napoly 77d3879013
Update script to install Haveno seed node as a system service ()
Co-authored-by: alkum <>
Co-authored-by: Christoph Atteneder <>
Co-authored-by: Stephan Oeste <>
Co-authored-by: Alva Swanson <>
2024-03-12 10:46:32 -04:00

30 lines
870 B

# docker run -it -p 9050 -p 2002 --restart-policy unless-stopped --name haveno-seednode haveno-seednode
# TODO: image very heavy, but it's hard to significantly reduce the size without bins
FROM openjdk:21-jdk-bullseye
RUN set -ex && \
apt update && \
apt --no-install-recommends --yes install \
make \
git \
RUN set -ex && adduser --system --group --disabled-password haveno && \
mkdir -p /home/haveno && \
chown -R haveno:haveno /home/haveno
USER haveno
WORKDIR /home/haveno
RUN set -ex && git clone && \
cd haveno && \
make skip-tests
WORKDIR /home/haveno/haveno
ENTRYPOINT [ "./haveno-seednode" ]
CMD ["--baseCurrencyNetwork=XMR_STAGENET", "--useLocalhostForP2P=false", "--useDevPrivilegeKeys=false", "--nodePort=2002", "--appName=haveno-XMR_STAGENET_Seed_2002" ]