# Tor upgrade in Haveno This guide describes the steps necessary to upgrade the tor dependencies used by Haveno. ## Background Haveno uses two libraries for tor: [netlayer][1] and [tor-binary][2]. As per the project's authors, `netlayer` is _"essentially a wrapper around the official Tor releases, pre-packaged for easy use and convenient integration into Kotlin/Java projects"_. Similarly, `tor-binary` is _"[the] Tor binary packaged in a way that can be used for java projects"_. The project unpacks the Tor Browser binaries to extract and repackage the tor binaries themselves. Therefore, upgrading tor in Haveno comes down to upgrading these two artefacts. ## Upgrade steps ### 1. Decide if upgrade necessary - Find out which tor version Haveno currently uses - Find out the current `netlayer` version (see `netlayerVersion` in `haveno/build.gradle`) - Find that tag on the project's [Tags page][3] - The tag description says which tor version it includes - Find out the latest available tor release - See the [official tor changelog][4] ### 2. Update `tor-binary` During this update, you will need to keep track of: - the new Tor Browser version - the new tor binary version Create a PR for the `master` branch of [tor-binary][2] with the following changes: - Decide which Tor Browser version contains the desired tor binary version - The latest official Tor Browser releases are here: https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/ - All official Tor Browser releases are here: https://archive.torproject.org/tor-package-archive/torbrowser/ - For the chosen Tor Browser version, get the list of SHA256 checksums and its signature - For example, for Tor Browser 14.0.7: - https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/14.0.7/sha256sums-signed-build.txt - https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/14.0.7/sha256sums-signed-build.txt.asc - Verify the signature of the checksums list (see [instructions][5]) - Update the `tor-binary` checksums - For each file present in `tor-binary/tor-binary-resources/checksums`: - Rename the file such that it reflects the new Tor Browser version, but preserves the naming scheme - Update the contents of the file with the corresponding SHA256 checksum from the list - Update `torbrowser.version` to the new Tor Browser version in: - `tor-binary/build.xml` - `tor-binary/pom.xml` - Update `version` to the new tor binary version in: - `tor-binary/pom.xml` - `tor-binary-geoip/pom.xml` - `tor-binary-linux32/pom.xml` - `tor-binary-linux64/pom.xml` - `tor-binary-macos/pom.xml` - `tor-binary-windows/pom.xml` - `tor-binary-resources/pom.xml` - Run `mvn install` - If it completes successfully, then the artefact is correctly configured Only the files listed above should be part of the PR. The last step will generate a few extra artefacts (for example in `tor-binary-resources/src/main/resources`), but these should NOT be committed. Once the PR is merged, make a note of the commit ID in the `master` branch (for example `a4b868a`), as it will be needed next. ### 3. Update `netlayer` Create a PR for the `master` branch of [netlayer][1] with the following changes: - In `netlayer/pom.xml`: - Update `tor-binary.version` to the `tor-binary` commit ID from above (e.g. `a4b868a`) - Bump `version`, representing the `netlayer` artefact version, in: - `netlayer/pom.xml` - `netlayer/tor/pom.xml` - `netlayer/tor.external/pom.xml` - `netlayer/tor.native/pom.xml` Once the PR is merged, make a note of the commit ID in the `master` branch (for example `32779ac`), as it will be needed next. Create a tag for the new artefact version, having the new tor binary version as description, for example: ``` # Create tag locally for new netlayer release, on the master branch git tag -s 0.7.0 -m"tor" # Push it to netlayer repo git push origin 0.7.0 ``` ### 4. Update dependency in Haveno Create a Haveno PR with the following changes: - In `haveno/build.gradle` update `netlayerVersion` to the `netlayer` commit ID from above - Update the gradle dependency checksums - See instructions in `haveno/gradle/witness/gradle-witness.gradle` ## Credits Thanks to freimair, JesusMcCloud, mrosseel, sschuberth and cedricwalter for their work on the original [tor-binary](https://github.com/JesusMcCloud/tor-binary) and [netlayer](https://github.com/JesusMcCloud/netlayer) repos. [1]: https://github.com/haveno-dex/netlayer "netlayer" [2]: https://github.com/haveno-dex/tor-binary "tor-binary" [3]: https://github.com/haveno-dex/netlayer/tags "netlayer Tags" [4]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/plain/ChangeLog "tor changelog" [5]: https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/ "verify tor signature"