mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 17:31:27 -05:00
fix hyperlinks to payment methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=Important: when making the payment, le
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=If your bank charges you any fees to make the transfer, you are responsible for paying those fees.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees.swift=Make sure to use the SHA (shared fee model) to send the SWIFT payment. \
See more details at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
See more details at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.crypto=Please transfer from your external {0} wallet\n{1} to the XMR seller.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Please send {0} by \"US Postal Money Order\
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. \
Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. \
See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2720,20 +2720,20 @@ payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT
- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n\
- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\
SWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
SWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy monero with SWIFT, you must:\n\
- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n\
- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\
Please review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
Please review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\
If you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\
Please review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
Please review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n\
● Account owner full name\n\
@ -3061,7 +3061,7 @@ payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian B
bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. \
Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\n\
Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\n\
Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\n\
Three important notes:\n\
- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n\
- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat \
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=Důležité: když vyplňujete platebn
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=Pokud vaše banka účtuje poplatky za převod, musíte tyto poplatky uhradit vy.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees.swift=Ujistěte se, že k odeslání platby SWIFT používáte model SHA (model sdílených poplatků). \
Více detailů [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
Více detailů [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.crypto=Převeďte prosím z vaší externí {0} peněženky\n{1} prodejci XMR.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Zašlete prosím {0} prodejci XMR pomocí \
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Zašlete prosím {0} prodejci XMR v poštovní zásilce (\"Hotovost poštou\"). \
Konkrétní instrukce naleznete v obchodní smlouvě. V případě pochybností se můžete zeptat protistrany pomocí obchodního chatu. \
Více informací naleznete na Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
Více informací naleznete na Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Prosím uhraďte {0} pomocí zvolené platební metody prodejci XMR. V dalším kroku naleznete detaily o účtu prodejce.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2720,20 +2720,20 @@ payment.swift.info.account=Pečlivě si prostudujte základní pokyny pro použ
- kupující použije u platby model sdílených poplatků (SHA) \n\
- kupující a prodejce mohou platit poplatky, proto by se měli nejprve seznámit s poplatky své banky \n\
SWIFT je složitější než jiné platební metody, proto si prosím přečtěte kompletní pokyny na wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
SWIFT je složitější než jiné platební metody, proto si prosím přečtěte kompletní pokyny na wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=Pro nákup monero pomocí SWIFT, musíte:\n\
- odeslat platbu v měně, stanovené tvůrcem nabídky \n\
- použít u platby model sdílených poplatků (SHA) \n\
Přečtěte si další pokyny na wiki, abyste se vyhnuli sankcím a zajistili hladký průběh obchodů [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
Přečtěte si další pokyny na wiki, abyste se vyhnuli sankcím a zajistili hladký průběh obchodů [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=Odesílatelé SWIFT musí při odesílání plateb používat model sdílených poplatků (SHA).\n\
Pokud obdržíte platbu SWIFT, která nepoužívá SHA, otevřete mediační požadavek.\n\
Přečtěte si další pokyny na wiki, abyste se vyhnuli sankcím a zajistili hladký průběh obchodů [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
