From 892eaa440adb6c481974857f91c52c6c29f3b3de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: woodser <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 05:28:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] fix trade initialization error handling and run off trade

 .../main/java/haveno/core/trade/    | 239 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/trade/ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/trade/
index 7b172957e7..93dc0dbd47 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/trade/
+++ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/trade/
@@ -590,141 +590,140 @@ public abstract class Trade implements Tradable, Model {
     public void initialize(ProcessModelServiceProvider serviceProvider) {
-        ThreadUtils.await(() -> {
-            if (isInitialized) throw new IllegalStateException(getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + getId() + " is already initialized");
+        if (isInitialized) throw new IllegalStateException(getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + getId() + " is already initialized");
-            // check if done
-            if (isPayoutUnlocked()) {
-                clearAndShutDown();
-                return;
-            }
+        // done if payout unlocked
+        if (isPayoutUnlocked()) {
+            clearAndShutDown();
+            return;
+        }
-            // set arbitrator pub key ring once known
-            serviceProvider.getArbitratorManager().getDisputeAgentByNodeAddress(getArbitratorNodeAddress()).ifPresent(arbitrator -> {
-                getArbitrator().setPubKeyRing(arbitrator.getPubKeyRing());
+        // set arbitrator pub key ring once known
+        serviceProvider.getArbitratorManager().getDisputeAgentByNodeAddress(getArbitratorNodeAddress()).ifPresent(arbitrator -> {
+            getArbitrator().setPubKeyRing(arbitrator.getPubKeyRing());
+        });
+        // handle connection change on dedicated thread
+        xmrConnectionService.addConnectionListener(connection -> {
+            ThreadUtils.submitToPool(() -> { // TODO: remove this?
+                ThreadUtils.execute(() -> onConnectionChanged(connection), getConnectionChangedThreadId());
+        });
-            // handle connection change on dedicated thread
-            xmrConnectionService.addConnectionListener(connection -> {
-                ThreadUtils.submitToPool(() -> { // TODO: remove this?
-                    ThreadUtils.execute(() -> onConnectionChanged(connection), getConnectionChangedThreadId());
-                });
-            });
+        // reset buyer's payment sent state if no ack receive
+        if (this instanceof BuyerTrade && getState().ordinal() >= Trade.State.BUYER_CONFIRMED_PAYMENT_SENT.ordinal() && getState().ordinal() < Trade.State.BUYER_STORED_IN_MAILBOX_PAYMENT_SENT_MSG.ordinal()) {
+            log.warn("Resetting state of {} {} from {} to {} because no ack was received", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId(), getState(), Trade.State.DEPOSIT_TXS_UNLOCKED_IN_BLOCKCHAIN);
+            setState(Trade.State.DEPOSIT_TXS_UNLOCKED_IN_BLOCKCHAIN);
+        }
-            // reset buyer's payment sent state if no ack receive
-            if (this instanceof BuyerTrade && getState().ordinal() >= Trade.State.BUYER_CONFIRMED_PAYMENT_SENT.ordinal() && getState().ordinal() < Trade.State.BUYER_STORED_IN_MAILBOX_PAYMENT_SENT_MSG.ordinal()) {
-                log.warn("Resetting state of {} {} from {} to {} because no ack was received", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId(), getState(), Trade.State.DEPOSIT_TXS_UNLOCKED_IN_BLOCKCHAIN);
-                setState(Trade.State.DEPOSIT_TXS_UNLOCKED_IN_BLOCKCHAIN);
-            }
+        // reset seller's payment received state if no ack receive
+        if (this instanceof SellerTrade && getState().ordinal() >= Trade.State.SELLER_CONFIRMED_PAYMENT_RECEIPT.ordinal() && getState().ordinal() < Trade.State.SELLER_STORED_IN_MAILBOX_PAYMENT_RECEIVED_MSG.ordinal()) {
+            log.warn("Resetting state of {} {} from {} to {} because no ack was received", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId(), getState(), Trade.State.BUYER_SENT_PAYMENT_SENT_MSG);
+            setState(Trade.State.BUYER_SENT_PAYMENT_SENT_MSG);
+        }
-            // reset seller's payment received state if no ack receive
-            if (this instanceof SellerTrade && getState().ordinal() >= Trade.State.SELLER_CONFIRMED_PAYMENT_RECEIPT.ordinal() && getState().ordinal() < Trade.State.SELLER_STORED_IN_MAILBOX_PAYMENT_RECEIVED_MSG.ordinal()) {
-                log.warn("Resetting state of {} {} from {} to {} because no ack was received", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId(), getState(), Trade.State.BUYER_SENT_PAYMENT_SENT_MSG);
-                setState(Trade.State.BUYER_SENT_PAYMENT_SENT_MSG);
-            }
+        // handle trade state events
+        tradeStateSubscription = EasyBind.subscribe(stateProperty, newValue -> {
+            if (!isInitialized || isShutDownStarted) return;
+            ThreadUtils.execute(() -> {
+                if (newValue == Trade.State.MULTISIG_COMPLETED) {
+                    updateWalletRefreshPeriod();
+                    startPolling();
+                }
+            }, getId());
+        });
-            // handle trade state events
-            tradeStateSubscription = EasyBind.subscribe(stateProperty, newValue -> {
-                if (isShutDownStarted) return;
-                ThreadUtils.execute(() -> {
-                    if (newValue == Trade.State.MULTISIG_COMPLETED) {
