
string price = 3;
bool use_market_based_price = 4;
double market_price_margin_pct = 5;
uint64 amount = 6 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 min_amount = 7 [jstype = JS_STRING];
double maker_fee_pct = 8;
double taker_fee_pct = 9;
double penalty_fee_pct = 10;
double buyer_security_deposit_pct = 11;
double seller_security_deposit_pct = 12;
string volume = 13;
string min_volume = 14;
string trigger_price = 15;
string payment_account_id = 16;
string payment_method_id = 17;
string payment_method_short_name = 18;
string base_currency_code = 19;
string counter_currency_code = 20;
uint64 date = 21;
string state = 22;
bool is_activated = 23;
bool is_my_offer = 24;
string owner_node_address = 25;
string pub_key_ring = 26;
string version_nr = 27;
int32 protocol_version = 28;
string arbitrator_signer = 29;
string split_output_tx_hash = 30;
uint64 split_output_tx_fee = 31 [jstype = JS_STRING];
message AvailabilityResultWithDescription {
AvailabilityResult availability_result = 1;
string description = 2;
// PaymentAccounts
service PaymentAccounts {
rpc CreatePaymentAccount (CreatePaymentAccountRequest) returns (CreatePaymentAccountReply) {
rpc GetPaymentAccounts (GetPaymentAccountsRequest) returns (GetPaymentAccountsReply) {
rpc GetPaymentMethods (GetPaymentMethodsRequest) returns (GetPaymentMethodsReply) {
rpc GetPaymentAccountForm (GetPaymentAccountFormRequest) returns (GetPaymentAccountFormReply) {
rpc GetPaymentAccountFormAsJson (GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest) returns (GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply) {
rpc CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccount (CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest) returns (CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply) {
rpc DeletePaymentAccount (DeletePaymentAccountRequest) returns (DeletePaymentAccountReply) {
rpc GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethods (GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest) returns (GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply) {
rpc ValidateFormField (ValidateFormFieldRequest) returns (ValidateFormFieldReply) {
message CreatePaymentAccountRequest {
PaymentAccountForm payment_account_form = 1;
string payment_account_form_as_json = 2;
message CreatePaymentAccountReply {
PaymentAccount payment_account = 1;
message GetPaymentAccountsRequest {
message GetPaymentAccountsReply {
repeated PaymentAccount payment_accounts = 1;
message GetPaymentMethodsRequest {
message GetPaymentMethodsReply {
repeated PaymentMethod payment_methods = 1;
message GetPaymentAccountFormRequest {
string payment_method_id = 1;
PaymentAccountPayload payment_account_payload = 2;
message GetPaymentAccountFormReply {
PaymentAccountForm payment_account_form = 1;
message GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest {
string payment_method_id = 1;
message GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply {
string payment_account_form_as_json = 1;
message CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest {
string account_name = 1;
string currency_code = 2;
string address = 3;
bool trade_instant = 4;
message DeletePaymentAccountRequest {
string payment_account_id = 1;
message DeletePaymentAccountReply {
message CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply {
PaymentAccount payment_account = 1;
message GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest {
message GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply {
repeated PaymentMethod payment_methods = 1;
message ValidateFormFieldRequest {
PaymentAccountForm form = 1;
PaymentAccountFormField.FieldId field_id = 2;
string value = 3;
message ValidateFormFieldReply {
// Price
service Price {
rpc GetMarketPrice (MarketPriceRequest) returns (MarketPriceReply) {
rpc GetMarketPrices (MarketPricesRequest) returns (MarketPricesReply) {
rpc GetMarketDepth (MarketDepthRequest) returns (MarketDepthReply) {
message MarketPriceRequest {
string currency_code = 1;
message MarketPriceReply {
double price = 1;
message MarketPricesRequest {
message MarketPricesReply {
repeated MarketPriceInfo market_price = 1;
message MarketPriceInfo {
string currency_code = 1;
double price = 2;
message MarketDepthRequest {
string currency_code = 1;
message MarketDepthReply {
MarketDepthInfo market_depth = 1;
message MarketDepthInfo {
string currency_code = 1;
repeated double buy_prices = 2;
