
2307 lines
102 KiB

// --------------------------------- IMPORTS ----------------------------------
// import haveno types
import HavenoClient from "./HavenoClient";
import HavenoError from "./utils/HavenoError";
import HavenoUtils from "./utils/HavenoUtils";
import { MarketPriceInfo, NotificationMessage, OfferInfo, TradeInfo, UrlConnection, XmrBalanceInfo } from "./protobuf/grpc_pb"; // TODO (woodser): better names; haveno_grpc_pb, haveno_pb
import { Attachment, DisputeResult, PaymentMethod, PaymentAccount, MoneroNodeSettings } from "./protobuf/pb_pb";
import { XmrDestination, XmrTx, XmrIncomingTransfer, XmrOutgoingTransfer } from "./protobuf/grpc_pb";
import AuthenticationStatus = UrlConnection.AuthenticationStatus;
import OnlineStatus = UrlConnection.OnlineStatus;
// import monero-javascript
const monerojs = require("monero-javascript"); // TODO (woodser): support typescript and `npm install @types/monero-javascript` in monero-javascript
const GenUtils = monerojs.GenUtils;
const BigInteger = monerojs.BigInteger;
const MoneroNetworkType = monerojs.MoneroNetworkType;
const MoneroTxConfig = monerojs.MoneroTxConfig;
const MoneroDestination = monerojs.MoneroDestination;
const MoneroUtils = monerojs.MoneroUtils;
const TaskLooper = monerojs.TaskLooper;
// other required imports
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import net from "net";
import assert from "assert";
import console from "console"; // import console because jest swallows messages in real time
// ------------------------------ TEST CONFIG ---------------------------------
const TestConfig = {
logLevel: 1,
moneroBinsDir: "../haveno/.localnet",
testDataDir: "./testdata",
networkType: monerojs.MoneroNetworkType.STAGENET,
haveno: {
path: "../haveno",
version: "1.6.2"
monerod: {
url: "http://localhost:38081",
username: "superuser",
password: "abctesting123"
monerod2: {
url: "http://localhost:58081",
username: "superuser",
password: "abctesting123"
fundingWallet: {
url: "http://localhost:38084",
username: "rpc_user",
password: "abc123",
defaultPath: "test_funding_wallet",
minimumFunding: BigInt("5000000000000")
defaultHavenod: {
logProcessOutput: false, // log output for processes started by tests (except arbitrator, alice, and bob which are configured separately)
apiPassword: "apitest",
walletUsername: "haveno_user",
walletDefaultPassword: "password", // only used if account password not set
accountPasswordRequired: true,
accountPassword: "abctesting789",
autoLogin: true
startupHavenods: [{
appName: "haveno-XMR_STAGENET_arbitrator", // arbritrator
logProcessOutput: false,
url: "http://localhost:8079",
accountPasswordRequired: false,
accountPassword: "abctesting123",
}, {
appName: "haveno-XMR_STAGENET_alice", // alice
logProcessOutput: false,
url: "http://localhost:8080",
accountPasswordRequired: false,
accountPassword: "abctesting456",
walletUrl: "",
}, {
appName: "haveno-XMR_STAGENET_bob", // bob
logProcessOutput: false,
url: "http://localhost:8081",
accountPasswordRequired: false,
accountPassword: "abctesting789",
walletUrl: "",
maxFee: BigInt("75000000000"),
walletSyncPeriodMs: 5000, // TODO (woodser): auto adjust higher if using remote connection
daemonPollPeriodMs: 15000,
maxWalletStartupMs: 10000, // TODO (woodser): make shorter by switching to jni
maxTimePeerNoticeMs: 3000,
assetCodes: ["USD", "GBP", "EUR", "ETH", "BTC", "BCH", "LTC", "ZEC"], // primary asset codes
cryptoAddresses: [{
currencyCode: "ETH",
address: "0xdBdAb835Acd6fC84cF5F9aDD3c0B5a1E25fbd99f"
}, {
currencyCode: "BTC",
address: "bcrt1q6j90vywv8x7eyevcnn2tn2wrlg3vsjlsvt46qz"
}, {
currencyCode: "BCH",
address: "1JRjBNKi4ZgJpKPeoL4149Q7ZZD3VvVgk9" // TODO: support CashAddr format only
}, {
currencyCode: "LTC",
address: "LXUTUN5mTPc2LsS7cEjkyjTRcfYyJGoUuQ"
}, {
currencyCode: "ZEC",
address: "t1SnUTh75DSZ1AvbjiTvvHkmPoph7DeHTGG" // TODO: support z-addresses only
proxyPorts: new Map<string, string[]>([ // map proxied ports to havenod api and p2p ports
["8079", ["9998", "4444"]], // arbitrator
["8080", ["9999", "5555"]], // alice
["8081", ["10000", "6666"]], // bob
["8082", ["10001", "7777"]],
["8083", ["10002", "7778"]],
["8084", ["10003", "7779"]],
["8085", ["10004", "7780"]],
["8086", ["10005", "7781"]],
devPrivilegePrivKey: "6ac43ea1df2a290c1c8391736aa42e4339c5cb4f110ff0257a13b63211977b7a", // from DEV_PRIVILEGE_PRIV_KEY
tradeInitTimeout: 60000,
timeout: 900000, // timeout in ms for all tests to complete (15 minutes)
postOffer: { // default post offer config
direction: "buy", // buy or sell xmr
amount: BigInt("200000000000"), // amount of xmr to trade
assetCode: "eth", // counter asset to trade
price: undefined, // use market price if undefined
paymentAccountId: undefined,
priceMargin: 0.0,
minAmount: undefined,
buyerSecurityDeposit: 0.15,
awaitUnlockedBalance: false,
triggerPrice: undefined
interface TxContext {
isCreatedTx: boolean;
interface PostOfferConfig {
direction?: string,
amount?: bigint,
assetCode?: string,
paymentAccountId?: string,
buyerSecurityDeposit?: number,
price?: number,
priceMargin?: number,
triggerPrice?: number,
minAmount?: bigint,
awaitUnlockedBalance?: boolean
// clients
const startupHavenods: HavenoClient[] = [];
let arbitrator: HavenoClient;
let alice: HavenoClient;
let bob: HavenoClient;
let monerod: any;
let fundingWallet: any;
let aliceWallet: any;
let bobWallet: any;
// track started haveno processes
const HAVENO_PROCESSES: HavenoClient[] = [];
const HAVENO_PROCESS_PORTS: string[] = [];
// other config
const OFFLINE_ERR_MSG = "Http response at 400 or 500 level";
// -------------------------- BEFORE / AFTER TESTS ----------------------------
beforeAll(async () => {
// set log level for tests
// start configured haveno daemons
const promises = [];
for (const config of TestConfig.startupHavenods) promises.push(initHaveno(config));
for (const settledPromise of await Promise.allSettled(promises)) {
if (settledPromise.status !== "fulfilled") throw new Error((settledPromise as PromiseRejectedResult).reason);
startupHavenods.push((settledPromise as PromiseFulfilledResult<HavenoClient>).value);
// assign arbitrator alice, bob
arbitrator = startupHavenods[0];
alice = startupHavenods[1];
bob = startupHavenods[2];
// register arbitrator dispute agent
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("arbitrator", TestConfig.devPrivilegePrivKey);
// connect monero clients
monerod = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc(TestConfig.monerod.url, TestConfig.monerod.username, TestConfig.monerod.password);
aliceWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc(TestConfig.startupHavenods[1].walletUrl, TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletUsername, TestConfig.startupHavenods[1].accountPasswordRequired ? TestConfig.startupHavenods[1].accountPassword : TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletDefaultPassword);
bobWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc(TestConfig.startupHavenods[2].walletUrl, TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletUsername, TestConfig.startupHavenods[2].accountPasswordRequired ? TestConfig.startupHavenods[2].accountPassword : TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletDefaultPassword);
// initialize funding wallet
await initFundingWallet();
// create test data directory if it doesn't exist
if (!fs.existsSync(TestConfig.testDataDir)) fs.mkdirSync(TestConfig.testDataDir);
beforeEach(async () => {
HavenoUtils.log(0, "BEFORE TEST \"" + expect.getState().currentTestName + "\"");
afterAll(async () => {
// release haveno processes
const promises = [];
for (const havenod of startupHavenods) {
promises.push(havenod.getProcess() ? releaseHavenoProcess(havenod) : havenod.disconnect());
await Promise.all(promises);
// terminate monero-javascript worker
(await monerojs.LibraryUtils.getWorker()).terminate();
// ----------------------------------- TESTS ----------------------------------
test("Can get the version", async () => {
const version = await arbitrator.getVersion();
test("Can manage an account", async () => {
let charlie: HavenoClient | undefined;
let err: any;
try {
// start charlie without opening account
charlie = await initHaveno({autoLogin: false});
assert(!await charlie.accountExists());
// test errors when account not open
await testAccountNotOpen(charlie);
// create account
let password = "testPassword";
await charlie.createAccount(password);
if (await charlie.isConnectedToMonero()) await charlie.getBalances(); // only connected if local node running
assert(await charlie.accountExists());
assert(await charlie.isAccountOpen());
// create payment account
const paymentAccount = await charlie.createCryptoPaymentAccount("My ETH account", TestConfig.cryptoAddresses[0].currencyCode, TestConfig.cryptoAddresses[0].address);
// close account
await charlie.closeAccount();
assert(await charlie.accountExists());
assert(!await charlie.isAccountOpen());
await testAccountNotOpen(charlie);
// open account with wrong password
try {
await charlie.openAccount("wrongPassword");
throw new Error("Should have failed opening account with wrong password");
} catch (err: any) {
assert.equal(err.message, "Incorrect password");
// open account
await charlie.openAccount(password);
assert(await charlie.accountExists());
assert(await charlie.isAccountOpen());
// restart charlie
const charlieConfig = {appName: charlie.getAppName(), autoLogin: false}
await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie);
charlie = await initHaveno(charlieConfig);
assert(await charlie.accountExists());
assert(!await charlie.isAccountOpen());
// open account
await charlie.openAccount(password);
assert(await charlie.accountExists());
assert(await charlie.isAccountOpen());
// change password
password = "newPassword";
await charlie.changePassword(password);
assert(await charlie.accountExists());
assert(await charlie.isAccountOpen());
// restart charlie
await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie);
charlie = await initHaveno(charlieConfig);
await testAccountNotOpen(charlie);
// open account
await charlie.openAccount(password);
assert(await charlie.accountExists());
assert(await charlie.isAccountOpen());
// backup account to zip file
const zipFile = TestConfig.testDataDir + "/backup.zip";
const stream = fs.createWriteStream(zipFile);
const size = await charlie.backupAccount(stream);
assert(size > 0);
// delete account which shuts down server
await charlie.deleteAccount(); // TODO: support deleting and restoring account without shutting down server, #310
assert(!await charlie.isConnectedToDaemon());
await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie);
// restore account which shuts down server
charlie = await initHaveno(charlieConfig);
const zipBytes: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync(zipFile));
await charlie.restoreAccount(zipBytes);
assert(!await charlie.isConnectedToDaemon());
await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie);
// open restored account
charlie = await initHaveno(charlieConfig);
assert(await charlie.accountExists());
await charlie.openAccount(password);
assert(await charlie.isAccountOpen());
// check the persisted payment account
const paymentAccount2 = await charlie.getPaymentAccount(paymentAccount.getId());
testCryptoPaymentAccountsEqual(paymentAccount, paymentAccount2);
} catch (err2) {
err = err2;
// stop and delete instances
if (charlie) await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie, true);
if (err) throw err;
async function testAccountNotOpen(havenod: HavenoClient): Promise<void> { // TODO: generalize this?
