From cfaf163bbc42540e3fa594aaa5928c2261bfc259 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: woodser Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 18:46:32 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] update account limit hyperlinks --- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 6 +++--- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- .../src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 6 +++--- core/src/main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- .../main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- .../main/resources/i18n/ | 4 ++-- .../desktop/components/ | 2 +- 17 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index f3a67e4013..c4becc9357 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=This offer cannot be taken due t offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\n\ After successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\n\ - For more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:]. + For more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:]. popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n\ - The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n\ @@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amou \n\ This limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\ \n\ - See more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. + See more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based \ on the following 2 factors:\n\n\ @@ -2669,7 +2669,7 @@ limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade \n\ These limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\ \n\ - See more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. + See more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. confirm your bank allows you to send cash deposits into other peoples' accounts. \ For example, Bank of America and Wells Fargo no longer allow such deposits. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 161a6be719..cb8af0709f 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1969,9 +1969,9 @@ři používání MoneyGram musí XMR kupující zaslatři používání služby Western Union musí kupující XMR zaslat prodejci XMR e-mailem MTCN (sledovací číslo) a fotografii potvrzení. Potvrzení musí jasně uvádět celé jméno prodejce, město, zemi a částku. E-mail prodávajícího se kupujícímu zobrazí během procesu obchodování.ři používání HalCash musí kupující XMR poslat prodejci XMR kód HalCash prostřednictvím textové zprávy z mobilního telefonu.\n\nUjistěte se, že nepřekračujete maximální částku, kterou vám banka umožňuje odesílat pomocí HalCash. Min. částka za výběr je 10 EUR a max. částka je 600 EUR. Pro opakované výběry je to 3000 EUR za příjemce za den a 6000 EUR za příjemce za měsíc. Zkontrolujte prosím tyto limity u své banky, abyste se ujistili, že používají stejné limity, jaké jsou zde uvedeny.\n\nČástka pro výběr musí být násobkem 10 EUR, protože z bankomatu nemůžete vybrat jiné částky. Uživatelské rozhraní na obrazovce vytvořit-nabídku and přijmout-nabídku upraví částku XMR tak, aby částka EUR byla správná. Nemůžete použít tržní cenu, protože částka v EURECH se mění s měnícími se cenami.\n\nV případě sporu musí kupující XMR poskytnout důkaz, že zaslal EURA. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"ědomte si, že u všech bankovních převodů existuje určité riziko zpětného zúčtování. Aby se toto riziko zmírnilo, stanoví Haveno limity pro jednotlivé obchody na základě odhadované úrovně rizika zpětného zúčtování pro použitou platební metodu.\n\nU této platební metody je váš limit pro jednotlivé obchody pro nákup a prodej {2}.\n\nToto omezení se vztahuje pouze na velikost jednoho obchodu - můžete zadat tolik obchodů, kolik chcete.\n\nDalší podrobnosti najdete na wiki [HYPERLINK:].ědomte si, že u všech bankovních převodů existuje určité riziko zpětného zúčtování. Aby se toto riziko zmírnilo, stanoví Haveno limity pro jednotlivé obchody na základě odhadované úrovně rizika zpětného zúčtování pro použitou platební metodu.\n\nU této platební metody je váš limit pro jednotlivé obchody pro nákup a prodej {2}.\n\nToto omezení se vztahuje pouze na velikost jednoho obchodu - můžete zadat tolik obchodů, kolik chcete.\n\nDalší podrobnosti najdete na wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" se omezilo riziko zpětného zúčtování, Haveno stanoví limity pro jednotlivé obchody pro tento typ platebního účtu na základě následujících 2 faktorů:\n\n1. Obecné riziko zpětného zúčtování pro platební metodu\n2. Stav podepisování účtu\n\nTento platební účet ještě není podepsán, takže je omezen na nákup {0} za obchod. Po podpisu se limity nákupu zvýší následovně:\n\n● Před podpisem a 30 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {0}\n● 30 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {1}\n● 60 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {2}\n\nPodpisy účtu neovlivňují prodejní limity. Můžete okamžitě prodat {2} v jednom obchodu.\n\nTato omezení platí pouze pro objem jednoho obchodu - můžete zadat tolik obchodů, kolik chcete.\n\nDalší podrobnosti najdete na wiki [HYPERLINK:]. se omezilo riziko zpětného zúčtování, Haveno stanoví limity pro jednotlivé obchody pro tento typ platebního účtu na základě následujících 2 faktorů:\n\n1. Obecné riziko zpětného zúčtování pro platební metodu\n2. Stav podepisování účtu\n\nTento platební účet ještě není podepsán, takže je omezen na nákup {0} za obchod. Po podpisu se limity nákupu zvýší následovně:\n\n● Před podpisem a 30 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {0}\n● 30 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {1}\n● 60 dní po podpisu bude váš limit nákupu podle obchodu {2}\n\nPodpisy účtu neovlivňují prodejní limity. Můžete okamžitě prodat {2} v jednom obchodu.\n\nTato omezení platí pouze pro objem jednoho obchodu - můžete zadat tolik obchodů, kolik chcete.\n\nDalší podrobnosti najdete na wiki [HYPERLINK:].ďte, že vám vaše banka umožňuje odesílat hotovostní vklady na účty jiných lidí. Například Bank of America a Wells Fargo již takové vklady nepovolují. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 198b5999f2..b920ec9c48 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1970,9 +1970,9 @@ der Nutzung von MoneyGram, muss der XMR Käufer die M der Nutzung von Western Union, muss der XMR Käufer die MTCN (Tracking-Nummer) Foto der Quittung per E-Mail an den XMR-Verkäufer senden. Die Quittung muss den vollständigen Namen, das Land, die Stadt des Verkäufers und den Betrag deutlich zeigen. Der Käufer bekommt die E-Mail-Adresse des Verkäufers im Handelsprozess angezeigt. Verwendung von HalCash muss der XMR-Käufer dem XMR-Verkäufer den HalCash-Code per SMS vom Mobiltelefon senden.\n\nBitte achten Sie darauf, dass Sie den maximalen Betrag, den Sie bei Ihrer Bank mit HalCash versenden dürfen, nicht überschreiten. Der Mindestbetrag pro Auszahlung beträgt 10 EUR und der Höchstbetrag 600 EUR. Bei wiederholten Abhebungen sind es 3000 EUR pro Empfänger pro Tag und 6000 EUR pro Empfänger pro Monat. Bitte überprüfen Sie diese Limits bei Ihrer Bank, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die gleichen Limits wie hier angegeben verwenden.\n\nDer Auszahlungsbetrag muss ein Vielfaches von 10 EUR betragen, da Sie keine anderen Beträge an einem Geldautomaten abheben können. Die Benutzeroberfläche beim Erstellen und Annehmen eines Angebots passt den XMR-Betrag so an, dass der EUR-Betrag korrekt ist. Sie können keinen marktbasierten Preis verwenden, da sich der EUR-Betrag bei sich ändernden Preisen ändern würde.\n\nIm Streitfall muss der XMR-Käufer den Nachweis erbringen, dass er die EUR geschickt hat. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" beachten Sie, dass alle Banküberweisungen mit einem gewissen Rückbuchungsrisiko verbunden sind. Um dieses Risiko zu mindern, setzt Haveno Limits pro Trade fest, je nachdem wie hoch das Rückbuchungsrisiko der Zahlungsmethode ist. \n\nFür diese Zahlungsmethode beträgt Ihr Pro-Trade-Limit zum Kaufen oder Verkaufen {2}.\nDieses Limit gilt nur für die Größe eines einzelnen Trades - Sie können soviele Trades platzieren wie Sie möchten.\n\nFinden Sie mehr Informationen im Wiki [HYPERLINK:]. beachten Sie, dass alle Banküberweisungen mit einem gewissen Rückbuchungsrisiko verbunden sind. Um dieses Risiko zu mindern, setzt Haveno Limits pro Trade fest, je nachdem wie hoch das Rückbuchungsrisiko der Zahlungsmethode ist. \n\nFür diese Zahlungsmethode beträgt Ihr Pro-Trade-Limit zum Kaufen oder Verkaufen {2}.\nDieses Limit gilt nur für die Größe eines einzelnen Trades - Sie können soviele Trades platzieren wie Sie möchten.\n\nFinden Sie mehr Informationen im Wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" das Risiko einer Rückbuchung zu minimieren, setzt Haveno für diese Zahlungsmethode Limits pro Trade auf der Grundlage der folgenden 2 Faktoren fest:\n\n1. Allgemeines Rückbuchungsrisiko für die Zahlungsmethode\n2. Status der Kontounterzeichnung\n\nDieses Zahlungskonto ist noch nicht unterzeichnet. Es ist daher auf den Kauf von {0} pro Trade beschränkt ist. Nach der Unterzeichnung werden die Kauflimits wie folgt erhöht:\n\n● Vor der Unterzeichnung und für 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {0}\n● 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {1}\n● 60 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {2}\n\nVerkaufslimits sind von der Kontounterzeichnung nicht betroffen. Sie können {2} in einem einzigen Trade sofort verkaufen.\n\nDieses Limit gilt nur für die Größe eines einzelnen Trades - Sie können soviele Trades platzieren wie sie möchten.