# **Using External `tor` with Haveno** ## [How to Install little-t-`tor` for Your Platform](https://support.torproject.org/little-t-tor/#little-t-tor_install-little-t-tor) The following `tor` installation instructions are presented here for convenience. * **For the most complete, up-to-date & authoritative steps, readers are encouraged to refer to the [Tor Project's Official Homepage](https://www.torproject.org) linked in the header** * **Notes:** For optimum compatibility with Haveno the running `tor` version should match that of the internal Haveno `tor` version For best results, use a version of `tor` which supports the [Onion Service Proof of Work](https://onionservices.torproject.org/technology/security/pow) (`PoW`) mechanism * (IE: `GNU` build of `tor`) --- * **Note Regarding Admin Access:** To install `tor` you need root privileges. Below all commands that need to be run as `root` user like `apt` and `dpkg` are prepended with `#`, while commands to be run as user with `$` resembling the standard prompt in a terminal. ### macOS #### Install a Package Manager Two of the most popular package managers for `macOS` are: [`Homebrew`](https://brew.sh) and [`Macports`](https://www.macports.org) (You can use the package manager of your choice) + Install [`Homebrew`](https://brew.sh) Follow the instructions on [brew.sh](https://brew.sh) + Install [`Macports`](https://www.macports.org) Follow the instructions on [macports.org](https://www.macports.org) #### Package Installation ##### [`Homebrew`](https://brew.sh) ```shell # brew update && brew install tor ``` ##### [`Macports`](https://www.macports.org) ```shell # port sync && port install tor ``` ### Debian / Ubuntu * *Do **not** use the packages in Ubuntu's universe. In the past they have not reliably been updated. That means you could be missing stability and security fixes.* * Configure the [Official Tor Package Repository](https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org) Enable the [Official Tor Package Repository](https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org) following these [instructions](https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/) #### Package Installation ```shell # apt update && apt install tor ``` ### Fedora * Configure the [Official Tor Package Repository](https://rpm.torproject.org/fedora) Enable the [Official Tor Package Repository](https://rpm.torproject.org/fedora) by following these [instructions](https://support.torproject.org/rpm/tor-rpm-install) #### Package Installation ``` # dnf update && dnf install tor ``` ### Arch Linux #### Package Installation ```shell # pacman -Fy && pacman -Syu tor ``` ### Installing `tor` from source #### Download Latest Release & Dependencies The latest release of `tor` can be found on the [download](https://www.torproject.org/download/tor) page * When building from source: *First* install `libevent`,`openssl` & `zlib` *(Including the -devel packages when applicable)* #### Install `tor` ```shell $ tar -xzf tor-.tar.gz; cd tor- ``` * Replace \ with the latest version of `tor` > For example, `tor-` ```shell $ ./configure && make ``` * Now you can run `tor` (0.4.3.x and Later) locally like this: ```shell $ ./src/app/tor ``` Or, you can run `make install` (as `root` if necessary) to install it globally into `/usr/local/` * Now you can run `tor` directly without absolute path like this: ```shell $ tor ``` ### Windows #### Download * Download the `Windows Expert Bundle` from the [Official Tor Project's Download page](https://www.torproject.org/download/tor) #### Extract * Extract Archive to Disk #### Open Terminal * Open PowerShell with Admin Privileges #### Change to Location of Extracted Archive * Navigate to `Tor` Directory #### Package Installation * v10 ```powershell PS C:\Tor\> tor.exe –-service install ``` * v11 ```powershell PS C:\Tor\> tor.exe –-service install ``` #### Create Service ```powershell PS C:\Tor\> sc create tor start=auto binPath="\Tor\tor.exe -nt-service" ``` #### Start Service ```powershell PS C:\Tor\> sc start tor ``` ## Configuring `tor` via `torrc` #### [I'm supposed to "edit my torrc". What does that mean?](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-editing-torrc/) * Per the [Official Tor Project's support page](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-editing-torrc/): * **WARNING:** Do **NOT** follow random advice instructing you to edit your torrc! Doing so can allow an attacker to compromise your security and anonymity through malicious configuration of your torrc. **Note:** The `torrc` location will ***not*** match those stated in the documentation linked above and will vary across each platform. #### [Sample `torrc`](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/blob/HEAD/src/config/torrc.sample.in) Users are ***strongly*** encouraged to review both the [Official Tor Project's support page](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-editing-torrc/) as well as the [sample `torrc`](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/blob/HEAD/src/config/torrc.sample.in) before proceeding. #### Enable `torControlPort` in `torrc` In order for Haveno to use the `--torControlPort` option, it must be enabled and accessible. The most common way to do so is to edit the `torrc` fiel with a text editor to ensure that an entry for `ControlPort` followed by port number to listen on is present in the `torrc` file. #### [Authentication](https://spec.torproject.org/control-spec/implementation-notes.html#authentication) Per the [Tor Control Protocol - Implementation Notes](https://spec.torproject.org/control-spec/implementation-notes.html): * ***"If the control port is open and no authentication operation is enabled, `tor` trusts any local user that connects to the control port. This is generally a poor idea."