Přečtěte si další pokyny na wiki, abyste se vyhnuli sankcím a zajistili hladký průběh obchodů [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Prosím, nezapomeňte uvést své:\n\n\
● Celé jméno majitele účtu\n\
@ -3059,7 +3059,7 @@ payment.payid.info=PayID jako telefonní číslo, e-mailová adresa nebo austral
bankou, družstevní záložnou nebo účtem stavební spořitelny. Musíte mít již vytvořený PayID u své australské finanční instituce. \
Odesílající i přijímající finanční instituce musí podporovat PayID. Další informace najdete na [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Chcete-li platit dárkovou kartou Amazon eGift, budete muset prodejci XMR poslat kartu Amazon eGift přes svůj účet Amazon.\n\n\
Podívejte se do wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] pro podrobnosti a rady.\n\n\
Podívejte se do wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] pro podrobnosti a rady.\n\n\
Zde jsou tři důležité poznámky:\n\
- Preferujte dárkové karty v hodnotě do 100 USD, protože Amazon může považovat nákupy karet s vyššími částkami jako podezřelé a zablokovat je.\n\
- Na kartě do zprávy pro příjemce můžete přidat i vlastní originální text (např. "Happy birthday Susan!") spolu s ID obchodu (v takovém případě \
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=WICHTIGE VORAUSSETZUNG: \nNachd
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Bitte senden Sie {0} per \"US Postal Money Order\" an den XMR-Verkäufer.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Bitte schicken Sie {0} Bargeld per Post an den XMR Verkäufer. Genaue Anweisungen finden Sie im Handelsvertrag, oder Sie stellen über den Handels-Chat Fragen, wenn etwas unklar ist. Weitere Informationen über \"Bargeld per Post\" finden Sie im Haveno-Wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Bitte schicken Sie {0} Bargeld per Post an den XMR Verkäufer. Genaue Anweisungen finden Sie im Handelsvertrag, oder Sie stellen über den Handels-Chat Fragen, wenn etwas unklar ist. Weitere Informationen über \"Bargeld per Post\" finden Sie im Haveno-Wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Bitte zahlen Sie {0} mit der gewählten Zahlungsmethode an den XMR Verkäufer. Sie finden die Konto Details des Verkäufers im nächsten Fenster.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2046,7 +2046,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Name
payment.payid=PayIDs wie E-Mail Adressen oder Telefonnummern die mit Finanzinstitutionen verbunden sind.
payment.payid.info=Eine PayID wie eine Telefonnummer, E-Mail Adresse oder Australische Business Number (ABN) mit der Sie sicher Ihre Bank, Kreditgenossenschaft oder Bausparkassenkonto verlinken können. Sie müssen bereits eine PayID mit Ihrer Australischen Finanzinstitution erstellt haben. Beide Institutionen, die die sendet und die die empfängt, müssen PayID unterstützen. Weitere informationen finden Sie unter [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Um mit einer Amazon eGift Geschenkkarte zu bezahlen, müssen Sie eine Amazon eGift Geschenkkarte über Ihr Amazon-Konto an den XMR-Verkäufer senden. \n\nHaveno zeigt die E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer des XMR-Verkäufers an, an die die Geschenkkarte gesendet werden soll, und Sie müssen die Handels-ID in das Nachrichtenfeld der Geschenkkarte eintragen. Bitte lesen Sie das Wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] für weitere Details und empfohlene Vorgehensweisen. \n\nDrei wichtige Hinweise:\n- Versuchen Sie Geschenkkarten mit Beträgen von 100 USD oder weniger zu versenden, weil Amazon größere Geschenkkarten gerne als betrügerisch kennzeichnet\n- Versuchen Sie einen kreativen, glaubwürdigen Text für die Nachricht der Geschenkkarten zu verwenden (z.B. "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Susi!"), zusammen mit der Handels-ID (und verwenden Sie den Handels-Chat, um Ihrem Handelspartner den von Ihnen gewählten Referenztext mitzuteilen, damit er Ihre Zahlung überprüfen kann)\n- Amazon Geschenkkarten können nur auf der Amazon-Website eingelöst werden, auf der sie gekauft wurden (z. B. kann eine auf amazon.it gekaufte Geschenkkarte nur auf amazon.it eingelöst werden)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Um mit einer Amazon eGift Geschenkkarte zu bezahlen, müssen Sie eine Amazon eGift Geschenkkarte über Ihr Amazon-Konto an den XMR-Verkäufer senden. \n\nHaveno zeigt die E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer des XMR-Verkäufers an, an die die Geschenkkarte gesendet werden soll, und Sie müssen die Handels-ID in das Nachrichtenfeld der Geschenkkarte eintragen. Bitte lesen Sie das Wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] für weitere Details und empfohlene Vorgehensweisen. \n\nDrei wichtige Hinweise:\n- Versuchen Sie Geschenkkarten mit Beträgen von 100 USD oder weniger zu versenden, weil Amazon größere Geschenkkarten gerne als betrügerisch kennzeichnet\n- Versuchen Sie einen kreativen, glaubwürdigen Text für die Nachricht der Geschenkkarten zu verwenden (z.B. "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Susi!"), zusammen mit der Handels-ID (und verwenden Sie den Handels-Chat, um Ihrem Handelspartner den von Ihnen gewählten Referenztext mitzuteilen, damit er Ihre Zahlung überprüfen kann)\n- Amazon Geschenkkarten können nur auf der Amazon-Website eingelöst werden, auf der sie gekauft wurden (z. B. kann eine auf amazon.it gekaufte Geschenkkarte nur auf amazon.it eingelöst werden)