try { await havenod.getMoneroConnections(); throw new Error("Should have thrown"); }
catch (err: any) { assert.equal(err.message, "Account not open"); }
try { await havenod.getXmrTxs(); throw new Error("Should have thrown"); }
catch (err: any) { assert.equal(err.message, "Account not open"); }
try { await havenod.getBalances(); throw new Error("Should have thrown"); }
catch (err: any) { assert.equal(err.message, "Account not open"); }
try { await havenod.createCryptoPaymentAccount("My ETH account", TestConfig.cryptoAddresses[0].currencyCode, TestConfig.cryptoAddresses[0].address); throw new Error("Should have thrown"); }
catch (err: any) { assert.equal(err.message, "Account not open"); }
test("Can manage Monero daemon connections", async () => {
let monerod2: any;
let charlie: HavenoClient | undefined;
let err: any;
try {
// start charlie
charlie = await initHaveno();
// test default connections
const monerodUrl1 = ""; // TODO: (woodser): move to config
const monerodUrl2 = "http://haveno.exchange:38081";
let connections: UrlConnection[] = await charlie.getMoneroConnections();
testConnection(getConnection(connections, monerodUrl1)!, monerodUrl1, OnlineStatus.ONLINE, AuthenticationStatus.AUTHENTICATED, 1);
testConnection(getConnection(connections, monerodUrl2)!, monerodUrl2, OnlineStatus.UNKNOWN, AuthenticationStatus.NO_AUTHENTICATION, 2);
// test default connection
let connection: UrlConnection | undefined = await charlie.getMoneroConnection();
assert(await charlie.isConnectedToMonero());
testConnection(connection!, monerodUrl1, OnlineStatus.ONLINE, AuthenticationStatus.AUTHENTICATED, 1);
// add a new connection
const fooBarUrl = "http://foo.bar";
await charlie.addMoneroConnection(fooBarUrl);
connections = await charlie.getMoneroConnections();
connection = getConnection(connections, fooBarUrl);
testConnection(connection!, fooBarUrl, OnlineStatus.UNKNOWN, AuthenticationStatus.NO_AUTHENTICATION, 0);
// set prioritized connection without credentials
await charlie.setMoneroConnection(new UrlConnection()
connection = await charlie.getMoneroConnection();
testConnection(connection!, TestConfig.monerod2.url, undefined, undefined, 1); // status may or may not be known due to periodic connection checking
// connection is offline
connection = await charlie.checkMoneroConnection();
assert(!await charlie.isConnectedToMonero());
testConnection(connection!, TestConfig.monerod2.url, OnlineStatus.OFFLINE, AuthenticationStatus.NO_AUTHENTICATION, 1);
// start monerod2
const cmd = [
TestConfig.moneroBinsDir + "/monerod",
"--" + monerojs.MoneroNetworkType.toString(TestConfig.networkType).toLowerCase(),
"--data-dir", TestConfig.moneroBinsDir + "/stagenet/testnode",
"--p2p-bind-port", "58080",
"--rpc-bind-port", "58081",
"--rpc-login", "superuser:abctesting123",
"--zmq-rpc-bind-port", "58082"
monerod2 = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc(cmd);
// connection is online and not authenticated
connection = await charlie.checkMoneroConnection();
assert(!await charlie.isConnectedToMonero());
testConnection(connection!, TestConfig.monerod2.url, OnlineStatus.ONLINE, AuthenticationStatus.NOT_AUTHENTICATED, 1);
// set connection credentials
await charlie.setMoneroConnection(new UrlConnection()
connection = await charlie.getMoneroConnection();
testConnection(connection!, TestConfig.monerod2.url, undefined, undefined, 1);
// connection is online and authenticated
connection = await charlie.checkMoneroConnection();
assert(await charlie.isConnectedToMonero());
testConnection(connection!, TestConfig.monerod2.url, OnlineStatus.ONLINE, AuthenticationStatus.AUTHENTICATED, 1);
// change account password
const password = "newPassword";
await charlie.changePassword("newPassword");
// restart charlie
const appName = charlie.getAppName();
await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie);
charlie = await initHaveno({appName: appName, accountPassword: password});
// connection is restored, online, and authenticated
connection = await charlie.getMoneroConnection();
testConnection(connection!, TestConfig.monerod2.url, OnlineStatus.ONLINE, AuthenticationStatus.AUTHENTICATED, 1);
connections = await charlie.getMoneroConnections();
testConnection(getConnection(connections, monerodUrl1)!, monerodUrl1, OnlineStatus.UNKNOWN, AuthenticationStatus.NO_AUTHENTICATION, 1);
// enable auto switch
await charlie.setAutoSwitch(true);
// stop monerod
await monerod2.stopProcess();
// test auto switch after periodic connection check
await wait(TestConfig.daemonPollPeriodMs);
connection = await charlie.getMoneroConnection();
testConnection(connection!, monerodUrl1, OnlineStatus.ONLINE, AuthenticationStatus.AUTHENTICATED, 1);
// stop checking connection periodically
await charlie.stopCheckingConnection();
// remove current connection
await charlie.removeMoneroConnection(monerodUrl1);
// check current connection
connection = await charlie.checkMoneroConnection();
assert.equal(connection, undefined);
// check all connections
await charlie.checkMoneroConnections();
connections = await charlie.getMoneroConnections();
testConnection(getConnection(connections, fooBarUrl)!, fooBarUrl, OnlineStatus.OFFLINE, AuthenticationStatus.NO_AUTHENTICATION, 0);
for (const connection of connections) testConnection(connection!, connection.getUrl(), OnlineStatus.OFFLINE, AuthenticationStatus.NO_AUTHENTICATION);
// set connection to previous url
await charlie.setMoneroConnection(fooBarUrl);
connection = await charlie.getMoneroConnection();
testConnection(connection!, fooBarUrl, OnlineStatus.OFFLINE, AuthenticationStatus.NO_AUTHENTICATION, 0);
// set connection to new url
const fooBarUrl2 = "http://foo.bar.xyz";
await charlie.setMoneroConnection(fooBarUrl2);
connections = await charlie.getMoneroConnections();
connection = getConnection(connections, fooBarUrl2);
testConnection(connection!, fooBarUrl2, OnlineStatus.UNKNOWN, AuthenticationStatus.NO_AUTHENTICATION, 0);
// reset connection
await charlie.setMoneroConnection();
assert.equal(await charlie.getMoneroConnection(), undefined);
// test auto switch after start checking connection
await charlie.setAutoSwitch(false);
await charlie.startCheckingConnection(5000); // checks the connection
await charlie.setAutoSwitch(true);
await charlie.addMoneroConnection(new UrlConnection()
await wait(10000);
connection = await charlie.getMoneroConnection();
testConnection(connection!, TestConfig.monerod.url, OnlineStatus.ONLINE, AuthenticationStatus.AUTHENTICATED, 2);
} catch (err2) {
err = err2;
// stop processes
if (charlie) await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie, true);
if (monerod2) await monerod2.stopProcess();
if (err) throw err;
test("Can start and stop a local Monero node", async() => {
// expect error stopping local node
try {
await alice.stopMoneroNode();
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Running local Monero node stopped");
await alice.stopMoneroNode(); // stop 2nd time to force error
throw new Error("should have thrown");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "Local Monero node is not running" &&
err.message !== "Cannot stop local Monero node because we don't own its process") {
throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
let isMoneroNodeRunning = await alice.isMoneroNodeRunning();
if (isMoneroNodeRunning) {
HavenoUtils.log(0, "Warning: local Monero node is already running, skipping start and stop local Monero node tests");
// expect error due to existing running node
const newSettings = new MoneroNodeSettings();
try {
await alice.startMoneroNode(newSettings);
throw new Error("should have thrown");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "Local Monero node already running") throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
} else {
// expect error when passing in bad arguments
const badSettings = new MoneroNodeSettings();
try {
await alice.startMoneroNode(badSettings);
throw new Error("should have thrown");
} catch (err: any) {
if (!err.message.startsWith("Failed to start monerod:")) throw new Error("Unexpected error: ");
// expect successful start with custom settings
const connectionsBefore = await alice.getMoneroConnections();
const settings: MoneroNodeSettings = new MoneroNodeSettings();
const dataDir = TestConfig.moneroBinsDir + "/stagenet/node1";
const logFile = dataDir + "/test.log";
const p2pPort = 38080;
const rpcPort = 38081;
settings.setStartupFlagsList(["--log-file", logFile, "--p2p-bind-port", p2pPort.toString(), "--rpc-bind-port", rpcPort.toString(), "--no-zmq"]);
await alice.startMoneroNode(settings);
isMoneroNodeRunning = await alice.isMoneroNodeRunning();
// expect settings are updated
const settingsAfter = await alice.getMoneroNodeSettings();
testMoneroNodeSettingsEqual(settings, settingsAfter!);
// expect connections to be unmodified by local node
const connectionsAfter = await alice.getMoneroConnections();
assert(connectionsBefore.length === connectionsAfter.length);
// expect connection to local monero node to succeed
const rpcUrl = "" + rpcPort.toString();
let daemon = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc(rpcUrl, "superuser", "abctesting123");
let height = await daemon.getHeight();
assert(height >= 0);
// expect error due to existing running node
const newSettings = new MoneroNodeSettings();
try {
await alice.startMoneroNode(newSettings);
throw new Error("should have thrown");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "Local Monero node already running") throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
// expect stopped node
await alice.stopMoneroNode();
isMoneroNodeRunning = await alice.isMoneroNodeRunning();
try {
daemon = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc(rpcUrl);
height = await daemon.getHeight();
throw new Error("should have thrown");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED" + rpcPort.toString()) throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
// test wallet balances, transactions, deposit addresses, create and relay txs
test("Has a Monero wallet", async () => {
// get seed phrase
const seed = await alice.getXmrSeed();
await MoneroUtils.validateMnemonic(seed);
// get primary address
const primaryAddress = await alice.getXmrPrimaryAddress();
await MoneroUtils.validateAddress(primaryAddress, MoneroNetworkType.STAGENET);
// wait for alice to have unlocked balance
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedBalance(tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), alice);
// test balances
const balancesBefore: XmrBalanceInfo = await alice.getBalances(); // TODO: rename to getXmrBalances() for consistency?
