mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 01:49:54 -05:00
test select arbitrators which are online, registered, and least used
This commit is contained in:
@ -134,10 +134,14 @@ const TestConfig = {
["8085", ["10004", "7780"]],
["8086", ["10005", "7781"]],
arbitratorPrivKey: getArbitratorPrivKey(),
arbitratorPrivKeys: {
XMR_LOCAL: ["6ac43ea1df2a290c1c8391736aa42e4339c5cb4f110ff0257a13b63211977b7a", "d96c4e7be030564cfa64a4040060574a8e92a79f574104ab8bb0c1166db28047", "6d5c86cbc5fc7ce3c97b06969661eae5c018cb2923856cc51341d182a45d1e9d"],
XMR_STAGENET: ["1aa111f817b7fdaaec1c8d5281a1837cc71c336db09b87cf23344a0a4e3bb2cb", "6b5a404eb5ff7154f2357126c84c3becfe2e7c59ca3844954ce9476bec2a6228", "fd4ef301a2e4faa3c77bc26393919895fa29b0908f2bbd51f6f6de3e46fb7a6e"],
tradeInitTimeout: 60000,
testTimeout: getBaseCurrencyNetwork() === BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_LOCAL ? 900000 : 3000000, // timeout in ms for each test to complete (15 minutes for private network, 50 minutes for public network)
postOffer: { // default post offer config
postOffer: { // default post offer config
direction: "buy", // buy or sell xmr
amount: BigInt("200000000000"), // amount of xmr to trade
assetCode: "eth", // counter asset to trade
@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ beforeAll(async () => {
user2 = startupHavenods[2];
// register arbitrator dispute agent
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("arbitrator", TestConfig.arbitratorPrivKey);
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("arbitrator", getArbitratorPrivKey(0));
// connect monero clients
monerod = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc(TestConfig.monerod.url, TestConfig.monerod.username, TestConfig.monerod.password);
@ -819,7 +823,7 @@ test("Can register as an arbitrator", async () => {
// test bad dispute agent type
try {
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("unsupported type", TestConfig.arbitratorPrivKey);
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("unsupported type", getArbitratorPrivKey(0));
throw new Error("should have thrown error registering bad type");
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message !== "unknown dispute agent type 'unsupported type'") throw new Error("Unexpected error: " + err.message);
@ -834,7 +838,7 @@ test("Can register as an arbitrator", async () => {
// register arbitrator with good key
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("arbitrator", TestConfig.arbitratorPrivKey);
await arbitrator.registerDisputeAgent("arbitrator", getArbitratorPrivKey(0));
test("Can get offers", async () => {
@ -1006,24 +1010,10 @@ test("Can create crypto payment accounts", async () => {
test("Can prepare for trading", async () => {
// create payment accounts
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(user1, "eth")) await createPaymentAccount(user1, "eth");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(user1, "bch")) await createPaymentAccount(user1, "bch");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(user1, "usd")) await createPaymentAccount(user1, "usd");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(user2, "eth")) await createPaymentAccount(user2, "eth");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(user2, "bch")) await createPaymentAccount(user2, "bch");
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(user2, "usd")) await createPaymentAccount(user2, "usd");
// fund wallets
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await fundOutputs([user1Wallet, user2Wallet], tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), 4);
// wait for havenod to observe funds
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
await prepareForTrading(4, user1, user2);
test("Can post and remove offers", async () => {
test("Can post offers", async () => {
// wait for user1 to have unlocked balance to post offer
await waitForUnlockedBalance(BigInt("250000000000") * BigInt("2"), user1);
@ -1204,6 +1194,7 @@ test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
// cannot take offer with invalid payment id
const user1TradesBefore = await user1.getTrades();
const user2TradesBefore = await user2.getTrades();
try {
await user2.takeOffer(offer.getId(), "abc");
throw new Error("taking offer with invalid payment account id should fail");
@ -1220,14 +1211,14 @@ test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
const startTime = Date.now();
HavenoUtils.log(1, "user2 taking offer");
const trade: TradeInfo = await user2.takeOffer(offer.getId(), paymentAccount.getId());