payment.paysafe.info=Zum Schutz Ihrer Sicherheit raten wir dringend davon ab, Paysafecard-PINs für Zahlungen zu verwenden.\n\n\
Transaktionen, die über PINs durchgeführt werden, können nicht unabhängig zur Streitbeilegung überprüft werden. Wenn ein Problem auftritt, kann die Rückerstattung von Geldern möglicherweise nicht möglich sein.\n\n\
Um die Transaktionssicherheit mit Streitbeilegung zu gewährleisten, verwenden Sie immer Zahlungsmethoden, die überprüfbare Aufzeichnungen bieten.
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=REQUERIMIENTO IMPORTANTE:\nDesp
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Por favor envíe {0} mediante \"US Postal Money Order\" a el vendedor de XMR.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Por favor envíe {0} usando \"Efectivo por Correo\" al vendedor. Las instrucciones específicas están en el contrato de intercambio, y si no queda claro, pregunte a través del chat de intercambio.\nVea más detalles acerca de Efectivo por Correo en la wiki de Haveno [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Por favor envíe {0} usando \"Efectivo por Correo\" al vendedor. Las instrucciones específicas están en el contrato de intercambio, y si no queda claro, pregunte a través del chat de intercambio.\nVea más detalles acerca de Efectivo por Correo en la wiki de Haveno [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Por favor pague {0} a través del método de pago especificado al vendedor XMR. Encontrará los detalles de la cuenta del vendedor en la siguiente pantalla.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nombre
payment.payid=PayID conectado a una institución financiera. Como la dirección email o el número de móvil.
payment.payid.info=Un PayID como un número de teléfono, dirección email o Australian Business Number (ABN), que puede conectar con seguridad a su banco, unión de crédito o cuenta de construcción de sociedad. Necesita haber creado una PayID con su institución financiera australiana. Tanto para enviar y recibir las instituciones financieras deben soportar PayID. Para más información por favor compruebe [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Para pagar con Tarjeta eGift Amazon. necesitará enviar una Tarjeta eGift Amazon al vendedor XMR a través de su cuenta Amazon.\n\nHaveno mostrará la dirección e-mail del vendedor de XMR o el número de teléfono donde la tarjeta de regalo deberá enviarse. Por favor vea la wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] para más detalles y mejores prácticas.\n\nNotas importantes:\n- Pruebe a enviar las tarjetas regalo en cantidades de 100USD o menores, ya que Amazon está señalando tarjetas regalo mayores como fraudulentas.\n- Intente usar textos para el mensaje de la tarjeta regalo creíbles y creativos ("Feliz cumpleaños!").\n- Las tarjetas Amazon eGift pueden ser redimidas únicamente en la web de Amazon en la que se compraron (por ejemplo, una tarjeta comprada en amazon.it solo puede ser redimida en amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Para pagar con Tarjeta eGift Amazon. necesitará enviar una Tarjeta eGift Amazon al vendedor XMR a través de su cuenta Amazon.\n\nHaveno mostrará la dirección e-mail del vendedor de XMR o el número de teléfono donde la tarjeta de regalo deberá enviarse. Por favor vea la wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] para más detalles y mejores prácticas.\n\nNotas importantes:\n- Pruebe a enviar las tarjetas regalo en cantidades de 100USD o menores, ya que Amazon está señalando tarjetas regalo mayores como fraudulentas.\n- Intente usar textos para el mensaje de la tarjeta regalo creíbles y creativos ("Feliz cumpleaños!").\n- Las tarjetas Amazon eGift pueden ser redimidas únicamente en la web de Amazon en la que se compraron (por ejemplo, una tarjeta comprada en amazon.it solo puede ser redimida en amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=Por su protección, desaconsejamos encarecidamente el uso de PINs de Paysafecard para pagos.\n\n\
Las transacciones realizadas mediante PINs no pueden ser verificadas de forma independiente para la resolución de disputas. Si surge un problema, recuperar los fondos puede no ser posible.\n\n\
Para garantizar la seguridad de las transacciones con resolución de disputas, utilice siempre métodos de pago que proporcionen registros verificables.
