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synced 2025-03-21 05:16:28 -04:00
638 lines
15 KiB
Protocol Buffer
638 lines
15 KiB
Protocol Buffer
* This file is part of Bisq.
* Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Bisq. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
syntax = "proto3";
package io.bisq.protobuffer;
import "pb.proto";
option java_package = "bisq.proto.grpc";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// DisputeAgents
service DisputeAgents {
rpc RegisterDisputeAgent (RegisterDisputeAgentRequest) returns (RegisterDisputeAgentReply) {
message RegisterDisputeAgentRequest {
string disputeAgentType = 1;
string registrationKey = 2;
message RegisterDisputeAgentReply {
// Help
service Help {
rpc GetMethodHelp (GetMethodHelpRequest) returns (GetMethodHelpReply) {
message GetMethodHelpRequest {
string methodName = 1;
message GetMethodHelpReply {
string methodHelp = 1;
// Offers
service Offers {
rpc GetOffer (GetOfferRequest) returns (GetOfferReply) {
rpc GetMyOffer (GetMyOfferRequest) returns (GetMyOfferReply) {
rpc GetOffers (GetOffersRequest) returns (GetOffersReply) {
rpc GetMyOffers (GetMyOffersRequest) returns (GetMyOffersReply) {
rpc CreateOffer (CreateOfferRequest) returns (CreateOfferReply) {
rpc CancelOffer (CancelOfferRequest) returns (CancelOfferReply) {
message GetOfferRequest {
string id = 1;
message GetOfferReply {
OfferInfo offer = 1;
message GetMyOfferRequest {
string id = 1;
message GetMyOfferReply {
OfferInfo offer = 1;
message GetOffersRequest {
string direction = 1;
string currencyCode = 2;
message GetOffersReply {
repeated OfferInfo offers = 1;
message GetMyOffersRequest {
string direction = 1;
string currencyCode = 2;
message GetMyOffersReply {
repeated OfferInfo offers = 1;
message CreateOfferRequest {
string currencyCode = 1;
string direction = 2;
string price = 3;
bool useMarketBasedPrice = 4;
double marketPriceMargin = 5;
uint64 amount = 6;
uint64 minAmount = 7;
double buyerSecurityDeposit = 8;
uint64 triggerPrice = 9;
string paymentAccountId = 10;
string makerFeeCurrencyCode = 11;
message CreateOfferReply {
OfferInfo offer = 1;
message CancelOfferRequest {
string id = 1;
message CancelOfferReply {
message OfferInfo {
string id = 1;
string direction = 2;
uint64 price = 3;
bool useMarketBasedPrice = 4;
double marketPriceMargin = 5;
uint64 amount = 6;
uint64 minAmount = 7;
uint64 volume = 8;
uint64 minVolume = 9;
uint64 buyerSecurityDeposit = 10;
uint64 triggerPrice = 11;
bool isCurrencyForMakerFeeBtc = 12;
string paymentAccountId = 13;
string paymentMethodId = 14;
string paymentMethodShortName = 15;
string baseCurrencyCode = 16;
string counterCurrencyCode = 17;
uint64 date = 18;
string state = 19;
uint64 sellerSecurityDeposit = 20;
string offerFeePaymentTxId = 21;
uint64 txFee = 22;
uint64 makerFee = 23;
message AvailabilityResultWithDescription {
AvailabilityResult availabilityResult = 1;
string description = 2;
// PaymentAccounts
service PaymentAccounts {
rpc CreatePaymentAccount (CreatePaymentAccountRequest) returns (CreatePaymentAccountReply) {
rpc GetPaymentAccounts (GetPaymentAccountsRequest) returns (GetPaymentAccountsReply) {
rpc GetPaymentMethods (GetPaymentMethodsRequest) returns (GetPaymentMethodsReply) {
rpc GetPaymentAccountForm (GetPaymentAccountFormRequest) returns (GetPaymentAccountFormReply) {
rpc CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccount (CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest) returns (CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply) {
rpc GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethods (GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest) returns (GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply) {
message CreatePaymentAccountRequest {
string paymentAccountForm = 1;
message CreatePaymentAccountReply {
PaymentAccount paymentAccount = 1;
message GetPaymentAccountsRequest {
message GetPaymentAccountsReply {
repeated PaymentAccount paymentAccounts = 1;
message GetPaymentMethodsRequest {
message GetPaymentMethodsReply {
repeated PaymentMethod paymentMethods = 1;
message GetPaymentAccountFormRequest {
string paymentMethodId = 1;
