// source: grpc.proto /** * @fileoverview * @enhanceable * @suppress {missingRequire} reports error on implicit type usages. * @suppress {messageConventions} JS Compiler reports an error if a variable or * field starts with 'MSG_' and isn't a translatable message. * @public */ // GENERATED CODE -- DO NOT EDIT! /* eslint-disable */ // @ts-nocheck var jspb = require('google-protobuf'); var goog = jspb; var global = (function() { return this || window || global || self || Function('return this')(); }).call(null); var pb_pb = require('./pb_pb.js'); goog.object.extend(proto, pb_pb); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.Category', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.NotificationType', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.AuthenticationStatus', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.OnlineStatus', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer', null, global); goog.exportSymbol('proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx', null, global); /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.repeatedFields_, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo'; } /** * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator. * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned. * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still * valid. * @extends {jspb.Message} * @constructor */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo = function(opt_data) { jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null); }; goog.inherits(proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo, jspb.Message); if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) { /** * @public * @override */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.displayName = 'proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo'; } if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { methodName: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMethodName(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getMethodName(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string method_name = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.prototype.getMethodName = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpRequest.prototype.setMethodName = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { methodHelp: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMethodHelp(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getMethodHelp(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string method_help = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.prototype.getMethodHelp = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMethodHelpReply.prototype.setMethodHelp = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { version: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setVersion(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getVersion(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string version = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.prototype.getVersion = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetVersionReply.prototype.setVersion = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { accountExists: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, false) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setAccountExists(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAccountExists(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional bool account_exists = 1; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.prototype.getAccountExists = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 1, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AccountExistsReply.prototype.setAccountExists = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { isAccountOpen: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, false) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsAccountOpen(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getIsAccountOpen(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional bool is_account_open = 1; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.prototype.getIsAccountOpen = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 1, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAccountOpenReply.prototype.setIsAccountOpen = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { password: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPassword(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string password = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.prototype.getPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountRequest.prototype.setPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { password: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPassword(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string password = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.prototype.getPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountRequest.prototype.setPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { isAppInitialized: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, false) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsAppInitialized(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getIsAppInitialized(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional bool is_app_initialized = 1; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.prototype.getIsAppInitialized = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 1, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsAppInitializedReply.prototype.setIsAppInitialized = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { oldPassword: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), newPassword: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setOldPassword(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setNewPassword(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getOldPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getNewPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string old_password = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.prototype.getOldPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.prototype.setOldPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string new_password = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.prototype.getNewPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordRequest.prototype.setNewPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChangePasswordReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CloseAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DeleteAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { zipBytes: msg.getZipBytes_asB64() }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {!Uint8Array} */ (reader.readBytes()); msg.setZipBytes(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getZipBytes_asU8(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeBytes( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional bytes zip_bytes = 1; * @return {!(string|Uint8Array)} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.prototype.getZipBytes = function() { return /** @type {!(string|Uint8Array)} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * optional bytes zip_bytes = 1; * This is a type-conversion wrapper around `getZipBytes()` * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.prototype.getZipBytes_asB64 = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.bytesAsB64( this.getZipBytes())); }; /** * optional bytes zip_bytes = 1; * Note that Uint8Array is not supported on all browsers. * @see http://caniuse.com/Uint8Array * This is a type-conversion wrapper around `getZipBytes()` * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.prototype.getZipBytes_asU8 = function() { return /** @type {!Uint8Array} */ (jspb.Message.bytesAsU8( this.getZipBytes())); }; /** * @param {!(string|Uint8Array)} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BackupAccountReply.prototype.setZipBytes = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BytesField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { zipBytes: msg.getZipBytes_asB64(), offset: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0), totalLength: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, 0), hasMore: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, false) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {!Uint8Array} */ (reader.readBytes()); msg.setZipBytes(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setOffset(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setTotalLength(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setHasMore(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getZipBytes_asU8(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeBytes( 1, f ); } f = message.getOffset(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 2, f ); } f = message.getTotalLength(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 3, f ); } f = message.getHasMore(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 4, f ); } }; /** * optional bytes zip_bytes = 1; * @return {!(string|Uint8Array)} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.getZipBytes = function() { return /** @type {!(string|Uint8Array)} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * optional bytes zip_bytes = 1; * This is a type-conversion wrapper around `getZipBytes()` * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.getZipBytes_asB64 = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.bytesAsB64( this.getZipBytes())); }; /** * optional bytes zip_bytes = 1; * Note that Uint8Array is not supported on all browsers. * @see http://caniuse.com/Uint8Array * This is a type-conversion wrapper around `getZipBytes()` * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.getZipBytes_asU8 = function() { return /** @type {!Uint8Array} */ (jspb.Message.bytesAsU8( this.getZipBytes())); }; /** * @param {!(string|Uint8Array)} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.setZipBytes = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BytesField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional uint64 offset = 2; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.getOffset = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.setOffset = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional uint64 total_length = 3; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.getTotalLength = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.setTotalLength = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional bool has_more = 4; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.getHasMore = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 4, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountRequest.prototype.setHasMore = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 4, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RestoreAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { disputesList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getDisputesList(), pb_pb.Dispute.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.Dispute; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.Dispute.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addDisputes(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getDisputesList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.Dispute.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated Dispute disputes = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.prototype.getDisputesList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, pb_pb.Dispute, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.prototype.setDisputesList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Dispute=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Dispute} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.prototype.addDisputes = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Dispute, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputesReply.prototype.clearDisputesList = function() { return this.setDisputesList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { dispute: (f = msg.getDispute()) && pb_pb.Dispute.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.Dispute; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.Dispute.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setDispute(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getDispute(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.Dispute.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional Dispute dispute = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Dispute} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.prototype.getDispute = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Dispute} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.Dispute, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Dispute|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.prototype.setDispute = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.prototype.clearDispute = function() { return this.setDispute(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetDisputeReply.prototype.hasDispute = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OpenDisputeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), winner: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0), reason: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, 0), summaryNotes: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, ""), customPayoutAmount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, "0") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DisputeResult.Winner} */ (reader.readEnum()); msg.setWinner(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DisputeResult.Reason} */ (reader.readEnum()); msg.setReason(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setSummaryNotes(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setCustomPayoutAmount(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getWinner(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeEnum( 2, f ); } f = message.getReason(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeEnum( 3, f ); } f = message.getSummaryNotes(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 4, f ); } f = message.getCustomPayoutAmount(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 5, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional DisputeResult.Winner winner = 2; * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DisputeResult.Winner} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.getWinner = function() { return /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DisputeResult.Winner} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DisputeResult.Winner} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.setWinner = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3EnumField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional DisputeResult.Reason reason = 3; * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DisputeResult.Reason} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.getReason = function() { return /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DisputeResult.Reason} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, 0)); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.DisputeResult.Reason} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.setReason = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3EnumField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional string summary_notes = 4; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.getSummaryNotes = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 4, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.setSummaryNotes = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional uint64 custom_payout_amount = 5; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.getCustomPayoutAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 5, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ResolveDisputeRequest.prototype.setCustomPayoutAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 5, value); }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.repeatedFields_ = [3]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { disputeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), message: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), attachmentsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getAttachmentsList(), pb_pb.Attachment.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDisputeId(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMessage(value); break; case 3: var value = new pb_pb.Attachment; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.Attachment.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addAttachments(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getDisputeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getMessage(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getAttachmentsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 3, f, pb_pb.Attachment.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional string dispute_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.getDisputeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.setDisputeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string message = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.getMessage = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.setMessage = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * repeated Attachment attachments = 3; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.getAttachmentsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, pb_pb.Attachment, 3)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.setAttachmentsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 3, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Attachment=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Attachment} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.addAttachments = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 3, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.Attachment, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageRequest.prototype.clearAttachmentsList = function() { return this.setAttachmentsList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendDisputeChatMessageReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { disputeAgentType: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), registrationKey: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDisputeAgentType(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setRegistrationKey(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getDisputeAgentType(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getRegistrationKey(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string dispute_agent_type = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.getDisputeAgentType = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.setDisputeAgentType = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string registration_key = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.getRegistrationKey = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.setRegistrationKey = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterDisputeAgentReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { disputeAgentType: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDisputeAgentType(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getDisputeAgentType(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string dispute_agent_type = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.getDisputeAgentType = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest.prototype.setDisputeAgentType = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnregisterDisputeAgentReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RegisterNotificationListenerRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { id: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), type: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0), timestamp: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, 0), title: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, ""), message: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, ""), trade: (f = msg.getTrade()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f), chatMessage: (f = msg.getChatMessage()) && pb_pb.ChatMessage.