// get transactions
const txs: XmrTx[]= await alice.getXmrTxs();
assert(txs.length > 0);
for (const tx of txs) {
testTx(tx, {isCreatedTx: false});
// get new subaddresses
for (let i = 0; i < 0; i++) {
const address = await alice.getXmrNewSubaddress();
await MoneroUtils.validateAddress(address, MoneroNetworkType.STAGNET);
// create withdraw tx
const destination = new XmrDestination().setAddress(await alice.getXmrNewSubaddress()).setAmount("100000000000");
let tx = await alice.createXmrTx([destination]);
testTx(tx, {isCreatedTx: true});
// relay withdraw tx
const txHash = await alice.relayXmrTx(tx.getMetadata());
// balances decreased
const balancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
// get relayed tx
tx = await alice.getXmrTx(txHash);
testTx(tx, {isCreatedTx: false});
// relay invalid tx
try {
await alice.relayXmrTx("invalid tx metadata");
throw new Error("Cannot relay invalid tx metadata");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "Failed to parse hex.") throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
test("Can get balances", async () => {
const balances: XmrBalanceInfo = await alice.getBalances();
test("Can receive push notifications", async () => {
// add notification listener
const notifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
await alice.addNotificationListener(notification => {
// send test notification
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await alice._sendNotification(new NotificationMessage()
.setTitle("Test title " + i)
.setMessage("Test message " + i));
// test notification
await wait(1000);
assert(notifications.length >= 3);
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assert(notifications[i].getTimestamp() > 0);
assert.equal(notifications[i].getTitle(), "Test title " + i);
assert.equal(notifications[i].getMessage(), "Test message " + i);
test("Can get supported assets and their payment methods", async() => {
const assetCodes = await alice.getSupportedAssetCodes(); // TODO: replace with getSupportedAssets(): TradeCurrency[]
for (const assetCode of assetCodes) {
const paymentMethods = await alice.getPaymentMethods(assetCode);
test("Can get market prices", async () => {
// get all market prices
const prices: MarketPriceInfo[] = await alice.getPrices();
for (const price of prices) {
// get market prices of primary assets
for (const assetCode of TestConfig.assetCodes) {
const price = await alice.getPrice(assetCode);
// test that prices are reasonable
const usd = await alice.getPrice("USD");
const doge = await alice.getPrice("DOGE");
const btc = await alice.getPrice("BTC");
// test invalid currency
await expect(async () => { await alice.getPrice("INVALID_CURRENCY") })
.toThrow('Currency not found: INVALID_CURRENCY');
test("Can get market depth", async () => {
const assetCode = "eth";
// clear offers
await clearOffers(alice, assetCode);
await clearOffers(bob, assetCode);
async function clearOffers(havenod: HavenoClient, assetCode: string) {
for (const offer of await havenod.getMyOffers(assetCode)) {
if (offer.getBaseCurrencyCode().toLowerCase() === assetCode.toLowerCase()) { // TODO (woodser): offer base currency and counter currency are switched for cryptos
await havenod.removeOffer(offer.getId());
// market depth has no data
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
let marketDepth = await alice.getMarketDepth(assetCode);
// post offers to buy and sell
await postOffer(alice, {direction: "buy", amount: BigInt("150000000000"), assetCode: assetCode, priceMargin: 0.00, awaitUnlockedBalance: true, price: 17.0}); // TODO: offer price is reversed. fix everywhere
await postOffer(alice, {direction: "buy", amount: BigInt("150000000000"), assetCode: assetCode, priceMargin: 0.02, awaitUnlockedBalance: true, price: 17.2});
await postOffer(alice, {direction: "buy", amount: BigInt("200000000000"), assetCode: assetCode, priceMargin: 0.05, awaitUnlockedBalance: true, price: 17.3});
await postOffer(alice, {direction: "buy", amount: BigInt("150000000000"), assetCode: assetCode, priceMargin: 0.02, awaitUnlockedBalance: true, price: 17.3});
await postOffer(alice, {direction: "sell", amount: BigInt("300000000000"), assetCode: assetCode, priceMargin: 0.00, awaitUnlockedBalance: true});
await postOffer(alice, {direction: "sell", amount: BigInt("300000000000"), assetCode: assetCode, priceMargin: 0.02, awaitUnlockedBalance: true});
await postOffer(alice, {direction: "sell", amount: BigInt("400000000000"), assetCode: assetCode, priceMargin: 0.05, awaitUnlockedBalance: true});
// get bob's market depth
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
marketDepth = await alice.getMarketDepth(assetCode);
// each unique price has a depth
// test buy prices and depths
const buyOffers = (await alice.getOffers(assetCode, "buy")).concat(await alice.getMyOffers(assetCode, "buy")).sort(function(a, b) { return parseFloat(a.getPrice()) - parseFloat(b.getPrice()) });
expect(marketDepth.getBuyPricesList()[0]).toEqual(1 / parseFloat(buyOffers[0].getPrice())); // TODO: price when posting offer is reversed. this assumes crypto counter currency
expect(marketDepth.getBuyPricesList()[1]).toEqual(1 / parseFloat(buyOffers[1].getPrice()));
expect(marketDepth.getBuyPricesList()[2]).toEqual(1 / parseFloat(buyOffers[2].getPrice()));
// test sell prices and depths
const sellOffers = (await alice.getOffers(assetCode, "sell")).concat(await alice.getMyOffers(assetCode, "sell")).sort(function(a, b) { return parseFloat(b.getPrice()) - parseFloat(a.getPrice()) });
expect(marketDepth.getSellPricesList()[0]).toEqual(1 / parseFloat(sellOffers[0].getPrice()));
expect(marketDepth.getSellPricesList()[1]).toEqual(1 / parseFloat(sellOffers[1].getPrice()));
expect(marketDepth.getSellPricesList()[2]).toEqual(1 / parseFloat(sellOffers[2].getPrice()));
// clear offers
await clearOffers(alice, assetCode);
await clearOffers(bob, assetCode);
// test invalid currency
await expect(async () => {await alice.getMarketDepth("INVALID_CURRENCY")})
.toThrow('Currency not found: INVALID_CURRENCY');
test("Can register as dispute agents", async () => {
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("arbitrator", TestConfig.devPrivilegePrivKey);
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("mediator", TestConfig.devPrivilegePrivKey);
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("refundagent", TestConfig.devPrivilegePrivKey);
// test bad dispute agent type
try {
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("unsupported type", TestConfig.devPrivilegePrivKey);
throw new Error("should have thrown error registering bad type");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "unknown dispute agent type 'unsupported type'") throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
// test bad key
try {
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("arbitrator", "bad key");
throw new Error("should have thrown error registering bad key");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "invalid registration key") throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
test("Can get offers", async () => {
for (const assetCode of TestConfig.assetCodes) {
const offers: OfferInfo[] = await alice.getOffers(assetCode);
for (const offer of offers) testOffer(offer);
test("Can get my offers", async () => {
for (const assetCode of TestConfig.assetCodes) {
const offers: OfferInfo[] = await alice.getMyOffers(assetCode);
for (const offer of offers) testOffer(offer);
test("Can get payment methods", async () => {
const paymentMethods: PaymentMethod[] = await alice.getPaymentMethods();
for (const paymentMethod of paymentMethods) {
test("Can get payment accounts", async () => {
const paymentAccounts: PaymentAccount[] = await alice.getPaymentAccounts();
for (const paymentAccount of paymentAccounts) {
if (paymentAccount.getPaymentAccountPayload()!.getCryptoCurrencyAccountPayload()) { // TODO (woodser): test non-crypto
test("Can create fiat payment accounts", async () => {
// get payment account form
const paymentMethodId = 'REVOLUT';
const accountForm = await alice.getPaymentAccountForm(paymentMethodId);
// edit form
accountForm.tradeCurrencies ="gbp,eur,usd";
accountForm.selectedTradeCurrency = "usd";
accountForm.accountName = "Revolut account " + GenUtils.getUUID();
accountForm.userName = "user123";
// create payment account
const fiatAccount = await alice.createPaymentAccount(accountForm);
// payment account added
let found = false;
for (const paymentAccount of await alice.getPaymentAccounts()) {
if (paymentAccount.getId() === fiatAccount.getId()) {
found = true;
assert(found, "Payment account not found after adding");
test("Can create crypto payment accounts", async () => {
// test each crypto
for (const testAccount of TestConfig.cryptoAddresses) {
// create payment account
const name = testAccount.currencyCode + " " + testAccount.address.substr(0, 8) + "... " + GenUtils.getUUID();
const paymentAccount: PaymentAccount = await alice.createCryptoPaymentAccount(name, testAccount.currencyCode, testAccount.address);
testCryptoPaymentAccountEquals(paymentAccount, testAccount, name);
// fetch and test payment account
let fetchedAccount: PaymentAccount | undefined;
for (const account of await alice.getPaymentAccounts()) {
if (paymentAccount.getId() === account.getId()) {
fetchedAccount = account;
if (!fetchedAccount) throw new Error("Payment account not found after being added");
testCryptoPaymentAccountEquals(fetchedAccount, testAccount, name);