repeated double buy_depth = 3;
repeated double sell_prices = 4;
repeated double sell_depth = 5;
// GetTradeStatistics
service GetTradeStatistics {
rpc GetTradeStatistics (GetTradeStatisticsRequest) returns (GetTradeStatisticsReply) {
message GetTradeStatisticsRequest {
message GetTradeStatisticsReply {
repeated TradeStatistics3 trade_statistics = 1;
// Shutdown
service ShutdownServer {
rpc Stop (StopRequest) returns (StopReply) {
message StopRequest {
message StopReply {
// Trades
service Trades {
rpc GetTrade (GetTradeRequest) returns (GetTradeReply) {
rpc GetTrades (GetTradesRequest) returns (GetTradesReply) {
rpc TakeOffer (TakeOfferRequest) returns (TakeOfferReply) {
rpc ConfirmPaymentSent (ConfirmPaymentSentRequest) returns (ConfirmPaymentSentReply) {
rpc ConfirmPaymentReceived (ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest) returns (ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply) {
rpc CompleteTrade (CompleteTradeRequest) returns (CompleteTradeReply) {
rpc WithdrawFunds (WithdrawFundsRequest) returns (WithdrawFundsReply) {
rpc GetChatMessages (GetChatMessagesRequest) returns (GetChatMessagesReply) {
rpc SendChatMessage (SendChatMessageRequest) returns (SendChatMessageReply) {
message TakeOfferRequest {
string offer_id = 1;
string payment_account_id = 2;
uint64 amount = 3 [jstype = JS_STRING];
message TakeOfferReply {
TradeInfo trade = 1;
AvailabilityResultWithDescription failure_reason = 2;
message ConfirmPaymentSentRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
message ConfirmPaymentSentReply {
message ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
message ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply {
message GetTradeRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
message GetTradeReply {
TradeInfo trade = 1;
message GetTradesRequest {
// Rpc method GetTrades parameter determining what category of trade list is is being requested.
enum Category {
OPEN = 0; // Get all currently open trades.
CLOSED = 1; // Get all completed trades.
FAILED = 2; // Get all failed trades.
Category category = 1;
message GetTradesReply {
repeated TradeInfo trades = 1;
message CompleteTradeRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
message CompleteTradeReply {
message WithdrawFundsRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
string address = 2;
string memo = 3;
message WithdrawFundsReply {
message GetChatMessagesRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
message GetChatMessagesReply {
repeated ChatMessage message = 1;
message SendChatMessageRequest {
string trade_id = 1;
string message = 2;
message SendChatMessageReply {
message TradeInfo {
OfferInfo offer = 1;
string trade_id = 2;
string short_id = 3;
uint64 date = 4;
string role = 5;
uint64 amount = 6 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 maker_fee = 7 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 taker_fee = 8 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 buyer_security_deposit = 9 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 seller_security_deposit = 10 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 buyer_deposit_tx_fee = 11 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 seller_deposit_tx_fee = 12 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 buyer_payout_tx_fee = 13 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 seller_payout_tx_fee = 14 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 buyer_payout_amount = 15 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 seller_payout_amount = 16 [jstype = JS_STRING];
string price = 17;
string arbitrator_node_address = 18;
string trade_peer_node_address = 19;
string state = 20;
string phase = 21;
string period_state = 22;
string payout_state = 23;
string dispute_state = 24;
bool is_deposits_published = 25;
bool is_deposits_confirmed = 26;
bool is_deposits_unlocked = 27;
bool is_payment_sent = 28;
bool is_payment_received = 29;
bool is_payout_published = 30;
bool is_payout_confirmed = 31;
bool is_payout_unlocked = 32;
bool is_completed = 33;
string contract_as_json = 34;
ContractInfo contract = 35;
string trade_volume = 36;
string maker_deposit_tx_id = 37;
string taker_deposit_tx_id = 38;
string payout_tx_id = 39;
message ContractInfo {
string buyer_node_address = 1;
string seller_node_address = 2;
string arbitrator_node_address = 3;
reserved 4; // was mediator_node_address
reserved 5; // was refund_agent_node_address