\n\nWeitere Informationen gibt es im Wiki [HYPERLINK:]. das Risiko einer Rückbuchung zu minimieren, setzt Haveno für diese Zahlungsmethode Limits pro Trade auf der Grundlage der folgenden 2 Faktoren fest:\n\n1. Allgemeines Rückbuchungsrisiko für die Zahlungsmethode\n2. Status der Kontounterzeichnung\n\nDieses Zahlungskonto ist noch nicht unterzeichnet. Es ist daher auf den Kauf von {0} pro Trade beschränkt ist. Nach der Unterzeichnung werden die Kauflimits wie folgt erhöht:\n\n● Vor der Unterzeichnung und für 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {0}\n● 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {1}\n● 60 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {2}\n\nVerkaufslimits sind von der Kontounterzeichnung nicht betroffen. Sie können {2} in einem einzigen Trade sofort verkaufen.\n\nDieses Limit gilt nur für die Größe eines einzelnen Trades - Sie können soviele Trades platzieren wie sie möchten.\n\nWeitere Informationen gibt es im Wiki [HYPERLINK:]. bestätigen Sie, dass Ihre Bank Bareinzahlungen in Konten von anderen Personen erlaubt. Zum Beispiel werden diese Einzahlungen bei der Bank of America und Wells Fargo nicht mehr erlaubt. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 17115d059d..9fd52c5773 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1971,9 +1971,9 @@ utilizar MoneyGram, el comprador de XMR tiene que envi utilizar Western Union, el comprador de XMR tiene que enviar el número de seguimiento (MTCN) y una foto del recibo al vendedor de XMR por correo electrónico. El recibo debe mostrar claramente el como el nombre completo del vendedor, país, ciudad y cantidad. Al comprador se le mostrará el correo electrónico del vendedor en el proceso de intercambio. usar HalCash el comprador de XMR necesita enviar al vendedor de XMR el código HalCash a través de un mensaje de texto desde el teléfono móvil.\n\nPor favor asegúrese de que no excede la cantidad máxima que su banco le permite enviar con HalCash. La cantidad mínima por retirada es de 10 EUR y el máximo son 600 EUR. Para retiros frecuentes es 3000 por receptor al día y 6000 por receptor al mes. Por favor compruebe estos límites con su banco y asegúrese que son los mismos aquí expuestos.\n\nLa cantidad de retiro debe ser un múltiplo de 10 EUR ya que no se puede retirar otras cantidades desde el cajero automático. La Interfaz de Usuario en la pantalla crear oferta y tomar oferta ajustará la cantidad de XMR para que la cantidad de EUR sea correcta. No puede usar precios basados en el mercado ya que la cantidad de EUR cambiaría con el cambio de precios.\n\nEn caso de disputa el comprador de XMR necesita proveer la prueba de que ha enviado EUR. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" favor, tenga en cuenta que todas las transferencias bancarias tienen cierto riesgo de reversión de pago.\n\nPara disminuir este riesgo, Haveno establece límites por intercambio en función del nivel estimado de riesgo de reversión de pago para el método usado.\n\nPara este método de pago, su límite por intercambio para comprar y vender es {2}.\n\nEste límite solo aplica al tamaño de un intercambio: puede poner tantos intercambios como quira.\n\nConsulte detalles en la wiki [HYPERLINK:]. favor, tenga en cuenta que todas las transferencias bancarias tienen cierto riesgo de reversión de pago.\n\nPara disminuir este riesgo, Haveno establece límites por intercambio en función del nivel estimado de riesgo de reversión de pago para el método usado.\n\nPara este método de pago, su límite por intercambio para comprar y vender es {2}.\n\nEste límite solo aplica al tamaño de un intercambio: puede poner tantos intercambios como quira.\n\nConsulte detalles en la wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limitar el riesgo de devolución de cargo, Haveno establece límites por compra basados en los 2 siguientes factores:\n\n1. Riesgo general de devolución de cargo para el método de pago\n2. Estado de firmado de cuenta\n\nEsta cuenta de pago aún no ha sido firmada, con lo que ha sido limitada para comprar {0} por intercambio. Después de firmarse, los límites de compra se incrementarán de esta manera:\n\n● Antes de ser firmada, y hasta 30 días después de la firma, su límite por intercambio de compra será {0}\n● 30 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {1}\n● 60 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {2}\n\nLos límites de venta no se ven afectados por el firmado de cuentas. Puede vender {2} en un solo \nintercambio inmediatamente.\n\nEstos límites solo aplican al tamaño de un intercambio. Puede hacer tantos intercambios como quiera.\n\n Consulte detalles en la wiki [HYPERLINK:].\n\n limitar el riesgo de devolución de cargo, Haveno establece límites por compra basados en los 2 siguientes factores:\n\n1. Riesgo general de devolución de cargo para el método de pago\n2. Estado de firmado de cuenta\n\nEsta cuenta de pago aún no ha sido firmada, con lo que ha sido limitada para comprar {0} por intercambio. Después de firmarse, los límites de compra se incrementarán de esta manera:\n\n● Antes de ser firmada, y hasta 30 días después de la firma, su límite por intercambio de compra será {0}\n● 30 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {1}\n● 60 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {2}\n\nLos límites de venta no se ven afectados por el firmado de cuentas. Puede vender {2} en un solo \nintercambio inmediatamente.\n\nEstos límites solo aplican al tamaño de un intercambio. Puede hacer tantos intercambios como quiera.\n\n Consulte detalles en la wiki [HYPERLINK:].\n\n favor confirme que su banco permite enviar depósitos de efectivo a cuentas de otras personas. Por ejemplo, Bank of America y Wells Fargo ya no permiten estos depósitos. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index f6db7fffd2..539c3287ab 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1963,9 +1963,9 @@ using MoneyGram the XMR buyer has to send the Author using Western Union the XMR buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the XMR seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.زمانی که از HalCash استفاده می‌کنید، خریدار باید کد HalCash را از طریق پیام کوتاه موبایل به فروشنده XMR ارسال کند.\n\nلطفا مطمئن شوید که از حداکثر میزانی که بانک شما برای انتقال از طریق HalCash مجاز می‌داند تجاوز نکرده‌اید. حداقل مقداردر هر برداشت معادل 10 یورو و حداکثر مقدار 600 یورو می‌باشد. این محدودیت برای برداشت‌های تکراری برای هر گیرنده در روز 3000 یورو و در ماه 6000 یورو می‌باشد. لطفا این محدودیت‌ها را با بانک خود مطابقت دهید و مطمئن شوید که آنها هم همین محدودی‌ها را دارند.\n\nمقدار برداشت باید شریبی از 10 یورو باشد چرا که مقادیر غیر از این را نمی‌توانید از طریق ATM برداشت کنید. رابط کاربری در صفحه ساخت پینشهاد و پذیرش پیشنهاد مقدار XMR را به گونه‌ای تنظیم می‌کنند که مقدار EUR درست باشد. شما نمی‌توانید از قیمت بر مبنای بازار استفاده کنید چون مقدار یورو با تغییر قیمت‌ها عوض خواهد شد.\n\nدر صورت بروز اختلاف خریدار XMR باید شواهد مربوط به ارسال یورو را ارائه دهد. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].لطفا مطمئن شوید که بانک شما اجازه پرداخت سپرده نفد به حساب دیگر افراد را می‌دهد. برای مثال، Bank of America و Wells Fargo دیگر اجازه چنین پرداخت‌هایی را نمی‌دهند. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 400f58cdc4..cacd919ca6 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1972,9 +1972,9 @@ de l'utilisation de MoneyGram, l'acheteur de XMR doi de l'utilisation de Western Union, l'acheteur XMR doit envoyer le MTCN (numéro de suivi) et une photo du reçu par e-mail au vendeur de XMR. Le reçu doit indiquer clairement le nom complet du vendeur, la ville, le pays et le montant. L'acheteur verra ensuite s'afficher l'email du vendeur pendant le processus de transaction. de l'utilisation de HalCash, l'acheteur de XMR doit envoyer au vendeur de XMR le code HalCash par SMS depuis son téléphone portable.\n\nVeuillez vous assurer de ne pas dépasser le montant maximum que votre banque vous permet d'envoyer avec HalCash. Le montant minimum par retrait est de 10 EUR et le montant maximum est de 600 EUR. Pour les retraits récurrents, il est de 3000 EUR par destinataire par jour et 6000 EUR par destinataire par mois. Veuillez vérifier ces limites auprès de votre banque pour vous assurer qu'elles utilisent les mêmes limites que celles indiquées ici.\n\nLe montant du retrait doit être un multiple de 10 EUR car vous ne pouvez pas retirer d'autres montants à un distributeur automatique. Pendant les phases de create-offer et take-offer l'affichage de l'interface utilisateur ajustera le montant en XMR afin que le montant en euros soit correct. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le prix basé sur le marché, car le montant en euros varierait en fonction de l'évolution des prix.\n\nEn cas de litige, l'acheteur de XMR doit fournir la preuve qu'il a envoyé la somme en EUR. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" que tous les virements bancaires comportent un certain risque de rétrofacturation. Pour mitiger ce risque, Haveno fixe des limites par trade en fonction du niveau estimé de risque de rétrofacturation pour la méthode de paiement utilisée.\n\nPour cette méthode de paiement, votre limite de trading pour l'achat et la vente est de {2}.\n\nCette limite ne s'applique qu'à la taille d'une seule transaction. Vous pouvez effectuer autant de transactions que vous le souhaitez.\n\nVous trouverez plus de détails sur le wiki [HYPERLINK:]. que tous les virements bancaires comportent un certain risque de rétrofacturation. Pour mitiger ce risque, Haveno fixe des limites par trade en fonction du niveau estimé de risque de rétrofacturation pour la méthode de paiement utilisée.