// TODO (woodser): update from latest Bisq CorePaymentAccountService.java for currency and address validation
/* // test invalid currency code
await expect(async () => { await alice.createCryptoPaymentAccount("My account", "ABC", "123"); })
.toThrow('Unsupported cryptocurrency code: ABC');
// test invalid address
await expect(async () => { await alice.createCryptoPaymentAccount("My account", "ETH", "123"); })
.toThrow('Invalid address');*/
// TODO (woodser): test rejecting account with duplicate name
function testCryptoPaymentAccountEquals(paymentAccount: PaymentAccount, testAccount: any, name: string) {
test("Can prepare for trading", async () => {
// create payment accounts
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(alice, "eth")) await createPaymentAccount(alice, "eth");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(alice, "bch")) await createPaymentAccount(alice, "bch");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(alice, "usd")) await createPaymentAccount(alice, "usd");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(bob, "eth")) await createPaymentAccount(bob, "eth");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(bob, "bch")) await createPaymentAccount(bob, "bch");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(bob, "usd")) await createPaymentAccount(bob, "usd");
// fund wallets
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await fundOutputs([aliceWallet, bobWallet], tradeAmount * BigInt("6"), 4);
// wait for havenod to observe funds
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
test("Can post and remove offers", async () => {
// wait for alice to have unlocked balance to post offer
await waitForUnlockedBalance(BigInt("250000000000") * BigInt("2"), alice);
// get unlocked balance before reserving funds for offer
const unlockedBalanceBefore = BigInt((await alice.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance());
// post crypto offer
let assetCode = "BCH";
let price = 1 / 17;
price = 1 / price; // TODO: price in crypto offer is inverted
let offer: OfferInfo = await postOffer(alice, {assetCode: assetCode, price: price});
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "AVAILABLE");
assert.equal(offer.getBaseCurrencyCode(), assetCode); // TODO: base and counter currencies inverted in crypto offer
assert.equal(offer.getCounterCurrencyCode(), "XMR");
assert.equal(parseFloat(offer.getPrice()), price);
// has offer
offer = await alice.getMyOffer(offer.getId());
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "AVAILABLE");
// peer sees offer
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
if (!getOffer(await bob.getOffers(assetCode, TestConfig.postOffer.direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in peer's offers after posted");
// cancel offer
await alice.removeOffer(offer.getId());
// offer is removed from my offers
if (getOffer(await alice.getMyOffers(assetCode, "buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in my offers after removal");
// reserved balance released
expect(BigInt((await alice.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance())).toEqual(unlockedBalanceBefore);
// post fiat offer
assetCode = "USD";
price = 180.0;
offer = await postOffer(alice, {assetCode: assetCode, price: price});
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "AVAILABLE");
assert.equal(offer.getBaseCurrencyCode(), "XMR");
assert.equal(offer.getCounterCurrencyCode(), "USD");
assert.equal(parseFloat(offer.getPrice()), price);
// has offer
offer = await alice.getMyOffer(offer.getId());
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "AVAILABLE");
// cancel offer
await alice.removeOffer(offer.getId());
// offer is removed from my offers
if (getOffer(await alice.getMyOffers(assetCode, "buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in my offers after removal");
// reserved balance released
expect(BigInt((await alice.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance())).toEqual(unlockedBalanceBefore);
// TODO: support splitting outputs
// TODO: provide number of confirmations in offer status
test("Can schedule offers with locked funds", async () => {
let charlie: HavenoClient | undefined;
let err: any;
try {
// start charlie
charlie = await initHaveno();
const charlieWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc("" + charlie.getWalletRpcPort(), TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletUsername, TestConfig.defaultHavenod.accountPassword);
// fund charlie with 2 outputs of 0.5 XMR
const outputAmt = BigInt("500000000000");
await fundOutputs([charlieWallet], outputAmt, 2, false);
// schedule offer
const assetCode = "BCH";
const direction = "BUY";
let offer: OfferInfo = await postOffer(charlie, {assetCode: assetCode, direction: direction, awaitUnlockedBalance: false});
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "SCHEDULED");
// has offer
offer = await charlie.getMyOffer(offer.getId());
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "SCHEDULED");
// balances unchanged
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getLockedBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt * BigInt(2));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getReservedOfferBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
// peer does not see offer because it's scheduled
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
if (getOffer(await alice.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in peer's offers before posted");
// cancel offer
await charlie.removeOffer(offer.getId());
if (getOffer(await charlie.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found after canceling offer");
// balances unchanged
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getLockedBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt * BigInt(2));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getReservedOfferBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
// schedule offer
offer = await postOffer(charlie, {assetCode: assetCode, direction: direction, awaitUnlockedBalance: false});
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "SCHEDULED");
// restart charlie
const charlieConfig = {appName: charlie.getAppName()};
await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie);
charlie = await initHaveno(charlieConfig);
// has offer
offer = await charlie.getMyOffer(offer.getId());
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "SCHEDULED");
// peer does not see offer because it's scheduled
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
if (getOffer(await alice.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in peer's offers before posted");
// wait for deposit txs to unlock
await waitForUnlockedBalance(outputAmt, charlie);
// one output is reserved, one is unlocked
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt);
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getLockedBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getReservedOfferBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt);
// peer sees offer
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
if (!getOffer(await alice.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in peer's offers after posted");
// cancel offer
await charlie.removeOffer(offer.getId());
// offer is removed from my offers
if (getOffer(await charlie.getMyOffers(assetCode), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in my offers after removal");
// reserved balance becomes unlocked
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt * BigInt(2));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getLockedBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getReservedOfferBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
} catch (err2) {
err = err2;
// stop and delete instances
if (charlie) await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie, true);
if (err) throw err;
// TODO (woodser): test grpc notifications
test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
// wait for alice and bob to have unlocked balance for trade
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedBalance(tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), alice, bob);
const aliceBalancesBefore = await alice.getBalances();
const bobBalancesBefore: XmrBalanceInfo = await bob.getBalances();
// register to receive notifications
const aliceNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
const bobNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
await alice.addNotificationListener(notification => { aliceNotifications.push(notification); });
await bob.addNotificationListener(notification => { bobNotifications.push(notification); });
// alice posts offer
const assetCode = getRandomAssetCode();
const direction = "buy";
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Alice posting offer to " + direction + " XMR for " + assetCode);
const offer: OfferInfo = await postOffer(alice, {direction: direction, amount: tradeAmount, assetCode: assetCode});
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Alice done posting offer " + offer.getId());
// TODO (woodser): test error message taking offer before posted
// bob sees offer
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
const offerBob = getOffer(await bob.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId());
if (!offerBob) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in peer's offers after posting");
expect(offerBob.getState()).toEqual("UNKNOWN"); // TODO: offer state is not known?
