/* * Bootstrap script for the Gradle JavaFX Plugin. * (based on http://plugins.jasoft.fi/vaadin.plugin) * * The script will add the plugin to the build script * dependencies and apply the plugin to the project. If you do not want * this behavior you can copy and paste the below configuration into your * own build script and define your own repository and version for the plugin. */ import org.gradle.api.GradleException; buildscript { repositories { maven { name = 'JavaFX Gradle plugin' url = 'http://dl.bintray.com/content/shemnon/javafx-gradle/' } maven { name = 'CloudBees snapshots' url = 'http://repository-javafx-gradle-plugin.forge.cloudbees.com/snapshot' } ivy { name = 'CloudBees snapshots' url = 'http://repository-javafx-gradle-plugin.forge.cloudbees.com/snapshot' } jcenter() } dependencies { try { assert (jfxrtDir != null) } catch (RuntimeException re) { ext.jfxrtDir = "." } ext.searchFile = {Map places, List searchPaths, String searchID -> File result = null; places.each { k, v -> if (result != null) return; project.logger.debug("Looking for $searchID in $k") def dir = v() if (dir == null) { project.logger.debug("$k not set") } else { project.logger.debug("$k is $dir") searchPaths.each { s -> if (result != null) return; File f = new File(dir, s); project.logger.debug("Trying $f.path") if (f.exists() && f.file) { project.logger.debug("found $searchID as $result") result = f; } } } } if (!result?.file) { throw new GradleException("Could not find $searchID, please set one of ${places.keySet()}"); } else { project.logger.info("$searchID: ${result}") return result } } ext.findJFXJar = { return searchFile([ 'jfxrtDir in Gradle Properties': {jfxrtDir}, 'JFXRT_HOME in System Environment': {System.env['JFXRT_HOME']}, 'JAVA_HOME in System Environment': {System.env['JAVA_HOME']}, 'java.home in JVM properties': {System.properties['java.home']} ], ['jfxrt.jar', 'lib/jfxrt.jar', 'lib/ext/jfxrt.jar', 'jre/lib/jfxrt.jar', 'jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar'], 'JavaFX Runtime Jar') } ext.findAntJavaFXJar = { return searchFile([ 'jfxrtDir in Gradle Properties': {jfxrtDir}, 'JFXRT_HOME in System Environment': {System.env['JFXRT_HOME']}, 'JAVA_HOME in System Environment': {System.env['JAVA_HOME']}, 'java.home in JVM properties': {System.properties['java.home']} ], ['ant-javafx.jar', 'lib/ant-javafx.jar', '../lib/ant-javafx.jar'], 'JavaFX Packager Tools') } classpath 'org.bitbucket.shemnon.javafxplugin:gradle-javafx-plugin:8.1.1' classpath project.files(findAntJavaFXJar()) classpath project.files(findJFXJar()) } } if (!project.plugins.findPlugin(org.bitbucket.shemnon.javafxplugin.JavaFXPlugin)) { project.apply(plugin: org.bitbucket.shemnon.javafxplugin.JavaFXPlugin) }