\n\nPour cette méthode de paiement, votre limite de trading pour l'achat et la vente est de {2}.\n\nCette limite ne s'applique qu'à la taille d'une seule transaction. Vous pouvez effectuer autant de transactions que vous le souhaitez.\n\nVous trouverez plus de détails sur le wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" de limiter le risque de rétrofacturation des achats, Haveno fixe des limites d'achat par transaction pour ce compte de paiement basé sur les 2 facteurs suivants :\n\n1. Risque de rétrofacturation pour le mode de paiement\n2. Statut de signature du compte\n\nCe compte de paiement n'est pas encore signé, il est donc limité à l'achat de {0} par trade. Après sa signature, les limites d'achat augmenteront comme suit :\n\n● Avant la signature, et jusqu'à 30 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {0}\n● 30 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {1}\n● 60 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {2}\n\nLes limites de vente ne sont pas affectées par la signature du compte. Vous pouvez vendre {2} en un seul trade immédiatement.\n\nCes limites s'appliquent uniquement à la taille d'un seul trade-vous pouvez placer autant de trades que vous voulez.\n\n Pour plus d''nformations, rendez vous à [LIEN:]. de limiter le risque de rétrofacturation des achats, Haveno fixe des limites d'achat par transaction pour ce compte de paiement basé sur les 2 facteurs suivants :\n\n1. Risque de rétrofacturation pour le mode de paiement\n2. Statut de signature du compte\n\nCe compte de paiement n'est pas encore signé, il est donc limité à l'achat de {0} par trade. Après sa signature, les limites d'achat augmenteront comme suit :\n\n● Avant la signature, et jusqu'à 30 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {0}\n● 30 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {1}\n● 60 jours après la signature, votre limite d'achat par trade sera de {2}\n\nLes limites de vente ne sont pas affectées par la signature du compte. Vous pouvez vendre {2} en un seul trade immédiatement.\n\nCes limites s'appliquent uniquement à la taille d'un seul trade-vous pouvez placer autant de trades que vous voulez.\n\n Pour plus d''nformations, rendez vous à [LIEN:]. confirmer que votre banque vous permet d'envoyer des dépôts en espèces sur le compte d'autres personnes. Par exemple, Bank of America et Wells Fargo n'autorisent plus de tels dépôts. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 4a8e6844d0..2bb5a9bb91 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1966,9 +1966,9 @@ using MoneyGram the XMR buyer has to send the Author using Western Union the XMR buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the XMR seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process. utilizza HalCash, l'acquirente XMR deve inviare al venditore XMR il codice HalCash tramite un messaggio di testo dal proprio telefono cellulare.\n\nAssicurati di non superare l'importo massimo che la tua banca ti consente di inviare con HalCash. L'importo minimo per prelievo è di 10 EURO, l'importo massimo è di 600 EURO. Per prelievi ripetuti è di 3000 EURO per destinatario al giorno e 6000 EURO per destintario al mese. Verifica i limiti con la tua banca per accertarti che utilizzino gli stessi limiti indicati qui.\n\nL'importo del prelievo deve essere un multiplo di 10 EURO in quanto non è possibile prelevare altri importi da un bancomat. L'interfaccia utente nella schermata di creazione offerta e accettazione offerta modificherà l'importo XMR in modo che l'importo in EURO sia corretto. Non è possibile utilizzare il prezzo di mercato poiché l'importo in EURO cambierebbe al variare dei prezzi.\n\nIn caso di controversia, l'acquirente XMR deve fornire la prova di aver inviato gli EURO. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. che la tua banca ti consente di inviare depositi in contanti su conti di altre persone. Ad esempio, Bank of America e Wells Fargo non consentono più tali depositi. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index afd3cd69d3..a6a77ca657 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1969,9 +1969,9 @@を使用する場合、XMRの買い手は認証 Unionを使用する場合、XMRの買い手はMTCN(追跡番号)と領収書の写真をEメールでXMRの売り手に送信する必要があります。領収書には、売り手の氏名、市区町村、国、金額を明確に記載する必要があります。トレードプロセスにて、売り手のEメールは買い手に表示されます。を使用する場合、XMRの買い手は携帯電話からのテキストメッセージを介してXMRの売り手にHalCashコードを送信する必要があります。\n\n銀行がHalCashで送金できる最大額を超えないようにしてください。 1回の出金あたりの最小金額は10EURで、最大金額は600EURです。繰り返し出金する場合は、1日に受取人1人あたり3000EUR、1ヶ月に受取人1人あたり6000EURです。あなたの銀行でも、ここに記載されているのと同じ制限を使用しているか、これらの制限を銀行と照合して確認してください。\n\n出金額は10の倍数EURでなければ、ATMから出金できません。 オファーの作成画面およびオファー受け入れ画面のUIは、EUR金額が正しくなるようにXMR金額を調整します。価格の変化とともにEURの金額は変化するため、市場ベースの価格を使用することはできません。\n\n係争が発生した場合、XMRの買い手はEURを送ったという証明を提出する必要があります。 # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"すべての銀行振込にはある程度の支払取り消しのリスクがあることに気を付けて下さい。\n\nこのリスクを軽減するために、Havenoは使用する支払い方法での支払取り消しリスクの推定レベルに基づいてトレードごとの制限を設定します。\n\n現在使用する支払い方法では、トレードごとの売買制限は{2}です。\n\n制限は各トレードの量のみに適用されることに注意して下さい。トレードできる合計回数には制限はありません。\n\n詳しくはWikiを調べて下さい [HYPERLINK:] 。すべての銀行振込にはある程度の支払取り消しのリスクがあることに気を付けて下さい。\n\nこのリスクを軽減するために、Havenoは使用する支払い方法での支払取り消しリスクの推定レベルに基づいてトレードごとの制限を設定します。\n\n現在使用する支払い方法では、トレードごとの売買制限は{2}です。\n\n制限は各トレードの量のみに適用されることに注意して下さい。トレードできる合計回数には制限はありません。\n\n詳しくはWikiを調べて下さい [HYPERLINK:] 。 # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"支払取り消しのリスクを軽減するために、Havenoはこの支払いアカウントに下記の2つの要因に基づいてトレードごとの制限を設定します。\n\n1.使用する支払い方法での支払取り消しリスクの推定レベル\n2.アカウントの署名状況\n\nこの支払いアカウントはまだ無署名ですので、トレードごとに{0}の買い制限があります。 アカウントが署名される後、トレードごとの制限は以下のように成長します:\n\n●署名の前、そして署名から30日間までに、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{0}になります\n●署名から30日間後に、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{1}になります\n●署名から60日間後に、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{2}になります\n\n売り制限は署名状況に関係がありません。現在のところ、1トレードあたりに{2}を売ることができます。\n\n制限は各トレードの量のみに適用されることに注意して下さい。取引できる合計回数には制限はありません。\n\n詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:]支払取り消しのリスクを軽減するために、Havenoはこの支払いアカウントに下記の2つの要因に基づいてトレードごとの制限を設定します。\n\n1.使用する支払い方法での支払取り消しリスクの推定レベル\n2.アカウントの署名状況\n\nこの支払いアカウントはまだ無署名ですので、トレードごとに{0}の買い制限があります。 アカウントが署名される後、トレードごとの制限は以下のように成長します:\n\n●署名の前、そして署名から30日間までに、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{0}になります\n●署名から30日間後に、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{1}になります\n●署名から60日間後に、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{2}になります\n\n売り制限は署名状況に関係がありません。現在のところ、1トレードあたりに{2}を売ることができます。\n\n制限は各トレードの量のみに適用されることに注意して下さい。取引できる合計回数には制限はありません。\n\n詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:]あなたの銀行が他の人の口座に現金入金を送ることを許可していることを確認してください。たとえば、Bank of America と Wells Fargo では、こうした預金は許可されなくなりました。 diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index da457db45b..2960b16ca0 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1973,9 +1973,9 @@ using MoneyGram the XMR buyer has to send the Author using Western Union the XMR buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the XMR seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process. usar o HalCash, o comprador de XMR precisa enviar ao vendedor de XMR o código HalCash através de uma mensagem de texto do seu telefone.\n\nPor favor, certifique-se de não exceder a quantia máxima que seu banco lhe permite enviar com o HalCash. O valor mínimo de saque é de 10 euros e valor máximo é de 600 EUR. Para saques repetidos é de 3000 euros por destinatário por dia e 6000 euros por destinatário por mês. Por favor confirme esses limites com seu banco para ter certeza de que eles usam os mesmos limites mencionados aqui.\n\nO valor de saque deve ser um múltiplo de 10 euros, pois você não pode sacar notas diferentes de uma ATM. Esse valor em XMR será ajustado na telas de criar e aceitar ofertas para que a quantia de EUR esteja correta. Você não pode usar o preço com base no mercado, pois o valor do EUR estaria mudando com a variação dos preços.\n\nEm caso de disputa, o comprador de XMR precisa fornecer a prova de que enviou o EUR. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. de que o seu banco permite a realização de depósitos em espécie na conta de terceiros. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index b3985a5692..0f20382ba4 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1963,9 +1963,9 @@ using MoneyGram the XMR buyer has to send the Author using Western Union the XMR buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the XMR seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process. usar o HalCash, o comprador de XMR precisa enviar ao vendedor de XMR o código HalCash através de uma mensagem de texto do seu telemóvel.\n\nPor favor, certifique-se de não exceder a quantia máxima que seu banco lhe permite enviar com o HalCash. A quantia mín. de levantamento é de 10 euros e a quantia máx. é de 600 EUR. Para levantamentos repetidos é de 3000 euros por recipiente por dia e 6000 euros por recipiente por mês. Por favor confirme esses limites com seu banco para ter certeza de que eles usam os mesmos limites mencionados aqui.\n\nA quantia de levantamento deve ser um múltiplo de 10 euros, pois você não pode levantar outras quantias de uma ATM. A interface do utilizador no ecrã para criar oferta e aceitar ofertas ajustará a quantia de XMR para que a quantia de EUR esteja correta. Você não pode usar o preço com base no mercado, pois o valor do EUR estaria mudando com a variação dos preços.\n\nEm caso de disputa, o comprador de XMR precisa fornecer a prova de que enviou o EUR. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. favor, confirme que seu banco permite-lhe enviar depósitos em dinheiro para contas de outras pessoas. Por exemplo, o Bank of America e o Wells Fargo não permitem mais esses depósitos. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 51d98e1ef4..864a75b73e 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1964,9 +1964,9 @@ using MoneyGram the XMR buyer has to send the Author using Western Union the XMR buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the XMR seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.Используя HalCash, покупатель XMR обязуется отправить продавцу XMR код HalCash через СМС с мобильного телефона.\n\nУбедитесь, что не вы не превысили максимальную сумму, которую ваш банк позволяет отправить с HalCash. Минимальная сумма на вывод средств составляет 10 EUR, а и максимальная — 600 EUR. При повторном выводе средств лимит составляет 3000 EUR на получателя в день и 6000 EUR на получателя в месяц. Просьба сверить эти лимиты с вашим банком и убедиться, что лимиты банка соответствуют лимитам, указанным здесь.\n\nВыводимая сумма должна быть кратна 10 EUR, так как другие суммы снять из банкомата невозможно. Приложение само отрегулирует сумму XMR, чтобы она соответствовала сумме в EUR, во время создания или принятия предложения. Вы не сможете использовать текущий рыночный курс, так как сумма в EUR будет меняться с изменением курса.\n\nВ случае спора покупателю XMR необходимо предоставить доказательство отправки EUR. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].Убедитесь, что ваш банк позволяет отправлять денежные переводы на счета других лиц. Например, Bank of America и Wells Fargo больше не разрешают такие переводы. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 5460e1074f..214d5d9e39 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1964,9 +1964,9 @@ using MoneyGram the XMR buyer has to send the Author using Western Union the XMR buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the XMR seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.เมื่อมีการใช้งาน HalCash ผู้ซื้อ XMR จำเป็นต้องส่งรหัส Halcash ให้กับผู้ขายทางข้อความโทรศัพท์มือถือ\n\nโปรดตรวจสอบว่าไม่เกินจำนวนเงินสูงสุดที่ธนาคารของคุณอนุญาตให้คุณส่งด้วย HalCash จำนวนเงินขั้นต่ำในการเบิกถอนคือ 10 EUR และสูงสุดในจำนวนเงิน 600 EUR สำหรับการถอนซ้ำเป็น 3000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อวัน และ 6000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อเดือน โปรดตรวจสอบข้อจำกัดจากทางธนาคารคุณเพื่อให้มั่นใจได้ว่าทางธนาคารได้มีการใช้มาตรฐานข้อกำหนดเดียวกันกับดังที่ระบุไว้ ณ ที่นี่\n\nจำนวนเงินที่ถอนจะต้องเป็นจำนวนเงินหลาย 10 EUR เนื่องจากคุณไม่สามารถถอนเงินอื่น ๆ ออกจากตู้เอทีเอ็มได้ UI ในหน้าจอสร้างข้อเสนอและรับข้อเสนอจะปรับจำนวนเงิน XMR เพื่อให้จำนวนเงิน EUR ถูกต้อง คุณไม่สามารถใช้ราคาตลาดเป็นจำนวนเงิน EUR ซึ่งจะเปลี่ยนแปลงไปตามราคาที่มีการปรับเปลี่ยน\n\nในกรณีที่มีข้อพิพาทผู้ซื้อ XMR ต้องแสดงหลักฐานว่าได้ส่ง EUR แล้ว # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:].โปรดยืนยันว่าธนาคารของคุณได้อนุมัติให้คุณสามารถส่งเงินสดให้กับบัญชีบุคคลอื่นได้ ตัวอย่างเช่น บางธนาคารที่ไม่ได้มีการบริการถ่ายโอนเงินสดอย่าง Bank of America และ Wells Fargo diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index d807f48aa5..cff8e62c70 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Karşı taraf ticaret kısıtlam offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Bu yazılım sürümü ile, ticaret yapan eşler birbirlerinin ödeme hesaplarını doğrulayabilir ve imzalayabilir, böylece güvenilir ödeme hesapları ağı oluşturulabilir.\n\n\ Doğrulanmış ödeme hesabı olan bir eş ile başarılı bir şekilde ticaret yaptıktan sonra, ödeme hesabınız imzalanır ve ticaret limitleri belirli bir zaman aralığından sonra kaldırılır (bu aralığın uzunluğu doğrulama yöntemine bağlıdır).\n\n\ - Hesap imzalama hakkında daha fazla bilgi için, lütfen [HYPERLINK:] belgelere bakın. + Hesap imzalama hakkında daha fazla bilgi için, lütfen [HYPERLINK:] belgelere bakın. popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=İzin verilen ticaret miktarı, aşağıdaki kriterlere dayanan güvenlik kısıtlamaları nedeniyle {0} ile sınırlıdır:\n\ - Alıcının hesabı bir hakem veya eş tarafından imzalanmamış\n\ @@ -2644,7 +2644,7 @@ütfen tüm banka transferlerinin belirli bir miktarda geri \n\ Bu limit yalnızca tek bir işlemin boyutuna uygulanır—istediğiniz kadar işlem yapabilirsiniz.\n\ \n\ - Daha fazla ayrıntı için wiki sayfasına bakın [HYPERLINK:]. + Daha fazla ayrıntı için wiki sayfasına bakın [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" ödeme riskini sınırlamak için, Haveno, bu ödeme hesabı türü için işlem başına limitler belirler \ aşağıdaki 2 faktöre dayanır:\n\n\ @@ -2662,7 +2662,7 @@ ödeme riskini sınırlamak için, Haveno, \n\ Bu limitler yalnızca tek bir işlemin boyutuna uygulanır—istediğiniz kadar işlem yapabilirsiniz. \n\ \n\ - Daha fazla ayrıntı için wiki sayfasına bakın [HYPERLINK:]. + Daha fazla ayrıntı için wiki sayfasına bakın [HYPERLINK:].ütfen bankanızın başka kişilerin hesaplarına nakit yatırma işlemlerine izin verdiğini onaylayın. \ Örneğin, Bank of America ve Wells Fargo gibi bankalar bu tür yatırımlara artık izin vermemektedir. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 321d1bb6b6..03a23db4fa 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1966,9 +1966,9 @@ using MoneyGram the XMR buyer has to send the Author using Western Union the XMR buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the XMR seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process. sử dụng HalCash người mua XMR cần phải gửi cho người bán XMR mã HalCash bằng tin nhắn điện thoại.\n\nVui lòng đảm bảo là lượng tiền này không vượt quá số lượng tối đa mà ngân hàng của bạn cho phép gửi khi dùng HalCash. Số lượng rút tối thiểu là 10 EUR và tối đa là 600 EUR. Nếu rút nhiều lần thì giới hạn sẽ là 3000 EUR/ người nhận/ ngày và 6000 EUR/người nhận/tháng. Vui lòng kiểm tra chéo những giới hạn này với ngân hàng của bạn để chắc chắn là họ cũng dùng những giới hạn như ghi ở đây.\n\nSố tiền rút phải là bội số của 10 EUR vì bạn không thể rút các mệnh giá khác từ ATM. Giao diện người dùng ở phần 'tạo chào giá' và 'chấp nhận chào giá' sẽ điều chỉnh lượng btc sao cho lượng EUR tương ứng sẽ chính xác. Bạn không thể dùng giá thị trường vì lượng EUR có thể sẽ thay đổi khi giá thay đổi.\n\nTrường hợp tranh chấp, người mua XMR cần phải cung cấp bằng chứng chứng minh mình đã gửi EUR. # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter" be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. limit chargeback risk, Haveno sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing. You can sell {2} in a single trade immediately.\n\nThese limits only apply to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like. \n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:]. lòng xác nhận rằng ngân hàng của bạn cho phép nạp tiền mặt vào tài khoản của người khác. Chẳng hạn, Ngân Hàng Mỹ và Wells Fargo không còn cho phép nạp tiền như vậy nữa. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 2709bb2645..9993a36b81 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1973,9 +1973,9 @@使用 MoneyGram 时,XMR 买方必须将授权号码和使用 Western Union 时,XMR 买方必须通过电子邮件将 MTCN(运单号)和收据照片发送给 XMR 卖方。收据上必须清楚地显示卖方的全名、城市、国家或地区和金额。买方将在交易过程中显示卖方的电子邮件。使用 HalCash 时,XMR 买方需要通过手机短信向 XMR 卖方发送 HalCash 代码。\n\n请确保不要超过银行允许您用半现金汇款的最高金额。每次取款的最低金额是 10 欧元,最高金额是 10 欧元。金额是 600 欧元。对于重复取款,每天每个接收者 3000 欧元,每月每个接收者 6000 欧元。请与您的银行核对这些限额,以确保它们使用与此处所述相同的限额。\n\n提现金额必须是 10 欧元的倍数,因为您不能从 ATM 机提取其他金额。 创建报价和下单屏幕中的 UI 将调整 XMR 金额,使 EUR 金额正确。你不能使用基于市场的价格,因为欧元的数量会随着价格的变化而变化。\n # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"请注意,所有银行转账都有一定的退款风险。为了降低这一风险,Haveno 基于使用的付款方式的退款风险。\n\n对于付款方式,您的每笔交易的出售和购买的限额为{2}\n\n限制只应用在单笔交易,你可以尽可能多的进行交易。\n\n在 Haveno Wiki 查看更多信息[HYPERLINK:]。请注意,所有银行转账都有一定的退款风险。为了降低这一风险,Haveno 基于使用的付款方式的退款风险。\n\n对于付款方式,您的每笔交易的出售和购买的限额为{2}\n\n限制只应用在单笔交易,你可以尽可能多的进行交易。\n\n在 Haveno Wiki 查看更多信息[HYPERLINK:]。 # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"为了降低这一风险,Haveno 基于两个因素对该付款方式每笔交易设置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的预估退款风险水平\n2. 您的付款方式的账龄\n\n这个付款账户还没有被验证,所以他每个交易最多购买{0}。在验证之后,购买限制会以以下规则逐渐增加:\n\n●签署前,以及签署后30天内,您的每笔最大交易将限制为{0}\n●签署后30天,每笔最大交易将限制为{1}\n●签署后60天,每笔最大交易将限制为{2}\n\n出售限制不会被账户验证状态限制,你可以理科进行单笔为{2}的交易\n\n限制只应用在单笔交易,你可以尽可能多的进行交易。\n\n在 Haveno Wiki 上查看更多:\n为了降低这一风险,Haveno 基于两个因素对该付款方式每笔交易设置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的预估退款风险水平\n2. 您的付款方式的账龄\n\n这个付款账户还没有被验证,所以他每个交易最多购买{0}。在验证之后,购买限制会以以下规则逐渐增加:\n\n●签署前,以及签署后30天内,您的每笔最大交易将限制为{0}\n●签署后30天,每笔最大交易将限制为{1}\n●签署后60天,每笔最大交易将限制为{2}\n\n出售限制不会被账户验证状态限制,你可以理科进行单笔为{2}的交易\n\n限制只应用在单笔交易,你可以尽可能多的进行交易。\n\n在 Haveno Wiki 上查看更多:\n请确认您的银行允许您将现金存款汇入他人账户。例如,美国银行和富国银行不再允许此类存款。 diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 64f5082a45..a41239132a 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -1967,9 +1967,9 @@使用 MoneyGram 時,XMR 買方必須將授權號碼和使用 Western Union 時,XMR 買方必須通過電子郵件將 MTCN(運單號)和收據照片發送給 XMR 賣方。收據上必須清楚地顯示賣方的全名、城市、國家或地區和金額。買方將在交易過程中顯示賣方的電子郵件。使用 HalCash 時,XMR 買方需要通過手機短信向 XMR 賣方發送 HalCash 代碼。\n\n請確保不要超過銀行允許您用半現金匯款的最高金額。每次取款的最低金額是 10 歐元,最高金額是 10 歐元。金額是 600 歐元。對於重複取款,每天每個接收者 3000 歐元,每月每個接收者 6000 歐元。請與您的銀行核對這些限額,以確保它們使用與此處所述相同的限額。\n\n提現金額必須是 10 歐元的倍數,因為您不能從 ATM 機提取其他金額。 創建報價和下單屏幕中的 UI 將調整 XMR 金額,使 EUR 金額正確。你不能使用基於市場的價格,因為歐元的數量會隨着價格的變化而變化。\n # suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"請注意,所有銀行轉賬都有一定的退款風險。為了降低這一風險,Haveno 基於使用的付款方式的退款風險。\n\n對於付款方式,您的每筆交易的出售和購買的限額為{2}\n\n限制只應用在單筆交易,你可以儘可能多的進行交易。\n\n在 Haveno Wiki 查看更多信息[HYPERLINK:]。請注意,所有銀行轉賬都有一定的退款風險。為了降低這一風險,Haveno 基於使用的付款方式的退款風險。\n\n對於付款方式,您的每筆交易的出售和購買的限額為{2}\n\n限制只應用在單筆交易,你可以儘可能多的進行交易。\n\n在 Haveno Wiki 查看更多信息[HYPERLINK:]。 # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"為了降低這一風險,Haveno 基於兩個因素對該付款方式每筆交易設置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的預估退款風險水平\n2. 