// cannot take offer with invalid payment id
const aliceTradesBefore = await alice.getTrades();
const bobTradesBefore = await bob.getTrades();
try {
await bob.takeOffer(offer.getId(), "abc");
throw new Error("taking offer with invalid payment account id should fail");
} catch (err: any) {
assert.equal(err.message, "payment account with id 'abc' not found");
assert.equal((await alice.getTrades()).length, aliceTradesBefore.length, "alice should not have new trades");
assert.equal((await bob.getTrades()).length, bobTradesBefore.length, "bob should not have new trades"); // TODO (woodser): also test balance unreserved
// bob creates random payment account
const paymentAccount = await createPaymentAccount(bob, assetCode);
// bob takes offer
const startTime = Date.now();
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Bob taking offer");
const trade: TradeInfo = await bob.takeOffer(offer.getId(), paymentAccount.getId());
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Bob done taking offer in " + (Date.now() - startTime) + " ms");
// alice is notified that offer is taken
await wait(1000);
const tradeNotifications = getNotifications(aliceNotifications, NotificationMessage.NotificationType.TRADE_UPDATE);
expect(tradeNotifications[0].getTitle()).toEqual("Offer Taken");
expect(tradeNotifications[0].getMessage()).toEqual("Your offer " + offer.getId() + " has been accepted");
// alice is notified of balance change
// bob can get trade
let fetchedTrade: TradeInfo = await bob.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// TODO: test fetched trade
// test bob's balances after taking trade
let bobBalancesAfter: XmrBalanceInfo = await bob.getBalances();
expect(BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getReservedOfferBalance()) + BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getReservedTradeBalance())).toBeGreaterThan(BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getReservedOfferBalance()) + BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getReservedTradeBalance()));
// bob is notified of balance change
// alice can get trade
fetchedTrade = await alice.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// test trader chat
await testTradeChat(trade.getTradeId(), alice, bob);
// mine until deposit txs unlock
await waitForUnlockedTxs(fetchedTrade.getMakerDepositTxId(), fetchedTrade.getTakerDepositTxId());
// alice notified to send payment
await wait(TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
fetchedTrade = await alice.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
fetchedTrade = await bob.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// alice indicates payment is sent
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Alice confirming payment sent");
await alice.confirmPaymentStarted(trade.getTradeId());
fetchedTrade = await alice.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// bob notified payment is sent
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs + TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs);
fetchedTrade = await bob.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// bob confirms payment is received
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Bob confirming payment received");
await bob.confirmPaymentReceived(trade.getTradeId());
fetchedTrade = await bob.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
expect(fetchedTrade.getPhase()).toEqual("PAYMENT_RECEIVED"); // TODO (woodser): may be PAYOUT_PUBLISHED if seller sends multisig info after confirmation
// alice notified trade is complete and of balance changes
await wait(TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
fetchedTrade = await alice.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// test balances after payout tx
const aliceBalancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesAfter = await bob.getBalances();
const aliceFee = BigInt(aliceBalancesBefore.getBalance()) + tradeAmount - BigInt(aliceBalancesAfter.getBalance());
const bobFee = BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getBalance()) - tradeAmount - BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getBalance());
test("Can resolve disputes", async () => {
// wait for alice and bob to have unlocked balance for trade
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await fundOutputs([aliceWallet, bobWallet], tradeAmount * BigInt("6"), 4);
// register to receive notifications
const aliceNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
const bobNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
const arbitratorNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
await alice.addNotificationListener(notification => { HavenoUtils.log(3, "Alice received notification " + notification.getType() + " " + (notification.getChatMessage() ? notification.getChatMessage()?.getMessage() : "")); aliceNotifications.push(notification); });
await bob.addNotificationListener(notification => { HavenoUtils.log(3, "Bob received notification " + notification.getType() + " " + (notification.getChatMessage() ? notification.getChatMessage()?.getMessage() : "")); bobNotifications.push(notification); });
await arbitrator.addNotificationListener(notification => { HavenoUtils.log(3, "Arbitrator received notification " + notification.getType() + " " + (notification.getChatMessage() ? notification.getChatMessage()?.getMessage() : "")); arbitratorNotifications.push(notification); });
// TODO: notification collector with logging
// alice posts offers to buy xmr
const numOffers = 4;
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Alice posting offers");
const direction = "buy";
let offers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numOffers; i++) offers.push(postOffer(alice, {direction: direction, amount: tradeAmount, awaitUnlockedBalance: true}));
offers = await Promise.all(offers);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Alice done posting offers");
for (let i = 0; i < offers.length; i++) HavenoUtils.log(2, "Offer " + i + ": " + (await alice.getMyOffer(offers[i].getId())).getId());
// wait for offers to post
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// bob takes offers
const paymentAccount = await createPaymentAccount(bob, "eth");
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Bob taking offers");
let trades = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numOffers; i++) trades.push(bob.takeOffer(offers[i].getId(), paymentAccount.getId()));
trades = await Promise.all(trades);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Bob done taking offers");
// test trades
const depositTxIds: string[] = [];
for (const trade of trades) {
if (trade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Trade phase expected to be DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED but was " + trade.getPhase() + " for trade " + trade.getTradeId());
const fetchedTrade: TradeInfo = await bob.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
if (fetchedTrade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Fetched phase expected to be DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED but was " + fetchedTrade.getPhase() + " for trade " + fetchedTrade.getTradeId());
// mine until deposit txs unlock
await waitForUnlockedTxs(...depositTxIds);
// open disputes
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Opening disputes");
await Promise.all([
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done opening disputes");
// test dispute state
const bobDispute = await bob.getDispute(trades[0].getTradeId());
// get non-existing dispute should fail
try {
await bob.getDispute("invalid");
throw new Error("get dispute with invalid id should fail");
} catch (err: any) {
assert.equal(err.message, "dispute for trade id 'invalid' not found");
// alice sees the dispute
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs + TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs);
const aliceDispute = await alice.getDispute(trades[0].getTradeId());
// arbitrator sees both disputes
const disputes = await arbitrator.getDisputes();
const arbAliceDispute = disputes.find(d => d.getId() === aliceDispute.getId());
const arbBobDispute = disputes.find(d => d.getId() === bobDispute.getId());
// arbitrator sends chat messages to alice and bob
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Testing chat messages");
await arbitrator.sendDisputeChatMessage(arbBobDispute!.getId(), "Arbitrator chat message to Bob", []);
await arbitrator.sendDisputeChatMessage(arbAliceDispute!.getId(), "Arbitrator chat message to Alice", []);
// alice and bob reply to arbitrator chat messages
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs); // wait for arbitrator's message to arrive
const attachment = new Attachment();
const bytes = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from("Proof Bob was scammed", "utf8"));
const attachment2 = new Attachment();
const bytes2 = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from("picture bytes", "utf8"));
HavenoUtils.log(2, "Bob sending chat message to arbitrator. tradeId=" + trades[0].getTradeId() + ", disputeId=" + bobDispute.getId());
await bob.sendDisputeChatMessage(bobDispute.getId(), "Bob chat message", [attachment, attachment2]);
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs); // wait for bob's message to arrive
HavenoUtils.log(2, "Alice sending chat message to arbitrator. tradeId=" + trades[0].getTradeId() + ", disputeId=" + aliceDispute.getId());
await alice.sendDisputeChatMessage(aliceDispute.getId(), "Alice chat message", []);
// test alice and bob's chat messages
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
let updatedDispute = await bob.getDispute(trades[0].getTradeId());
let messages = updatedDispute.getChatMessageList();
expect(messages.length).toEqual(3); // 1st message is the system message
expect(messages[1].getMessage()).toEqual("Arbitrator chat message to Bob");
expect(messages[2].getMessage()).toEqual("Bob chat message");
let attachments = messages[2].getAttachmentsList();
updatedDispute = await alice.getDispute(trades[0].getTradeId());
messages = updatedDispute.getChatMessageList();
expect(messages[1].getMessage()).toEqual("Arbitrator chat message to Alice");
expect(messages[2].getMessage()).toEqual("Alice chat message");
// test notifications of chat messages
let chatNotifications = getNotifications(aliceNotifications, NotificationMessage.NotificationType.CHAT_MESSAGE);
expect(chatNotifications[0].getChatMessage()?.getMessage()).toEqual("Arbitrator chat message to Alice");
chatNotifications = getNotifications(bobNotifications, NotificationMessage.NotificationType.CHAT_MESSAGE);
expect(chatNotifications[0].getChatMessage()?.getMessage()).toEqual("Arbitrator chat message to Bob");
// arbitrator has 2 chat messages, one with attachments
chatNotifications = getNotifications(arbitratorNotifications, NotificationMessage.NotificationType.CHAT_MESSAGE);
expect(chatNotifications[0].getChatMessage()?.getMessage()).toEqual("Bob chat message");
attachments = chatNotifications[0].getChatMessage()?.getAttachmentsList()!;
expect(chatNotifications[1].getChatMessage()?.getMessage()).toEqual("Alice chat message");
// award trade amount to seller
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Awarding trade amount to seller, trade " + trades[0].getTradeId());
let bobBalancesBefore = await bob.getBalances();
let aliceBalancesBefore = await alice.getBalances();
await arbitrator.resolveDispute(trades[0].getTradeId(), DisputeResult.Winner.SELLER, DisputeResult.Reason.PEER_WAS_LATE, "Seller is winner");
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done resolving dispute");
// dispute is resolved
await wait(TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs);
updatedDispute = await alice.getDispute(trades[0].getTradeId());
updatedDispute = await bob.getDispute(trades[0].getTradeId());
// check balances after payout tx
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
let aliceBalancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
let bobBalancesAfter = await bob.getBalances();
let aliceDifference = BigInt(aliceBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(aliceBalancesBefore.getBalance());
let bobDifference = BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getBalance());
let winnerPayout = tradeAmount + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[0].getSellerSecurityDeposit());
let loserPayout = HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[0].getBuyerSecurityDeposit());
expect(loserPayout - aliceDifference).toBeLessThan(TestConfig.maxFee);
// award trade amount to buyer
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Awarding trade amount to buyer, trade " + trades[1].getTradeId());
aliceBalancesBefore = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesBefore = await bob.getBalances();
await arbitrator.resolveDispute(trades[1].getTradeId(), DisputeResult.Winner.BUYER, DisputeResult.Reason.SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING, "Buyer is winner");
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done resolving dispute");
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs + TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs * 2 + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs); // TODO (woodser): arbitrator sends mailbox message to trader -> trader opens and syncs multisig wallet and sends updated multisig hex to arbitrator -> arbitrator opens and syncs multisig wallet, signs payout tx and sends to trader -> trader finishes signing payout tx and broadcasts. more efficient way? traders can verify payout tx without syncing multisig wallet again
aliceBalancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesAfter = await bob.getBalances();
aliceDifference = BigInt(aliceBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(aliceBalancesBefore.getBalance());
bobDifference = BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getBalance());
winnerPayout = tradeAmount + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[1].getBuyerSecurityDeposit());
loserPayout = HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[1].getSellerSecurityDeposit());
if (aliceDifference !== winnerPayout || loserPayout - bobDifference > TestConfig.maxFee) {
HavenoUtils.log(0, "WARNING: payout not observed. waiting longer"); // TODO (woodser): refactor dispute resolution
await wait(TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
aliceBalancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesAfter = await bob.getBalances();
aliceDifference = BigInt(aliceBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(aliceBalancesBefore.getBalance());
bobDifference = BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getBalance());
expect(loserPayout - bobDifference).toBeLessThan(TestConfig.maxFee);
// award half of trade amount to buyer
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Awarding half of trade amount to buyer, trade " + trades[2].getTradeId());
let customWinnerAmount = tradeAmount / BigInt(2) + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[2].getBuyerSecurityDeposit());
aliceBalancesBefore = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesBefore = await bob.getBalances();
