retry creating and processing trade txs on failure
do not use connection manager polling to reduce requests
use global daemon lock for wallet sync operations
sync wallets on poll if behind
use local util to get payment uri to avoid blocking
all peers share multisig hex on deposits confirmed
import multisig hex when needed
optimize when multisig info imported
fetch updates for tx progress indicators off main thread
add synchronization locks
refactor address entry management
add totalTxFee to process model
prevent same user from taking same offer at same time
set refresh rate to 30s for tor
show buyer and seller trade fee in dispute summary window
remove "Error polling trade wallet warning" if disconnected
show notification when dispute opened or closed in legacy app
resolve disputes under Support > Arbitration, hide other views
show "support ticket opened" when dispute request is acked
rename all variations of TradingPeer to TradePeer
rename "payment started" to "payment sent" for consistency
QR code encodes payment URI
security deposit absorbs miner fee up to 5%
use binary search to maximize security deposit and minimize dust
show itemized funding popup on create offer
add dispute states and open/close messages routed through arbitrator
both traders publish dispute payout tx, winner is default
verify signatures of payment sent and received messages
seller sends deposit confirmed message to arbitrator
buyer sends payment sent message to arbitrator
arbitrator slows trade wallet sync rate after deposits confirmed
various refactoring, fixes, and cleanup
send payment key & multisig hex on deposit confirm for resilience
support payout published, confirmed, unlocked states
keep trade wallets open throughout trade
close and delete trade wallets when payout unlocks
arbitrator idles trade wallets after deposits confirm (1/hour)
support registering and unregistering arbitrators over grpc
maker always sends InitTradeRequest to arbitrator
share original contract for comparision
remove backup arbitator from model
cleanup trade states