HavenoUtils.log(1, "user2 done taking offer in " + (Date.now() - startTime) + " ms");
// user1 is notified that offer is taken
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
const tradeNotifications = getNotifications(user1Notifications, NotificationMessage.NotificationType.TRADE_UPDATE);
expect(tradeNotifications[0].getTitle()).toEqual("Offer Taken");
expect(tradeNotifications[0].getMessage()).toEqual("Your offer " + offer.getId() + " has been accepted");
@ -1235,7 +1226,7 @@ test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
// user2 can get trade
let fetchedTrade: TradeInfo = await user2.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// TODO: test fetched trade
// test user2's balances after taking trade
@ -1247,7 +1238,7 @@ test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
// user1 can get trade
fetchedTrade = await user1.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// test trader chat
await testTradeChat(trade.getTradeId(), user1, user2);
@ -1259,10 +1250,10 @@ test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
await wait(TestConfig.maxWalletStartupMs + TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
fetchedTrade = await user1.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
fetchedTrade = await user2.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
// user1 indicates payment is sent
HavenoUtils.log(1, "user1 confirming payment sent");
@ -1298,70 +1289,7 @@ test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
test("Can complete trades at the same time", async () => {
// wait for user1 and user2 to have unlocked balance for trade
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await fundOutputs([user1Wallet, user2Wallet], tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), 4);
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
// user1 posts offers to buy xmr
const numOffers = 4;
HavenoUtils.log(1, "user1 posting offers");
const direction = "buy";
let offers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numOffers; i++) offers.push(postOffer(user1, {direction: direction, amount: tradeAmount, awaitUnlockedBalance: true}));
offers = await Promise.all(offers);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "user1 done posting offers");
for (let i = 0; i < offers.length; i++) HavenoUtils.log(2, "Offer " + i + ": " + (await user1.getMyOffer(offers[i].getId())).getId());
// wait for offers to post
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// user2 takes offers
const paymentAccount = await createPaymentAccount(user2, "eth");
HavenoUtils.log(1, "user2 taking offers");
let trades = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numOffers; i++) trades.push(user2.takeOffer(offers[i].getId(), paymentAccount.getId()));
trades = await Promise.all(trades);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "user2 done taking offers");
// test trades
const depositTxIds: string[] = [];
for (const trade of trades) {
if (trade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Trade phase expected to be DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED but was " + trade.getPhase() + " for trade " + trade.getTradeId());
const fetchedTrade: TradeInfo = await user2.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
if (fetchedTrade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Fetched phase expected to be DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED but was " + fetchedTrade.getPhase() + " for trade " + fetchedTrade.getTradeId());
// mine until deposit txs unlock
await waitForUnlockedTxs(...depositTxIds);
// wait for notifications
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// confirm payment sent
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Confirming payment sent");
const paymentSentReqs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numOffers; i++) paymentSentReqs.push(user1.confirmPaymentStarted(offers[i].getId()));
await Promise.all(paymentSentReqs);
// wait for notifications
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// confirm payment received
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Confirming payment received");
const paymentReceivedReqs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numOffers; i++) paymentReceivedReqs.push(user2.confirmPaymentReceived(offers[i].getId()));
await Promise.all(paymentReceivedReqs);
// wait for notifications
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// TODO: test state
await completeTrades(user1, user2, 6);