await arbitrator.resolveDispute(trades[2].getTradeId(), DisputeResult.Winner.BUYER, DisputeResult.Reason.WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT, "Split trade amount", customWinnerAmount);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done resolving dispute");
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs + TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs * 2 + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
aliceBalancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesAfter = await bob.getBalances();
aliceDifference = BigInt(aliceBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(aliceBalancesBefore.getBalance());
bobDifference = BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getBalance());
loserPayout = tradeAmount + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[2].getBuyerSecurityDeposit()) + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[2].getSellerSecurityDeposit()) - customWinnerAmount;
if (aliceDifference !== customWinnerAmount || loserPayout - bobDifference > TestConfig.maxFee) {
HavenoUtils.log(0, "WARNING: payout not observed. waiting longer");
await wait(TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
aliceBalancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesAfter = await bob.getBalances();
aliceDifference = BigInt(aliceBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(aliceBalancesBefore.getBalance());
bobDifference = BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getBalance());
expect(loserPayout - bobDifference).toBeLessThanOrEqual(TestConfig.maxFee);
// award too little to loser
customWinnerAmount = tradeAmount + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[3].getBuyerSecurityDeposit()) + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[3].getSellerSecurityDeposit()) - BigInt("10000");
try {
await arbitrator.resolveDispute(trades[3].getTradeId(), DisputeResult.Winner.SELLER, DisputeResult.Reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED, "Loser gets too little", customWinnerAmount);
throw new Error("Should have failed resolving dispute with insufficient loser payout");
} catch (err: any) {
assert.equal(err.message, "Loser payout is too small to cover the mining fee");
// award full amount to seller
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Awarding full amount to seller, trade " + trades[3].getTradeId());
customWinnerAmount = tradeAmount + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[3].getBuyerSecurityDeposit()) + HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offers[3].getSellerSecurityDeposit());
aliceBalancesBefore = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesBefore = await bob.getBalances();
await arbitrator.resolveDispute(trades[3].getTradeId(), DisputeResult.Winner.SELLER, DisputeResult.Reason.TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED, "Seller gets everything", customWinnerAmount);
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs + TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs * 2 + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
aliceBalancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesAfter = await bob.getBalances();
aliceDifference = BigInt(aliceBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(aliceBalancesBefore.getBalance());
bobDifference = BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getBalance());
if (customWinnerAmount - bobDifference > TestConfig.maxFee) {
HavenoUtils.log(0, "WARNING: payout not observed. waiting longer");
await wait(TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
aliceBalancesAfter = await alice.getBalances();
bobBalancesAfter = await bob.getBalances();
aliceDifference = BigInt(aliceBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(aliceBalancesBefore.getBalance());
bobDifference = BigInt(bobBalancesAfter.getBalance()) - BigInt(bobBalancesBefore.getBalance());
expect(customWinnerAmount - bobDifference).toBeLessThanOrEqual(TestConfig.maxFee);
test("Cannot make or take offer with insufficient unlocked funds", async () => {
let charlie: HavenoClient | undefined;
let err: any;
try {
// start charlie
charlie = await initHaveno();
// charlie creates ethereum payment account
const paymentAccount = await createCryptoPaymentAccount(charlie);
// charlie cannot make offer with insufficient funds
try {
await postOffer(charlie, {paymentAccountId: paymentAccount.getId()});
throw new Error("Should have failed making offer with insufficient funds")
} catch (err: any) {
const errTyped = err as HavenoError;
assert.equal(errTyped.code, 2);
assert(err.message.includes("not enough money"), "Unexpected error: " + err.message);
// alice posts offer
const offers: OfferInfo[] = await alice.getMyOffers("ETH");
let offer: OfferInfo;
if (offers.length) offer = offers[0];
else {
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedBalance(tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), alice);
offer = await postOffer(alice, {amount: tradeAmount});
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "AVAILABLE");
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// charlie cannot take offer with insufficient funds
try {
await charlie.takeOffer(offer.getId(), paymentAccount.getId());
throw new Error("Should have failed taking offer with insufficient funds")
} catch (err: any) {
const errTyped = err as HavenoError;
assert(errTyped.message.includes("not enough money"), "Unexpected error: " + errTyped.message);
assert.equal(errTyped.code, 2);
// charlie does not have trade
try {
await charlie.getTrade(offer.getId());
} catch (err: any) {
const errTyped = err as HavenoError;
assert.equal(errTyped.code, 3);
assert(errTyped.message.includes("trade with id '" + offer.getId() + "' not found"));
} catch (err2) {
err = err2;
// stop charlie
if (charlie) await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie, true);
if (err) throw err;
test("Invalidates offers when reserved funds are spent", async () => {
let err;
let tx;
try {
// wait for alice to have unlocked balance for trade
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedBalance(tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), alice);
// get frozen key images before posting offer
const frozenKeyImagesBefore = [];
for (const frozenOutput of await aliceWallet.getOutputs({isFrozen: true})) frozenKeyImagesBefore.push(frozenOutput.getKeyImage().getHex());
// post offer
await wait(1000);
const assetCode = getRandomAssetCode();
const offer: OfferInfo = await postOffer(alice, {assetCode: assetCode, amount: tradeAmount});
// get key images reserved by offer
const reservedKeyImages = [];
const frozenKeyImagesAfter = [];
for (const frozenOutput of await aliceWallet.getOutputs({isFrozen: true})) frozenKeyImagesAfter.push(frozenOutput.getKeyImage().getHex());
for (const frozenKeyImageAfter of frozenKeyImagesAfter) {
if (!frozenKeyImagesBefore.includes(frozenKeyImageAfter)) reservedKeyImages.push(frozenKeyImageAfter);
// offer is available to peers
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
if (!getOffer(await bob.getOffers(assetCode, "buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in peer's offers after posting");
// spend one of offer's reserved outputs
if (!reservedKeyImages.length) throw new Error("No reserved key images detected");
await aliceWallet.thawOutput(reservedKeyImages[0]);
tx = await aliceWallet.sweepOutput({keyImage: reservedKeyImages[0], address: await aliceWallet.getPrimaryAddress(), relay: false});
await monerod.submitTxHex(tx.getFullHex(), true);
// wait for spend to be seen
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2); // TODO (woodser): need place for common test utilities
// offer is removed from peer offers
if (getOffer(await bob.getOffers(assetCode, "buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in peer's offers after reserved funds spent");
// offer is removed from my offers
if (getOffer(await alice.getMyOffers(assetCode, "buy"), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in my offers after reserved funds spent");
// offer is automatically cancelled
try {
await alice.removeOffer(offer.getId());
throw new Error("cannot remove invalidated offer");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message === "cannot remove invalidated offer") throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
} catch (err2) {
err = err2;
// flush tx from pool
if (tx) await monerod.flushTxPool(tx.getHash());
if (err) throw err;
// TODO (woodser): test arbitrator state too
// TODO (woodser): test breaking protocol after depositing to multisig (e.g. don't send payment account payload by deleting it)
test("Handles unexpected errors during trade initialization", async () => {
let traders: HavenoClient[] = [];
let err: any;
try {
// start and fund 3 trader processes
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Starting trader processes");
traders = await initHavenos(3);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Funding traders");
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedBalance(tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), traders[0], traders[1], traders[2]);
// trader 0 posts offer
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Posting offer");
let offer = await postOffer(traders[0], {amount: tradeAmount});
offer = await traders[0].getMyOffer(offer.getId());
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "AVAILABLE");
// wait for offer to be seen
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// trader 1 spends trade funds after initializing trade
let paymentAccount = await createCryptoPaymentAccount(traders[1]);
wait(3000).then(async function() {
try {
const traderWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc("http://localhost:" + traders[1].getWalletRpcPort(), TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletUsername, TestConfig.defaultHavenod.accountPassword);
for (const frozenOutput of await traderWallet.getOutputs({isFrozen: true})) await traderWallet.thawOutput(frozenOutput.getKeyImage().getHex());
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Sweeping trade funds");
await traderWallet.sweepUnlocked({address: await traderWallet.getPrimaryAddress(), relay: true});
} catch (err: any) {
console.log("Caught error sweeping funds!");
// trader 1 tries to take offer
try {
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Trader 1 taking offer " + offer.getId());
await traders[1].takeOffer(offer.getId(), paymentAccount.getId());
throw new Error("Should have failed taking offer because taker trade funds spent")
} catch (err: any) {
assert(err.message.includes("not enough unlocked money"), "Unexpected error: " + err.message);
// TODO: test that unavailable right after taking (taker will know before maker)
// trader 0's offer remains available
await wait(10000); // give time for trade initialization to fail and offer to become available
offer = await traders[0].getMyOffer(offer.getId());
if (offer.getState() !== "AVAILABLE") {
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Offer is not yet available, waiting to become available after timeout..."); // TODO (woodser): fail trade on nack during initialization to save a bunch of time
await wait(TestConfig.tradeInitTimeout - 10000); // wait remaining time for offer to become available after timeout
offer = await traders[0].getMyOffer(offer.getId());
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "AVAILABLE");
// trader 0 spends trade funds then trader 2 takes offer
wait(3000).then(async function() {
try {
const traderWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc("http://localhost:" + traders[0].getWalletRpcPort(), TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletUsername, TestConfig.defaultHavenod.accountPassword);
for (const frozenOutput of await traderWallet.getOutputs({isFrozen: true})) await traderWallet.thawOutput(frozenOutput.getKeyImage().getHex());
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Sweeping offer funds");
await traderWallet.sweepUnlocked({address: await traderWallet.getPrimaryAddress(), relay: true});
} catch (err: any) {
console.log("Caught error sweeping funds!");
// trader 2 tries to take offer
paymentAccount = await createCryptoPaymentAccount(traders[2]);
try {
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Trader 2 taking offer")
await traders[2].takeOffer(offer.getId(), paymentAccount.getId());
throw new Error("Should have failed taking offer because maker trade funds spent")
} catch (err: any) {
assert(err.message.includes("not enough unlocked money") || err.message.includes("timeout reached. protocol did not complete"), "Unexpected error: " + err.message);
// trader 2's balance is unreserved
const trader2Balances = await traders[2].getBalances();
} catch (err2) {
err = err2;
// stop traders
for (const trader of traders) await releaseHavenoProcess(trader, true);
if (err) throw err;
// ------------------------------- HELPERS ------------------------------------
async function initHavenos(numDaemons: number, config?: any) {
const traderPromises: Promise<HavenoClient>[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numDaemons; i++) traderPromises.push(initHaveno(config));
return Promise.all(traderPromises);
async function initHaveno(config?: any): Promise<HavenoClient> {
config = Object.assign({}, TestConfig.defaultHavenod, config);
if (!config.appName) config.appName = "haveno-XMR_STAGENET_instance_" + GenUtils.getUUID();
// connect to existing server or start new process
let havenod;
try {
// try to connect to existing server
havenod = new HavenoClient(config.url, config.apiPassword);
await havenod.getVersion();
} catch (err: any) {
// get port for haveno process
let proxyPort = "";
if (config.url) proxyPort = new URL(config.url).port
else {
for (const port of Array.from(TestConfig.proxyPorts.keys())) {
if (port === "8079" || port === "8080" || port === "8081") continue; // reserved for arbitrator, alice, and bob
if (!GenUtils.arrayContains(HAVENO_PROCESS_PORTS, port)) {
proxyPort = port;
if (!proxyPort) throw new Error("No unused test ports available");
// start haveno process using configured ports if available
const cmd: string[] = [
"--baseCurrencyNetwork", "XMR_STAGENET",
"--useLocalhostForP2P", "true",
"--useDevPrivilegeKeys", "true",
"--nodePort", TestConfig.proxyPorts.get(proxyPort)![1],
"--appName", config.appName,
"--apiPassword", "apitest",
"--apiPort", TestConfig.proxyPorts.get(proxyPort)![0],
"--walletRpcBindPort", config.walletUrl ? new URL(config.walletUrl).port : "" + await getAvailablePort(), // use configured port if given
"--passwordRequired", (config.accountPasswordRequired ? "true" : "false")
havenod = await HavenoClient.startProcess(TestConfig.haveno.path, cmd, "http://localhost:" + proxyPort, config.logProcessOutput);
// open account if configured
if (config.autoLogin) await initHavenoAccount(havenod, config.accountPassword);
return havenod;
async function getAvailablePort(): Promise<number> {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
const srv = net.createServer();
srv.listen(0, function() {
const port = (srv.address() as net.AddressInfo).port;
srv.close(function() {
* Release a Haveno process for reuse and try to shutdown.