您的付款方式的賬齡\n\n這個付款賬户還沒有被驗證,所以他每個交易最多購買{0}。在驗證之後,購買限制會以以下規則逐漸增加:\n\n●簽署前,以及簽署後30天內,您的每筆最大交易將限制為{0}\n●簽署後30天,每筆最大交易將限制為{1}\n●簽署後60天,每筆最大交易將限制為{2}\n\n出售限制不會被賬户驗證狀態限制,你可以理科進行單筆為{2}的交易\n\n限制只應用在單筆交易,你可以儘可能多的進行交易。\n\n在 Haveno Wiki 上查看更多:\n為了降低這一風險,Haveno 基於兩個因素對該付款方式每筆交易設置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的預估退款風險水平\n2. 您的付款方式的賬齡\n\n這個付款賬户還沒有被驗證,所以他每個交易最多購買{0}。在驗證之後,購買限制會以以下規則逐漸增加:\n\n●簽署前,以及簽署後30天內,您的每筆最大交易將限制為{0}\n●簽署後30天,每筆最大交易將限制為{1}\n●簽署後60天,每筆最大交易將限制為{2}\n\n出售限制不會被賬户驗證狀態限制,你可以理科進行單筆為{2}的交易\n\n限制只應用在單筆交易,你可以儘可能多的進行交易。\n\n在 Haveno Wiki 上查看更多:\n請確認您的銀行允許您將現金存款匯入他人賬户。例如,美國銀行和富國銀行不再允許此類存款。 diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/components/ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/components/ index 501efe9a0d..8ae0b607f0 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/components/ +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/components/ @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public class AccountStatusTooltipLabel extends AutoTooltipLabel { learnMoreLink.setWrapText(true); learnMoreLink.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 2, 10)); learnMoreLink.getStyleClass().addAll("very-small-text"); - learnMoreLink.setOnAction((e) -> GUIUtil.openWebPage("")); + learnMoreLink.setOnAction((e) -> GUIUtil.openWebPage("")); VBox vBox = new VBox(2, titleLabel, infoLabel, buyLabel, waitLabel, learnMoreLink); vBox.setPadding(new Insets(2, 0, 2, 0)); From e05ab6f7ed06196377ced113e25b99e0b2d57b76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: woodser Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 09:26:31 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 2/5] fix links from offer book chart to buy/sell views --- .../offerbook/ | 17 ++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/market/offerbook/ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/market/offerbook/ index 59c9008868..c7d0c91277 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/market/offerbook/ +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/market/offerbook/ @@ -212,7 +212,10 @@ class OfferBookChartViewModel extends ActivatableViewModel { } public boolean isSellOffer(OfferDirection direction) { - return direction == OfferDirection.SELL; + // for cryptocurrency, buy direction is to buy XMR, so we need sell offers + // for traditional currency, buy direction is to sell XMR, so we need buy offers + boolean isCryptoCurrency = CurrencyUtil.isCryptoCurrency(getCurrencyCode()); + return isCryptoCurrency ? direction == OfferDirection.BUY : direction == OfferDirection.SELL; } public boolean isMyOffer(Offer offer) { @@ -423,12 +426,20 @@ class OfferBookChartViewModel extends ActivatableViewModel { private void updateScreenCurrencyInPreferences(OfferDirection direction) { if (isSellOffer(direction)) { - if (CurrencyUtil.isTraditionalCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) { + if (CurrencyUtil.isFiatCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) { preferences.setBuyScreenCurrencyCode(getCurrencyCode()); + } else if (CurrencyUtil.isCryptoCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) { + preferences.setBuyScreenCryptoCurrencyCode(getCurrencyCode()); + } else if (CurrencyUtil.isTraditionalCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) { + preferences.setBuyScreenOtherCurrencyCode(getCurrencyCode()); } } else { - if (CurrencyUtil.isTraditionalCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) { + if (CurrencyUtil.isFiatCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) { preferences.setSellScreenCurrencyCode(getCurrencyCode()); + } else if (CurrencyUtil.isCryptoCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) { + preferences.setSellScreenCryptoCurrencyCode(getCurrencyCode()); + } else if (CurrencyUtil.isTraditionalCurrency(getCurrencyCode())) { + preferences.setSellScreenOtherCurrencyCode(getCurrencyCode()); } } } From 71987400c7c7784c11348fbf9357fec7e1127604 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: woodser Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 13:40:11 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] make or take offer applies wallet funds and computes remaining amount --- .../resources/i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../i18n/ | 2 +- .../main/offer/ | 31 +++++++++++++------ .../desktop/main/offer/ | 26 ++-------------- .../offer/takeoffer/ | 28 +++++++++++------ .../main/offer/takeoffer/ | 19 +++++++++++- 20 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index c4becc9357..9d5de331af 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account shared.faq=Visit FAQ page shared.yesCancel=Yes, cancel shared.nextStep=Next step -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transfer funds from Haveno wallet +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Apply funds from Haveno wallet shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Open your external wallet for funding shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Monero wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed? shared.belowInPercent=Below % from market price diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index cb8af0709f..72fe292526 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Navštívit stránku FAQ shared.yesCancel=Ano, zrušit shared.nextStep=Další krok shared.selectTradingAccount=Vyberte obchodní účet -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Přesunout finance z Haveno peněženky +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Použít prostředky z peněženky Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Otevřít vaši externí peněženku pro financování shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Nepodařilo se otevřít aplikaci moneroové peněženky. Jste si jisti, že máte nějakou nainstalovanou? shared.belowInPercent=% pod tržní cenou diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index b920ec9c48..7a7a5643af 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Zur FAQ Seite shared.yesCancel=Ja, abbrechen shared.nextStep=Nächster Schritt shared.selectTradingAccount=Handelskonto auswählen -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Gelder aus Haveno-Wallet überweisen +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Wenden Sie Gelder aus der Haveno-Wallet an shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Ihre externe Wallet zum Finanzieren öffnen shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Das Öffnen des Standardprogramms für Monero-Wallets ist fehlgeschlagen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie eines installiert haben? shared.belowInPercent=% unter dem Marktpreis diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 9fd52c5773..2ff762f847 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visitar web preguntas frecuentes shared.yesCancel=Sí, cancelar shared.nextStep=Siguiente paso shared.selectTradingAccount=Selecionar cuenta de intercambio -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fondos desde la cartera Haveno +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Aplicar fondos desde la billetera de Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir su monedero externo para agregar fondos shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Fallo al abrir la aplicación de cartera predeterminada. ¿Tal vez no tenga una instalada? shared.belowInPercent=% por debajo del precio de mercado diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 539c3287ab..ed78e6ec4f 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visit FAQ page shared.yesCancel=بله، لغو شود shared.nextStep=گام بعدی shared.selectTradingAccount=حساب معاملات را انتخاب کنید -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=انتقال وجه از کیف Haveno +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=اعمال وجه از کیف پول هاونو shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=برای تهیه پول، کیف پول بیرونی خود را باز کنید shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Monero wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed? shared.belowInPercent= ٪ زیر قیمت بازار diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index cacd919ca6..252b31466e 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visitez la page FAQ shared.yesCancel=Oui, annuler shared.nextStep=Étape suivante shared.selectTradingAccount=Sélectionner le compte de trading -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transférer des fonds depuis le portefeuille Haveno +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Appliquer les fonds depuis le portefeuille Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Ouvrez votre portefeuille externe pour provisionner shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=L'ouverture de l'application de portefeuille Monero par défaut a échoué. Êtes-vous sûr de l'avoir installée? shared.belowInPercent=% sous le prix du marché diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 2bb5a9bb91..b2f67e19cd 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visit FAQ page shared.yesCancel=Si, annulla shared.nextStep=Passo successivo shared.selectTradingAccount=Seleziona conto di trading -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Trasferisci fondi dal portafoglio Haveno +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Applica fondi dal portafoglio Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Apri il tuo portafoglio esterno per aggiungere fondi shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Monero wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed? shared.belowInPercent=Sotto % del prezzo di mercato diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index a6a77ca657..478e11353b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=FAQを参照する shared.yesCancel=はい、取り消します shared.nextStep=次へ shared.selectTradingAccount=取引アカウントを選択 -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Havenoウォレットから資金を移動する +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Havenoウォレットから資金を適用 shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=外部のwalletを開く shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=ビットコインウォレットのアプリを開けませんでした。