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=مورد الزامی مهم:\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=لطفاً {0} را توسط \"US Postal Money Order\" به فروشندهی بیتکوین پرداخت کنید.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=نام
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=برای حفاظت از شما، به شدت از استفاده از پینهای Paysafecard برای پرداخت جلوگیری میکنیم.\n\n\
تراکنشهای انجام شده از طریق پینها نمیتوانند به طور مستقل برای حل اختلاف تأیید شوند. اگر مشکلی پیش آید، بازیابی وجوه ممکن است غیرممکن باشد.\n\n\
برای اطمینان از امنیت تراکنش و حل اختلاف، همیشه از روشهای پرداختی استفاده کنید که سوابق قابل تاییدی ارائه میدهند.
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=CONDITIONS REQUISES:\nAprès av
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Merci d''envoyer {0} par \"US Postal Money Order\" au vendeur de XMR.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Veuillez envoyer {0} en utlisant \"Pay by Mail\" au vendeur de XMR. Les instructions spécifiques sont dans le contrat de trade, ou si ce n'est pas clair, vous pouvez poser des questions via le chat des trader. Pour plus de détails sur Pay by Mail, allez sur le wiki Haveno \n[LIEN:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Veuillez envoyer {0} en utlisant \"Pay by Mail\" au vendeur de XMR. Les instructions spécifiques sont dans le contrat de trade, ou si ce n'est pas clair, vous pouvez poser des questions via le chat des trader. Pour plus de détails sur Pay by Mail, allez sur le wiki Haveno \n[LIEN:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail]\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Veuillez payer {0} via la méthode de paiement spécifiée par le vendeur de XMR. Vous trouverez les informations du compte du vendeur à l'écran suivant.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nom
payment.australia.payid=ID de paiement
payment.payid=ID de paiement lié à une institution financière. Comme l'addresse email ou le téléphone portable.
payment.payid.info=Un PayID, tel qu'un numéro de téléphone, une adresse électronique ou un numéro d'entreprise australien (ABN), que vous pouvez lier en toute sécurité à votre compte bancaire, votre crédit mutuel ou votre société de crédit immobilier. Vous devez avoir déjà créé un PayID auprès de votre institution financière australienne. Les institutions financières émettrices et réceptrices doivent toutes deux prendre en charge PayID. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter [LIEN:https://payid.com.au/faqs/].