async function releaseHavenoProcess(havenod: HavenoClient, deleteAppDir?: boolean) {
GenUtils.remove(HAVENO_PROCESSES, havenod);
GenUtils.remove(HAVENO_PROCESS_PORTS, new URL(havenod.getUrl()).port);
try {
await havenod.shutdownServer();
} catch (err: any) {
assert.equal(err.message, OFFLINE_ERR_MSG);
if (deleteAppDir) deleteHavenoInstance(havenod);
* Delete a Haveno instance from disk.
function deleteHavenoInstance(havenod: HavenoClient) {
if (!havenod.getAppName()) throw new Error("Cannot delete Haveno instance owned by different process")
const userDataDir = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform === 'darwin' ? process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support' : process.env.HOME + "/.local/share");
const appPath = path.normalize(userDataDir + "/" + havenod.getAppName()!);
fs.rmSync(appPath, { recursive: true, force: true });
* Create or open an account with the given daemon and password.
async function initHavenoAccount(havenod: HavenoClient, password: string) {
if (await havenod.isAccountOpen()) return;
if (await havenod.accountExists()) return havenod.openAccount(password);
await havenod.createAccount(password);
* Open or create funding wallet.
async function initFundingWallet() {
// init client connected to monero-wallet-rpc
fundingWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc(TestConfig.fundingWallet.url, TestConfig.fundingWallet.username, TestConfig.fundingWallet.password);
// check if wallet is open
let walletIsOpen = false
try {
await fundingWallet.getPrimaryAddress();
walletIsOpen = true;
} catch (err: any) {
// do nothing
// open wallet if necessary
if (!walletIsOpen) {
// attempt to open funding wallet
try {
await fundingWallet.openWallet({path: TestConfig.fundingWallet.defaultPath, password: TestConfig.fundingWallet.password});
} catch (err: any) {
if (!(err instanceof monerojs.MoneroRpcError)) throw err;
// -1 returned when wallet does not exist or fails to open e.g. it's already open by another application
if (err.getCode() === -1) {
// create wallet
await fundingWallet.createWallet({path: TestConfig.fundingWallet.defaultPath, password: TestConfig.fundingWallet.password});
} else {
throw err;
async function startMining() {
try {
await monerod.startMining(await fundingWallet.getPrimaryAddress(), 3);
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "Already mining") throw err;
* Wait for unlocked balance in wallet or Haveno daemon.
async function waitForUnlockedBalance(amount: bigint, ...wallets: any[]) {
// wrap common wallet functionality for tests
class WalletWrapper {
_wallet: any;
constructor(wallet: any) {
this._wallet = wallet;
async getUnlockedBalance(): Promise<bigint> {
if (this._wallet instanceof HavenoClient) return BigInt((await this._wallet.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance());
else return BigInt((await this._wallet.getUnlockedBalance()).toString());
async getLockedBalance(): Promise<bigint> {
if (this._wallet instanceof HavenoClient) return BigInt((await this._wallet.getBalances()).getLockedBalance());
else return BigInt((await this._wallet.getBalance()).toString()) - await this.getUnlockedBalance();
async getDepositAddress(): Promise<string> {
if (this._wallet instanceof HavenoClient) return await this._wallet.getXmrNewSubaddress();
else return (await this._wallet.createSubaddress()).getAddress();
// wrap wallets
for (let i = 0; i < wallets.length; i++) wallets[i] = new WalletWrapper(wallets[i]);
// fund wallets with insufficient balance
let miningNeeded = false;
const fundConfig = new MoneroTxConfig().setAccountIndex(0).setRelay(true);
for (const wallet of wallets) {
const unlockedBalance = await wallet.getUnlockedBalance();
if (unlockedBalance < amount) miningNeeded = true;
const depositNeeded: bigint = amount - unlockedBalance - await wallet.getLockedBalance();
if (depositNeeded > BigInt("0") && wallet._wallet !== fundingWallet) {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
fundConfig.addDestination(await wallet.getDepositAddress(), depositNeeded * BigInt("2")); // make several deposits
if (fundConfig.getDestinations()) {
await waitForUnlockedBalance(TestConfig.fundingWallet.minimumFunding, fundingWallet); // TODO (woodser): wait for enough to cover tx amount + fee
try { await fundingWallet.createTx(fundConfig); }
catch (err: any) { throw new Error("Error funding wallets: " + err.message); }
// done if all wallets have sufficient unlocked balance
if (!miningNeeded) return;
// wait for funds to unlock
HavenoUtils.log(0, "Mining for unlocked balance of " + amount);
await startMining();
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for (const wallet of wallets) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
promises.push(new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const taskLooper: any = new TaskLooper(async function() {
if (await wallet.getUnlockedBalance() >= amount) {
await Promise.all(promises);
await monerod.stopMining();
HavenoUtils.log(0, "Funds unlocked, done mining");
async function waitForUnlockedTxs(...txHashes: string[]) {
if (txHashes.length === 0) return;
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Mining to unlock txs");
await startMining();
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for (const txHash of txHashes) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
promises.push(new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const taskLooper = new TaskLooper(async function() {
const tx = await monerod.getTx(txHash);
if (tx.isConfirmed() && tx.getBlock().getHeight() <= await monerod.getHeight() - 10) {
await Promise.all(promises);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done mining to unlock txs");
await monerod.stopMining();
* Indicates if the given wallets have unspent outputs.
* @param {MoneroWallet[]} wallets - wallets to check
* @param {BigInt} amt - amount to check
* @param {number?} numOutputs - number of outputs of the given amount (default 1)
* @param {boolean?} isLocked - specifies if the outputs must be locked or unlocked (default either)
async function hasUnspentOutputs(wallets: any[], amt: BigInt, numOutputs?: number, isLocked?: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
if (numOutputs === undefined) numOutputs = 1;
for (const wallet of wallets) {
const unspentOutputs = await wallet.getOutputs({isSpent: false, isFrozen: false, minAmount: monerojs.BigInteger(amt.toString()), txQuery: {isLocked: isLocked}});
if (unspentOutputs.length < numOutputs) return false;
return true;
* Fund the given wallets.
* @param {MoneroWallet} wallets - monerojs wallets
* @param {BigInt} amt - the amount to fund
* @param {number?} numOutputs - the number of outputs of the given amount (default 1)
* @param {boolean?} waitForUnlock - wait for outputs to unlock (default false)
async function fundOutputs(wallets: any[], amt: bigint, numOutputs?: number, waitForUnlock?: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (numOutputs === undefined) numOutputs = 1;
if (waitForUnlock === undefined) waitForUnlock = true;
// collect destinations
const destinations = [];
for (const wallet of wallets) {
if (await hasUnspentOutputs([wallet], amt, numOutputs, waitForUnlock ? false : undefined)) continue;
for (let i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
destinations.push(new MoneroDestination((await wallet.createSubaddress()).getAddress(), monerojs.BigInteger(amt.toString())));
if (!destinations.length) return;
// fund destinations
let txConfig = new MoneroTxConfig().setAccountIndex(0).setRelay(true);
const txHashes: string[] = [];
let sendAmt = BigInteger("0");
for (let i = 0; i < destinations.length; i++) {
sendAmt = sendAmt.add(destinations[i].getAmount());
if (i === destinations.length - 1 || (i > 0 && i % 15 === 0)) {
await waitForUnlockedBalance(toBigInt(sendAmt), fundingWallet);
txHashes.push((await fundingWallet.createTx(txConfig)).getHash());
txConfig = new MoneroTxConfig().setAccountIndex(0).setRelay(true);
sendAmt = BigInteger("0");
// wait for wallets to see transfers
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
// mine until outputs unlock
if (!waitForUnlock) return;
let miningStarted = false;
while (!await hasUnspentOutputs(wallets, amt, numOutputs, false)) {
if (!miningStarted) {
await startMining();
miningStarted = true;
await wait(5000);
if (miningStarted) await monerod.stopMining();
// convert monero-javascript BigInteger to typescript BigInt
function toBigInt(mjsBigInt: any) {
return BigInt(mjsBigInt.toString())
async function wait(durationMs: number) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, durationMs); });
function getNotifications(notifications: NotificationMessage[], notificationType: NotificationMessage.NotificationType) {
const filteredNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
for (const notification of notifications) {
if (notification.getType() === notificationType) {
return filteredNotifications;
function getConnection(connections: UrlConnection[], url: string): UrlConnection | undefined {
for (const connection of connections) if (connection.getUrl() === url) return connection;
return undefined;
function testConnection(connection: UrlConnection, url?: string, onlineStatus?: OnlineStatus, authenticationStatus?: AuthenticationStatus, priority?: number) {
if (url) assert.equal(connection.getUrl(), url);
assert.equal(connection.getPassword(), ""); // TODO (woodser): undefined instead of ""?
