diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e490a7c905..c858a8ccab 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -16,28 +16,6 @@ See: https://bitcoinj.github.io/testing You can change the network mode in the guice module: BitSquareModule.java -### Implemented (prototype level): -* Orderbook with filtering offers by amount, price, order type, trading account(buy, sell) -* Create offer -* Take offer -* Simple persistence -* bitcoinj integration -* Setup with account registration and tx with OP_RETURN + embedded and blinded bank account data -* Offer fee payment with a OP_RETURN tx and fees to miners -* Pay in to MS fund -* Payout from MS fund -* TomP2P as messaging lib integrated and basic use cases in msg screen implemented: orderbook, add order, remove order, peer interaction -* Payment process implemented with messaging for Offerer buy BTC case -* Hash of contract data embedded into tx (OP_RETURN) -* Arbitrator integration concept -* Conceptual refinements -* Develop funding model - -### Next steps: -* Start development of production version -* Other trade variants (Buy BTC taker, Sell BTC offerer, Sell BTC offerer) - - ### Screenshots of basic the use cases: * [Registration screen 1](https://github.com/bitsquare/bitsquare/tree/master/screenshots/registration_3.png) * [Registration screen 2](https://github.com/bitsquare/bitsquare/tree/master/screenshots/registration_bank_account.png)