syntax = "proto3"; package io.bisq.protobuffer; // // Protobuffer v3 definitions of network messages and persisted objects. // option java_package = "protobuf"; option java_multiple_files = true; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Network messages /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Those are messages sent over wire message NetworkEnvelope { int32 message_version = 1; oneof message { PreliminaryGetDataRequest preliminary_get_data_request = 2; GetDataResponse get_data_response = 3; GetUpdatedDataRequest get_updated_data_request = 4; GetPeersRequest get_peers_request = 5; GetPeersResponse get_peers_response = 6; Ping ping = 7; Pong pong = 8; OfferAvailabilityRequest offer_availability_request = 9; OfferAvailabilityResponse offer_availability_response = 10; RefreshOfferMessage refresh_offer_message = 11; AddDataMessage add_data_message = 12; RemoveDataMessage remove_data_message = 13; RemoveMailboxDataMessage remove_mailbox_data_message = 14; CloseConnectionMessage close_connection_message = 15; PrefixedSealedAndSignedMessage prefixed_sealed_and_signed_message = 16; InputsForDepositTxRequest inputs_for_deposit_tx_request = 17; InputsForDepositTxResponse inputs_for_deposit_tx_response = 18; DepositTxMessage deposit_tx_message = 19; CounterCurrencyTransferStartedMessage counter_currency_transfer_started_message = 20; PayoutTxPublishedMessage payout_tx_published_message = 21; OpenNewDisputeMessage open_new_dispute_message = 22; PeerOpenedDisputeMessage peer_opened_dispute_message = 23; ChatMessage chat_message = 24; DisputeResultMessage dispute_result_message = 25; PeerPublishedDisputePayoutTxMessage peer_published_dispute_payout_tx_message = 26; PrivateNotificationMessage private_notification_message = 27; AddPersistableNetworkPayloadMessage add_persistable_network_payload_message = 28; AckMessage ack_message = 29; BundleOfEnvelopes bundle_of_envelopes = 30; MediatedPayoutTxSignatureMessage mediated_payout_tx_signature_message = 31; MediatedPayoutTxPublishedMessage mediated_payout_tx_published_message = 32; DelayedPayoutTxSignatureRequest delayed_payout_tx_signature_request = 33; DelayedPayoutTxSignatureResponse delayed_payout_tx_signature_response = 34; DepositTxAndDelayedPayoutTxMessage deposit_tx_and_delayed_payout_tx_message = 35; PeerPublishedDelayedPayoutTxMessage peer_published_delayed_payout_tx_message = 36; RefreshTradeStateRequest refresh_trade_state_request = 37 [deprecated = true]; TraderSignedWitnessMessage trader_signed_witness_message = 38 [deprecated = true]; GetInventoryRequest get_inventory_request = 39; GetInventoryResponse get_inventory_response = 40; SignOfferRequest sign_offer_request = 1001; SignOfferResponse sign_offer_response = 1002; InitTradeRequest init_trade_request = 1003; InitMultisigRequest init_multisig_request = 1004; SignContractRequest sign_contract_request = 1005; SignContractResponse sign_contract_response = 1006; DepositRequest deposit_request = 1007; DepositResponse deposit_response = 1008; PaymentAccountPayloadRequest payment_account_payload_request = 1009; UpdateMultisigRequest update_multisig_request = 1010; UpdateMultisigResponse update_multisig_response = 1011; ArbitratorPayoutTxRequest arbitrator_payout_tx_request = 1012; ArbitratorPayoutTxResponse arbitrator_payout_tx_response = 1013; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementations of NetworkEnvelope /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message BundleOfEnvelopes { repeated NetworkEnvelope envelopes = 1; } // get data message PreliminaryGetDataRequest { int32 nonce = 21; // This was set to 21 instead of 1 in some old commit so we cannot change it. repeated bytes excluded_keys = 2; repeated int32 supported_capabilities = 3; string version = 4; } message GetDataResponse { int32 request_nonce = 1; bool is_get_updated_data_response = 2; repeated StorageEntryWrapper data_set = 3; repeated int32 supported_capabilities = 4; repeated PersistableNetworkPayload persistable_network_payload_items = 5; } message GetUpdatedDataRequest { NodeAddress sender_node_address = 1; int32 nonce = 2; repeated bytes excluded_keys = 3; string version = 4; } // peers message GetPeersRequest { NodeAddress sender_node_address = 1; int32 nonce = 2; repeated int32 supported_capabilities = 3; repeated Peer reported_peers = 4; } message GetPeersResponse { int32 request_nonce = 1; repeated Peer reported_peers = 2; repeated int32 supported_capabilities = 3; } message Ping { int32 nonce = 1; int32 last_round_trip_time = 2; } message Pong { int32 request_nonce = 1; } // Inventory message GetInventoryRequest { string version = 1; } message GetInventoryResponse { map inventory = 1; } // offer message SignOfferRequest { string offer_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string sender_account_id = 4; OfferPayload offer_payload = 5; string uid = 6; int64 current_date = 7; string reserve_tx_hash = 8; string reserve_tx_hex = 9; string reserve_tx_key = 10; repeated string reserve_tx_key_images = 11; string payout_address = 12; } message SignOfferResponse { string offer_id = 1; string uid = 2; OfferPayload signed_offer_payload = 3; } message OfferAvailabilityRequest { string offer_id = 1; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 2; int64 takers_trade_price = 3; repeated int32 supported_capabilities = 4; string uid = 5; bool is_taker_api_user = 6; InitTradeRequest trade_request = 7; } message OfferAvailabilityResponse { string offer_id = 1; AvailabilityResult availability_result = 2; repeated int32 supported_capabilities = 3; string uid = 4; string maker_signature = 5; NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 6; } message RefreshOfferMessage { bytes hash_of_data_and_seq_nr = 1; bytes signature = 2; bytes hash_of_payload = 3; int32 sequence_number = 4; } // storage message AddDataMessage { StorageEntryWrapper entry = 1; } message RemoveDataMessage { ProtectedStorageEntry protected_storage_entry = 1; } message RemoveMailboxDataMessage { ProtectedMailboxStorageEntry protected_storage_entry = 1; } message AddPersistableNetworkPayloadMessage { PersistableNetworkPayload payload = 1; } // misc message CloseConnectionMessage { string reason = 1; } message AckMessage { string uid = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; string source_type = 3; // enum name. e.g. TradeMessage, DisputeMessage,... string source_msg_class_name = 4; string source_uid = 5; // uid of source (TradeMessage) string source_id = 6; // id of source (tradeId, disputeId) bool success = 7; // true if source message was processed successfully string error_message = 8; // optional error message if source message processing failed } message PrefixedSealedAndSignedMessage { NodeAddress node_address = 1; SealedAndSigned sealed_and_signed = 2; bytes address_prefix_hash = 3; string uid = 4; } // trade message InputsForDepositTxRequest { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; int64 trade_amount = 3; int64 trade_price = 4; int64 tx_fee = 5; int64 taker_fee = 6; repeated RawTransactionInput raw_transaction_inputs = 7; int64 change_output_value = 8; string change_output_address = 9; bytes taker_multi_sig_pub_key = 10; string taker_payout_address_string = 11; PubKeyRing taker_pub_key_ring = 12; PaymentAccountPayload taker_payment_account_payload = 13; string taker_account_id = 14; string taker_fee_tx_id = 15; repeated NodeAddress accepted_arbitrator_node_addresses = 16; repeated NodeAddress accepted_mediator_node_addresses = 17; NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 18; NodeAddress mediator_node_address = 29; string uid = 20; bytes account_age_witness_signature_of_offer_id = 21; int64 current_date = 22; repeated NodeAddress accepted_refund_agent_node_addresses = 23; NodeAddress refund_agent_node_address = 24; } message InputsForDepositTxResponse { string trade_id = 1; PaymentAccountPayload maker_payment_account_payload = 2; string maker_account_id = 3; string maker_contract_as_json = 4; string maker_contract_signature = 5; string maker_payout_address_string = 6; bytes prepared_deposit_tx = 7; repeated RawTransactionInput maker_inputs = 8; bytes maker_multi_sig_pub_key = 9; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 10; string uid = 11; bytes account_age_witness_signature_of_prepared_deposit_tx = 12; int64 current_date = 13; int64 lock_time = 14; } message InitTradeRequest { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; int64 trade_amount = 4; int64 trade_price = 5; int64 trade_fee = 6; string account_id = 7; string payment_account_id = 8; string payment_method_id = 9; string uid = 10; bytes account_age_witness_signature_of_offer_id = 11; int64 current_date = 12; NodeAddress maker_node_address = 13; NodeAddress taker_node_address = 14; NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 15; string reserve_tx_hash = 16; string reserve_tx_hex = 17; string reserve_tx_key = 18; string payout_address = 19; string maker_signature = 20; } message InitMultisigRequest { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string uid = 4; int64 current_date = 5; string prepared_multisig_hex = 6; string made_multisig_hex = 7; } message SignContractRequest { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string uid = 4; int64 current_date = 5; string account_id = 6; bytes payment_account_payload_hash = 7; string payout_address = 8;; string deposit_tx_hash = 9; } message SignContractResponse { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string uid = 4; int64 current_date = 5; string contract_signature = 6; } message DepositRequest { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string uid = 4; int64 current_date = 5; string contract_signature = 6; string deposit_tx_hex = 7; string deposit_tx_key = 8; } message DepositResponse { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string uid = 4; int64 current_date = 5; } message PaymentAccountPayloadRequest { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string uid = 4; int64 current_date = 5; PaymentAccountPayload payment_account_payload = 6; } message UpdateMultisigRequest { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string uid = 4; int64 current_date = 5; string updated_multisig_hex = 6; } message UpdateMultisigResponse { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 3; string uid = 4; int64 current_date = 5; string updated_multisig_hex = 6; } message DelayedPayoutTxSignatureRequest { string uid = 1; string trade_id = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; bytes delayed_payout_tx = 4; bytes delayed_payout_tx_seller_signature = 5; } message DelayedPayoutTxSignatureResponse { string uid = 1; string trade_id = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; bytes delayed_payout_tx_buyer_signature = 4; bytes deposit_tx = 5; } message DepositTxAndDelayedPayoutTxMessage { string uid = 1; string trade_id = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; bytes deposit_tx = 4; bytes delayed_payout_tx = 5; } message DepositTxMessage { string uid = 1; string trade_id = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; bytes deposit_tx_without_witnesses = 4; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 100; reserved 5; // WAS: bytes deposit_tx = 101; string trade_fee_tx_id = 102; string deposit_tx_id = 103; } message PeerPublishedDelayedPayoutTxMessage { string uid = 1; string trade_id = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; } message CounterCurrencyTransferStartedMessage { string trade_id = 1; string buyer_payout_address = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; string buyer_payout_tx_signed = 4; string counter_currency_tx_id = 5; string uid = 6; string counter_currency_extra_data = 7; } message FinalizePayoutTxRequest { string trade_id = 1; bytes seller_signature = 2; string seller_payout_address = 3; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 4; string uid = 5; } message ArbitratorPayoutTxRequest { Dispute dispute = 1; // TODO (woodser): replace with trade id NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; string uid = 3; SupportType type = 4; string updated_multisig_hex = 5; } message ArbitratorPayoutTxResponse { string trade_id = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; string uid = 3; SupportType type = 4; string arbitrator_signed_payout_tx_hex = 5; } message PayoutTxPublishedMessage { string trade_id = 1; string signed_multisig_tx_hex = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; string uid = 4; SignedWitness signed_witness = 5; // Added in v1.4.0 } message MediatedPayoutTxPublishedMessage { string trade_id = 1; bytes payout_tx = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; string uid = 4; } message MediatedPayoutTxSignatureMessage { string uid = 1; string trade_id = 3; bytes tx_signature = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 4; } // Deprecated since 1.4.0 message RefreshTradeStateRequest { string uid = 1 [deprecated = true]; string trade_id = 2 [deprecated = true]; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3 [deprecated = true]; } // Deprecated since 1.4.0 message TraderSignedWitnessMessage { string uid = 1 [deprecated = true]; string trade_id = 2 [deprecated = true]; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3 [deprecated = true]; SignedWitness signed_witness = 4 [deprecated = true]; } // dispute enum SupportType { ARBITRATION = 0; MEDIATION = 1; TRADE = 2; REFUND = 3; } message OpenNewDisputeMessage { Dispute dispute = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; string uid = 3; SupportType type = 4; string updated_multisig_hex = 5; } message PeerOpenedDisputeMessage { Dispute dispute = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; string uid = 3; SupportType type = 4; } message ChatMessage { int64 date = 1; string trade_id = 2; int32 trader_id = 3; bool sender_is_trader = 4; string message = 5; repeated Attachment attachments = 6; bool arrived = 7; bool stored_in_mailbox = 8; bool is_system_message = 9; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 10; string uid = 11; string send_message_error = 12; bool acknowledged = 13; string ack_error = 14; SupportType type = 15; bool was_displayed = 16; } message DisputeResultMessage { string uid = 1; DisputeResult dispute_result = 2; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 3; SupportType type = 4; } message PeerPublishedDisputePayoutTxMessage { string uid = 1; reserved 2; // was bytes transaction = 2; string trade_id = 3; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 4; SupportType type = 5; string updated_multisig_hex = 6; string payout_tx_hex = 7; } message PrivateNotificationMessage { string uid = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; PrivateNotificationPayload private_notification_payload = 3; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Payload /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // core message NodeAddress { string host_name = 1; int32 port = 2; } message Peer { NodeAddress node_address = 1; int64 date = 2; repeated int32 supported_capabilities = 3; } message PubKeyRing { bytes signature_pub_key_bytes = 1; bytes encryption_pub_key_bytes = 2; reserved 3; // WAS: string pgp_pub_key_as_pem = 3; } message SealedAndSigned { bytes encrypted_secret_key = 1; bytes encrypted_payload_with_hmac = 2; bytes signature = 3; bytes sig_public_key_bytes = 4; } // storage message StoragePayload { oneof message { Alert alert = 1; Arbitrator arbitrator = 2; Mediator mediator = 3; Filter filter = 4; // TradeStatistics trade_statistics = 5 [deprecated = true]; Removed in v.1.4.0 MailboxStoragePayload mailbox_storage_payload = 6; OfferPayload offer_payload = 7; RefundAgent refund_agent = 8; } } message PersistableNetworkPayload { oneof message { AccountAgeWitness account_age_witness = 1; TradeStatistics2 trade_statistics2 = 2 [deprecated = true]; SignedWitness signed_witness = 3; TradeStatistics3 trade_statistics3 = 4; } } message ProtectedStorageEntry { StoragePayload storagePayload = 1; bytes owner_pub_key_bytes = 2; int32 sequence_number = 3; bytes signature = 4; int64 creation_time_stamp = 5; } // mailbox message StorageEntryWrapper { oneof message { ProtectedStorageEntry protected_storage_entry = 1; ProtectedMailboxStorageEntry protected_mailbox_storage_entry = 2; } } message ProtectedMailboxStorageEntry { ProtectedStorageEntry entry = 1; bytes receivers_pub_key_bytes = 2; } message DataAndSeqNrPair { StoragePayload payload = 1; int32 sequence_number = 2; } message MailboxMessageList { repeated MailboxItem mailbox_item = 1; } message RemovedPayloadsMap { map date_by_hashes = 1; } message IgnoredMailboxMap { map data = 1; } message MailboxItem { ProtectedMailboxStorageEntry protected_mailbox_storage_entry = 1; DecryptedMessageWithPubKey decrypted_message_with_pub_key = 2; } message DecryptedMessageWithPubKey { NetworkEnvelope network_envelope = 1; bytes signature_pub_key_bytes = 2; } // misc message PrivateNotificationPayload { string message = 1; string signature_as_base64 = 2; bytes sig_public_key_bytes = 3; } message PaymentAccountFilter { string payment_method_id = 1; string get_method_name = 2; string value = 3; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Storage payload /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message Alert { string message = 1; string version = 2; bool is_update_info = 3; string signature_as_base64 = 4; bytes owner_pub_key_bytes = 5; map extra_data = 6; bool is_pre_release_info = 7; } message Arbitrator { NodeAddress node_address = 1; repeated string language_codes = 2; int64 registration_date = 3; string registration_signature = 4; bytes registration_pub_key = 5; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 6; bytes btc_pub_key = 7; string btc_address = 8; string email_address = 9; string info = 10; map extra_data = 11; } message Mediator { NodeAddress node_address = 1; repeated string language_codes = 2; int64 registration_date = 3; string registration_signature = 4; bytes registration_pub_key = 5; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 6; string email_address = 7; string info = 8; map extra_data = 9; } message RefundAgent { NodeAddress node_address = 1; repeated string language_codes = 2; int64 registration_date = 3; string registration_signature = 4; bytes registration_pub_key = 5; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 6; string email_address = 7; string info = 8; map extra_data = 9; } message Filter { repeated string node_addresses_banned_from_trading = 1; repeated string