インストールされているか確認して下さい。 shared.belowInPercent=市場価格から%以下 diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 2960b16ca0..8fa3d80a71 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visit FAQ page shared.yesCancel=Sim, cancelar shared.nextStep=Próximo passo shared.selectTradingAccount=Selecionar conta de negociação -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fundos da carteira Haveno +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Aplicar fundos da carteira Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir sua carteira externa para prover fundos shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Monero wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed? shared.belowInPercent=% abaixo do preço de mercado diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 0f20382ba4..27f94191e5 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visit FAQ page shared.yesCancel=Sim, cancelar shared.nextStep=Próximo passo shared.selectTradingAccount=Selecionar conta de negociação -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fundos da carteira Haveno +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Aplicar fundos da carteira Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir sua carteira externa para o financiamento shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Monero wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed? shared.belowInPercent=Abaixo % do preço de mercado diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 864a75b73e..6f1ba86d90 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visit FAQ page shared.yesCancel=Да, отменить shared.nextStep=Далее shared.selectTradingAccount=Выбрать торговый счёт -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Перевести средства с кошелька Haveno +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Применить средства из кошелька Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Открыть внешний кошелёк для пополнения shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Monero wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed? shared.belowInPercent=% ниже рыночного курса diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 214d5d9e39..b603454ce5 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visit FAQ page shared.yesCancel=ใช่ ยกเลิก shared.nextStep=ขั้นถัดไป shared.selectTradingAccount=เลือกบัญชีการซื้อขาย -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=โอนเงินจาก Haveno wallet +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=ใช้เงินจากกระเป๋าเงิน Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=เริ่มทำการระดมเงินทุนหาแหล่งเงินจากกระเป๋าสตางค์ภายนอกของคุณ shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Monero wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed? shared.belowInPercent=ต่ำกว่า % จากราคาตลาด diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index cff8e62c70..7656d581da 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ shared.chooseTradingAccount=İşlem hesabını seç shared.faq=SSS sayfasını ziyaret et shared.yesCancel=Evet, iptal et shared.nextStep=Sonraki adım -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Haveno cüzdanından fon transfer et +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Haveno cüzdanından fonları uygula shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Fonlama için harici cüzdanını aç shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Bir Monero cüzdan uygulaması açılamadı. Yüklü olduğundan emin misiniz? shared.belowInPercent=Piyasa fiyatının altında % diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 03a23db4fa..8530cf4691 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=Visit FAQ page shared.yesCancel=Có, hủy shared.nextStep=Bước tiếp theo shared.selectTradingAccount=Chọn tài khoản giao dịch -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Chuyển tiền từ Ví Haveno +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Áp dụng tiền từ ví Haveno shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Mở ví ngoài để nộp tiền shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Monero wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed? shared.belowInPercent=Thấp hơn % so với giá thị trường diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 9993a36b81..91166e64df 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=访问 FAQ 页面 shared.yesCancel=是的,取消 shared.nextStep=下一步 shared.selectTradingAccount=选择交易账户 -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=从 Haveno 钱包资金划转 +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=从 Haveno 钱包申请资金 shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=从您的外部钱包充值 shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=打开默认的比特币钱包应用程序失败了。您确定您安装了吗? shared.belowInPercent=低于市场价格 % diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index a41239132a..37d5bfbbd9 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ shared.faq=訪問 FAQ 頁面 shared.yesCancel=是的,取消 shared.nextStep=下一步 shared.selectTradingAccount=選擇交易賬户 -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=從 Haveno 錢包資金劃轉 +shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=從 Haveno 錢包申請資金 shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=從您的外部錢包充值 shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=打開默認的比特幣錢包應用程序失敗了。您確定您安裝了嗎? shared.belowInPercent=低於市場價格 % diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/ index 10ecb181b5..325e7f2930 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/ +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/ @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package haveno.desktop.main.offer; import static; import; import; + +import haveno.common.UserThread; import haveno.common.handlers.ErrorMessageHandler; import haveno.common.util.MathUtils; import haveno.common.util.Utilities; @@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ public abstract class MutableOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { if (isTabSelected) priceFeedService.setCurrencyCode(tradeCurrencyCode.get()); - updateBalance(); + updateBalances(); } @Override @@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ public abstract class MutableOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { xmrBalanceListener = new XmrBalanceListener(getAddressEntry().getSubaddressIndex()) { @Override public void onBalanceChanged(BigInteger balance) { - updateBalance(); + updateBalances(); } }; @@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ public abstract class MutableOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { calculateVolume(); calculateTotalToPay(); - updateBalance(); + updateBalances(); setSuggestedSecurityDeposit(getPaymentAccount()); return true; @@ -273,6 +275,19 @@ public abstract class MutableOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { priceFeedService.setCurrencyCode(tradeCurrencyCode.get()); } + protected void updateBalances() { + super.updateBalances(); + + // update remaining balance + UserThread.await(() -> { + missingCoin.set(offerUtil.getBalanceShortage(totalToPay.get(), balance.get())); + isXmrWalletFunded.set(offerUtil.isBalanceSufficient(totalToPay.get(), balance.get())); + if (totalToPay.get() != null && isXmrWalletFunded.get() && !showWalletFundedNotification.get()) { + showWalletFundedNotification.set(true); + } + }); + } + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UI actions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -393,11 +408,7 @@ public abstract class MutableOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { void fundFromSavingsWallet() { this.useSavingsWallet = true; - updateBalance(); - if (!isXmrWalletFunded.get()) { - this.useSavingsWallet = false; - updateBalance(); - } + updateBalances(); } protected void setMarketPriceMarginPct(double marketPriceMargin) { @@ -492,7 +503,7 @@ public abstract class MutableOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { } } - updateBalance(); + updateBalances(); } void calculateMinVolume() { @@ -545,7 +556,7 @@ public abstract class MutableOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { BigInteger feeAndSecDeposit = getSecurityDeposit().add(makerFee); BigInteger total = isBuyOffer() ? feeAndSecDeposit : feeAndSecDeposit.add(amount.get()); totalToPay.set(total); - updateBalance(); + updateBalances(); } } diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/ index 533f2834e4..8b92477e2e 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/ +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/ @@ -65,29 +65,7 @@ public abstract class OfferDataModel extends ActivatableDataModel { this.offerUtil = offerUtil; } - protected void updateBalance() { - updateBalances(); - UserThread.await(() -> { - missingCoin.set(offerUtil.getBalanceShortage(totalToPay.get(), balance.get())); - isXmrWalletFunded.set(offerUtil.isBalanceSufficient(totalToPay.get(), balance.get())); - if (totalToPay.get() != null && isXmrWalletFunded.get() && !showWalletFundedNotification.get()) { - showWalletFundedNotification.set(true); - } - }); - } - - protected void