test("Can resolve disputes", async () => {
@ -1405,11 +1333,11 @@ test("Can resolve disputes", async () => {
// test trades
const depositTxIds: string[] = [];
for (const trade of trades) {
if (trade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Trade phase expected to be DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED but was " + trade.getPhase() + " for trade " + trade.getTradeId());
if (trade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSITS_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Trade phase expected to be DEPOSITS_PUBLISHED but was " + trade.getPhase() + " for trade " + trade.getTradeId());
const fetchedTrade: TradeInfo = await user2.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
if (fetchedTrade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Fetched phase expected to be DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED but was " + fetchedTrade.getPhase() + " for trade " + fetchedTrade.getTradeId());
if (fetchedTrade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSITS_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Fetched phase expected to be DEPOSITS_PUBLISHED but was " + fetchedTrade.getPhase() + " for trade " + fetchedTrade.getTradeId());
@ -1786,7 +1714,7 @@ test("Handles unexpected errors during trade initialization", async () => {
assert(err.message.includes("not enough unlocked money"), "Unexpected error: " + err.message);
// TODO: test that unavailable right after taking (taker will know before maker)
// TODO: test it's unavailable right after taking (taker will know before maker)
// trader 0's offer remains available
await wait(10000); // give time for trade initialization to fail and offer to become available
@ -1834,50 +1762,148 @@ test("Handles unexpected errors during trade initialization", async () => {
if (err) throw err;
// TODO: test opening and resolving dispute as arbitrator and traders go offline
test("Selects arbitrators which are online, registered, and least used", async () => {
// complete 2 trades using main arbitrator so it's most used
// TODO: these trades are not registered with seednode until it's restarted
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Preparing for trades");
await prepareForTrading(4, user1, user2);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Completing trades with main arbitrator");
await completeTrades(user1, user2, 2);
// start and register arbitrator2
let arbitrator2 = await initHaveno();
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Registering arbitrator2");
await arbitrator2.registerDisputeAgent("arbitrator", getArbitratorPrivKey(1)); // TODO: re-registering with same address corrupts messages (Cannot decrypt) because existing pub key; overwrite? or throw when registration fails because dispute map can't be updated
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// get internal api addresses
const arbitratorApiUrl = "localhost:" + TestConfig.proxyPorts.get(getPort(arbitrator.getUrl()))[1]; // TODO: havenod.getApiUrl()?
const arbitrator2ApiUrl = "localhost:" + TestConfig.proxyPorts.get(getPort(arbitrator2.getUrl()))[1];
let err = undefined;
try {
// post 2 offers which use arbitrator2 since it's least used
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Posting offers signed by arbitrator2");
const offers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
const offer = await postOffer(user1);
assert.equal(offer.getArbitratorSigner(), arbitrator2ApiUrl);
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// complete a trade which uses arbitrator2 since it's least used
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Completing trade using arbitrator2");
await completeTradesById(user1, user2, offers[0].getId());
let trade = await user1.getTrade(offers[0].getId());
assert.equal(trade.getArbitratorNodeAddress(), arbitrator2ApiUrl);
// arbitrator2 goes offline without unregistering
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Arbitrator2 going offline");
const arbitrator2AppName = arbitrator2.getAppName()
await releaseHavenoProcess(arbitrator2);
// post offer which uses main arbitrator since least used is offline
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Posting offer which uses main arbitrator since least used is offline");
let offer = await postOffer(user1);
assert.equal(offer.getArbitratorSigner(), arbitratorApiUrl);
// complete a trade which uses main arbitrator since signer/least used is offline
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Completing trade using main arbitrator since signer/least used is offline");