banned_offer_ids = 2; repeated PaymentAccountFilter banned_payment_accounts = 3; string signature_as_base64 = 4; bytes owner_pub_key_bytes = 5; map extra_data = 6; repeated string banned_currencies = 7; repeated string banned_payment_methods = 8; repeated string arbitrators = 9; repeated string seed_nodes = 10; repeated string price_relay_nodes = 11; bool prevent_public_btc_network = 12; repeated string btc_nodes = 13; string disable_trade_below_version = 14; repeated string mediators = 15; repeated string refundAgents = 16; repeated string bannedSignerPubKeys = 17; repeated string btc_fee_receiver_addresses = 18; int64 creation_date = 19; string signer_pub_key_as_hex = 20; repeated string bannedPrivilegedDevPubKeys = 21; bool disable_auto_conf = 22; repeated string banned_auto_conf_explorers = 23; repeated string node_addresses_banned_from_network = 24; bool disable_api = 25; bool disable_mempool_validation = 26; } // Deprecated message TradeStatistics2 { string base_currency = 1 [deprecated = true]; string counter_currency = 2 [deprecated = true]; OfferPayload.Direction direction = 3 [deprecated = true]; int64 trade_price = 4 [deprecated = true]; int64 trade_amount = 5 [deprecated = true]; int64 trade_date = 6 [deprecated = true]; string payment_method_id = 7 [deprecated = true]; int64 offer_date = 8 [deprecated = true]; bool offer_use_market_based_price = 9 [deprecated = true]; double offer_market_price_margin = 10 [deprecated = true]; int64 offer_amount = 11 [deprecated = true]; int64 offer_min_amount = 12 [deprecated = true]; string offer_id = 13 [deprecated = true]; string deposit_tx_id = 14 [deprecated = true]; bytes hash = 15 [deprecated = true]; map extra_data = 16 [deprecated = true]; string maker_deposit_tx_id = 100; string taker_deposit_tx_id = 101; } message TradeStatistics3 { string currency = 1; int64 price = 2; int64 amount = 3; string payment_method = 4; int64 date = 5; reserved 6; // was string mediator = 6; reserved 7; // was string refund_agent = 7; bytes hash = 8; map extra_data = 9; string arbitrator = 100; string maker_deposit_tx_id = 101; string taker_deposit_tx_id = 102; } message MailboxStoragePayload { PrefixedSealedAndSignedMessage prefixed_sealed_and_signed_message = 1; bytes sender_pub_key_for_add_operation_bytes = 2; bytes owner_pub_key_bytes = 3; map extra_data = 4; } message OfferPayload { enum Direction { PB_ERROR = 0; BUY = 1; SELL = 2; } string id = 1; int64 date = 2; NodeAddress owner_node_address = 3; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 4; Direction direction = 5; int64 price = 6; double market_price_margin = 7; bool use_market_based_price = 8; int64 amount = 9; int64 min_amount = 10; string base_currency_code = 11; string counter_currency_code = 12; string payment_method_id = 13; string maker_payment_account_id = 14; string offer_fee_payment_tx_id = 15; string country_code = 16; repeated string accepted_country_codes = 17; string bank_id = 18; repeated string accepted_bank_ids = 19; string version_nr = 20; int64 block_height_at_offer_creation = 21; int64 tx_fee = 22; int64 maker_fee = 23; int64 buyer_security_deposit = 24; int64 seller_security_deposit = 25; int64 max_trade_limit = 26; int64 max_trade_period = 27; bool use_auto_close = 28; bool use_re_open_after_auto_close = 29; int64 lower_close_price = 30; int64 upper_close_price = 31; bool is_private_offer = 32; string hash_of_challenge = 33; map extra_data = 34; int32 protocol_version = 35; NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 1001; string arbitrator_signature = 1002; repeated string reserve_tx_key_images = 1003; } message AccountAgeWitness { bytes hash = 1; int64 date = 2; } message SignedWitness { enum VerificationMethod { PB_ERROR = 0; ARBITRATOR = 1; TRADE = 2; } VerificationMethod verification_method = 1; bytes account_age_witness_hash = 2; bytes signature = 3; bytes signer_pub_key = 4; bytes witness_owner_pub_key = 5; int64 date = 6; int64 trade_amount = 7; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dispute payload /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message Dispute { enum State { NEEDS_UPGRADE = 0; NEW = 1; OPEN = 2; REOPENED = 3; CLOSED = 4; } string trade_id = 1; string id = 2; int32 trader_id = 3; bool is_opener = 4; bool dispute_opener_is_buyer = 5; bool dispute_opener_is_maker = 6; int64 opening_date = 7; PubKeyRing trader_pub_key_ring = 8; int64 trade_date = 9; Contract contract = 10; bytes contract_hash = 11; bytes deposit_tx_serialized = 12; bytes payout_tx_serialized = 13; string deposit_tx_id = 14; string payout_tx_id = 15; string contract_as_json = 16; string maker_contract_signature = 17; string taker_contract_signature = 18; PaymentAccountPayload maker_payment_account_payload = 19; PaymentAccountPayload taker_payment_account_payload = 20; PubKeyRing agent_pub_key_ring = 21; bool is_support_ticket = 22; repeated ChatMessage chat_message = 23; bool is_closed = 24; DisputeResult dispute_result = 25; string dispute_payout_tx_id = 26; SupportType support_type = 27; string mediators_dispute_result = 28; string delayed_payout_tx_id = 29; string donation_address_of_delayed_payout_tx = 30; State state = 31; int64 trade_period_end = 32; map extra_data = 33; } message Attachment { string file_name = 1; bytes bytes = 2; } message DisputeResult { enum Winner { PB_ERROR_WINNER = 0; BUYER = 1; SELLER = 2; } enum Reason { PB_ERROR_REASON = 0; OTHER = 1; BUG = 2; USABILITY = 3; SCAM = 4; PROTOCOL_VIOLATION = 5; NO_REPLY = 6; BANK_PROBLEMS = 7; OPTION_TRADE = 8; SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING = 9; WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT = 10; TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED = 11; PEER_WAS_LATE = 12; } string trade_id = 1; int32 trader_id = 2; Winner winner = 3; int32 reason_ordinal = 4; bool tamper_proof_evidence = 5; bool id_verification = 6; bool screen_cast = 7; string summary_notes = 8; ChatMessage chat_message = 9; reserved 10; // was bytes arbitrator_signature = 10; int64 buyer_payout_amount = 11; int64 seller_payout_amount = 12; bytes arbitrator_pub_key = 13; int64 close_date = 14; bool is_loser_publisher = 15; string arbitrator_signed_payout_tx_hex = 16; string arbitrator_updated_multisig_hex = 17; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trade payload /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message Contract { OfferPayload offer_payload = 1; int64 trade_amount = 2; int64 trade_price = 3; reserved 4; // WAS: taker_fee_tx_id reserved 5; // WAS: arbitrator_node_address bool is_buyer_maker_and_seller_taker = 6; string maker_account_id = 7; string taker_account_id = 8; string maker_payment_method_id = 9; string taker_payment_method_id = 10; bytes maker_payment_account_payload_hash = 11; bytes taker_payment_account_payload_hash = 12; PubKeyRing maker_pub_key_ring = 13; PubKeyRing taker_pub_key_ring = 14; NodeAddress buyer_node_address = 15; NodeAddress seller_node_address = 16; string maker_payout_address_string = 17; string taker_payout_address_string = 18; NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 19; int64 lock_time = 20; string maker_deposit_tx_hash = 21; string taker_deposit_tx_hash = 22; } message RawTransactionInput { int64 index = 1; bytes parent_transaction = 2; int64 value = 3; } enum AvailabilityResult { PB_ERROR = 0; UNKNOWN_FAILURE = 1; AVAILABLE = 2; OFFER_TAKEN = 3; PRICE_OUT_OF_TOLERANCE = 4; MARKET_PRICE_NOT_AVAILABLE = 5; NO_ARBITRATORS = 6; NO_MEDIATORS = 7; USER_IGNORED = 8; MISSING_MANDATORY_CAPABILITY = 9; NO_REFUND_AGENTS = 10; UNCONF_TX_LIMIT_HIT = 11; MAKER_DENIED_API_USER = 12; PRICE_CHECK_FAILED = 13; MAKER_DENIED_TAKER = 14; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PaymentAccount payload /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message PaymentAccountPayload { string id = 1; string payment_method_id = 2; int64 max_trade_period = 3 [deprecated = true]; // not used anymore but we need to keep it in PB for backward compatibility oneof message { AliPayAccountPayload ali_pay_account_payload = 4; ChaseQuickPayAccountPayload chase_quick_pay_account_payload = 5; ClearXchangeAccountPayload clear_xchange_account_payload = 6; CountryBasedPaymentAccountPayload country_based_payment_account_payload = 7; CryptoCurrencyAccountPayload crypto_currency_account_payload = 8; FasterPaymentsAccountPayload faster_payments_account_payload = 9; InteracETransferAccountPayload interac_e_transfer_account_payload = 10; OKPayAccountPayload o_k_pay_account_payload = 11 [deprecated = true]; PerfectMoneyAccountPayload perfect_money_account_payload = 12; SwishAccountPayload swish_account_payload = 13; USPostalMoneyOrderAccountPayload u_s_postal_money_order_account_payload = 14; UpholdAccountPayload uphold_account_payload = 16; CashAppAccountPayload cash_app_account_payload = 17 [deprecated = true]; MoneyBeamAccountPayload money_beam_account_payload = 18; VenmoAccountPayload venmo_account_payload = 19 [deprecated = true]; PopmoneyAccountPayload popmoney_account_payload = 20; RevolutAccountPayload revolut_account_payload = 21; WeChatPayAccountPayload we_chat_pay_account_payload = 22; MoneyGramAccountPayload money_gram_account_payload = 23; HalCashAccountPayload hal_cash_account_payload = 24; PromptPayAccountPayload prompt_pay_account_payload = 25; AdvancedCashAccountPayload advanced_cash_account_payload = 26; InstantCryptoCurrencyAccountPayload instant_crypto_currency_account_payload = 27; JapanBankAccountPayload japan_bank_account_payload = 28; TransferwiseAccountPayload Transferwise_account_payload = 29; AustraliaPayidPayload australia_payid_payload = 30; AmazonGiftCardAccountPayload amazon_gift_card_account_payload = 31; CashByMailAccountPayload cash_by_mail_account_payload = 32; } map exclude_from_json_data = 15; } message AliPayAccountPayload { string account_nr = 1; } message WeChatPayAccountPayload { string account_nr = 1; } message ChaseQuickPayAccountPayload { string email = 1; string holder_name = 2; } message ClearXchangeAccountPayload { string holder_name = 1; string email_or_mobile_nr = 2; } message CountryBasedPaymentAccountPayload { string countryCode = 1; oneof message { BankAccountPayload bank_account_payload = 2; CashDepositAccountPayload cash_deposit_account_payload = 3; SepaAccountPayload sepa_account_payload = 4; WesternUnionAccountPayload western_union_account_payload = 5; SepaInstantAccountPayload sepa_instant_account_payload = 6; F2FAccountPayload f2f_account_payload = 7; } } message BankAccountPayload { string holder_name = 1; string bank_name = 2; string bank_id = 3; string branch_id = 4; string account_nr = 5; string account_type = 6; string holder_tax_id = 7; string email = 8 [deprecated = true]; oneof message { NationalBankAccountPayload national_bank_account_payload = 9; SameBankAccountPayload same_bank_accont_payload = 10; SpecificBanksAccountPayload specific_banks_account_payload = 11; } string national_account_id = 12; } message NationalBankAccountPayload { } message SameBankAccountPayload { } message JapanBankAccountPayload { string bank_name = 1; string bank_code = 2; string bank_branch_name = 3; string bank_branch_code = 4; string bank_account_type = 5; string bank_account_name = 6; string bank_account_number = 7; } message AustraliaPayidPayload { string bank_account_name = 1; string payid = 2; } message SpecificBanksAccountPayload { repeated string accepted_banks = 1; } message CashDepositAccountPayload { string holder_name = 1; string holder_email = 2; string bank_name = 3; string bank_id = 4; string branch_id = 5; string account_nr = 6; string account_type = 7; string requirements = 8; string holder_tax_id = 9; string national_account_id = 10; } message MoneyGramAccountPayload { string holder_name = 1; string country_code = 2; string state = 3; string email = 4; } message HalCashAccountPayload { string mobile_nr = 1; } message WesternUnionAccountPayload { string holder_name = 1; string city = 2; string state = 3; string email = 4; } message AmazonGiftCardAccountPayload { string email_or_mobile_nr = 1; string country_code = 2; } message SepaAccountPayload { string holder_name = 1; string iban = 2; string bic = 3; string email = 4 [deprecated = true]; repeated string accepted_country_codes = 5; } message SepaInstantAccountPayload { string holder_name = 1; string iban = 2; string bic = 3; repeated string