> To make real trades with Haveno, first find a third party network, and then use their installer or build their repository. We do not endorse any networks at this time.
If it's the first time you are building Haveno, run the following commands to download the repository, the needed dependencies, and build the latest release. If using a third party network, replace the repository URL with theirs:
*If you only want to quickly build the binaries, use `make skip-tests` instead of `make`. It will skip the tests and increase the build speed drastically.*
If you are updating from a previous version, run from the root of the repository:
If you want to try Haveno in a live setup, launch a Haveno instance that will connect to other peers on our public test environment, which runs on Monero's stagenet (you won't need to download the blockchain locally). You'll be able to make test trades with other users and have a preview of Haveno's trade protocol in action. Note that development is very much ongoing. Things are slow and might break.
3. Go to the [stagenet faucet](https://stagenet-faucet.xmr-tw.org) and paste the address above in the "Get XMR" field. Submit and see the stagenet coins being sent to your Haveno instance.
4. While you wait the 10 confirmations (20 minutes) needed for your funds to be spendable, create a fiat account by clicking on "Account" in the top menu, select the "National currency accounts" tab, then add a new account. For simplicity, we suggest to test using a Revolut account with a random ID.
5. Now pick up an existing offer or open a new one. Fund your trade and wait 10 blocks for your deposit to be unlocked.
6. Now if you are taking a trade you'll be asked to confirm you have sent the payment outside Haveno. Confirm in the app and wait for the confirmation of received payment from the other trader.
7. Once the other trader confirms, deposits are sent back to the owners and the trade is complete.
3. Now mine the first 150 blocks to a random address before using, so wallets only use the latest output type. Run in one of the terminal windows opened above:
If you are a *screen* user, simply run `make deploy-screen`. This command will open all needed Haveno instances (seednode, user1, user2, arbitrator) using *screen*.
If you are a *tmux* user, simply run `make deploy-tmux`. This command will open all needed Haveno instances (seednode, user1, user2, arbitrator) using *tmux* and attach them to splitted view.
If you don't use *screen* or *tmux*, open 4 terminal windows and run in each one of them:
If this is the first time launching the arbitrator desktop application, register the arbitrator after the interface opens. Go to the *Account* tab and press `cmd+r`. Confirm the registration of the arbitrator.
When running user1 and user2, you'll see a Monero address prompted in the terminal. Send test XMR to the addresses of both user1 and user2 to be able to initiate a trade.
You can fund the two wallets by mining some test XMR coins to those addresses. To do so, open a terminal where you ran monerod and run: `start_mining ADDRESS 1`.
monerod will start mining local testnet coins on your device using one thread. Replace `ADDRESS` with the address of user1 first, and then user2's. Run `stop_mining` to stop mining.
You are all set. Now that everything is running and your wallets are funded, you can create test trades between user1 and user2. Remember to mine a few blocks after opening and accepting the test trade so the transaction will be confirmed.