await completeTradesById(user1, user2, offers[1].getId());
trade = await user1.getTrade(offers[1].getId());
assert.equal(trade.getArbitratorNodeAddress(), arbitratorApiUrl);
// start and unregister arbitrator2
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Starting and unregistering arbitrator2");
arbitrator2 = await initHaveno({appName: arbitrator2AppName});
await arbitrator2.unregisterDisputeAgent("arbitrator");
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2); // TODO: test these with network wait times
// cannot take offers signed by unregistered arbitrator
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Taking offer signed by unregistered arbitrator");
try {
await completeTradesById(user1, user2, offers[1].getId());
throw new Error("Should have failed taking offer signed by unregistered arbitrator");
} catch (e2) {
assert (e2.message.indexOf("not found") > 0);
// TODO: offer is removed and unreserved or re-signed, ideally keeping the same id
// post offer which uses main arbitrator since least used is unregistered
offer = await postOffer(user1);
assert.equal(offer.getArbitratorSigner(), arbitratorApiUrl);
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// complete a trade which uses main arbitrator since least used is unregistered
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Completing trade with main arbitrator since least used is unregistered");
await completeTradesById(user1, user2, offer.getId());
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done completing trade with main arbitrator since least used is unregistered");
trade = await user2.getTrade(offer.getId());
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done getting trade");
assert.equal(trade.getArbitratorNodeAddress(), arbitratorApiUrl);
// release arbitrator2
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done getting trade");
await releaseHavenoProcess(arbitrator2, true);
} catch (e) {
err = e;
// cleanup if error
if (err) {
try { await arbitrator2.unregisterDisputeAgent("arbitrator"); }
catch (err) { /*ignore*/ }
await releaseHavenoProcess(arbitrator2, true);
throw err;
// ------------------------------- HELPERS ------------------------------------
function getPort(url: string): string {
return new URL(url).port;
function getBaseCurrencyNetwork(): BaseCurrencyNetwork {
const str = getBaseCurrencyNetworkStr();
if (str === "XMR_MAINNET") return BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_MAINNET;
else if (str === "XMR_STAGENET") return BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_STAGENET;
else if (str === "XMR_LOCAL") return BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_LOCAL;
else throw new Error("Unhandled base currency network: " + str);
function getBaseCurrencyNetworkStr() {
for (const arg of process.argv) {
if (arg.indexOf("--baseCurrencyNetwork") === 0) {
return arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1);
const str = getBaseCurrencyNetworkStr();
if (str === "XMR_MAINNET") return BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_MAINNET;
else if (str === "XMR_STAGENET") return BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_STAGENET;
else if (str === "XMR_LOCAL") return BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_LOCAL;
else throw new Error("Unhandled base currency network: " + str);
function getBaseCurrencyNetworkStr() {
for (const arg of process.argv) {
if (arg.indexOf("--baseCurrencyNetwork") === 0) {
return arg.substring(arg.indexOf("=") + 1);
throw new Error("Must provide base currency network, e.g.: `npm run test -- --baseCurrencyNetwork=XMR_LOCAL -t \"my test\"`");
throw new Error("Must provide base currency network, e.g.: `npm run test -- --baseCurrencyNetwork=XMR_LOCAL -t \"my test\"`");
function getNetworkStartPort() {
switch (getBaseCurrencyNetwork()) {
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_MAINNET: return 1;
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_LOCAL: return 2;
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_STAGENET: return 3;
default: throw new Error("Unhandled base currency network: " + getBaseCurrencyNetwork());
switch (getBaseCurrencyNetwork()) {
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_MAINNET: return 1;
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_LOCAL: return 2;
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_STAGENET: return 3;
default: throw new Error("Unhandled base currency network: " + getBaseCurrencyNetwork());
function getArbitratorPrivKey() {