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setId(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.NotificationType} */ (reader.readEnum()); msg.setType(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt64()); msg.setTimestamp(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTitle(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMessage(value); break; case 6: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setTrade(value); break; case 7: var value = new pb_pb.ChatMessage; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.ChatMessage.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setChatMessage(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getType(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeEnum( 2, f ); } f = message.getTimestamp(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt64( 3, f ); } f = message.getTitle(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 4, f ); } f = message.getMessage(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 5, f ); } f = message.getTrade(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 6, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getChatMessage(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 7, f, pb_pb.ChatMessage.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * @enum {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.NotificationType = { ERROR: 0, APP_INITIALIZED: 1, KEEP_ALIVE: 2, TRADE_UPDATE: 3, CHAT_MESSAGE: 4 }; /** * optional string id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.getId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.setId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional NotificationType type = 2; * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.NotificationType} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.getType = function() { return /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.NotificationType} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.NotificationType} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.setType = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3EnumField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional int64 timestamp = 3; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.getTimestamp = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.setTimestamp = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional string title = 4; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.getTitle = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 4, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.setTitle = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional string message = 5; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.getMessage = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 5, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.setMessage = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 5, value); }; /** * optional TradeInfo trade = 6; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.getTrade = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo, 6)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.setTrade = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 6, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.clearTrade = function() { return this.setTrade(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.hasTrade = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 6) != null; }; /** * optional ChatMessage chat_message = 7; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChatMessage} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.getChatMessage = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChatMessage} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.ChatMessage, 7)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChatMessage|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.setChatMessage = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 7, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.clearChatMessage = function() { return this.setChatMessage(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.prototype.hasChatMessage = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 7) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { notification: (f = msg.getNotification()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setNotification(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getNotification(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional NotificationMessage notification = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.prototype.getNotification = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.NotificationMessage|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.prototype.setNotification = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.prototype.clearNotification = function() { return this.setNotification(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationRequest.prototype.hasNotification = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendNotificationReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { url: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), username: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), password: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, ""), priority: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, 0), onlineStatus: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, 0), authenticationStatus: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 6, 0) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setUrl(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setUsername(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPassword(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt32()); msg.setPriority(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.OnlineStatus} */ (reader.readEnum()); msg.setOnlineStatus(value); break; case 6: var value = /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.AuthenticationStatus} */ (reader.readEnum()); msg.setAuthenticationStatus(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getUrl(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getUsername(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 3, f ); } f = message.getPriority(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt32( 4, f ); } f = message.getOnlineStatus(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeEnum( 5, f ); } f = message.getAuthenticationStatus(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeEnum( 6, f ); } }; /** * @enum {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.OnlineStatus = { UNKNOWN: 0, ONLINE: 1, OFFLINE: 2 }; /** * @enum {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.AuthenticationStatus = { NO_AUTHENTICATION: 0, AUTHENTICATED: 1, NOT_AUTHENTICATED: 2 }; /** * optional string url = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.getUrl = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.setUrl = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string username = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.getUsername = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.setUsername = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional string password = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.getPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.setPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional int32 priority = 4; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.getPriority = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 4, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.setPriority = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional OnlineStatus online_status = 5; * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.OnlineStatus} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.getOnlineStatus = function() { return /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.OnlineStatus} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 5, 0)); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.OnlineStatus} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.setOnlineStatus = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3EnumField(this, 5, value); }; /** * optional AuthenticationStatus authentication_status = 6; * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.AuthenticationStatus} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.getAuthenticationStatus = function() { return /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.AuthenticationStatus} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 6, 0)); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.AuthenticationStatus} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.prototype.setAuthenticationStatus = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3EnumField(this, 6, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { connection: (f = msg.getConnection()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setConnection(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getConnection(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional UrlConnection connection = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.prototype.getConnection = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.prototype.setConnection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.prototype.clearConnection = function() { return this.setConnection(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionRequest.prototype.hasConnection = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { url: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setUrl(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getUrl(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string url = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.prototype.getUrl = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionRequest.prototype.setUrl = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { connection: (f = msg.getConnection()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setConnection(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getConnection(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional UrlConnection connection = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.prototype.getConnection = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.prototype.setConnection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.prototype.clearConnection = function() { return this.setConnection(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionReply.prototype.hasConnection = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { connectionsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getConnectionsList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addConnections(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getConnectionsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated UrlConnection connections = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.prototype.getConnectionsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.prototype.setConnectionsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.prototype.addConnections = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetConnectionsReply.prototype.clearConnectionsList = function() { return this.setConnectionsList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { url: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), connection: (f = msg.getConnection()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setUrl(value); break; case 2: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setConnection(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getUrl(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getConnection(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 2, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional string url = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.prototype.getUrl = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.prototype.setUrl = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional UrlConnection connection = 2; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.prototype.getConnection = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, 2)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.prototype.setConnection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 2, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.prototype.clearConnection = function() { return this.setConnection(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionRequest.prototype.hasConnection = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 2) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { connection: (f = msg.getConnection()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setConnection(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getConnection(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional UrlConnection connection = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.prototype.getConnection = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.prototype.setConnection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.prototype.clearConnection = function() { return this.setConnection(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionReply.prototype.hasConnection = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { connectionsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getConnectionsList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addConnections(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getConnectionsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated UrlConnection connections = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.prototype.getConnectionsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.prototype.setConnectionsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.prototype.addConnections = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CheckConnectionsReply.prototype.clearConnectionsList = function() { return this.setConnectionsList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { refreshPeriod: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, 0) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt32()); msg.setRefreshPeriod(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getRefreshPeriod(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt32( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional int32 refresh_period = 1; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.prototype.getRefreshPeriod = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsRequest.prototype.setRefreshPeriod = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartCheckingConnectionsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopCheckingConnectionsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { connection: (f = msg.getConnection()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setConnection(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getConnection(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional UrlConnection connection = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.prototype.getConnection = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UrlConnection|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.prototype.setConnection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.prototype.clearConnection = function() { return this.setConnection(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBestAvailableConnectionReply.prototype.hasConnection = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { autoSwitch: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, false) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setAutoSwitch(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAutoSwitch(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional bool auto_switch = 1; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.prototype.getAutoSwitch = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 1, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchRequest.prototype.setAutoSwitch = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetAutoSwitchReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { isRunning: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, false) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsRunning(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getIsRunning(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional bool is_running = 1; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.prototype.getIsRunning = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 1, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply.prototype.setIsRunning = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { settings: (f = msg.getSettings()) && pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setSettings(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getSettings(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional MoneroNodeSettings settings = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MoneroNodeSettings} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.prototype.getSettings = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MoneroNodeSettings} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MoneroNodeSettings|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.prototype.setSettings = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.prototype.clearSettings = function() { return this.setSettings(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply.prototype.hasSettings = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { settings: (f = msg.getSettings()) && pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setSettings(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getSettings(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional MoneroNodeSettings settings = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MoneroNodeSettings} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.prototype.getSettings = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MoneroNodeSettings} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.MoneroNodeSettings, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MoneroNodeSettings|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.prototype.setSettings = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.prototype.clearSettings = function() { return this.setSettings(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeRequest.prototype.hasSettings = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StartMoneroNodeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopMoneroNodeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { id: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.prototype.getId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferRequest.prototype.setId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { offer: (f = msg.getOffer()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setOffer(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getOffer(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional OfferInfo offer = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.prototype.getOffer = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.prototype.setOffer = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.prototype.clearOffer = function() { return this.setOffer(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOfferReply.prototype.hasOffer = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { id: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.prototype.getId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferRequest.prototype.setId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { offer: (f = msg.getOffer()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setOffer(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getOffer(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional OfferInfo offer = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.prototype.getOffer = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.prototype.setOffer = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.prototype.clearOffer = function() { return this.setOffer(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOfferReply.prototype.hasOffer = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { direction: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDirection(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getDirection(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string direction = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.prototype.getDirection = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.prototype.setDirection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string currency_code = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersRequest.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { offersList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getOffersList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addOffers(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getOffersList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated OfferInfo offers = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.prototype.getOffersList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.prototype.setOffersList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.prototype.addOffers = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetOffersReply.prototype.clearOffersList = function() { return this.setOffersList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { direction: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDirection(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getDirection(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string direction = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.prototype.getDirection = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.prototype.setDirection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string currency_code = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersRequest.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { offersList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getOffersList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addOffers(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getOffersList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated OfferInfo offers = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.prototype.getOffersList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.prototype.setOffersList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.prototype.addOffers = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetMyOffersReply.prototype.clearOffersList = function() { return this.setOffersList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), direction: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), price: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, ""), useMarketBasedPrice: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, false), marketPriceMarginPct: jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, 0.0), amount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 6, "0"), minAmount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 7, "0"), buyerSecurityDepositPct: jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(msg, 8, 0.0), triggerPrice: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 9, ""), paymentAccountId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 10, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDirection(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPrice(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setUseMarketBasedPrice(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readDouble()); msg.setMarketPriceMarginPct(value); break; case 6: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setAmount(value); break; case 7: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setMinAmount(value); break; case 8: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readDouble()); msg.setBuyerSecurityDepositPct(value); break; case 9: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTriggerPrice(value); break; case 10: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentAccountId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getDirection(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getPrice(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 3, f ); } f = message.getUseMarketBasedPrice(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 4, f ); } f = message.getMarketPriceMarginPct(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeDouble( 5, f ); } f = message.getAmount(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 6, f ); } f = message.getMinAmount(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 7, f ); } f = message.getBuyerSecurityDepositPct(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeDouble( 8, f ); } f = message.getTriggerPrice(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 9, f ); } f = message.getPaymentAccountId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 10, f ); } }; /** * optional string currency_code = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string direction = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getDirection = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setDirection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional string price = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getPrice = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional bool use_market_based_price = 4; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getUseMarketBasedPrice = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 4, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setUseMarketBasedPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional double market_price_margin_pct = 5; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getMarketPriceMarginPct = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(this, 5, 0.0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setMarketPriceMarginPct = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3FloatField(this, 5, value); }; /** * optional uint64 amount = 6; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 6, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 6, value); }; /** * optional uint64 min_amount = 7; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getMinAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 7, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setMinAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 7, value); }; /** * optional double buyer_security_deposit_pct = 8; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getBuyerSecurityDepositPct = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(this, 8, 0.0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setBuyerSecurityDepositPct = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3FloatField(this, 8, value); }; /** * optional string trigger_price = 9; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getTriggerPrice = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 9, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setTriggerPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 9, value); }; /** * optional string payment_account_id = 10; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.getPaymentAccountId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 10, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferRequest.prototype.setPaymentAccountId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 10, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { offer: (f = msg.getOffer()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setOffer(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getOffer(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional OfferInfo offer = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.prototype.getOffer = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.prototype.setOffer = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.prototype.clearOffer = function() { return this.setOffer(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PostOfferReply.prototype.hasOffer = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { id: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.prototype.getId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferRequest.prototype.setId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CancelOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { id: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), direction: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), price: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, ""), useMarketBasedPrice: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, false), marketPriceMarginPct: jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, 0.0), amount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 6, "0"), minAmount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 7, "0"), volume: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 8, ""), minVolume: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 9, ""), buyerSecurityDeposit: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 10, "0"), triggerPrice: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 11, ""), paymentAccountId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 12, ""), paymentMethodId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 13, ""), paymentMethodShortName: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 14, ""), baseCurrencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 15, ""), counterCurrencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 16, ""), date: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 17, 0), state: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 18, ""), sellerSecurityDeposit: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 19, "0"), offerFeeTxId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 20, ""), makerFee: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 22, "0"), isActivated: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 23, false), isMyOffer: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 24, false), ownerNodeAddress: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 25, ""), pubKeyRing: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 26, ""), versionNr: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 27, ""), protocolVersion: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 28, 0), arbitratorSigner: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 29, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setId(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDirection(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPrice(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setUseMarketBasedPrice(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readDouble()); msg.setMarketPriceMarginPct(value); break; case 6: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setAmount(value); break; case 7: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setMinAmount(value); break; case 8: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setVolume(value); break; case 9: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMinVolume(value); break; case 10: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setBuyerSecurityDeposit(value); break; case 11: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTriggerPrice(value); break; case 12: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentAccountId(value); break; case 13: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentMethodId(value); break; case 14: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentMethodShortName(value); break; case 15: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setBaseCurrencyCode(value); break; case 16: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCounterCurrencyCode(value); break; case 17: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setDate(value); break; case 18: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setState(value); break; case 19: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setSellerSecurityDeposit(value); break; case 20: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setOfferFeeTxId(value); break; case 22: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setMakerFee(value); break; case 23: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsActivated(value); break; case 24: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsMyOffer(value); break; case 25: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setOwnerNodeAddress(value); break; case 26: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPubKeyRing(value); break; case 27: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setVersionNr(value); break; case 28: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt32()); msg.setProtocolVersion(value); break; case 29: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setArbitratorSigner(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getDirection(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getPrice(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 3, f ); } f = message.getUseMarketBasedPrice(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 4, f ); } f = message.getMarketPriceMarginPct(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeDouble( 5, f ); } f = message.getAmount(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 6, f ); } f = message.getMinAmount(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 7, f ); } f = message.getVolume(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 8, f ); } f = message.getMinVolume(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 9, f ); } f = message.getBuyerSecurityDeposit(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 10, f ); } f = message.getTriggerPrice(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 11, f ); } f = message.getPaymentAccountId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 12, f ); } f = message.getPaymentMethodId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 13, f ); } f = message.getPaymentMethodShortName(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 14, f ); } f = message.getBaseCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 15, f ); } f = message.getCounterCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 16, f ); } f = message.getDate(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 17, f ); } f = message.getState(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 18, f ); } f = message.getSellerSecurityDeposit(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 19, f ); } f = message.getOfferFeeTxId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 20, f ); } f = message.getMakerFee(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 22, f ); } f = message.getIsActivated(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 23, f ); } f = message.getIsMyOffer(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 24, f ); } f = message.getOwnerNodeAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 25, f ); } f = message.getPubKeyRing(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 26, f ); } f = message.getVersionNr(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 27, f ); } f = message.getProtocolVersion(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt32( 28, f ); } f = message.getArbitratorSigner(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 29, f ); } }; /** * optional string id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string direction = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getDirection = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setDirection = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional string price = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getPrice = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional bool use_market_based_price = 4; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getUseMarketBasedPrice = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 4, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setUseMarketBasedPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional double market_price_margin_pct = 5; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getMarketPriceMarginPct = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(this, 5, 0.0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setMarketPriceMarginPct = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3FloatField(this, 5, value); }; /** * optional uint64 amount = 6; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 6, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 6, value); }; /** * optional uint64 min_amount = 7; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getMinAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 7, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setMinAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 7, value); }; /** * optional string volume = 8; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getVolume = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 8, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setVolume = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 8, value); }; /** * optional string min_volume = 9; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getMinVolume = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 9, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setMinVolume = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 9, value); }; /** * optional uint64 buyer_security_deposit = 10; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getBuyerSecurityDeposit = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 10, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setBuyerSecurityDeposit = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 10, value); }; /** * optional string trigger_price = 11; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getTriggerPrice = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 11, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setTriggerPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 11, value); }; /** * optional string payment_account_id = 12; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getPaymentAccountId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 12, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setPaymentAccountId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 12, value); }; /** * optional string payment_method_id = 13; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getPaymentMethodId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 13, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setPaymentMethodId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 13, value); }; /** * optional string payment_method_short_name = 14; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getPaymentMethodShortName = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 14, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setPaymentMethodShortName = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 14, value); }; /** * optional string base_currency_code = 15; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getBaseCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 15, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setBaseCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 15, value); }; /** * optional string counter_currency_code = 16; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getCounterCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 16, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setCounterCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 16, value); }; /** * optional uint64 date = 17; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getDate = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 17, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setDate = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 17, value); }; /** * optional string state = 18; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getState = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 18, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setState = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 18, value); }; /** * optional uint64 seller_security_deposit = 19; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getSellerSecurityDeposit = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 19, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setSellerSecurityDeposit = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 19, value); }; /** * optional string offer_fee_tx_id = 20; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getOfferFeeTxId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 20, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setOfferFeeTxId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 20, value); }; /** * optional uint64 maker_fee = 22; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getMakerFee = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 22, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setMakerFee = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 22, value); }; /** * optional bool is_activated = 23; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getIsActivated = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 23, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setIsActivated = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 23, value); }; /** * optional bool is_my_offer = 24; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getIsMyOffer = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 24, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setIsMyOffer = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 24, value); }; /** * optional string owner_node_address = 25; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getOwnerNodeAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 25, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setOwnerNodeAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 25, value); }; /** * optional string pub_key_ring = 26; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getPubKeyRing = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 26, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setPubKeyRing = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 26, value); }; /** * optional string version_nr = 27; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getVersionNr = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 27, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setVersionNr = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 27, value); }; /** * optional int32 protocol_version = 28; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getProtocolVersion = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 28, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setProtocolVersion = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 28, value); }; /** * optional string arbitrator_signer = 29; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.getArbitratorSigner = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 29, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.prototype.setArbitratorSigner = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 29, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { availabilityResult: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, 0), description: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResult} */ (reader.readEnum()); msg.setAvailabilityResult(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDescription(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAvailabilityResult(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeEnum( 1, f ); } f = message.getDescription(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional AvailabilityResult availability_result = 1; * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResult} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.prototype.getAvailabilityResult = function() { return /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResult} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, 0)); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResult} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.prototype.setAvailabilityResult = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3EnumField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string description = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.prototype.getDescription = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.prototype.setDescription = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentAccountForm: (f = msg.getPaymentAccountForm()) && pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.toObject(includeInstance, f), paymentAccountFormAsJson: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setPaymentAccountForm(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentAccountFormAsJson(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentAccountForm(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getPaymentAccountFormAsJson(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional PaymentAccountForm payment_account_form = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.prototype.getPaymentAccountForm = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.prototype.setPaymentAccountForm = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.prototype.clearPaymentAccountForm = function() { return this.setPaymentAccountForm(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.prototype.hasPaymentAccountForm = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; /** * optional string payment_account_form_as_json = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.prototype.getPaymentAccountFormAsJson = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountRequest.prototype.setPaymentAccountFormAsJson = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentAccount: (f = msg.getPaymentAccount()) && pb_pb.PaymentAccount.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccount; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccount.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setPaymentAccount(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentAccount(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccount.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional PaymentAccount payment_account = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.prototype.getPaymentAccount = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccount, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.prototype.setPaymentAccount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.prototype.clearPaymentAccount = function() { return this.setPaymentAccount(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreatePaymentAccountReply.prototype.hasPaymentAccount = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentAccountsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getPaymentAccountsList(), pb_pb.PaymentAccount.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccount; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccount.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addPaymentAccounts(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentAccountsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccount.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated PaymentAccount payment_accounts = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.prototype.getPaymentAccountsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccount, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.prototype.setPaymentAccountsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.prototype.addPaymentAccounts = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountsReply.prototype.clearPaymentAccountsList = function() { return this.setPaymentAccountsList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentMethodsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getPaymentMethodsList(), pb_pb.PaymentMethod.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentMethod; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentMethod.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addPaymentMethods(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentMethodsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.PaymentMethod.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated PaymentMethod payment_methods = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.getPaymentMethodsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentMethod, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.setPaymentMethodsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentMethod=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentMethod} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.addPaymentMethods = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentMethod, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.clearPaymentMethodsList = function() { return this.setPaymentMethodsList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentMethodId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), paymentAccountPayload: (f = msg.getPaymentAccountPayload()) && pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentMethodId(value); break; case 2: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setPaymentAccountPayload(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentMethodId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getPaymentAccountPayload(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 2, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional string payment_method_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.prototype.getPaymentMethodId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.prototype.setPaymentMethodId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional PaymentAccountPayload payment_account_payload = 2; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.prototype.getPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload, 2)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.prototype.setPaymentAccountPayload = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 2, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.prototype.clearPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return this.setPaymentAccountPayload(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormRequest.prototype.hasPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 2) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentAccountForm: (f = msg.getPaymentAccountForm()) && pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setPaymentAccountForm(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentAccountForm(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional PaymentAccountForm payment_account_form = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.prototype.getPaymentAccountForm = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.prototype.setPaymentAccountForm = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.prototype.clearPaymentAccountForm = function() { return this.setPaymentAccountForm(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormReply.prototype.hasPaymentAccountForm = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentMethodId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentMethodId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentMethodId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string payment_method_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.prototype.getPaymentMethodId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonRequest.prototype.setPaymentMethodId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentAccountFormAsJson: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentAccountFormAsJson(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentAccountFormAsJson(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string payment_account_form_as_json = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.prototype.getPaymentAccountFormAsJson = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetPaymentAccountFormAsJsonReply.prototype.setPaymentAccountFormAsJson = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { accountName: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), address: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, ""), tradeInstant: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, false) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAccountName(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAddress(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setTradeInstant(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAccountName(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 3, f ); } f = message.getTradeInstant(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 4, f ); } }; /** * optional string account_name = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.getAccountName = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.setAccountName = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string currency_code = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional string address = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.getAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.setAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional bool trade_instant = 4; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.getTradeInstant = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 4, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest.prototype.setTradeInstant = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 4, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentAccount: (f = msg.getPaymentAccount()) && pb_pb.PaymentAccount.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccount; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccount.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setPaymentAccount(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentAccount(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccount.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional PaymentAccount payment_account = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.prototype.getPaymentAccount = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccount, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccount|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.prototype.setPaymentAccount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.prototype.clearPaymentAccount = function() { return this.setPaymentAccount(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply.prototype.hasPaymentAccount = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { paymentMethodsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getPaymentMethodsList(), pb_pb.PaymentMethod.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentMethod; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentMethod.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addPaymentMethods(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPaymentMethodsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.PaymentMethod.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated PaymentMethod payment_methods = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.getPaymentMethodsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentMethod, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.setPaymentMethodsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentMethod=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentMethod} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.addPaymentMethods = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentMethod, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply.prototype.clearPaymentMethodsList = function() { return this.setPaymentMethodsList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { form: (f = msg.getForm()) && pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.toObject(includeInstance, f), fieldId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0), value: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setForm(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountFormField.FieldId} */ (reader.readEnum()); msg.setFieldId(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setValue(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getForm(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getFieldId(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeEnum( 2, f ); } f = message.getValue(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 3, f ); } }; /** * optional PaymentAccountForm form = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.getForm = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccountForm, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountForm|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.setForm = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.clearForm = function() { return this.setForm(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.hasForm = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; /** * optional PaymentAccountFormField.FieldId field_id = 2; * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountFormField.FieldId} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.getFieldId = function() { return /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountFormField.FieldId} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountFormField.FieldId} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.setFieldId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3EnumField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional string value = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.getValue = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldRequest.prototype.setValue = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ValidateFormFieldReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string currency_code = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceRequest.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { price: jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, 0.0) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readDouble()); msg.setPrice(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPrice(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeDouble( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional double price = 1; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.prototype.getPrice = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(this, 1, 0.0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceReply.prototype.setPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3FloatField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { marketPriceList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getMarketPriceList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addMarketPrice(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getMarketPriceList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated MarketPriceInfo market_price = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.prototype.getMarketPriceList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.prototype.setMarketPriceList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.prototype.addMarketPrice = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPricesReply.prototype.clearMarketPriceList = function() { return this.setMarketPriceList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), price: jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0.0) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readDouble()); msg.setPrice(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getPrice(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeDouble( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string currency_code = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional double price = 2; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.prototype.getPrice = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFloatingPointFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0.0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketPriceInfo.prototype.setPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3FloatField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string currency_code = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthRequest.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { marketDepth: (f = msg.getMarketDepth()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setMarketDepth(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getMarketDepth(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional MarketDepthInfo market_depth = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.prototype.getMarketDepth = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.prototype.setMarketDepth = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.prototype.clearMarketDepth = function() { return this.setMarketDepth(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthReply.prototype.hasMarketDepth = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.repeatedFields_ = [2,3,4,5]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), buyPricesList: (f = jspb.Message.getRepeatedFloatingPointField(msg, 2)) == null ? undefined : f, buyDepthList: (f = jspb.Message.getRepeatedFloatingPointField(msg, 3)) == null ? undefined : f, sellPricesList: (f = jspb.Message.getRepeatedFloatingPointField(msg, 4)) == null ? undefined : f, sellDepthList: (f = jspb.Message.getRepeatedFloatingPointField(msg, 5)) == null ? undefined : f }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; case 2: var values = /** @type {!Array} */ (reader.isDelimited() ? reader.readPackedDouble() : [reader.readDouble()]); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { msg.addBuyPrices(values[i]); } break; case 3: var values = /** @type {!Array} */ (reader.isDelimited() ? reader.readPackedDouble() : [reader.readDouble()]); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { msg.addBuyDepth(values[i]); } break; case 4: var values = /** @type {!Array} */ (reader.isDelimited() ? reader.readPackedDouble() : [reader.readDouble()]); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { msg.addSellPrices(values[i]); } break; case 5: var values = /** @type {!Array} */ (reader.isDelimited() ? reader.readPackedDouble() : [reader.readDouble()]); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { msg.addSellDepth(values[i]); } break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getBuyPricesList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writePackedDouble( 2, f ); } f = message.getBuyDepthList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writePackedDouble( 3, f ); } f = message.getSellPricesList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writePackedDouble( 4, f ); } f = message.getSellDepthList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writePackedDouble( 5, f ); } }; /** * optional string currency_code = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * repeated double buy_prices = 2; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.getBuyPricesList = function() { return /** @type {!Array} */ (jspb.Message.getRepeatedFloatingPointField(this, 2)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.setBuyPricesList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setField(this, 2, value || []); }; /** * @param {number} value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.addBuyPrices = function(value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedField(this, 2, value, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.clearBuyPricesList = function() { return this.setBuyPricesList([]); }; /** * repeated double buy_depth = 3; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.getBuyDepthList = function() { return /** @type {!Array} */ (jspb.Message.getRepeatedFloatingPointField(this, 3)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.setBuyDepthList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setField(this, 3, value || []); }; /** * @param {number} value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.addBuyDepth = function(value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedField(this, 3, value, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.clearBuyDepthList = function() { return this.setBuyDepthList([]); }; /** * repeated double sell_prices = 4; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.getSellPricesList = function() { return /** @type {!Array} */ (jspb.Message.getRepeatedFloatingPointField(this, 4)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.setSellPricesList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setField(this, 4, value || []); }; /** * @param {number} value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.addSellPrices = function(value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedField(this, 4, value, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.clearSellPricesList = function() { return this.setSellPricesList([]); }; /** * repeated double sell_depth = 5; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.getSellDepthList = function() { return /** @type {!Array} */ (jspb.Message.getRepeatedFloatingPointField(this, 5)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.setSellDepthList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setField(this, 5, value || []); }; /** * @param {number} value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.addSellDepth = function(value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedField(this, 5, value, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.MarketDepthInfo.prototype.clearSellDepthList = function() { return this.setSellDepthList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeStatisticsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getTradeStatisticsList(), pb_pb.TradeStatistics3.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.TradeStatistics3; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.TradeStatistics3.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addTradeStatistics(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeStatisticsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.TradeStatistics3.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated TradeStatistics3 trade_statistics = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.prototype.getTradeStatisticsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, pb_pb.TradeStatistics3, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.prototype.setTradeStatisticsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeStatistics3=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeStatistics3} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.prototype.addTradeStatistics = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeStatistics3, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeStatisticsReply.prototype.clearTradeStatisticsList = function() { return this.setTradeStatisticsList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.StopReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { offerId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), paymentAccountId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setOfferId(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPaymentAccountId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getOfferId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getPaymentAccountId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string offer_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.prototype.getOfferId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.prototype.setOfferId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string payment_account_id = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.prototype.getPaymentAccountId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferRequest.prototype.setPaymentAccountId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { trade: (f = msg.getTrade()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f), failureReason: (f = msg.getFailureReason()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setTrade(value); break; case 2: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setFailureReason(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTrade(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getFailureReason(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 2, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional TradeInfo trade = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.getTrade = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.setTrade = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.clearTrade = function() { return this.setTrade(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.hasTrade = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; /** * optional AvailabilityResultWithDescription failure_reason = 2; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.getFailureReason = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription, 2)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AvailabilityResultWithDescription|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.setFailureReason = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 2, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.clearFailureReason = function() { return this.setFailureReason(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TakeOfferReply.prototype.hasFailureReason = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 2) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentSentReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { trade: (f = msg.getTrade()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setTrade(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTrade(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional TradeInfo trade = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.prototype.getTrade = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.prototype.setTrade = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.prototype.clearTrade = function() { return this.setTrade(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradeReply.prototype.hasTrade = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { category: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, 0) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.Category} */ (reader.readEnum()); msg.setCategory(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getCategory(); if (f !== 0.0) { writer.writeEnum( 1, f ); } }; /** * @enum {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.Category = { OPEN: 0, CLOSED: 1, FAILED: 2 }; /** * optional Category category = 1; * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.Category} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.prototype.getCategory = function() { return /** @type {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.Category} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, 0)); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.Category} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesRequest.prototype.setCategory = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3EnumField(this, 1, value); }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradesList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getTradesList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addTrades(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradesList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated TradeInfo trades = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.prototype.getTradesList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.prototype.setTradesList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.prototype.addTrades = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetTradesReply.prototype.clearTradesList = function() { return this.setTradesList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CompleteTradeReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), address: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), memo: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAddress(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMemo(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getMemo(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 3, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string address = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.prototype.getAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.prototype.setAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional string memo = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.prototype.getMemo = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsRequest.prototype.setMemo = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.WithdrawFundsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { messageList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getMessageList(), pb_pb.ChatMessage.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new pb_pb.ChatMessage; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.ChatMessage.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addMessage(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getMessageList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, pb_pb.ChatMessage.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated ChatMessage message = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.prototype.getMessageList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, pb_pb.ChatMessage, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.prototype.setMessageList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChatMessage=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChatMessage} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.prototype.addMessage = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ChatMessage, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetChatMessagesReply.prototype.clearMessageList = function() { return this.setMessageList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), message: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMessage(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getMessage(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string trade_id = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string message = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.prototype.getMessage = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageRequest.prototype.setMessage = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendChatMessageReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { offer: (f = msg.getOffer()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f), tradeId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), shortId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, ""), date: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, 0), role: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, ""), takerFee: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 6, "0"), takerFeeTxId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 7, ""), payoutTxId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 8, ""), amount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 9, "0"), buyerSecurityDeposit: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 10, "0"), sellerSecurityDeposit: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 11, "0"), price: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 12, ""), arbitratorNodeAddress: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 13, ""), tradePeerNodeAddress: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 14, ""), state: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 15, ""), phase: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 16, ""), periodState: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 17, ""), payoutState: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 18, ""), disputeState: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 19, ""), isDepositsPublished: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 20, false), isDepositsConfirmed: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 21, false), isDepositsUnlocked: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 22, false), isPaymentSent: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 23, false), isPaymentReceived: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 24, false), isPayoutPublished: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 25, false), isPayoutConfirmed: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 26, false), isPayoutUnlocked: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 27, false), isCompleted: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 28, false), contractAsJson: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 29, ""), contract: (f = msg.getContract()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f), tradeVolume: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 31, ""), makerDepositTxId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 32, ""), takerDepositTxId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 33, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setOffer(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeId(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setShortId(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setDate(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setRole(value); break; case 6: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setTakerFee(value); break; case 7: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTakerFeeTxId(value); break; case 8: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPayoutTxId(value); break; case 9: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setAmount(value); break; case 10: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setBuyerSecurityDeposit(value); break; case 11: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setSellerSecurityDeposit(value); break; case 12: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPrice(value); break; case 13: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setArbitratorNodeAddress(value); break; case 14: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradePeerNodeAddress(value); break; case 15: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setState(value); break; case 16: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPhase(value); break; case 17: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPeriodState(value); break; case 18: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPayoutState(value); break; case 19: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setDisputeState(value); break; case 20: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsDepositsPublished(value); break; case 21: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsDepositsConfirmed(value); break; case 22: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsDepositsUnlocked(value); break; case 23: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsPaymentSent(value); break; case 24: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsPaymentReceived(value); break; case 25: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsPayoutPublished(value); break; case 26: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsPayoutConfirmed(value); break; case 27: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsPayoutUnlocked(value); break; case 28: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsCompleted(value); break; case 29: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setContractAsJson(value); break; case 30: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setContract(value); break; case 31: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTradeVolume(value); break; case 32: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMakerDepositTxId(value); break; case 33: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTakerDepositTxId(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getOffer(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getTradeId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getShortId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 3, f ); } f = message.getDate(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 4, f ); } f = message.getRole(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 5, f ); } f = message.getTakerFee(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 6, f ); } f = message.getTakerFeeTxId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 7, f ); } f = message.getPayoutTxId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 8, f ); } f = message.getAmount(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 9, f ); } f = message.getBuyerSecurityDeposit(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 10, f ); } f = message.getSellerSecurityDeposit(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 11, f ); } f = message.getPrice(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 12, f ); } f = message.getArbitratorNodeAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 13, f ); } f = message.getTradePeerNodeAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 14, f ); } f = message.getState(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 15, f ); } f = message.getPhase(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 16, f ); } f = message.getPeriodState(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 17, f ); } f = message.getPayoutState(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 18, f ); } f = message.getDisputeState(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 19, f ); } f = message.getIsDepositsPublished(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 20, f ); } f = message.getIsDepositsConfirmed(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 21, f ); } f = message.getIsDepositsUnlocked(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 22, f ); } f = message.getIsPaymentSent(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 23, f ); } f = message.getIsPaymentReceived(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 24, f ); } f = message.getIsPayoutPublished(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 25, f ); } f = message.getIsPayoutConfirmed(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 26, f ); } f = message.getIsPayoutUnlocked(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 27, f ); } f = message.getIsCompleted(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 28, f ); } f = message.getContractAsJson(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 29, f ); } f = message.getContract(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 30, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getTradeVolume(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 31, f ); } f = message.getMakerDepositTxId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 32, f ); } f = message.getTakerDepositTxId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 33, f ); } }; /** * optional OfferInfo offer = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getOffer = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.OfferInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setOffer = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.clearOffer = function() { return this.setOffer(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.hasOffer = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; /** * optional string trade_id = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getTradeId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setTradeId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional string short_id = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getShortId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setShortId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional uint64 date = 4; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getDate = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 4, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setDate = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional string role = 5; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getRole = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 5, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setRole = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 5, value); }; /** * optional uint64 taker_fee = 6; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getTakerFee = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 6, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setTakerFee = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 6, value); }; /** * optional string taker_fee_tx_id = 7; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getTakerFeeTxId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 7, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setTakerFeeTxId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 7, value); }; /** * optional string payout_tx_id = 8; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getPayoutTxId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 8, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setPayoutTxId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 8, value); }; /** * optional uint64 amount = 9; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 9, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 9, value); }; /** * optional uint64 buyer_security_deposit = 10; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getBuyerSecurityDeposit = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 10, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setBuyerSecurityDeposit = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 10, value); }; /** * optional uint64 seller_security_deposit = 11; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getSellerSecurityDeposit = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 11, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setSellerSecurityDeposit = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 11, value); }; /** * optional string price = 12; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getPrice = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 12, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setPrice = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 12, value); }; /** * optional string arbitrator_node_address = 13; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getArbitratorNodeAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 13, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setArbitratorNodeAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 13, value); }; /** * optional string trade_peer_node_address = 14; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getTradePeerNodeAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 14, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setTradePeerNodeAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 14, value); }; /** * optional string state = 15; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getState = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 15, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setState = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 15, value); }; /** * optional string phase = 16; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getPhase = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 16, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setPhase = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 16, value); }; /** * optional string period_state = 17; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getPeriodState = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 17, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setPeriodState = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 17, value); }; /** * optional string payout_state = 18; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getPayoutState = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 18, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setPayoutState = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 18, value); }; /** * optional string dispute_state = 19; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getDisputeState = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 19, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setDisputeState = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 19, value); }; /** * optional bool is_deposits_published = 20; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsDepositsPublished = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 20, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsDepositsPublished = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 20, value); }; /** * optional bool is_deposits_confirmed = 21; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsDepositsConfirmed = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 21, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsDepositsConfirmed = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 21, value); }; /** * optional bool is_deposits_unlocked = 22; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsDepositsUnlocked = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 22, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsDepositsUnlocked = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 22, value); }; /** * optional bool is_payment_sent = 23; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsPaymentSent = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 23, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsPaymentSent = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 23, value); }; /** * optional bool is_payment_received = 24; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsPaymentReceived = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 24, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsPaymentReceived = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 24, value); }; /** * optional bool is_payout_published = 25; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsPayoutPublished = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 25, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsPayoutPublished = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 25, value); }; /** * optional bool is_payout_confirmed = 26; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsPayoutConfirmed = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 26, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsPayoutConfirmed = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 26, value); }; /** * optional bool is_payout_unlocked = 27; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsPayoutUnlocked = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 27, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsPayoutUnlocked = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 27, value); }; /** * optional bool is_completed = 28; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getIsCompleted = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 28, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setIsCompleted = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 28, value); }; /** * optional string contract_as_json = 29; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getContractAsJson = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 29, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setContractAsJson = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 29, value); }; /** * optional ContractInfo contract = 30; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getContract = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo, 30)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setContract = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 30, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.clearContract = function() { return this.setContract(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.hasContract = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 30) != null; }; /** * optional string trade_volume = 31; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getTradeVolume = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 31, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setTradeVolume = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 31, value); }; /** * optional string maker_deposit_tx_id = 32; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getMakerDepositTxId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 32, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setMakerDepositTxId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 32, value); }; /** * optional string taker_deposit_tx_id = 33; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.getTakerDepositTxId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 33, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.TradeInfo.prototype.setTakerDepositTxId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 33, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { buyerNodeAddress: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), sellerNodeAddress: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), isBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, false), makerAccountId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 6, ""), takerAccountId: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 7, ""), makerPaymentAccountPayload: (f = msg.getMakerPaymentAccountPayload()) && pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.toObject(includeInstance, f), takerPaymentAccountPayload: (f = msg.getTakerPaymentAccountPayload()) && pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.toObject(includeInstance, f), makerPayoutAddressString: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 10, ""), takerPayoutAddressString: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 11, ""), lockTime: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 12, 0), arbitratorNodeAddress: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 100, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setBuyerNodeAddress(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setSellerNodeAddress(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker(value); break; case 6: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMakerAccountId(value); break; case 7: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTakerAccountId(value); break; case 8: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setMakerPaymentAccountPayload(value); break; case 9: var value = new pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload; reader.readMessage(value,pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setTakerPaymentAccountPayload(value); break; case 10: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMakerPayoutAddressString(value); break; case 11: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTakerPayoutAddressString(value); break; case 12: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setLockTime(value); break; case 100: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setArbitratorNodeAddress(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getBuyerNodeAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getSellerNodeAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getIsBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 5, f ); } f = message.getMakerAccountId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 6, f ); } f = message.getTakerAccountId(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 7, f ); } f = message.getMakerPaymentAccountPayload(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 8, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getTakerPaymentAccountPayload(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 9, f, pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getMakerPayoutAddressString(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 10, f ); } f = message.getTakerPayoutAddressString(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 11, f ); } f = message.getLockTime(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 12, f ); } f = message.getArbitratorNodeAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 100, f ); } }; /** * optional string buyer_node_address = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getBuyerNodeAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setBuyerNodeAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string seller_node_address = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getSellerNodeAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setSellerNodeAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional bool is_buyer_maker_and_seller_taker = 5; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getIsBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 5, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setIsBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 5, value); }; /** * optional string maker_account_id = 6; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getMakerAccountId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 6, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setMakerAccountId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 6, value); }; /** * optional string taker_account_id = 7; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getTakerAccountId = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 7, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setTakerAccountId = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 7, value); }; /** * optional PaymentAccountPayload maker_payment_account_payload = 8; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getMakerPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload, 8)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setMakerPaymentAccountPayload = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 8, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.clearMakerPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return this.setMakerPaymentAccountPayload(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.hasMakerPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 8) != null; }; /** * optional PaymentAccountPayload taker_payment_account_payload = 9; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getTakerPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, pb_pb.PaymentAccountPayload, 9)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.PaymentAccountPayload|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setTakerPaymentAccountPayload = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 9, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.clearTakerPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return this.setTakerPaymentAccountPayload(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.hasTakerPaymentAccountPayload = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 9) != null; }; /** * optional string maker_payout_address_string = 10; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getMakerPayoutAddressString = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 10, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setMakerPayoutAddressString = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 10, value); }; /** * optional string taker_payout_address_string = 11; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getTakerPayoutAddressString = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 11, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setTakerPayoutAddressString = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 11, value); }; /** * optional uint64 lock_time = 12; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getLockTime = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 12, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setLockTime = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 12, value); }; /** * optional string arbitrator_node_address = 100; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.getArbitratorNodeAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 100, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.ContractInfo.prototype.setArbitratorNodeAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 100, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { currencyCode: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setCurrencyCode(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getCurrencyCode(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string currency_code = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.prototype.getCurrencyCode = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesRequest.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { balances: (f = msg.getBalances()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setBalances(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getBalances(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional BalancesInfo balances = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.prototype.getBalances = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.prototype.setBalances = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.prototype.clearBalances = function() { return this.setBalances(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetBalancesReply.prototype.hasBalances = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { seed: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setSeed(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getSeed(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string seed = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.prototype.getSeed = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrSeedReply.prototype.setSeed = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { primaryAddress: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPrimaryAddress(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPrimaryAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string primary_address = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.prototype.getPrimaryAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply.prototype.setPrimaryAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { subaddress: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setSubaddress(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getSubaddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string subaddress = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.prototype.getSubaddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrNewSubaddressReply.prototype.setSubaddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { txsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getTxsList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addTxs(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTxsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated XmrTx txs = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.prototype.getTxsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.prototype.setTxsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.prototype.addTxs = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetXmrTxsReply.prototype.clearTxsList = function() { return this.setTxsList([]); }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.repeatedFields_ = [7]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { hash: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), fee: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), isConfirmed: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, false), isLocked: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, false), height: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, 0), timestamp: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 6, 0), incomingTransfersList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getIncomingTransfersList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.toObject, includeInstance), outgoingTransfer: (f = msg.getOutgoingTransfer()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.toObject(includeInstance, f), metadata: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 9, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setHash(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setFee(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsConfirmed(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsLocked(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setHeight(value); break; case 6: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setTimestamp(value); break; case 7: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addIncomingTransfers(value); break; case 8: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setOutgoingTransfer(value); break; case 9: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMetadata(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getHash(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getFee(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getIsConfirmed(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 3, f ); } f = message.getIsLocked(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 4, f ); } f = message.getHeight(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 5, f ); } f = message.getTimestamp(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 6, f ); } f = message.getIncomingTransfersList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 7, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getOutgoingTransfer(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 8, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getMetadata(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 9, f ); } }; /** * optional string hash = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getHash = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setHash = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string fee = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getFee = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setFee = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional bool is_confirmed = 3; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getIsConfirmed = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 3, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setIsConfirmed = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional bool is_locked = 4; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getIsLocked = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 4, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setIsLocked = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional uint64 height = 5; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getHeight = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 5, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setHeight = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 5, value); }; /** * optional uint64 timestamp = 6; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getTimestamp = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 6, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setTimestamp = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 6, value); }; /** * repeated XmrIncomingTransfer incoming_transfers = 7; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getIncomingTransfersList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer, 7)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setIncomingTransfersList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 7, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.addIncomingTransfers = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 7, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.clearIncomingTransfersList = function() { return this.setIncomingTransfersList([]); }; /** * optional XmrOutgoingTransfer outgoing_transfer = 8; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getOutgoingTransfer = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer, 8)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setOutgoingTransfer = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 8, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.clearOutgoingTransfer = function() { return this.setOutgoingTransfer(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.hasOutgoingTransfer = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 8) != null; }; /** * optional string metadata = 9; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.getMetadata = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 9, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.prototype.setMetadata = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 9, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { address: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), amount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAddress(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAmount(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getAmount(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string address = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.prototype.getAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.prototype.setAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string amount = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.prototype.getAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.prototype.setAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { amount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), accountIndex: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0), subaddressIndex: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, 0), address: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, ""), numSuggestedConfirmations: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, 0) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAmount(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt32()); msg.setAccountIndex(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt32()); msg.setSubaddressIndex(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAddress(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setNumSuggestedConfirmations(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAmount(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getAccountIndex(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt32( 2, f ); } f = message.getSubaddressIndex(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt32( 3, f ); } f = message.getAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 4, f ); } f = message.getNumSuggestedConfirmations(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 5, f ); } }; /** * optional string amount = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.getAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.setAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional int32 account_index = 2; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.getAccountIndex = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.setAccountIndex = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional int32 subaddress_index = 3; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.getSubaddressIndex = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.setSubaddressIndex = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional string address = 4; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.getAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 4, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.setAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional uint64 num_suggested_confirmations = 5; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.getNumSuggestedConfirmations = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 5, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrIncomingTransfer.prototype.setNumSuggestedConfirmations = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 5, value); }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.repeatedFields_ = [3,4]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { amount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), accountIndex: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0), subaddressIndicesList: (f = jspb.Message.getRepeatedField(msg, 3)) == null ? undefined : f, destinationsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getDestinationsList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAmount(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt32()); msg.setAccountIndex(value); break; case 3: var values = /** @type {!Array} */ (reader.isDelimited() ? reader.readPackedInt32() : [reader.readInt32()]); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { msg.addSubaddressIndices(values[i]); } break; case 4: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addDestinations(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAmount(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getAccountIndex(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt32( 2, f ); } f = message.getSubaddressIndicesList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writePackedInt32( 3, f ); } f = message.getDestinationsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 4, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional string amount = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.getAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.setAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional int32 account_index = 2; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.getAccountIndex = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.setAccountIndex = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 2, value); }; /** * repeated int32 subaddress_indices = 3; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.getSubaddressIndicesList = function() { return /** @type {!Array} */ (jspb.Message.getRepeatedField(this, 3)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.setSubaddressIndicesList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setField(this, 3, value || []); }; /** * @param {number} value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.addSubaddressIndices = function(value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedField(this, 3, value, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.clearSubaddressIndicesList = function() { return this.setSubaddressIndicesList([]); }; /** * repeated XmrDestination destinations = 4; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.getDestinationsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination, 4)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.setDestinationsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 4, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.addDestinations = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 4, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrOutgoingTransfer.prototype.clearDestinationsList = function() { return this.setDestinationsList([]); }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { destinationsList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getDestinationsList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addDestinations(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getDestinationsList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated XmrDestination destinations = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.prototype.getDestinationsList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.prototype.setDestinationsList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.prototype.addDestinations = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrDestination, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxRequest.prototype.clearDestinationsList = function() { return this.setDestinationsList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { tx: (f = msg.getTx()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setTx(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getTx(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional XmrTx tx = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.prototype.getTx = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrTx|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.prototype.setTx = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.prototype.clearTx = function() { return this.setTx(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.CreateXmrTxReply.prototype.hasTx = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { metadata: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMetadata(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getMetadata(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string metadata = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.prototype.getMetadata = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxRequest.prototype.setMetadata = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { hash: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setHash(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getHash(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string hash = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.prototype.getHash = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RelayXmrTxReply.prototype.setHash = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { address: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAddress(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string address = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.prototype.getAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceRequest.prototype.setAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { addressBalanceInfo: (f = msg.getAddressBalanceInfo()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setAddressBalanceInfo(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAddressBalanceInfo(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional AddressBalanceInfo address_balance_info = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.prototype.getAddressBalanceInfo = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.prototype.setAddressBalanceInfo = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.prototype.clearAddressBalanceInfo = function() { return this.setAddressBalanceInfo(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetAddressBalanceReply.prototype.hasAddressBalanceInfo = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { address: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), amount: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""), txFeeRate: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, ""), memo: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAddress(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAmount(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setTxFeeRate(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setMemo(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getAmount(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } f = message.getTxFeeRate(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 3, f ); } f = message.getMemo(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 4, f ); } }; /** * optional string address = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.getAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.setAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string amount = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.getAmount = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.setAmount = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional string tx_fee_rate = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.getTxFeeRate = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.setTxFeeRate = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional string memo = 4; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.getMemo = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 4, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SendBtcRequest.prototype.setMemo = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 4, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; /** * List of repeated fields within this message type. * @private {!Array} * @const */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.repeatedFields_ = [1]; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { addressBalanceInfoList: jspb.Message.toObjectList(msg.getAddressBalanceInfoList(), proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.toObject, includeInstance) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.addAddressBalanceInfo(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAddressBalanceInfoList(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeRepeatedMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * repeated AddressBalanceInfo address_balance_info = 1; * @return {!Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.prototype.getAddressBalanceInfoList = function() { return /** @type{!Array} */ ( jspb.Message.getRepeatedWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {!Array} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.prototype.setAddressBalanceInfoList = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo=} opt_value * @param {number=} opt_index * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.prototype.addAddressBalanceInfo = function(opt_value, opt_index) { return jspb.Message.addToRepeatedWrapperField(this, 1, opt_value, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo, opt_index); }; /** * Clears the list making it empty but non-null. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.GetFundingAddressesReply.prototype.clearAddressBalanceInfoList = function() { return this.setAddressBalanceInfoList([]); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { password: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), newPassword: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPassword(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setNewPassword(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getNewPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string password = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.getPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.setPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional string new_password = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.getNewPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.setNewPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.SetWalletPasswordReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { password: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPassword(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } }; /** * optional string password = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.getPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordRequest.prototype.setPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.RemoveWalletPasswordReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.LockWalletReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { password: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), timeout: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setPassword(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setTimeout(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getPassword(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getTimeout(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 2, f ); } }; /** * optional string password = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.prototype.getPassword = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.prototype.setPassword = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional uint64 timeout = 2; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.prototype.getTimeout = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletRequest.prototype.setTimeout = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 2, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.UnlockWalletReply.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { btc: (f = msg.getBtc()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f), xmr: (f = msg.getXmr()) && proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.toObject(includeInstance, f) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setBtc(value); break; case 2: var value = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo; reader.readMessage(value,proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader); msg.setXmr(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getBtc(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 1, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } f = message.getXmr(); if (f != null) { writer.writeMessage( 2, f, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter ); } }; /** * optional BtcBalanceInfo btc = 1; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.getBtc = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo, 1)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.setBtc = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 1, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.clearBtc = function() { return this.setBtc(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.hasBtc = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 1) != null; }; /** * optional XmrBalanceInfo xmr = 2; * @return {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.getXmr = function() { return /** @type{?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} */ ( jspb.Message.getWrapperField(this, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo, 2)); }; /** * @param {?proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo|undefined} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.setXmr = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setWrapperField(this, 2, value); }; /** * Clears the message field making it undefined. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.clearXmr = function() { return this.setXmr(undefined); }; /** * Returns whether this field is set. * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BalancesInfo.prototype.hasXmr = function() { return jspb.Message.getField(this, 2) != null; }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { availableBalance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, 0), reservedBalance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0), totalAvailableBalance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, 0), lockedBalance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, 0) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setAvailableBalance(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setReservedBalance(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setTotalAvailableBalance(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readUint64()); msg.setLockedBalance(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAvailableBalance(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 1, f ); } f = message.getReservedBalance(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 2, f ); } f = message.getTotalAvailableBalance(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 3, f ); } f = message.getLockedBalance(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeUint64( 4, f ); } }; /** * optional uint64 available_balance = 1; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.getAvailableBalance = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.setAvailableBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional uint64 reserved_balance = 2; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.getReservedBalance = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.setReservedBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional uint64 total_available_balance = 3; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.getTotalAvailableBalance = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.setTotalAvailableBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional uint64 locked_balance = 4; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.getLockedBalance = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 4, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.BtcBalanceInfo.prototype.setLockedBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 4, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { balance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, "0"), availableBalance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, "0"), pendingBalance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, "0"), reservedOfferBalance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, "0"), reservedTradeBalance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 5, "0") }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setBalance(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setAvailableBalance(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setPendingBalance(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setReservedOfferBalance(value); break; case 5: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readUint64String()); msg.setReservedTradeBalance(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getBalance(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 1, f ); } f = message.getAvailableBalance(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 2, f ); } f = message.getPendingBalance(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 3, f ); } f = message.getReservedOfferBalance(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 4, f ); } f = message.getReservedTradeBalance(); if (parseInt(f, 10) !== 0) { writer.writeUint64String( 5, f ); } }; /** * optional uint64 balance = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.getBalance = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.setBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional uint64 available_balance = 2; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.getAvailableBalance = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.setAvailableBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional uint64 pending_balance = 3; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.getPendingBalance = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.setPendingBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional uint64 reserved_offer_balance = 4; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.getReservedOfferBalance = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 4, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.setReservedOfferBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 4, value); }; /** * optional uint64 reserved_trade_balance = 5; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.getReservedTradeBalance = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 5, "0")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.XmrBalanceInfo.prototype.setReservedTradeBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringIntField(this, 5, value); }; if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) { /** * Creates an object representation of this proto. * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name. * Optional fields that are not set will be set to undefined. * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_, eg, foo.pb_default. * For the list of reserved names please see: * net/proto2/compiler/js/internal/generator.cc#kKeyword. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Deprecated. whether to include the * JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @return {!Object} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) { return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this); }; /** * Static version of the {@see toObject} method. * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Deprecated. Whether to include * the JSPB instance for transitional soy proto support: * http://goto/soy-param-migration * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} msg The msg instance to transform. * @return {!Object} * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) { var f, obj = { address: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""), balance: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, 0), numConfirmations: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, 0), isAddressUnused: jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(msg, 4, false) }; if (includeInstance) { obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg; } return obj; }; } /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) { var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes); var msg = new proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo; return proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader); }; /** * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the * given reader into the given message object. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} msg The message object to deserialize into. * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use. * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) { while (reader.nextField()) { if (reader.isEndGroup()) { break; } var field = reader.getFieldNumber(); switch (field) { case 1: var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString()); msg.setAddress(value); break; case 2: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt64()); msg.setBalance(value); break; case 3: var value = /** @type {number} */ (reader.readInt64()); msg.setNumConfirmations(value); break; case 4: var value = /** @type {boolean} */ (reader.readBool()); msg.setIsAddressUnused(value); break; default: reader.skipField(); break; } } return msg; }; /** * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format). * @return {!Uint8Array} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.serializeBinary = function() { var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter(); proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer); return writer.getResultBuffer(); }; /** * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter. * @param {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} message * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) { var f = undefined; f = message.getAddress(); if (f.length > 0) { writer.writeString( 1, f ); } f = message.getBalance(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt64( 2, f ); } f = message.getNumConfirmations(); if (f !== 0) { writer.writeInt64( 3, f ); } f = message.getIsAddressUnused(); if (f) { writer.writeBool( 4, f ); } }; /** * optional string address = 1; * @return {string} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.getAddress = function() { return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, "")); }; /** * @param {string} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.setAddress = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value); }; /** * optional int64 balance = 2; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.getBalance = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.setBalance = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 2, value); }; /** * optional int64 num_confirmations = 3; * @return {number} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.getNumConfirmations = function() { return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, 0)); }; /** * @param {number} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.setNumConfirmations = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 3, value); }; /** * optional bool is_address_unused = 4; * @return {boolean} */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.getIsAddressUnused = function() { return /** @type {boolean} */ (jspb.Message.getBooleanFieldWithDefault(this, 4, false)); }; /** * @param {boolean} value * @return {!proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo} returns this */ proto.io.haveno.protobuffer.AddressBalanceInfo.prototype.setIsAddressUnused = function(value) { return jspb.Message.setProto3BooleanField(this, 4, value); }; goog.object.extend(exports, proto.io.haveno.protobuffer);