-                        updateWalletRefreshPeriod();
-                        startPolling();
-                    }
-                }, getId());
-            });
-            // handle trade phase events
-            tradePhaseSubscription = EasyBind.subscribe(phaseProperty, newValue -> {
-                if (isShutDownStarted) return;
-                ThreadUtils.execute(() -> {
-                    if (isDepositsPublished() && !isPayoutUnlocked()) updateWalletRefreshPeriod();
-                    if (isPaymentReceived()) {
-                        UserThread.execute(() -> {
-                            if (tradePhaseSubscription != null) {
-                                tradePhaseSubscription.unsubscribe();
-                                tradePhaseSubscription = null;
-                            }
-                        });
-                    }
-                }, getId());
-            });
-            // handle payout events
-            payoutStateSubscription = EasyBind.subscribe(payoutStateProperty, newValue -> {
-                if (isShutDownStarted) return;
-                ThreadUtils.execute(() -> {
-                    if (isPayoutPublished()) updateWalletRefreshPeriod();
-                    // handle when payout published
-                    if (newValue == Trade.PayoutState.PAYOUT_PUBLISHED) {
-              "Payout published for {} {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId());
-                        // sync main wallet to update pending balance
-                        new Thread(() -> {
-                            GenUtils.waitFor(1000);
-                            if (isShutDownStarted) return;
-                            if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(xmrConnectionService.isConnected())) xmrWalletService.syncWallet(xmrWalletService.getWallet());
-                        }).start();
-                        // complete disputed trade
-                        if (getDisputeState().isArbitrated() && !getDisputeState().isClosed()) {
-                            processModel.getTradeManager().closeDisputedTrade(getId(), Trade.DisputeState.DISPUTE_CLOSED);
-                            if (!isArbitrator()) for (Dispute dispute : getDisputes()) dispute.setIsClosed(); // auto close trader tickets
+        // handle trade phase events
+        tradePhaseSubscription = EasyBind.subscribe(phaseProperty, newValue -> {
+            if (!isInitialized || isShutDownStarted) return;
+            ThreadUtils.execute(() -> {
+                if (isDepositsPublished() && !isPayoutUnlocked()) updateWalletRefreshPeriod();
+                if (isPaymentReceived()) {
+                    UserThread.execute(() -> {
+                        if (tradePhaseSubscription != null) {
+                            tradePhaseSubscription.unsubscribe();
+                            tradePhaseSubscription = null;
+                    });
+                }
+            }, getId());
+        });
-                        // auto complete arbitrator trade
-                        if (isArbitrator() && !isCompleted()) processModel.getTradeManager().onTradeCompleted(this);
+        // handle payout events
+        payoutStateSubscription = EasyBind.subscribe(payoutStateProperty, newValue -> {
+            if (!isInitialized || isShutDownStarted) return;
+            ThreadUtils.execute(() -> {
+                if (isPayoutPublished()) updateWalletRefreshPeriod();
-                        // reset address entries
-                        processModel.getXmrWalletService().resetAddressEntriesForTrade(getId());
+                // handle when payout published
+                if (newValue == Trade.PayoutState.PAYOUT_PUBLISHED) {
+          "Payout published for {} {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId());
+                    // sync main wallet to update pending balance
+                    new Thread(() -> {
+                        GenUtils.waitFor(1000);
+                        if (isShutDownStarted) return;
+                        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(xmrConnectionService.isConnected())) xmrWalletService.syncWallet(xmrWalletService.getWallet());
+                    }).start();
+                    // complete disputed trade
+                    if (getDisputeState().isArbitrated() && !getDisputeState().isClosed()) {
+                        processModel.getTradeManager().closeDisputedTrade(getId(), Trade.DisputeState.DISPUTE_CLOSED);
+                        if (!isArbitrator()) for (Dispute dispute : getDisputes()) dispute.setIsClosed(); // auto close trader tickets
-                    // handle when payout unlocks
-                    if (newValue == Trade.PayoutState.PAYOUT_UNLOCKED) {
-                        if (!isInitialized) return;
-              "Payout unlocked for {} {}, deleting multisig wallet", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId());
-                        clearAndShutDown();
-                    }
-                }, getId());
-            });
+                    // auto complete arbitrator trade
+                    if (isArbitrator() && !isCompleted()) processModel.getTradeManager().onTradeCompleted(this);
-            // arbitrator syncs idle wallet when payout unlock expected
-            if (this instanceof ArbitratorTrade) {
-                idlePayoutSyncer = new IdlePayoutSyncer();
-                xmrWalletService.addWalletListener(idlePayoutSyncer);
-            }
-            // TODO: buyer's payment sent message state property can become unsynced (after improper shut down?)