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Pour payer avec une carte cadeau Amazon eGift Card, vous devrez envoyer une carte cadeau Amazon eGift Card au vendeur de XMR via votre compte Amazon. \n\nHaveno indiquera l'adresse e-mail ou le numéro de téléphone du vendeur XMR où la carte cadeau doit être envoyée, et vous devrez inclure l'ID du trade dans le champ de messagerie de la carte cadeau. Veuillez consulter le wiki [LIEN:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] pour plus de détails et pour les meilleures pratiques à adopter. \n\nTrois remarques importantes :\n- essayez d'envoyer des cartes-cadeaux d'un montant inférieur ou égal à 100 USD, car Amazon est connu pour signaler les cartes-cadeaux plus importantes comme frauduleuses\n- essayez d'utiliser un texte créatif et crédible pour le message de la carte cadeau (par exemple, "Joyeux anniversaire Susan !") ainsi que l'ID du trade (et utilisez le chat du trader pour indiquer à votre pair de trading le texte de référence que vous avez choisi afin qu'il puisse vérifier votre paiement).\n- Les cartes cadeaux électroniques Amazon ne peuvent être échangées que sur le site Amazon où elles ont été achetées (par exemple, une carte cadeau achetée sur amazon.it ne peut être échangée que sur amazon.it).
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Pour payer avec une carte cadeau Amazon eGift Card, vous devrez envoyer une carte cadeau Amazon eGift Card au vendeur de XMR via votre compte Amazon. \n\nHaveno indiquera l'adresse e-mail ou le numéro de téléphone du vendeur XMR où la carte cadeau doit être envoyée, et vous devrez inclure l'ID du trade dans le champ de messagerie de la carte cadeau. Veuillez consulter le wiki [LIEN:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] pour plus de détails et pour les meilleures pratiques à adopter. \n\nTrois remarques importantes :\n- essayez d'envoyer des cartes-cadeaux d'un montant inférieur ou égal à 100 USD, car Amazon est connu pour signaler les cartes-cadeaux plus importantes comme frauduleuses\n- essayez d'utiliser un texte créatif et crédible pour le message de la carte cadeau (par exemple, "Joyeux anniversaire Susan !") ainsi que l'ID du trade (et utilisez le chat du trader pour indiquer à votre pair de trading le texte de référence que vous avez choisi afin qu'il puisse vérifier votre paiement).\n- Les cartes cadeaux électroniques Amazon ne peuvent être échangées que sur le site Amazon où elles ont été achetées (par exemple, une carte cadeau achetée sur amazon.it ne peut être échangée que sur amazon.it).
payment.paysafe.info=Pour votre protection, nous déconseillons fortement d'utiliser les PINs Paysafecard pour les paiements.\n\n\
Les transactions effectuées via des PINs ne peuvent pas être vérifiées de manière indépendante pour la résolution des litiges. En cas de problème, la récupération des fonds peut ne pas être possible.\n\n\
Pour garantir la sécurité des transactions et la résolution des litiges, utilisez toujours des méthodes de paiement qui fournissent des preuves vérifiables.
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=REQUISITO IMPORTANTE:\nDopo ave
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Invia {0} tramite \"Vaglia Postale Statunitense\" al venditore XMR.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nome
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=Per la tua protezione, sconsigliamo vivamente di utilizzare i PIN di Paysafecard per i pagamenti.\n\n\
Le transazioni effettuate tramite PIN non possono essere verificate in modo indipendente per la risoluzione delle controversie. Se si verifica un problema, il recupero dei fondi potrebbe non essere possibile.\n\n\
Per garantire la sicurezza delle transazioni con risoluzione delle controversie, utilizza sempre metodi di pagamento che forniscono registrazioni verificabili.
