# Haveno TypeScript Library ![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/haveno-dex/haveno-ts/build.yml?branch=master) [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/HavenoDEX?style=social)](https://twitter.com/havenodex) [![Matrix rooms](https://img.shields.io/badge/Matrix%20room-%23haveno-blue)](https://matrix.to/#/#haveno:monero.social) TypeScript library for using Haveno. ## Sample code ```js import { HavenoClient } from "haveno-ts"; // create client connected to Haveno daemon const alice = new HavenoClient("http://localhost:8080", "apitest"); // use Haveno daemon const balances = await alice.getBalances(); const paymentAccounts = await alice.getPaymentAccounts(); const myOffers = await alice.getMyOffers("ETH"); const offers = await alice.getOffers("ETH", "BUY"); const trade = await alice.takeOffer(offers[0].getId(), paymentAccounts[0].getId()); // disconnect client await alice.disconnect(); ``` ## Sample application See the [sample application](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-sample-app) to start a Haveno daemon and connect to it from haveno-ts. ## TypeDocs See [TypeDocs](https://haveno-dex.github.io/haveno-ts/classes/HavenoClient.HavenoClient.html). ## Run tests Running the [API tests](./src/HavenoClient.test.ts) is the best way to develop and test Haveno end-to-end. [`HavenoClient.ts`](./src/HavenoClient.ts) provides the client interface to Haveno's backend daemon. You first need to start a local Haveno network which can be done manually or using docker. ### Start local Haveno network manually This workflow is useful for local development of `haveno` and `haveno-ts` 1. [Run a local Haveno test network](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/installing.md) and then shut down the arbitrator, user1, and user2 or run them as daemons, e.g. `make user1-daemon-local`. You may omit the arbitrator registration steps since it's done automatically in the tests. 2. Clone this project to the same parent directory as the haveno project: `git clone https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-ts` 3. Install `envoy` proxy from your package manager of choice, for example `brew install envoy`. 4. In a new terminal, start envoy with the config in haveno-ts/config/envoy.local.yaml: `envoy -c config/envoy.local.yaml` 5. In a new terminal, start the funding wallet. This wallet will be funded automatically in order to fund the tests.
For example: `cd ~/git/haveno && make funding-wallet-local`. ### Start local Haveno network with docker Alternatively use this wokflow to develop `haveno-ts` or run tests with dockerized setup: Start a local Haveno network with docker: 1. `cd ~/git/haveno-ts/docker` 2. `sudo docker-compose up`. This will start docker and initialize the network. > **Docker Tips** > * Stop: `sudo docker-compose stop` > * Rebuild: `sudo docker-compose build` > * Stop and delete contains: `sudo docker-compose stop` ### Run client tests 5. Install protobuf compiler [v29.3](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v29.3) for your system. 6. Download `protoc-gen-js` and `protoc-gen-grpc-web` plugins and make executable as [shown here](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-web#code-generator-plugins). 7. `cd haveno-ts` 8. `npm install` 9. `npm run test -- --baseCurrencyNetwork=XMR_LOCAL` to run all tests or `npm run test -- --baseCurrencyNetwork=XMR_LOCAL -t "Can get the version"` to run tests by name.