updateAvailableBalance() { - updateBalances(); - UserThread.await(() -> { - missingCoin.set(offerUtil.getBalanceShortage(totalToPay.get(), availableBalance.get())); - isXmrWalletFunded.set(offerUtil.isBalanceSufficient(totalToPay.get(), availableBalance.get())); - if (totalToPay.get() != null && isXmrWalletFunded.get() && !showWalletFundedNotification.get()) { - showWalletFundedNotification.set(true); - } - }); - } - - private void updateBalances() { + protected void updateBalances() { BigInteger tradeWalletBalance = xmrWalletService.getBalanceForSubaddress(addressEntry.getSubaddressIndex()); BigInteger tradeWalletAvailableBalance = xmrWalletService.getAvailableBalanceForSubaddress(addressEntry.getSubaddressIndex()); BigInteger walletBalance = xmrWalletService.getBalance(); @@ -101,6 +79,8 @@ public abstract class OfferDataModel extends ActivatableDataModel { availableBalance.set(totalToPay.get().min(totalAvailableBalance)); } } else { + totalBalance = tradeWalletBalance; + totalAvailableBalance = tradeWalletAvailableBalance; balance.set(tradeWalletBalance); availableBalance.set(tradeWalletAvailableBalance); } diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/takeoffer/ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/takeoffer/ index 84210538a9..beae7c11e3 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/takeoffer/ +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/takeoffer/ @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package haveno.desktop.main.offer.takeoffer; import; import haveno.common.ThreadUtils; +import haveno.common.UserThread; import haveno.common.handlers.ErrorMessageHandler; import haveno.core.account.witness.AccountAgeWitnessService; import haveno.core.filter.FilterManager; @@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ class TakeOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { addListeners(); - updateAvailableBalance(); + updateBalances(); // TODO In case that we have funded but restarted, or canceled but took again the offer we would need to // store locally the result when we received the funding tx(s). @@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ class TakeOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { balanceListener = new XmrBalanceListener(addressEntry.getSubaddressIndex()) { @Override public void onBalanceChanged(BigInteger balance) { - updateAvailableBalance(); + updateBalances(); } }; @@ -227,6 +228,19 @@ class TakeOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { ThreadUtils.submitToPool(() -> xmrWalletService.resetAddressEntriesForOpenOffer(offer.getId())); } + protected void updateBalances() { + super.updateBalances(); + + // update remaining balance + UserThread.await(() -> { + missingCoin.set(offerUtil.getBalanceShortage(totalToPay.get(), balance.get())); + isXmrWalletFunded.set(offerUtil.isBalanceSufficient(totalToPay.get(), availableBalance.get())); + if (totalToPay.get() != null && isXmrWalletFunded.get() && !showWalletFundedNotification.get()) { + showWalletFundedNotification.set(true); + } + }); + } + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UI actions @@ -287,11 +301,7 @@ class TakeOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { void fundFromSavingsWallet() { useSavingsWallet = true; - updateAvailableBalance(); - if (!isXmrWalletFunded.get()) { - this.useSavingsWallet = false; - updateAvailableBalance(); - } + updateBalances(); } @@ -369,7 +379,7 @@ class TakeOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { volume.set(volumeByAmount); - updateAvailableBalance(); + updateBalances(); } } @@ -391,7 +401,7 @@ class TakeOfferDataModel extends OfferDataModel { totalToPay.set(feeAndSecDeposit.add(amount.get())); else totalToPay.set(feeAndSecDeposit); - updateAvailableBalance(); + updateBalances(); log.debug("totalToPay {}", totalToPay.get()); } } diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/takeoffer/ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/takeoffer/ index 6f4e9635c1..6f9991331d 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/takeoffer/ +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/offer/takeoffer/ @@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ public class TakeOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel missingCoinListener; private int gridRow = 0; private final HashMap paymentAccountWarningDisplayed = new HashMap<>(); @@ -191,6 +192,8 @@ public class TakeOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel { + if (!newValue.toString().equals("")) { + updateQrCode(); + } + }; + } + private void addListeners() { amountTextField.focusedProperty().addListener(amountFocusedListener); model.dataModel.getShowWalletFundedNotification().addListener(getShowWalletFundedNotificationListener); + model.dataModel.getMissingCoin().addListener(missingCoinListener); } private void removeListeners() { amountTextField.focusedProperty().removeListener(amountFocusedListener); model.dataModel.getShowWalletFundedNotification().removeListener(getShowWalletFundedNotificationListener); + model.dataModel.getMissingCoin().removeListener(missingCoinListener); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// From 1aef8a6babf7ce5207790d035a54dbffcc8fd4e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: woodser Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 10:06:42 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] fix deadlock on startup while awaiting monero connection --- core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ index 96458a27ac..3f50f4aa45 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ +++ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { p2PService.addP2PServiceListener(new P2PServiceListener() { @Override public void onTorNodeReady() { - initialize(); + ThreadUtils.submitToPool(() -> initialize()); } @Override public void onHiddenServicePublished() {} From 7f6d28f1fbb5033f85ac35c68d0f5c1f8d4d71de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: woodser Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 13:17:05 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] prompt to fall back on startup error with custom node --- .../haveno/core/api/ | 52 +++++++++++++------ .../haveno/core/app/ | 1 + .../java/haveno/core/app/ | 13 +++++ .../java/haveno/core/app/ | 2 +- .../core/xmr/wallet/ | 7 +-- .../resources/i18n/ | 3 ++ .../java/haveno/desktop/main/ | 1 + .../haveno/desktop/main/ | 30 +++++++++++ 8 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ index 3f50f4aa45..664daaca8a 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ +++ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/api/ @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; +import; import; import; import; @@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ import; import; import; import; +import; import; import; import; @@ -89,6 +91,8 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { private final LongProperty chainHeight = new SimpleLongProperty(0); private final DownloadListener downloadListener = new DownloadListener(); @Getter + private final BooleanProperty connectionServiceFallbackHandlerActive = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); + @Getter private final StringProperty connectionServiceErrorMsg = new SimpleStringProperty(); private final LongProperty numUpdates = new SimpleLongProperty(0); private Socks5ProxyProvider socks5ProxyProvider; @@ -99,6 +103,7 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { private Boolean isConnected = false; @Getter private MoneroDaemonInfo lastInfo; + private Long lastFallbackInvocation; private Long lastLogPollErrorTimestamp; private long lastLogDaemonNotSyncedTimestamp; private Long syncStartHeight; @@ -115,6 +120,8 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { private int numRequestsLastMinute; private long lastSwitchTimestamp; private Set excludedConnections = new HashSet<>(); + private static final long FALLBACK_INVOCATION_PERIOD_MS = 1000 * 60 * 1; // offer to fallback up to once every minute + private boolean fallbackApplied; @Inject public XmrConnectionService(P2PService p2PService, @@ -424,6 +431,19 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { return numUpdates; } + public void fallbackToBestConnection() { + if (isShutDownStarted) return; + if (xmrNodes.getProvidedXmrNodes().isEmpty()) { + log.warn("Falling back to public nodes"); + preferences.setMoneroNodesOptionOrdinal(XmrNodes.MoneroNodesOption.PUBLIC.ordinal()); + } else { + log.warn("Falling back to provided nodes"); + preferences.setMoneroNodesOptionOrdinal(XmrNodes.MoneroNodesOption.PROVIDED.ordinal()); + } + fallbackApplied = true; + initializeConnections(); + } + // ------------------------------- HELPERS -------------------------------- private void doneDownload() { @@ -533,7 +553,7 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { } // restore connections - if ("".equals(config.xmrNode)) { + if (!isFixedConnection()) { // load previous or default connections if (coreContext.isApiUser()) { @@ -569,10 +589,7 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { } // restore last connection - if (isFixedConnection()) { - if (getConnections().size() != 1) throw new IllegalStateException("Expected connection list to have 1 fixed connection but was: " + getConnections().size()); - connectionManager.setConnection(getConnections().get(0)); - } else if (connectionList.getCurrentConnectionUri().isPresent() && connectionManager.hasConnection(connectionList.getCurrentConnectionUri().get())) { + if (connectionList.getCurrentConnectionUri().isPresent() && connectionManager.hasConnection(connectionList.getCurrentConnectionUri().get())) { if (!xmrLocalNode.shouldBeIgnored() || !xmrLocalNode.equalsUri(connectionList.getCurrentConnectionUri().get())) { connectionManager.setConnection(connectionList.getCurrentConnectionUri().get()); } @@ -592,7 +609,7 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { maybeStartLocalNode(); // update connection - if (!isFixedConnection() && (connectionManager.getConnection() == null || connectionManager.getAutoSwitch())) { + if (connectionManager.getConnection() == null || connectionManager.getAutoSwitch()) { MoneroRpcConnection bestConnection = getBestAvailableConnection(); if (bestConnection != null) setConnection(bestConnection); } @@ -614,6 +631,7 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { } // notify initial connection + lastRefreshPeriodMs = getRefreshPeriodMs(); onConnectionChanged(connectionManager.getConnection()); } @@ -716,16 +734,14 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { // skip handling if shutting down if (isShutDownStarted) return; - // fallback to provided or public nodes if custom connection fails on startup - if (lastInfo == null && "".equals(config.xmrNode) && preferences.getMoneroNodesOption() == XmrNodes.MoneroNodesOption.CUSTOM) { - if (xmrNodes.getProvidedXmrNodes().isEmpty()) { - log.warn("Failed to fetch daemon info from custom node on startup, falling back to public nodes: " + e.getMessage()); - preferences.setMoneroNodesOptionOrdinal(XmrNodes.MoneroNodesOption.PUBLIC.ordinal()); - } else { - log.warn("Failed to fetch daemon info from custom node on startup, falling back to provided nodes: " + e.getMessage()); - preferences.setMoneroNodesOptionOrdinal(XmrNodes.MoneroNodesOption.PROVIDED.ordinal()); + // invoke fallback handling on startup error + boolean canFallback = isFixedConnection() || isCustomConnections(); + if (lastInfo == null && canFallback) { + if (!connectionServiceFallbackHandlerActive.get() && (lastFallbackInvocation == null || System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFallbackInvocation > FALLBACK_INVOCATION_PERIOD_MS)) { + log.warn("Failed to fetch daemon info from custom connection on startup: " + e.getMessage()); + lastFallbackInvocation = System.currentTimeMillis(); + connectionServiceFallbackHandlerActive.set(true); } - initializeConnections(); return; } @@ -819,6 +835,10 @@ public final class XmrConnectionService { } private boolean isFixedConnection() { - return !"".equals(config.xmrNode) || preferences.getMoneroNodesOption() == XmrNodes.MoneroNodesOption.CUSTOM; + return !"".equals(config.xmrNode) && !fallbackApplied; + } + + private boolean isCustomConnections() { + return preferences.getMoneroNodesOption() == XmrNodes.MoneroNodesOption.CUSTOM; } } diff --git a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ index 7235efce7b..0cf18224ba 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ +++ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ public class HavenoHeadlessApp implements HeadlessApp {"onDisplayTacHandler: We accept the tacs automatically in headless mode");; }); + havenoSetup.setDisplayMoneroConnectionFallbackHandler(show ->"onDisplayMoneroConnectionFallbackHandler: show={}", show)); havenoSetup.setDisplayTorNetworkSettingsHandler(show ->"onDisplayTorNetworkSettingsHandler: show={}", show)); havenoSetup.setChainFileLockedExceptionHandler(msg -> log.error("onChainFileLockedExceptionHandler: msg={}", msg)); tradeManager.setLockedUpFundsHandler(msg ->"onLockedUpFundsHandler: msg={}", msg)); diff --git a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ index d80ca807cc..a291da5001 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ +++ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ @@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ public class HavenoSetup { rejectedTxErrorMessageHandler; @Setter @Nullable + private Consumer displayMoneroConnectionFallbackHandler; + @Setter + @Nullable private Consumer displayTorNetworkSettingsHandler; @Setter @Nullable @@ -426,6 +429,12 @@ public class HavenoSetup { getXmrDaemonSyncProgress().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> resetStartupTimeout()); getXmrWalletSyncProgress().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> resetStartupTimeout()); + // listen for fallback handling + getConnectionServiceFallbackHandlerActive().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { + if (displayMoneroConnectionFallbackHandler == null) return; + displayMoneroConnectionFallbackHandler.accept(newValue); + }); +"Init P2P network"); havenoSetupListeners.forEach(HavenoSetupListener::onInitP2pNetwork); p2pNetworkReady = p2PNetworkSetup.init(this::initWallet, displayTorNetworkSettingsHandler); @@ -725,6 +734,10 @@ public class HavenoSetup { return xmrConnectionService.getConnectionServiceErrorMsg(); } + public BooleanProperty getConnectionServiceFallbackHandlerActive() { + return xmrConnectionService.getConnectionServiceFallbackHandlerActive(); + } + public StringProperty getTopErrorMsg() { return topErrorMsg; } diff --git a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ index 1f7946eac7..d17c7ba366 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ +++ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/app/ @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public class WalletAppSetup { @Nullable Runnable showPopupIfInvalidBtcConfigHandler, Runnable downloadCompleteHandler, Runnable walletInitializedHandler) { -"Initialize WalletAppSetup with monero-java version {}", MoneroUtils.getVersion()); +"Initialize WalletAppSetup with monero-java v{}", MoneroUtils.getVersion()); ObjectProperty walletServiceException = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); xmrInfoBinding = EasyBind.combine( diff --git a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/xmr/wallet/ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/xmr/wallet/ index 759dabd086..79e9248c64 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/xmr/wallet/ +++ b/core/src/main/java/haveno/core/xmr/wallet/ @@ -1298,9 +1298,10 @@ public class XmrWalletService extends XmrWalletBase { } else { // force restart main wallet if connection changed while syncing - log.warn("Force restarting main wallet because connection changed while syncing"); - forceRestartMainWallet(); - return; + if (wallet != null) { + log.warn("Force restarting main wallet because connection changed while syncing"); + forceRestartMainWallet(); + } } }); diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 9d5de331af..c1f98ce420 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -2044,6 +2044,9 @@ closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalTradeFeeInXmr.title=Sum of all trade fees paid in closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalTradeFeeInXmr.value={0} ({1} of total trade amount) walletPasswordWindow.headline=Enter password to unlock +connectionFallback.headline=Connection error +connectionFallback.msg=Error connecting to your custom Monero node(s).\n\nDo you want to try the next best available Monero node? + torNetworkSettingWindow.header=Tor networks settings torNetworkSettingWindow.noBridges=Don't use bridges torNetworkSettingWindow.providedBridges=Connect with provided bridges diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/ index 7290f76810..9bf5f378e7 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/ +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/ @@ -674,6 +674,7 @@ public class MainView extends InitializableView { } } else { xmrInfoLabel.setId("footer-pane"); + xmrInfoLabel.getStyleClass().remove("error-text"); if (xmrNetworkWarnMsgPopup != null) xmrNetworkWarnMsgPopup.hide(); } diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/ index 4681431b70..f120b794e7 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/ +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/haveno/desktop/main/ @@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ public class MainViewModel implements ViewModel, HavenoSetup.HavenoSetupListener @SuppressWarnings("FieldCanBeLocal") private MonadicBinding tradesAndUIReady; private final Queue> popupQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparing(Overlay::getDisplayOrderPriority)); + private Popup moneroConnectionFallbackPopup; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -334,9 +335,38 @@ public class MainViewModel implements ViewModel, HavenoSetup.HavenoSetupListener tacWindow.onAction(acceptedHandler::run).show(); }, 1)); + havenoSetup.setDisplayMoneroConnectionFallbackHandler(show -> { + if (moneroConnectionFallbackPopup == null) { + moneroConnectionFallbackPopup = new Popup() + .headLine(Res.get("connectionFallback.headline")) + .warning(Res.get("connectionFallback.msg")) + .closeButtonText(Res.get("")) + .actionButtonText(Res.get("shared.yes")) + .onAction(() -> { + havenoSetup.getConnectionServiceFallbackHandlerActive().set(false); + new Thread(() -> HavenoUtils.xmrConnectionService.fallbackToBestConnection()).start(); + }) + .onClose(() -> { + log.warn("User has declined to fallback to the next best available Monero node."); + havenoSetup.getConnectionServiceFallbackHandlerActive().set(false); + }); + } + if (show) { +; + } else if (moneroConnectionFallbackPopup.isDisplayed()) { + moneroConnectionFallbackPopup.hide(); + } + }); + havenoSetup.setDisplayTorNetworkSettingsHandler(show -> { if (show) {; + + // bring connection fallback popup to front if displayed + if (moneroConnectionFallbackPopup != null && moneroConnectionFallbackPopup.isDisplayed()) { + moneroConnectionFallbackPopup.hide(); +; + } } else if (torNetworkSettingsWindow.isDisplayed()) { torNetworkSettingsWindow.hide(); }