accepted_country_codes = 4; } message CryptoCurrencyAccountPayload { string address = 1; } message InstantCryptoCurrencyAccountPayload { string address = 1; } message FasterPaymentsAccountPayload { string sort_code = 1; string account_nr = 2; string email = 3 [deprecated = true]; } message InteracETransferAccountPayload { string email = 1; string holder_name = 2; string question = 3; string answer = 4; } // Deprecated, not used anymore message OKPayAccountPayload { string account_nr = 1; } message UpholdAccountPayload { string account_id = 1; } // Deprecated, not used anymore message CashAppAccountPayload { string cash_tag = 1; } message MoneyBeamAccountPayload { string account_id = 1; } // Deprecated, not used anymore message VenmoAccountPayload { string venmo_user_name = 1; string holder_name = 2; } message PopmoneyAccountPayload { string account_id = 1; string holder_name = 2; } message RevolutAccountPayload { string account_id = 1; string user_name = 2; } message PerfectMoneyAccountPayload { string account_nr = 1; } message SwishAccountPayload { string mobile_nr = 1; string holder_name = 2; } message USPostalMoneyOrderAccountPayload { string postal_address = 1; string holder_name = 2; } message F2FAccountPayload { string contact = 1; string city = 2; string extra_info = 3; } message CashByMailAccountPayload { string postal_address = 1; string contact = 2; string extra_info = 3; } message PromptPayAccountPayload { string prompt_pay_id = 1; } message AdvancedCashAccountPayload { string account_nr = 1; } message TransferwiseAccountPayload { string email = 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PersistableEnvelope /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Those are persisted to disc message PersistableEnvelope { oneof message { SequenceNumberMap sequence_number_map = 1; PersistedEntryMap persisted_entry_map = 2 [deprecated = true]; PeerList peer_list = 3; AddressEntryList address_entry_list = 4; NavigationPath navigation_path = 5; TradableList tradable_list = 6; // TradeStatisticsList trade_statistics_list = 7; // Was used in pre v0.6.0 version. Not used anymore. ArbitrationDisputeList arbitration_dispute_list = 8; PreferencesPayload preferences_payload = 9; UserPayload user_payload = 10; PaymentAccountList payment_account_list = 11; AccountAgeWitnessStore account_age_witness_store = 12; TradeStatistics2Store trade_statistics2_store = 13 [deprecated = true]; // PersistableNetworkPayloadList persistable_network_payload_list = 14; // long deprecated & migration away from it is already done SignedWitnessStore signed_witness_store = 15; MediationDisputeList mediation_dispute_list = 16; RefundDisputeList refund_dispute_list = 17; TradeStatistics3Store trade_statistics3_store = 18; MailboxMessageList mailbox_message_list = 19; IgnoredMailboxMap ignored_mailbox_map = 20; RemovedPayloadsMap removed_payloads_map = 21; XmrAddressEntryList xmr_address_entry_list = 1001; SignedOfferList signed_offer_list = 1002; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Collections /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message SequenceNumberMap { repeated SequenceNumberEntry sequence_number_entries = 1; } message SequenceNumberEntry { ByteArray bytes = 1; MapValue map_value = 2; } message ByteArray { bytes bytes = 1; } message MapValue { int32 sequence_nr = 1; int64 time_stamp = 2; } // deprecated. Not used anymore. message PersistedEntryMap { map persisted_entry_map = 1; } // We use a list not a hash map to save disc space. The hash can be calculated from the payload anyway message AccountAgeWitnessStore { repeated AccountAgeWitness items = 1; } message SignedWitnessStore { repeated SignedWitness items = 1; } // We use a list not a hash map to save disc space. The hash can be calculated from the payload anyway // Deprecated message TradeStatistics2Store { repeated TradeStatistics2 items = 1 [deprecated = true]; } message TradeStatistics3Store { repeated TradeStatistics3 items = 1; } message PeerList { repeated Peer peer = 1; } message AddressEntryList { repeated AddressEntry address_entry = 1; } message AddressEntry { enum Context { PB_ERROR = 0; ARBITRATOR = 1; AVAILABLE = 2; OFFER_FUNDING = 3; RESERVED_FOR_TRADE = 4; MULTI_SIG = 5; TRADE_PAYOUT = 6; } string offer_id = 7; Context context = 8; bytes pub_key = 9; bytes pub_key_hash = 10; int64 coin_locked_in_multi_sig = 11; bool segwit = 12; } message XmrAddressEntryList { repeated XmrAddressEntry xmr_address_entry = 1; } message XmrAddressEntry { enum Context { PB_ERROR = 0; ARBITRATOR = 1; AVAILABLE = 2; OFFER_FUNDING = 3; RESERVED_FOR_TRADE = 4; MULTI_SIG = 5; TRADE_PAYOUT = 6; } int32 subaddress_index = 7; string address_string = 8; string offer_id = 9; Context context = 10; int64 coin_locked_in_multi_sig = 11; } message NavigationPath { repeated string path = 1; } message PaymentAccountList { repeated PaymentAccount payment_account = 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Offer/Trade /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message TradableList { repeated Tradable tradable = 1; } message Offer { enum State { PB_ERROR = 0; UNKNOWN = 1; OFFER_FEE_PAID = 2; AVAILABLE = 3; NOT_AVAILABLE = 4; REMOVED = 5; MAKER_OFFLINE = 6; } OfferPayload offer_payload = 1; } message SignedOfferList { repeated SignedOffer signed_offer = 1; } message SignedOffer { string offer_id = 1; string reserve_tx_hash = 2; string reserve_tx_hex = 3; string arbitrator_signature = 4; } message OpenOffer { enum State { PB_ERROR = 0; AVAILABLE = 1; RESERVED = 2; CLOSED = 3; CANCELED = 4; DEACTIVATED = 5; } Offer offer = 1; State state = 2; NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 3; int64 trigger_price = 4; repeated string frozen_key_images = 5; } message Tradable { oneof message { OpenOffer open_offer = 1; BuyerAsMakerTrade buyer_as_maker_trade = 2; BuyerAsTakerTrade buyer_as_taker_trade = 3; SellerAsMakerTrade seller_as_maker_trade = 4; SellerAsTakerTrade seller_as_taker_trade = 5; ArbitratorTrade arbitrator_trade = 6; SignedOffer signed_offer = 1001; } } message Trade { enum State { PB_ERROR_STATE = 0; PREPARATION = 1; TAKER_PUBLISHED_TAKER_FEE_TX = 2; MAKER_SENT_PUBLISH_DEPOSIT_TX_REQUEST = 3; MAKER_SAW_ARRIVED_PUBLISH_DEPOSIT_TX_REQUEST = 4; MAKER_STORED_IN_MAILBOX_PUBLISH_DEPOSIT_TX_REQUEST = 5; MAKER_SEND_FAILED_PUBLISH_DEPOSIT_TX_REQUEST = 6; TAKER_RECEIVED_PUBLISH_DEPOSIT_TX_REQUEST = 7; TAKER_PUBLISHED_DEPOSIT_TX = 8; TAKER_SAW_DEPOSIT_TX_IN_NETWORK = 9; TAKER_SENT_DEPOSIT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 10; TAKER_SAW_ARRIVED_DEPOSIT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 11; TAKER_STORED_IN_MAILBOX_DEPOSIT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 12; TAKER_SEND_FAILED_DEPOSIT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 13; MAKER_RECEIVED_DEPOSIT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 14; MAKER_SAW_DEPOSIT_TX_IN_NETWORK = 15; DEPOSIT_CONFIRMED_IN_BLOCK_CHAIN = 16; BUYER_CONFIRMED_IN_UI_FIAT_PAYMENT_INITIATED = 17; BUYER_SENT_FIAT_PAYMENT_INITIATED_MSG = 18; BUYER_SAW_ARRIVED_FIAT_PAYMENT_INITIATED_MSG = 19; BUYER_STORED_IN_MAILBOX_FIAT_PAYMENT_INITIATED_MSG = 20; BUYER_SEND_FAILED_FIAT_PAYMENT_INITIATED_MSG = 21; SELLER_RECEIVED_FIAT_PAYMENT_INITIATED_MSG = 22; SELLER_CONFIRMED_IN_UI_FIAT_PAYMENT_RECEIPT = 23; SELLER_PUBLISHED_PAYOUT_TX = 24; SELLER_SENT_PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 25; SELLER_SAW_ARRIVED_PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 26; SELLER_STORED_IN_MAILBOX_PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 27; SELLER_SEND_FAILED_PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 28; BUYER_RECEIVED_PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 29; BUYER_SAW_PAYOUT_TX_IN_NETWORK = 30; WITHDRAW_COMPLETED = 31; } enum Phase { PB_ERROR_PHASE = 0; INIT = 1; TAKER_FEE_PUBLISHED = 2; DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED = 3; DEPOSIT_CONFIRMED = 4; FIAT_SENT = 5; FIAT_RECEIVED = 6; PAYOUT_PUBLISHED = 7; WITHDRAWN = 8; } enum DisputeState { PB_ERROR_DISPUTE_STATE = 0; NO_DISPUTE = 1; DISPUTE_REQUESTED = 2; // arbitration We use the enum name for resolving enums so it cannot be renamed DISPUTE_STARTED_BY_PEER = 3; // arbitration We use the enum name for resolving enums so it cannot be renamed DISPUTE_CLOSED = 4; // arbitration We use the enum name for resolving enums so it cannot be renamed MEDIATION_REQUESTED = 5; MEDIATION_STARTED_BY_PEER = 6; MEDIATION_CLOSED = 7; REFUND_REQUESTED = 8; REFUND_REQUEST_STARTED_BY_PEER = 9; REFUND_REQUEST_CLOSED = 10; } enum TradePeriodState { PB_ERROR_TRADE_PERIOD_STATE = 0; FIRST_HALF = 1; SECOND_HALF = 2; TRADE_PERIOD_OVER = 3; } Offer offer = 1; ProcessModel process_model = 2; string taker_fee_tx_id = 3; reserved 4; string payout_tx_id = 5; int64 trade_amount_as_long = 6; int64 tx_fee_as_long = 7; int64 taker_fee_as_long = 8; int64 take_offer_date = 9; int64 trade_price = 10; State state = 11; DisputeState dispute_state = 12; TradePeriodState trade_period_state = 13; Contract contract = 14; string contract_as_json = 15; bytes contract_hash = 16; NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 17; NodeAddress mediator_node_address = 18; bytes arbitrator_btc_pub_key = 19; string taker_payment_account_id = 20; string error_message = 21; PubKeyRing arbitrator_pub_key_ring = 22; PubKeyRing mediator_pub_key_ring = 23; string counter_currency_tx_id = 24; repeated ChatMessage chat_message = 25; MediationResultState mediation_result_state = 26; int64 lock_time = 27; bytes delayed_payout_tx_bytes = 28; NodeAddress refund_agent_node_address = 29; PubKeyRing refund_agent_pub_key_ring = 30; RefundResultState refund_result_state = 31; int64 last_refresh_request_date = 32 [deprecated = true]; string counter_currency_extra_data = 33; string asset_tx_proof_result = 34; // name of AssetTxProofResult enum string uid = 35; NodeAddress maker_node_address = 100; // TODO (woodser): move these into TradingPeer NodeAddress taker_node_address = 101; PubKeyRing taker_pub_key_ring = 102; PubKeyRing maker_pub_key_ring = 103; } message BuyerAsMakerTrade { Trade trade = 1; } message BuyerAsTakerTrade { Trade trade = 1; } message SellerAsMakerTrade { Trade trade = 1; } message SellerAsTakerTrade { Trade trade = 1; } message ArbitratorTrade { Trade trade = 1; } message ProcessModel { reserved 1; // Not used anymore string offer_id = 2; string account_id = 3; PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 4; string take_offer_fee_tx_id = 5; bytes payout_tx_signature = 6; reserved 7; // Not used anymore reserved 8; // Not used anymore reserved 9; // Not used anymore repeated RawTransactionInput raw_transaction_inputs = 10; int64 change_output_value = 11; string change_output_address = 12; bool use_savings_wallet = 13; int64 funds_needed_for_trade_as_long = 14; bytes my_multi_sig_pub_key = 15; reserved 16; // Not used anymore string payment_started_message_state = 17; bytes mediated_payout_tx_signature = 18; int64 buyer_payout_amount_from_mediation = 19; int64 seller_payout_amount_from_mediation = 20; string maker_signature = 1001; NodeAddress arbitrator_node_address = 1002; TradingPeer maker = 1003; TradingPeer taker = 1004; TradingPeer arbitrator = 1005; NodeAddress temp_trading_peer_node_address = 1006; string reserve_tx_hash = 1007; repeated string frozen_key_images = 1008; string prepared_multisig_hex = 1009; string made_multisig_hex = 1010; bool multisig_setup_complete = 1011; bool maker_ready_to_fund_multisig = 1012; bool multisig_deposit_initiated = 1013; } message TradingPeer { string account_id = 1; string payment_account_id = 2; string payment_method_id = 3; bytes payment_account_payload_hash = 4; PaymentAccountPayload payment_account_payload = 5; string payout_address_string = 6; string contract_as_json = 7; string contract_signature = 8; bytes signature = 9; // TODO (woodser): remove unused fields? this was buyer-signed payout tx as bytes PubKeyRing pub_key_ring = 10; bytes multi_sig_pub_key = 11; repeated RawTransactionInput raw_transaction_inputs = 12; int64 change_output_value = 13; string change_output_address = 14; bytes account_age_witness_nonce = 15; bytes account_age_witness_signature = 16; int64 current_date = 17; bytes mediated_payout_tx_signature = 18; string reserve_tx_hash = 1001; string reserve_tx_hex = 1002; string reserve_tx_key = 