message GetPaymentAccountFormReply {
string paymentAccountFormJson = 1;
message CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest {
string accountName = 1;
string currencyCode = 2;
string address = 3;
bool tradeInstant = 4;
message CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply {
PaymentAccount paymentAccount = 1;
message GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest {
message GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply {
repeated PaymentMethod paymentMethods = 1;
// Price
service Price {
rpc GetMarketPrice (MarketPriceRequest) returns (MarketPriceReply) {
message MarketPriceRequest {
string currencyCode = 1;
message MarketPriceReply {
double price = 1;
// GetTradeStatistics
service GetTradeStatistics {
rpc GetTradeStatistics (GetTradeStatisticsRequest) returns (GetTradeStatisticsReply) {
message GetTradeStatisticsRequest {
message GetTradeStatisticsReply {
repeated TradeStatistics3 TradeStatistics = 1;
// Shutdown
service ShutdownServer {
rpc Stop (StopRequest) returns (StopReply) {
message StopRequest {
message StopReply {
// Trades
service Trades {
rpc GetTrade (GetTradeRequest) returns (GetTradeReply) {
rpc TakeOffer (TakeOfferRequest) returns (TakeOfferReply) {
rpc ConfirmPaymentStarted (ConfirmPaymentStartedRequest) returns (ConfirmPaymentStartedReply) {
rpc ConfirmPaymentReceived (ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest) returns (ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply) {
rpc KeepFunds (KeepFundsRequest) returns (KeepFundsReply) {
rpc WithdrawFunds (WithdrawFundsRequest) returns (WithdrawFundsReply) {
message TakeOfferRequest {
string offerId = 1;
string paymentAccountId = 2;
string takerFeeCurrencyCode = 3;
message TakeOfferReply {
TradeInfo trade = 1;
AvailabilityResultWithDescription failureReason = 2;
message ConfirmPaymentStartedRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
message ConfirmPaymentStartedReply {
message ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
message ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply {
message GetTradeRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
message GetTradeReply {
TradeInfo trade = 1;
message KeepFundsRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
message KeepFundsReply {
message WithdrawFundsRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
string address = 2;
string memo = 3;
message WithdrawFundsReply {
message TradeInfo {
OfferInfo offer = 1;
string tradeId = 2;
string shortId = 3;
uint64 date = 4;
string role = 5;
uint64 txFeeAsLong = 7;
uint64 takerFeeAsLong = 8;
string takerFeeTxId = 9;
reserved 10; // was depositTxId
string payoutTxId = 11;
uint64 tradeAmountAsLong = 12;
uint64 tradePrice = 13;
string tradingPeerNodeAddress = 14;
string state = 15;
string phase = 16;
string tradePeriodState = 17;
bool isDepositPublished = 18;
bool isDepositConfirmed = 19;
bool isFiatSent = 20;
bool isFiatReceived = 21;
bool isPayoutPublished = 22;
bool isWithdrawn = 23;
string contractAsJson = 24;
ContractInfo contract = 25;
string makerDepositTxId = 100;
string takerDepositTxId = 101;
message ContractInfo {
string buyerNodeAddress = 1;
string sellerNodeAddress = 2;
reserved 3; // was mediatorNodeAddress
reserved 4; // was refundAgendNodeAddress
bool isBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker = 5;
string makerAccountId = 6;
string takerAccountId = 7;
PaymentAccountPayloadInfo makerPaymentAccountPayload = 8;
PaymentAccountPayloadInfo takerPaymentAccountPayload = 9;
string makerPayoutAddressString = 10;
string takerPayoutAddressString = 11;
uint64 lockTime = 12;
string arbitratorNodeAddress = 100;
message PaymentAccountPayloadInfo {
string id = 1;
string paymentMethodId = 2;
string address = 3;
// Transactions
message TxFeeRateInfo {
bool useCustomTxFeeRate = 1;
uint64 customTxFeeRate = 2;
uint64 feeServiceRate = 3;
uint64 lastFeeServiceRequestTs = 4;
uint64 minFeeServiceRate = 5;
message TxInfo {
string txId = 1;
uint64 inputSum = 2;
uint64 outputSum = 3;
uint64 fee = 4;
int32 size = 5;
bool isPending = 6;
string memo = 7;
// Wallets
service Wallets {