assert.equal(connection.getUsername(), "");
if (onlineStatus !== undefined) assert.equal(connection.getOnlineStatus(), onlineStatus);
if (authenticationStatus !== undefined) assert.equal(connection.getAuthenticationStatus(), authenticationStatus);
if (priority !== undefined) assert.equal(connection.getPriority(), priority);
function testTx(tx: XmrTx, ctx: TxContext) {
if (tx.getIsConfirmed()) {
assert(tx.getTimestamp() > 1000);
assert(tx.getHeight() > 0);
} else {
assert.equal(tx.getHeight(), 0);
assert(tx.getOutgoingTransfer() || tx.getIncomingTransfersList().length); // TODO (woodser): test transfers
for (const incomingTransfer of tx.getIncomingTransfersList()) testTransfer(incomingTransfer, ctx);
if (tx.getOutgoingTransfer()) testTransfer(tx.getOutgoingTransfer()!, ctx);
if (ctx.isCreatedTx) testCreatedTx(tx);
function testCreatedTx(tx: XmrTx) {
assert.equal(tx.getTimestamp(), 0);
assert.equal(tx.getIsConfirmed(), false);
assert.equal(tx.getIsLocked(), true);
assert(tx.getMetadata() && tx.getMetadata().length > 0);
function testTransfer(transfer: XmrIncomingTransfer | XmrOutgoingTransfer, ctx: TxContext) {
assert(transfer.getAccountIndex() >= 0);
if (transfer instanceof XmrIncomingTransfer) testIncomingTransfer(transfer);
else testOutgoingTransfer(transfer, ctx);
function testIncomingTransfer(transfer: XmrIncomingTransfer) {
assert(transfer.getSubaddressIndex() >= 0);
assert(transfer.getNumSuggestedConfirmations() > 0);
function testOutgoingTransfer(transfer: XmrOutgoingTransfer, ctx: TxContext) {
if (!ctx.isCreatedTx) assert(transfer.getSubaddressIndicesList().length > 0);
for (const subaddressIdx of transfer.getSubaddressIndicesList()) assert(subaddressIdx >= 0);
// test destinations sum to outgoing amount
if (transfer.getDestinationsList().length > 0) {
let sum = BigInt(0);
for (const destination of transfer.getDestinationsList()) {
sum += BigInt(destination.getAmount());
assert.equal(sum, BigInt(transfer.getAmount()));
function testDestination(destination: XmrDestination) {
function getRandomAssetCode() {
return TestConfig.assetCodes[GenUtils.getRandomInt(0, TestConfig.assetCodes.length - 1)];
async function hasPaymentAccount(trader: HavenoClient, assetCode: string): Promise<boolean> {
for (const paymentAccount of await trader.getPaymentAccounts()) {
if (paymentAccount.getSelectedTradeCurrency()!.getCode() === assetCode.toUpperCase()) return true;
return false;
async function createPaymentAccount(trader: HavenoClient, assetCode: string): Promise<PaymentAccount> {
return isCrypto(assetCode) ? createCryptoPaymentAccount(trader, assetCode) : createRevolutPaymentAccount(trader);
function isCrypto(assetCode: string) {
return getCryptoAddress(assetCode) !== undefined;
function getCryptoAddress(currencyCode: string): string | undefined {
for (const cryptoAddress of TestConfig.cryptoAddresses) {
if (cryptoAddress.currencyCode === currencyCode.toUpperCase()) return cryptoAddress.address;
async function createRevolutPaymentAccount(trader: HavenoClient): Promise<PaymentAccount> {
const accountForm = await trader.getPaymentAccountForm('REVOLUT');
accountForm.tradeCurrencies ="gbp,eur,usd";
accountForm.selectedTradeCurrency = "usd";
accountForm.accountName = "Revolut account " + GenUtils.getUUID();
accountForm.userName = "user123";
return trader.createPaymentAccount(accountForm);
async function createCryptoPaymentAccount(trader: HavenoClient, currencyCode = "eth"): Promise<PaymentAccount> {
for (const cryptoAddress of TestConfig.cryptoAddresses) {
if (cryptoAddress.currencyCode.toLowerCase() !== currencyCode.toLowerCase()) continue;
return trader.createCryptoPaymentAccount(
cryptoAddress.currencyCode + " " + cryptoAddress.address.substr(0, 8) + "... " + GenUtils.getUUID(),
throw new Error("No test config for crypto: " + currencyCode);
async function postOffer(maker: HavenoClient, config?: PostOfferConfig) {
// assign default options
config = Object.assign({}, TestConfig.postOffer, config);
// wait for unlocked balance
if (config.awaitUnlockedBalance) await waitForUnlockedBalance(config.amount! * BigInt("2"), maker);
// create payment account if not given
if (!config.paymentAccountId) config.paymentAccountId = (await createPaymentAccount(maker, config.assetCode!)).getId();
// get unlocked balance before reserving offer
const unlockedBalanceBefore = BigInt((await maker.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance());
// post offer
const offer: OfferInfo = await maker.postOffer(
testOffer(offer, config);
// offer is included in my offers only
if (!getOffer(await maker.getMyOffers(config.assetCode!, config.direction), offer.getId())) {
await wait(10000);
if (!getOffer(await maker.getMyOffers(config.assetCode!, config.direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in my offers");
if (getOffer(await maker.getOffers(config.assetCode!, config.direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("My offer " + offer.getId() + " should not appear in available offers");
// unlocked balance has decreased
const unlockedBalanceAfter = BigInt((await maker.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance());
if (offer.getState() === "SCHEDULED") {
if (unlockedBalanceAfter !== unlockedBalanceBefore) throw new Error("Unlocked balance should not change for scheduled offer");
} else if (offer.getState() === "AVAILABLE") {
if (unlockedBalanceAfter === unlockedBalanceBefore) throw new Error("Unlocked balance did not change after posting offer");
} else {
throw new Error("Unexpected offer state after posting: " + offer.getState());
return offer;
function getOffer(offers: OfferInfo[], id: string): OfferInfo | undefined {
return offers.find(offer => offer.getId() === id);
function testCryptoPaymentAccount(acct: PaymentAccount) {
const tradeCurrency = acct.getTradeCurrenciesList()[0];
function testCryptoPaymentAccountsEqual(acct1: PaymentAccount, acct2: PaymentAccount) {
function testOffer(offer: OfferInfo, config?: any) {
if (config) {
expect(HavenoUtils.centinerosToAtomicUnits(offer.getAmount())).toEqual(config.amount); // TODO (woodser): use atomic units in offer instead of centineros?
expect(offer.getBuyerSecurityDeposit() / offer.getAmount()).toEqual(config.buyerSecurityDeposit);
expect(offer.getSellerSecurityDeposit() / offer.getAmount()).toEqual(config.buyerSecurityDeposit); // TODO: use same config.securityDeposit for buyer and seller?
// TODO: test rest of offer
* Tests trade chat functionality. Must be called during an open trade.
async function testTradeChat(tradeId: string, alice: HavenoClient, bob: HavenoClient) {
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Testing trade chat");
// invalid trade should throw error
try {
await alice.getChatMessages("invalid");
throw new Error("get chat messages with invalid id should fail");
} catch (err: any) {
assert.equal(err.message, "trade with id 'invalid' not found");
// trade chat should be in initial state
let messages = await alice.getChatMessages(tradeId);
assert(messages.length === 0);
messages = await bob.getChatMessages(tradeId);
assert(messages.length === 0);
// add notification handlers and send some messages
const aliceNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
const bobNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
await alice.addNotificationListener(notification => { aliceNotifications.push(notification); });
await bob.addNotificationListener(notification => { bobNotifications.push(notification); });
// send simple conversation and verify the list of messages
const aliceMsg = "Hi I'm Alice";
await alice.sendChatMessage(tradeId, aliceMsg);
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
messages = await bob.getChatMessages(tradeId);
expect(messages[0].getIsSystemMessage()).toEqual(true); // first message is system
const bobMsg = "Hello I'm Bob";
await bob.sendChatMessage(tradeId, bobMsg);
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
messages = await alice.getChatMessages(tradeId);
// verify notifications
let chatNotifications = getNotifications(aliceNotifications, NotificationMessage.NotificationType.CHAT_MESSAGE);
chatNotifications = getNotifications(bobNotifications, NotificationMessage.NotificationType.CHAT_MESSAGE);
// additional msgs
const msgs = ["", " ", "<script>alert('test');</script>", "さようなら"];
for(const msg of msgs) {
await alice.sendChatMessage(tradeId, msg);
await wait(1000); // the async operation can result in out of order messages
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
messages = await bob.getChatMessages(tradeId);
let offset = 3; // 3 existing messages
expect(messages.length).toEqual(offset + msgs.length);
for (let i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
expect(messages[i + offset].getMessage()).toEqual(msgs[i]);
chatNotifications = getNotifications(bobNotifications, NotificationMessage.NotificationType.CHAT_MESSAGE);
offset = 1; // 1 existing notification
expect(chatNotifications.length).toBe(offset + msgs.length);
for (let i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
expect(chatNotifications[i + offset].getChatMessage()?.getMessage()).toEqual(msgs[i]);
function testMoneroNodeSettingsEqual(settingsBefore: MoneroNodeSettings, settingsAfter: MoneroNodeSettings) {