1003; string prepared_multisig_hex = 1004; string made_multisig_hex = 1005; string signed_payout_tx_hex = 1006; string deposit_tx_hash = 1007; string deposit_tx_hex = 1008; string deposit_tx_key = 1009; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dispute /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message ArbitrationDisputeList { repeated Dispute dispute = 1; } message MediationDisputeList { repeated Dispute dispute = 1; } message RefundDisputeList { repeated Dispute dispute = 1; } enum MediationResultState { PB_ERROR_MEDIATION_RESULT = 0; UNDEFINED_MEDIATION_RESULT = 1; MEDIATION_RESULT_ACCEPTED = 2; MEDIATION_RESULT_REJECTED = 3; SIG_MSG_SENT = 4; SIG_MSG_ARRIVED = 5; SIG_MSG_IN_MAILBOX = 6; SIG_MSG_SEND_FAILED = 7; RECEIVED_SIG_MSG = 8; PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED = 9; PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG_SENT = 10; PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG_ARRIVED = 11; PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG_IN_MAILBOX = 12; PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG_SEND_FAILED = 13; RECEIVED_PAYOUT_TX_PUBLISHED_MSG = 14; PAYOUT_TX_SEEN_IN_NETWORK = 15; } //todo enum RefundResultState { PB_ERROR_REFUND_RESULT = 0; UNDEFINED_REFUND_RESULT = 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Preferences /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message PreferencesPayload { string user_language = 1; Country user_country = 2; repeated TradeCurrency fiat_currencies = 3; repeated TradeCurrency crypto_currencies = 4; BlockChainExplorer block_chain_explorer_main_net = 5; BlockChainExplorer block_chain_explorer_test_net = 6; string backup_directory = 7; bool auto_select_arbitrators = 8; map dont_show_again_map = 9; bool tac_accepted = 10; bool use_tor_for_bitcoin_j = 11; bool show_own_offers_in_offer_book = 12; TradeCurrency preferred_trade_currency = 13; int64 withdrawal_tx_fee_in_vbytes = 14; bool use_custom_withdrawal_tx_fee = 15; double max_price_distance_in_percent = 16; string offer_book_chart_screen_currency_code = 17; string trade_charts_screen_currency_code = 18; string buy_screen_currency_code = 19; string sell_screen_currency_code = 20; int32 trade_statistics_tick_unit_index = 21; bool resync_Spv_requested = 22; bool sort_market_currencies_numerically = 23; bool use_percentage_based_price = 24; map peer_tag_map = 25; string bitcoin_nodes = 26; repeated string ignore_traders_list = 27; string directory_chooser_path = 28; int64 buyer_security_deposit_as_long = 29 [deprecated = true]; // Superseded by buyerSecurityDepositAsPercent bool use_animations = 30; PaymentAccount selectedPayment_account_for_createOffer = 31; repeated string bridge_addresses = 32; int32 bridge_option_ordinal = 33; int32 tor_transport_ordinal = 34; string custom_bridges = 35; int32 bitcoin_nodes_option_ordinal = 36; string referral_id = 37; string phone_key_and_token = 38; bool use_sound_for_mobile_notifications = 39; bool use_trade_notifications = 40; bool use_market_notifications = 41; bool use_price_notifications = 42; bool use_standby_mode = 43; string rpc_user = 44; string rpc_pw = 45; string take_offer_selected_payment_account_id = 46; double buyer_security_deposit_as_percent = 47; int32 ignore_dust_threshold = 48; double buyer_security_deposit_as_percent_for_crypto = 49; int32 block_notify_port = 50; int32 css_theme = 51; bool tac_accepted_v120 = 52; repeated AutoConfirmSettings auto_confirm_settings = 53; bool hide_non_account_payment_methods = 54; bool show_offers_matching_my_accounts = 55; bool deny_api_taker = 56; bool notify_on_pre_release = 57; } message AutoConfirmSettings { bool enabled = 1; int32 required_confirmations = 2; int64 trade_limit = 3; repeated string service_addresses = 4; string currency_code = 5; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UserPayload /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message UserPayload { string account_id = 1; repeated PaymentAccount payment_accounts = 2; PaymentAccount current_payment_account = 3; repeated string accepted_language_locale_codes = 4; Alert developers_alert = 5; Alert displayed_alert = 6; Filter developers_filter = 7; repeated Arbitrator accepted_arbitrators = 8; repeated Mediator accepted_mediators = 9; Arbitrator registered_arbitrator = 10; Mediator registered_mediator = 11; PriceAlertFilter price_alert_filter = 12; repeated MarketAlertFilter market_alert_filters = 13; repeated RefundAgent accepted_refund_agents = 14; RefundAgent registered_refund_agent = 15; map cookie = 16; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message BlockChainExplorer { string name = 1; string tx_url = 2; string address_url = 3; } message PaymentAccount { string id = 1; int64 creation_date = 2 [jstype = JS_STRING]; PaymentMethod payment_method = 3; string account_name = 4; repeated TradeCurrency trade_currencies = 5; TradeCurrency selected_trade_currency = 6; PaymentAccountPayload payment_account_payload = 7; } message PaymentMethod { string id = 1; int64 max_trade_period = 2 [jstype = JS_STRING]; int64 max_trade_limit = 3 [jstype = JS_STRING]; } // Currency message Currency { string currency_code = 1; } message TradeCurrency { string code = 1; string name = 2; oneof message { CryptoCurrency crypto_currency = 3; FiatCurrency fiat_currency = 4; } } message CryptoCurrency { bool is_asset = 1; } message FiatCurrency { Currency currency = 1; } message Country { string code = 1; string name = 2; Region region = 3; } message Region { string code = 1; string name = 2; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Notifications /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message PriceAlertFilter { string currencyCode = 1; int64 high = 2; int64 low = 3; } message MarketAlertFilter { PaymentAccount payment_account = 1; int32 trigger_value = 2; bool is_buy_offer = 3; repeated string alert_ids = 4; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mock /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message MockMailboxPayload { string message = 1; NodeAddress sender_node_address = 2; string uid = 3; } message MockPayload { string message_version = 1; string message = 2; }