*** ##### `CookieAuthentication` If the `CookieAuthentication` option is true, `tor` writes a *"magic cookie"* file named `control_auth_cookie` into its data directory (or to another file specified in the `CookieAuthFile` option). ##### Example: ```shell ControlPort 9051 CookieAuthentication 1 ``` ##### `HashedControlPassword` If the `HashedControlPassword` option is set, it must contain the salted hash of a secret password. The salted hash is computed according to the S2K algorithm in `RFC 2440` of `OpenPGP`, and prefixed with the s2k specifier. This is then encoded in hexadecimal, prefixed by the indicator sequence "16:". * `HashedControlPassword` can be generated like so: ```shell $ tor --hash-password ``` ###### Example: ```shell ControlPort 9051 HashedControlPassword 16:C01147DC5F4DA2346056668DD23522558D0E0C8B5CC88FE72EEBC51967 ``` ##### Restart `tor` `tor` must be restarted for changes to `torrc` to be applied. ### \* ***Optional*** \* #### [Set Up Your Onion Service](https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/setup) While not a *strict* requirement for use with Haveno, some users may wish to configure an [Onion Service](https://community.torproject.org/onion-services) * ***Only Required When Using The Haveno `--hiddenServiceAddress` Option*** Please see the [Official Tor Project's Documentation](https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/setup) for more information about configuration and usage of these services --- ## Haveno's `tor` Aware Options Haveno is a natively `tor` aware application and offers **many** flexible configuration options for use by privacy conscious users. While some are mutually exclusive, many are cross-applicable. Users are encouraged to experiment with options before use to determine which options best fit their personal threat profile. ### Options #### `--hiddenServiceAddress` * Function: This option configures a *static* Hidden Service Address to listen on * Expected Input Format: `` (`ed25519`) * Acceptable Values `` * Default value: `null` #### `--socks5ProxyXmrAddress` * Function: A proxy address to be used for `monero` network * Expected Input Format: `` * Acceptable Values `` * Default value: `null` #### `--torrcFile` * Function: An existing `torrc`-file to be sourced for `tor` **Note:** `torrc`-entries which are critical to Haveno's flawless operation (`torrc` options line, `torrc` option, ...) **can not** be overwritten * Expected Input Format: `` * Acceptable Values `` * Default value: `null` #### `--torrcOptions` * Function: A list of `torrc`-entries to amend to Haveno's `torrc` **Note:** *`torrc`-entries which are critical to Haveno's flawless operation (`torrc` options line, `torrc` option, ...) can **not** be overwritten* * Expected Input Format: `` * Acceptable Values `<^([^\s,]+\s[^,]+,?\s*)+$>` * Default value: `null` #### `--torControlHost` + Function The control `hostname` or `IP` of an already running `tor` service to be used by Haveno * Expected Input Format `` (`hostname`, `IPv4` or `IPv6`) * Acceptable Values `` * Default Value `null` #### `--torControlPort` + Function The control port of an already running `tor` service to be used by Haveno * Expected Input Format `` * Acceptable Values `` * Default Value `-1` #### `--torControlPassword` + Function The password for controlling the already running `tor` service * Expected Input Format `` * Acceptable Values `` * Default Value `null` #### `--torControlCookieFile` + Function The cookie file for authenticating against the already running `tor` service * Used in conjunction with `--torControlUseSafeCookieAuth` option * Expected Input Format `` * Acceptable Values `` * Default Value `null` #### `--torControlUseSafeCookieAuth` + Function Use the `SafeCookie` method when authenticating to the already running `tor` service * Expected Input Format `null` * Acceptable Values `none` * Default Value `off` #### `--torStreamIsolation` + Function Use stream isolation for Tor * This option is currently considered ***experimental*** * Expected Input Format `` * Acceptable Values `` * Default Value `off` #### `--useTorForXmr` + Function Configure `tor` for `monero` connections with ***either***: * after_sync **or** * off **or** * on * Expected Input Format `` * Acceptable Values `` * Default Value `AFTER_SYNC` #### `--socks5DiscoverMode` + Function Specify discovery mode for `monero` nodes * Expected Input Format `` * Acceptable Values `ADDR, DNS, ONION, ALL` One or more comma separated. *(Will be **OR**'d together)* * Default Value `ALL` --- ## Starting Haveno Using Externally Available `tor` ### Dynamic Onion Assignment via `--torControlPort` ```shell $ /opt/haveno/bin/Haveno --torControlPort='9051' --torControlCookieFile='/var/run/tor/control.authcookie' --torControlUseSafeCookieAuth --useTorForXmr='on' --socks5ProxyXmrAddress='' ``` ### Static Onion Assignment via `--hiddenServiceAddress` ```shell $ /opt/haveno/bin/Haveno --socks5ProxyXmrAddress='' --useTorForXmr='on' --hiddenServiceAddress='2gzyxa5ihm7nsggfxnu52rck2vv4rvmdlkiu3zzui5du4xyclen53wid.onion' ```