switch (getBaseCurrencyNetwork()) {
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_MAINNET:
throw new Error("Cannot get private key for MAINNET");
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_STAGENET:
return "1aa111f817b7fdaaec1c8d5281a1837cc71c336db09b87cf23344a0a4e3bb2cb";
case BaseCurrencyNetwork.XMR_LOCAL:
return "6ac43ea1df2a290c1c8391736aa42e4339c5cb4f110ff0257a13b63211977b7a"; // from DEV_PRIVILEGE_PRIV_KEY
throw new Error("Unhandled base currency network: " + getBaseCurrencyNetwork());
function getArbitratorPrivKey(index: number) {
const privKey = TestConfig.arbitratorPrivKeys[getBaseCurrencyNetwork()][index];
if (!privKey) throw new Error("No arbitrator private key at index " + index);
return privKey;
async function initHavenos(numDaemons: number, config?: any) {
const traderPromises: Promise<HavenoClient>[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numDaemons; i++) traderPromises.push(initHaveno(config));
return Promise.all(traderPromises);
const havenodPromises: Promise<HavenoClient>[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numDaemons; i++) havenodPromises.push(initHaveno(config));
return Promise.all(havenodPromises);
async function initHaveno(config?: any): Promise<HavenoClient> {
@ -1895,7 +1921,7 @@ async function initHaveno(config?: any): Promise<HavenoClient> {
// get port for haveno process
let proxyPort = "";
if (config.url) proxyPort = new URL(config.url).port
if (config.url) proxyPort = getPort(config.url);
else {
for (const port of Array.from(TestConfig.proxyPorts.keys())) {
if (port === "8079" || port === "8080" || port === "8081") continue; // reserved for arbitrator, user1, and user2
@ -1918,7 +1944,7 @@ async function initHaveno(config?: any): Promise<HavenoClient> {
"--appName", config.appName,
"--apiPassword", "apitest",
"--apiPort", TestConfig.proxyPorts.get(proxyPort)![0],
"--walletRpcBindPort", config.walletUrl ? new URL(config.walletUrl).port : "" + await getAvailablePort(), // use configured port if given
"--walletRpcBindPort", config.walletUrl ? getPort(config.walletUrl) : "" + await getAvailablePort(), // use configured port if given
"--passwordRequired", (config.accountPasswordRequired ? "true" : "false")
havenod = await HavenoClient.startProcess(TestConfig.haveno.path, cmd, "http://localhost:" + proxyPort, config.logProcessOutput);
@ -1947,7 +1973,7 @@ async function initHaveno(config?: any): Promise<HavenoClient> {
async function releaseHavenoProcess(havenod: HavenoClient, deleteAppDir?: boolean) {
GenUtils.remove(HAVENO_PROCESSES, havenod);
GenUtils.remove(HAVENO_PROCESS_PORTS, new URL(havenod.getUrl()).port);
GenUtils.remove(HAVENO_PROCESS_PORTS, getPort(havenod.getUrl()));
try {
await havenod.shutdownServer();
} catch (err: any) {
@ -2019,6 +2045,31 @@ async function initFundingWallet() {
async function prepareForTrading(numTrades: number, ...havenods: HavenoClient[]) {
// create payment accounts
for (const havenod of havenods) {
for (const assetCode of TestConfig.assetCodes) {
if (!await hasPaymentAccount(havenod, assetCode)) await createPaymentAccount(havenod, assetCode);
// fund wallets
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
const wallets = [];
for (const havenod of havenods) wallets.push(await getWallet(havenod));
await fundOutputs(wallets, tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), numTrades);
// wait to observe funds
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
async function getWallet(havenod: HavenoClient) {
if (havenod === user1) return user1Wallet;
if (havenod === user2) return user2Wallet;
return await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc("" + havenod.getWalletRpcPort(), TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletUsername, TestConfig.defaultHavenod.accountPassword);
async function startMining() {
try {
await monerod.startMining(await fundingWallet.getPrimaryAddress(), Math.max(1, Math.floor(os.cpus().length * TestConfig.maxCpuPct)));
@ -2178,7 +2229,8 @@ async function fundOutputs(wallets: any[], amt: bigint, numOutputs?: number, wai
sendAmt = sendAmt.add(destinations[i].getAmount());
if (i === destinations.length - 1 || (i > 0 && i % 15 === 0)) {
await waitForUnlockedBalance(toBigInt(sendAmt), fundingWallet);
txHashes.push((await fundingWallet.createTx(txConfig)).getHash());
const txs = await fundingWallet.createTxs(txConfig);
for (const tx of txs) txHashes.push(tx.getHash());
txConfig = new MoneroTxConfig().setAccountIndex(0).setRelay(true);
sendAmt = BigInteger("0");