-            if (isBuyer()) {
-                MessageState expectedState = getPaymentSentMessageState();
-                if (expectedState != null && expectedState != processModel.getPaymentSentMessageStateProperty().get()) {
-                    log.warn("Updating unexpected payment sent message state for {} {}, expected={}, actual={}", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId(), expectedState, processModel.getPaymentSentMessageStateProperty().get());
-                    processModel.getPaymentSentMessageStateProperty().set(expectedState);
+                    // reset address entries
+                    processModel.getXmrWalletService().resetAddressEntriesForTrade(getId());
-            }
-            // trade is initialized
-            isInitialized = true;
-            // done if payout unlocked or deposit not requested
-            if (!isDepositRequested() || isPayoutUnlocked()) return;
-            // done if wallet does not exist
-            if (!walletExists()) {
-                MoneroTx payoutTx = getPayoutTx();
-                if (payoutTx != null && payoutTx.getNumConfirmations() >= 10) {
-                    log.warn("Payout state for {} {} is {} but payout is unlocked, updating state", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId(), getPayoutState());
-                    setPayoutStateUnlocked();
-                    return;
-                } else {
-                    throw new IllegalStateException("Missing trade wallet for " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + getId());
+                // handle when payout unlocks
+                if (newValue == Trade.PayoutState.PAYOUT_UNLOCKED) {
+                    if (!isInitialized) return;
+          "Payout unlocked for {} {}, deleting multisig wallet", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId());
+                    clearAndShutDown();
-            }
+            }, getId());
+        });
-            // initialize syncing and polling
-            initSyncing();
-        }, getId());
+        // arbitrator syncs idle wallet when payout unlock expected
+        if (this instanceof ArbitratorTrade) {
+            idlePayoutSyncer = new IdlePayoutSyncer();
+            xmrWalletService.addWalletListener(idlePayoutSyncer);
+        }
+        // TODO: buyer's payment sent message state property can become unsynced (after improper shut down?)
+        if (isBuyer()) {
+            MessageState expectedState = getPaymentSentMessageState();
+            if (expectedState != null && expectedState != processModel.getPaymentSentMessageStateProperty().get()) {
+                log.warn("Updating unexpected payment sent message state for {} {}, expected={}, actual={}", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId(), expectedState, processModel.getPaymentSentMessageStateProperty().get());
+                processModel.getPaymentSentMessageStateProperty().set(expectedState);
+            }
+        }
+        // trade is initialized
+        isInitialized = true;
+        // done if deposit not requested or payout unlocked
+        if (!isDepositRequested() || isPayoutUnlocked()) return;
+        // open wallet or done if wallet does not exist
+        if (walletExists()) getWallet();
+        else {
+            MoneroTx payoutTx = getPayoutTx();
+            if (payoutTx != null && payoutTx.getNumConfirmations() >= 10) {
+                log.warn("Payout state for {} {} is {} but payout is unlocked, updating state", getClass().getSimpleName(), getId(), getPayoutState());
+                setPayoutStateUnlocked();
+                return;
+            } else {
+                throw new IllegalStateException("Missing trade wallet for " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + getId());
+            }
+        }
+        // initialize syncing and polling
+        tryInitSyncing();
     public void requestPersistence() {
@@ -1940,12 +1939,12 @@ public abstract class Trade implements Tradable, Model {
             // sync and reprocess messages on new thread
             if (isInitialized && connection != null && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(connection.isConnected())) {
-                ThreadUtils.execute(() -> initSyncing(), getId());
+                ThreadUtils.execute(() -> tryInitSyncing(), getId());
-    private void initSyncing() {
+    private void tryInitSyncing() {
         if (isShutDownStarted) return;
         if (!isIdling()) {