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=重要な要件: \n支払いが
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2046,7 +2046,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=名義
payment.payid.info=銀行、信用金庫、あるいは住宅金融組合アカウントと安全に繋がれるPayIDとして使われる電話番号、Eメールアドレス、それともオーストラリア企業番号(ABN)。すでにオーストラリアの金融機関とPayIDを作った必要があります。送金と受取の金融機関は両方PayIDをサポートする必要があります。詳しくは以下を訪れて下さい [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=アマゾンeGiftカードで支払うには、アマゾンアカウントを使ってeGiftカードをXMR売り手に送る必要があります。\n\nHavenoはeGiftカードの送り先になるXMR売り手のメールアドレスそれとも電話番号を表示します。そしてeGiftカードのメッセージフィールドに、必ずトレードIDを入力して下さい。最良の慣行について詳しくはWikiを参照して下さい:[HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card]\n\n3つの注意点:\n- 可能であれば、100米ドル価格以下のeGiftカードを送って下さい。それ以上の価格はアマゾンに不正な取引というフラグが立てられることがあります。\n- eGiftカードのメッセージフィールドに、トレードIDと一緒に信ぴょう性のあるメッセージを入力して下さい。(例えば隆さん、「お誕生日おめでとう!」)。(そして確認のため、取引者チャットでトレードピアにメッセージの内容を伝えて下さい)。\n- アマゾンeGiftカードは買われたサイトのみに交換できます(例えば、amazon.jpから買われたカードはamazon.jpのみに交換できます)。
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=アマゾンeGiftカードで支払うには、アマゾンアカウントを使ってeGiftカードをXMR売り手に送る必要があります。\n\nHavenoはeGiftカードの送り先になるXMR売り手のメールアドレスそれとも電話番号を表示します。そしてeGiftカードのメッセージフィールドに、必ずトレードIDを入力して下さい。最良の慣行について詳しくはWikiを参照して下さい:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card]\n\n3つの注意点:\n- 可能であれば、100米ドル価格以下のeGiftカードを送って下さい。それ以上の価格はアマゾンに不正な取引というフラグが立てられることがあります。\n- eGiftカードのメッセージフィールドに、トレードIDと一緒に信ぴょう性のあるメッセージを入力して下さい。(例えば隆さん、「お誕生日おめでとう!」)。(そして確認のため、取引者チャットでトレードピアにメッセージの内容を伝えて下さい)。\n- アマゾンeGiftカードは買われたサイトのみに交換できます(例えば、amazon.jpから買われたカードはamazon.jpのみに交換できます)。
payment.paysafe.info=あなたの保護のため、支払いにPaysafecard PINの使用は強くお勧めしません。\n\n\
@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=IMPORTANTE:\nApós ter feito o
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Envie {0} através de \"US Postal Money Order\" para o vendedor de XMR.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2028,7 +2028,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nome
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=Para sua proteção, desaconselhamos fortemente o uso de PINs do Paysafecard para pagamento.\n\n\
Transações feitas por PINs não podem ser verificadas de forma independente para resolução de disputas. Se ocorrer um problema, a recuperação de fundos pode não ser possível.\n\n\
Para garantir a segurança das transações com resolução de disputas, sempre utilize métodos de pagamento que forneçam registros verificáveis.
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=REQUISITO IMPORTANTE:\nDepois d
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Por favor envie {0} por \"US Postal Money Order\" para o vendedor de XMR.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nome
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=Para sua proteção, desaconselhamos fortemente o uso de PINs do Paysafecard para pagamento.\n\n\
Transações feitas por PINs não podem ser verificadas de forma independente para resolução de disputas. Se ocorrer um problema, a recuperação dos fundos pode não ser possível.\n\n\
Para garantir a segurança das transações com resolução de disputas, sempre use métodos de pagamento que forneçam registros verificáveis.
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=ВАЖНОЕ ТРЕБОВАНИ
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Отправьте {0} \«Почтовым денежным переводом США\» продавцу XMR.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2020,7 +2020,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Имя
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=Для вашей защиты мы настоятельно не рекомендуем использовать PIN-коды Paysafecard для платежей.\n\n\
Транзакции, выполненные с помощью PIN-кодов, не могут быть независимо подтверждены для разрешения споров. В случае возникновения проблемы возврат средств может быть невозможен.\n\n\
Чтобы обеспечить безопасность транзакций с возможностью разрешения споров, всегда используйте методы оплаты, предоставляющие проверяемые записи.