rpc GetBalances (GetBalancesRequest) returns (GetBalancesReply) {
rpc GetAddressBalance (GetAddressBalanceRequest) returns (GetAddressBalanceReply) {
rpc GetUnusedBsqAddress (GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest) returns (GetUnusedBsqAddressReply) {
rpc SendBsq (SendBsqRequest) returns (SendBsqReply) {
rpc SendBtc (SendBtcRequest) returns (SendBtcReply) {
rpc VerifyBsqSentToAddress (VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest) returns (VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply) {
rpc GetTxFeeRate (GetTxFeeRateRequest) returns (GetTxFeeRateReply) {
rpc SetTxFeeRatePreference (SetTxFeeRatePreferenceRequest) returns (SetTxFeeRatePreferenceReply) {
rpc UnsetTxFeeRatePreference (UnsetTxFeeRatePreferenceRequest) returns (UnsetTxFeeRatePreferenceReply) {
rpc GetTransaction (GetTransactionRequest) returns (GetTransactionReply) {
rpc GetFundingAddresses (GetFundingAddressesRequest) returns (GetFundingAddressesReply) {
rpc SetWalletPassword (SetWalletPasswordRequest) returns (SetWalletPasswordReply) {
rpc RemoveWalletPassword (RemoveWalletPasswordRequest) returns (RemoveWalletPasswordReply) {
rpc LockWallet (LockWalletRequest) returns (LockWalletReply) {
rpc UnlockWallet (UnlockWalletRequest) returns (UnlockWalletReply) {
message GetBalancesRequest {
string currencyCode = 1;
message GetBalancesReply {
BalancesInfo balances = 1;
message GetAddressBalanceRequest {
string address = 1;
message GetAddressBalanceReply {
AddressBalanceInfo addressBalanceInfo = 1;
message GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest {
message GetUnusedBsqAddressReply {
string address = 1;
message SendBsqRequest {
string address = 1;
string amount = 2;
string txFeeRate = 3;
message SendBsqReply {
TxInfo txInfo = 1;
message SendBtcRequest {
string address = 1;
string amount = 2;
string txFeeRate = 3;
string memo = 4;
message SendBtcReply {
TxInfo txInfo = 1;
message VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest {
string address = 1;
string amount = 2;
message VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply {
bool isAmountReceived = 1;
message GetTxFeeRateRequest {
message GetTxFeeRateReply {
TxFeeRateInfo txFeeRateInfo = 1;
message SetTxFeeRatePreferenceRequest {
uint64 txFeeRatePreference = 1;
message SetTxFeeRatePreferenceReply {
TxFeeRateInfo txFeeRateInfo = 1;
message UnsetTxFeeRatePreferenceRequest {
message UnsetTxFeeRatePreferenceReply {
TxFeeRateInfo txFeeRateInfo = 1;
message GetTransactionRequest {
string txId = 1;
message GetTransactionReply {
TxInfo txInfo = 1;
message GetFundingAddressesRequest {
message GetFundingAddressesReply {
repeated AddressBalanceInfo addressBalanceInfo = 1;
message SetWalletPasswordRequest {
string password = 1;
string newPassword = 2;
message SetWalletPasswordReply {
message RemoveWalletPasswordRequest {
string password = 1;
message RemoveWalletPasswordReply {
message LockWalletRequest {
message LockWalletReply {
message UnlockWalletRequest {
string password = 1;
uint64 timeout = 2;
message UnlockWalletReply {
message BalancesInfo {
// Field names are shortened for readability's sake, i.e.,
// balancesInfo.getBtc().getAvailableBalance() is cleaner than
// balancesInfo.getBtcBalanceInfo().getAvailableBalance().
BsqBalanceInfo bsq = 1;
BtcBalanceInfo btc = 2;
XmrBalanceInfo xmr = 3;
message BsqBalanceInfo {
uint64 availableConfirmedBalance = 1;
uint64 unverifiedBalance = 2;
uint64 unconfirmedChangeBalance = 3;
uint64 lockedForVotingBalance = 4;
uint64 lockupBondsBalance = 5;
uint64 unlockingBondsBalance = 6;
message BtcBalanceInfo {
uint64 availableBalance = 1;
uint64 reservedBalance = 2;
uint64 totalAvailableBalance = 3;
uint64 lockedBalance = 4;
message XmrBalanceInfo {
uint64 balance = 1;
uint64 availableBalance = 2;
uint64 lockedBalance = 3;
uint64 reservedBalance = 4;
uint64 totalBalance = 5; // balance + reserved
message AddressBalanceInfo {
string address = 1;
int64 balance = 2;
int64 numConfirmations = 3;
bool isAddressUnused = 4;
// Version
service GetVersion {
rpc GetVersion (GetVersionRequest) returns (GetVersionReply) {
message GetVersionRequest {
message GetVersionReply {
string version = 1;