bool is_buyer_maker_and_seller_taker = 6;
string maker_account_id = 7;
string taker_account_id = 8;
PaymentAccountPayload maker_payment_account_payload = 9;
PaymentAccountPayload taker_payment_account_payload = 10;
string maker_payout_address_string = 11;
string taker_payout_address_string = 12;
uint64 lock_time = 13;
// Wallets
service Wallets {
rpc GetBalances (GetBalancesRequest) returns (GetBalancesReply) {
rpc GetXmrSeed (GetXmrSeedRequest) returns (GetXmrSeedReply) {
rpc GetXmrPrimaryAddress (GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest) returns (GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply) {
rpc GetXmrNewSubaddress (GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest) returns (GetXmrNewSubaddressReply) {
rpc GetXmrTxs (GetXmrTxsRequest) returns (GetXmrTxsReply) {
rpc CreateXmrTx (CreateXmrTxRequest) returns (CreateXmrTxReply) {
rpc relayXmrTx (RelayXmrTxRequest) returns (RelayXmrTxReply) {
rpc GetAddressBalance (GetAddressBalanceRequest) returns (GetAddressBalanceReply) {
rpc GetFundingAddresses (GetFundingAddressesRequest) returns (GetFundingAddressesReply) {
rpc SetWalletPassword (SetWalletPasswordRequest) returns (SetWalletPasswordReply) {
rpc RemoveWalletPassword (RemoveWalletPasswordRequest) returns (RemoveWalletPasswordReply) {
rpc LockWallet (LockWalletRequest) returns (LockWalletReply) {
rpc UnlockWallet (UnlockWalletRequest) returns (UnlockWalletReply) {
message GetBalancesRequest {
string currency_code = 1;
message GetBalancesReply {
BalancesInfo balances = 1;
message GetXmrSeedRequest {
message GetXmrSeedReply {
string seed = 1;
message GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest {
message GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply {
string primary_address = 1;
message GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest {
message GetXmrNewSubaddressReply {
string subaddress = 1;
message GetXmrTxsRequest {
message GetXmrTxsReply {
repeated XmrTx txs = 1;
message XmrTx {
string hash = 1;
string fee = 2;
bool is_confirmed = 3;
bool is_locked = 4;
uint64 height = 5;
uint64 timestamp = 6;
repeated XmrIncomingTransfer incoming_transfers = 7;
XmrOutgoingTransfer outgoing_transfer = 8;
string metadata = 9;
message XmrDestination {
string address = 1;
string amount = 2;
message XmrIncomingTransfer {
string amount = 1;
int32 account_index = 2;
int32 subaddress_index = 3;
string address = 4;
uint64 num_suggested_confirmations = 5;
message XmrOutgoingTransfer {
string amount = 1;
int32 account_index = 2;
repeated int32 subaddress_indices = 3;
repeated XmrDestination destinations = 4;
message CreateXmrTxRequest {
repeated XmrDestination destinations = 1;
message CreateXmrTxReply {
XmrTx tx = 1;
message RelayXmrTxRequest {
string metadata = 1;
message RelayXmrTxReply {
string hash = 1;
message GetAddressBalanceRequest {
string address = 1;
message GetAddressBalanceReply {
AddressBalanceInfo address_balance_info = 1;
message SendBtcRequest {
string address = 1;
string amount = 2;
string tx_fee_rate = 3;
string memo = 4;
message GetFundingAddressesRequest {
message GetFundingAddressesReply {
repeated AddressBalanceInfo address_balance_info = 1;
message SetWalletPasswordRequest {
string password = 1;
string new_password = 2;
message SetWalletPasswordReply {
message RemoveWalletPasswordRequest {
string password = 1;
message RemoveWalletPasswordReply {
message LockWalletRequest {
message LockWalletReply {
message UnlockWalletRequest {
string password = 1;
uint64 timeout = 2;
message UnlockWalletReply {
message BalancesInfo {
// Field names are shortened for readability's sake, i.e.,
// balancesInfo.getBtc().getAvailableBalance() is cleaner than
// balancesInfo.getBtcBalanceInfo().getAvailableBalance().
BtcBalanceInfo btc = 1;
XmrBalanceInfo xmr = 2;
message BtcBalanceInfo {
uint64 available_balance = 1;
uint64 reserved_balance = 2;
uint64 total_available_balance = 3;
uint64 locked_balance = 4;
message XmrBalanceInfo {
uint64 balance = 1 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 available_balance = 2 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 pending_balance = 3 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 reserved_offer_balance = 4 [jstype = JS_STRING];
uint64 reserved_trade_balance = 5 [jstype = JS_STRING];
message AddressBalanceInfo {
string address = 1;
int64 balance = 2;
int64 num_confirmations = 3;
bool is_address_unused = 4;