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=ข้อกำหนดที
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=โปรดส่ง {0} โดยธนาณัติ \"US Postal Money Order \" ไปยังผู้ขาย XMR\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2019,7 +2019,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=ชื่อ
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=เพื่อความปลอดภัยของคุณ เราขอแนะนำอย่างยิ่งให้หลีกเลี่ยงการใช้ Paysafecard PINs ในการชำระเงิน\n\n\
ธุรกรรมที่ดำเนินการผ่าน PIN ไม่สามารถตรวจสอบได้อย่างอิสระสำหรับการระงับข้อพิพาท หากเกิดปัญหา อาจไม่สามารถกู้คืนเงินได้\n\n\
เพื่อความปลอดภัยของธุรกรรมและรองรับการระงับข้อพิพาท โปรดใช้วิธีการชำระเงินที่มีบันทึกการทำธุรกรรมที่ตรวจสอบได้
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=Önemli: ödeme yaparken, \"ödeme ned
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=Bankanız transfer yapmak için sizden herhangi bir ücret alıyorsa, bu ücretleri ödemekten siz sorumlusunuz.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees.swift=SWIFT ödemesini göndermek için SHA (paylaşılan ücret modeli) kullanmanız gerekmektedir. \
Daha fazla ayrıntı için [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option] adresine bakınız.
Daha fazla ayrıntı için [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option] adresine bakınız.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.crypto=Lütfen dış {0} cüzdanınızdan\n{1} XMR satıcısına transfer yapın.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Lütfen "US Postal Money Order" kullanarak
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Lütfen "Pay by Mail" kullanarak {0} tutarını XMR satıcısına gönderin. \
Belirli talimatlar işlem sözleşmesinde bulunmaktadır, veya belirsizse trader sohbeti aracılığıyla sorular sorabilirsiniz. \
Pay by Mail hakkında daha fazla ayrıntı için Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail] adresine bakın.\n\n
Pay by Mail hakkında daha fazla ayrıntı için Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail] adresine bakın.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Lütfen belirtilen ödeme yöntemini kullanarak {0} tutarını XMR satıcısına ödeyin. Satıcının hesap bilgilerini bir sonraki ekranda bulacaksınız.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2707,20 +2707,20 @@ payment.swift.info.account=Haveno'da SWIFT kullanımı için temel yönergeleri
- alıcı, paylaşılan ücret modeli (SHA) kullanarak ödeme yapmalıdır \n\
- alıcı ve satıcı ücretlerle karşılaşabilir, bu yüzden bankalarının ücret tarifelerini önceden kontrol etmelidirler \n\
SWIFT, diğer ödeme yöntemlerinden daha karmaşıktır, bu yüzden lütfen wiki'deki tam rehberi inceleyin [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
SWIFT, diğer ödeme yöntemlerinden daha karmaşıktır, bu yüzden lütfen wiki'deki tam rehberi inceleyin [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=SWIFT ile monero satın almak için şunları yapmalısınız:\n\
- ödeme yapanın belirttiği para biriminde ödeme yapın \n\
- ödeme göndermek için paylaşılan ücret modeli (SHA) kullanın\n\
Ceza almamak ve sorunsuz ticaretler yapmak için lütfen wiki'deki daha fazla rehberi inceleyin [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
Ceza almamak ve sorunsuz ticaretler yapmak için lütfen wiki'deki daha fazla rehberi inceleyin [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT gönderenler, ödemeleri göndermek için paylaşılan ücret modeli (SHA) kullanmak zorundadır.\n\
SHA kullanmayan bir SWIFT ödemesi alırsanız, bir arabuluculuk bileti açın.\n\
Ceza almamak ve sorunsuz ticaretler yapmak için lütfen wiki'deki daha fazla rehberi inceleyin [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/SWIFT].
Ceza almamak ve sorunsuz ticaretler yapmak için lütfen wiki'deki daha fazla rehberi inceleyin [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Lütfen şunları dahil ettiğinizden emin olun:\n\n\
● Hesap sahibi tam adı\n\
@ -3046,7 +3046,7 @@ payment.payid.info=PayID, telefon numarası, e-posta adresi veya Avustralya İş
toplum hesabınıza güvenli bir şekilde bağlayabileceğiniz bir kimliktir. Avustralya finans kurumunuzla zaten bir PayID oluşturmuş \
olmanız gerekmektedir. Hem gönderici hem de alıcı finans kurumlarının PayID'yi desteklemesi gerekmektedir.
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Amazon eGift Kart ile ödeme yapmak için, Amazon hesabınız aracılığıyla bir Amazon eGift Kartı'nı XMR satıcısına göndermeniz gerekecek. \n\n\
Daha fazla ayrıntı ve en iyi uygulamalar için lütfen wiki'ye bakın: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] \n\n\
Daha fazla ayrıntı ve en iyi uygulamalar için lütfen wiki'ye bakın: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] \n\n\
Üç önemli not:\n\
- Amazon'un daha büyük hediye kartlarını sahtekarlık olarak işaretlediği bilindiğinden, 100 USD veya daha küçük tutarlarda hediye kartları göndermeye çalışın\n\
- hediye kartının mesajı için yaratıcı, inanılabilir bir metin kullanmaya çalışın (örneğin, "Doğum günün kutlu olsun Metin Torun!") ve ticaret \
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=YÊU CẦU QUAN TRỌNG:\nSau k
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Hãy gửi {0} bằng \"Phiếu chuyển tiền US\" cho người bán XMR.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Tên
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=Vì sự bảo vệ của bạn, chúng tôi khuyến cáo không nên sử dụng mã PIN Paysafecard để thanh toán.\n\n\
Các giao dịch được thực hiện bằng mã PIN không thể được xác minh độc lập để giải quyết tranh chấp. Nếu có vấn đề xảy ra, có thể không thể khôi phục số tiền đã mất.\n\n\
Để đảm bảo an toàn giao dịch và có thể giải quyết tranh chấp, hãy luôn sử dụng các phương thức thanh toán có hồ sơ xác minh được.
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=重要要求:\n完成支付
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=请用“美国邮政汇票”发送 {0} 给 XMR 卖家。\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=名称
payment.payid=PayID 需链接至金融机构。例如电子邮件地址或手机。
payment.payid.info=PayID,如电话号码、电子邮件地址或澳大利亚商业号码(ABN),您可以安全地连接到您的银行、信用合作社或建立社会帐户。你需要在你的澳大利亚金融机构创建一个 PayID。发送和接收金融机构都必须支持 PayID。更多信息请查看[HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=为了保障您的安全,我们强烈不建议使用 Paysafecard PIN 进行支付。\n\n\
通过 PIN 进行的交易无法被独立验证以解决争议。如果出现问题,资金可能无法追回。\n\n\
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=重要要求:\n完成支付
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=請用“美國郵政匯票”發送 {0} 給 XMR 賣家。\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Cash_by_Mail].\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.payByMail=Please send {0} using \"Pay by Mail\" to the XMR seller. Specific instructions are in the trade contract, or if unclear you may ask questions via trader chat. See more details about Pay by Mail on the Haveno wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Pay_By_Mail].\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.pay=Please pay {0} via the specified payment method to the XMR seller. You''ll find the seller's account details on the next screen.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2025,7 +2025,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=名稱
payment.payid=PayID 需鏈接至金融機構。例如電子郵件地址或手機。
payment.payid.info=PayID,如電話號碼、電子郵件地址或澳大利亞商業號碼(ABN),您可以安全地連接到您的銀行、信用合作社或建立社會帳户。你需要在你的澳大利亞金融機構創建一個 PayID。發送和接收金融機構都必須支持 PayID。更多信息請查看[HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the XMR seller via your Amazon account. \n\nHaveno will show the XMR seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/the-project/payment_methods/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.paysafe.info=為了保護您的安全,我們強烈不建議使用 Paysafecard PIN 進行付款。\n\n\
透過 PIN 進行的交易無法獨立驗證以進行爭議解決。如果發生問題,可能無法追回資金。\n\n\
Reference in New Issue
Block a user