@ -2413,6 +2465,80 @@ function testOffer(offer: OfferInfo, config?: any) {
// TODO: test rest of offer
async function completeTrades(maker: HavenoClient, taker: HavenoClient, numTrades: number) {
// wait for maker and taker to have unlocked balance for trade
const makerWallet = await getWallet(maker);
const takerWallet = await getWallet(taker);
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await fundOutputs([makerWallet, takerWallet], tradeAmount * BigInt("2"), numTrades);
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs);
// maker posts offers to buy xmr
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Maker posting offers");
const direction = "buy";
let offers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numTrades; i++) offers.push(postOffer(maker, {direction: direction, amount: tradeAmount, awaitUnlockedBalance: true}));
offers = await Promise.all(offers);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Maker done posting offers");
for (let i = 0; i < offers.length; i++) HavenoUtils.log(2, "Offer " + i + ": " + (await maker.getMyOffer(offers[i].getId())).getId());
// wait for offers to post
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// complete trades by offer id
await completeTradesById(maker, taker, ...offers.map(offer => offer.getId()));
async function completeTradesById(maker: HavenoClient, taker: HavenoClient, ...offerIds: string[]) {
// take offers
const paymentAccount = await createPaymentAccount(taker, "eth");
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Taking offers");
let trades = [];
for (let i = 0; i < offerIds.length; i++) trades.push(taker.takeOffer(offerIds[i], paymentAccount.getId()));
trades = await Promise.all(trades);
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Done taking offers");
// test trades
const depositTxIds: string[] = [];
for (const trade of trades) {
if (trade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSITS_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Trade phase expected to be DEPOSITS_PUBLISHED but was " + trade.getPhase() + " for trade " + trade.getTradeId());
const fetchedTrade: TradeInfo = await taker.getTrade(trade.getTradeId());
if (fetchedTrade.getPhase() !== "DEPOSITS_PUBLISHED") throw new Error("Fetched phase expected to be DEPOSITS_PUBLISHED but was " + fetchedTrade.getPhase() + " for trade " + fetchedTrade.getTradeId());
// mine until deposit txs unlock
await waitForUnlockedTxs(...depositTxIds);
// wait for notifications
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// confirm payment sent
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Confirming payment sent");
const paymentSentReqs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < offerIds.length; i++) paymentSentReqs.push(maker.confirmPaymentStarted(offerIds[i]));
await Promise.all(paymentSentReqs);
// wait for notifications
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// confirm payment received
HavenoUtils.log(1, "Confirming payment received");
const paymentReceivedReqs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < offerIds.length; i++) paymentReceivedReqs.push(taker.confirmPaymentReceived(offerIds[i]));
await Promise.all(paymentReceivedReqs);
// wait for notifications
await wait(TestConfig.walletSyncPeriodMs * 2);
// TODO: test state
* Tests trade chat functionality. Must be called during an open trade.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import HavenoUtils from "./utils/HavenoUtils";
import TaskLooper from "./utils/TaskLooper";
import type * as grpcWeb from "grpc-web";
import { GetVersionClient, AccountClient, MoneroConnectionsClient, DisputesClient, DisputeAgentsClient, NotificationsClient, WalletsClient, PriceClient, OffersClient, PaymentAccountsClient, TradesClient, ShutdownServerClient, MoneroNodeClient } from './protobuf/GrpcServiceClientPb';
import { GetVersionRequest, GetVersionReply, IsAppInitializedRequest, IsAppInitializedReply, RegisterDisputeAgentRequest, MarketPriceRequest, MarketPriceReply, MarketPricesRequest, MarketPricesReply, MarketPriceInfo, MarketDepthRequest, MarketDepthReply, MarketDepthInfo, GetBalancesRequest, GetBalancesReply, XmrBalanceInfo, GetMyOfferRequest, GetMyOfferReply, GetOffersRequest, GetOffersReply, OfferInfo, GetPaymentMethodsRequest, GetPaymentMethodsReply, GetPaymentAccountFormRequest, CreatePaymentAccountRequest, ValidateFormFieldRequest, CreatePaymentAccountReply, GetPaymentAccountFormReply, GetPaymentAccountsRequest, GetPaymentAccountsReply, CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest, CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply, CreateOfferRequest, CreateOfferReply, CancelOfferRequest, TakeOfferRequest, TakeOfferReply, TradeInfo, GetTradeRequest, GetTradeReply, GetTradesRequest, GetTradesReply, GetXmrSeedRequest, GetXmrSeedReply, GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest, GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply, GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest, GetXmrNewSubaddressReply, ConfirmPaymentStartedRequest, ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest, XmrTx, GetXmrTxsRequest, GetXmrTxsReply, XmrDestination, CreateXmrTxRequest, CreateXmrTxReply, RelayXmrTxRequest, RelayXmrTxReply, CreateAccountRequest, AccountExistsRequest, AccountExistsReply, DeleteAccountRequest, OpenAccountRequest, IsAccountOpenRequest, IsAccountOpenReply, CloseAccountRequest, ChangePasswordRequest, BackupAccountRequest, BackupAccountReply, RestoreAccountRequest, StopRequest, NotificationMessage, RegisterNotificationListenerRequest, SendNotificationRequest, UrlConnection, AddConnectionRequest, RemoveConnectionRequest, GetConnectionRequest, GetConnectionsRequest, SetConnectionRequest, CheckConnectionRequest, CheckConnectionsReply, CheckConnectionsRequest, StartCheckingConnectionsRequest, StopCheckingConnectionsRequest, GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest, SetAutoSwitchRequest, CheckConnectionReply, GetConnectionsReply, GetConnectionReply, GetBestAvailableConnectionReply, GetDisputeRequest, GetDisputeReply, GetDisputesRequest, GetDisputesReply, OpenDisputeRequest, ResolveDisputeRequest, SendDisputeChatMessageRequest, SendChatMessageRequest, GetChatMessagesRequest, GetChatMessagesReply, StartMoneroNodeRequest, StopMoneroNodeRequest, IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest, IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply, GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest, GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply } from "./protobuf/grpc_pb";
import { GetVersionRequest, GetVersionReply, IsAppInitializedRequest, IsAppInitializedReply, RegisterDisputeAgentRequest, UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest, MarketPriceRequest, MarketPriceReply, MarketPricesRequest, MarketPricesReply, MarketPriceInfo, MarketDepthRequest, MarketDepthReply, MarketDepthInfo, GetBalancesRequest, GetBalancesReply, XmrBalanceInfo, GetMyOfferRequest, GetMyOfferReply, GetOffersRequest, GetOffersReply, OfferInfo, GetPaymentMethodsRequest, GetPaymentMethodsReply, GetPaymentAccountFormRequest, CreatePaymentAccountRequest, ValidateFormFieldRequest, CreatePaymentAccountReply, GetPaymentAccountFormReply, GetPaymentAccountsRequest, GetPaymentAccountsReply, CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest, CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply, CreateOfferRequest, CreateOfferReply, CancelOfferRequest, TakeOfferRequest, TakeOfferReply, TradeInfo, GetTradeRequest, GetTradeReply, GetTradesRequest, GetTradesReply, GetXmrSeedRequest, GetXmrSeedReply, GetXmrPrimaryAddressRequest, GetXmrPrimaryAddressReply, GetXmrNewSubaddressRequest, GetXmrNewSubaddressReply, ConfirmPaymentStartedRequest, ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest, XmrTx, GetXmrTxsRequest, GetXmrTxsReply, XmrDestination, CreateXmrTxRequest, CreateXmrTxReply, RelayXmrTxRequest, RelayXmrTxReply, CreateAccountRequest, AccountExistsRequest, AccountExistsReply, DeleteAccountRequest, OpenAccountRequest, IsAccountOpenRequest, IsAccountOpenReply, CloseAccountRequest, ChangePasswordRequest, BackupAccountRequest, BackupAccountReply, RestoreAccountRequest, StopRequest, NotificationMessage, RegisterNotificationListenerRequest, SendNotificationRequest, UrlConnection, AddConnectionRequest, RemoveConnectionRequest, GetConnectionRequest, GetConnectionsRequest, SetConnectionRequest, CheckConnectionRequest, CheckConnectionsReply, CheckConnectionsRequest, StartCheckingConnectionsRequest, StopCheckingConnectionsRequest, GetBestAvailableConnectionRequest, SetAutoSwitchRequest, CheckConnectionReply, GetConnectionsReply, GetConnectionReply, GetBestAvailableConnectionReply, GetDisputeRequest, GetDisputeReply, GetDisputesRequest, GetDisputesReply, OpenDisputeRequest, ResolveDisputeRequest, SendDisputeChatMessageRequest, SendChatMessageRequest, GetChatMessagesRequest, GetChatMessagesReply, StartMoneroNodeRequest, StopMoneroNodeRequest, IsMoneroNodeOnlineRequest, IsMoneroNodeOnlineReply, GetMoneroNodeSettingsRequest, GetMoneroNodeSettingsReply } from "./protobuf/grpc_pb";
import { PaymentMethod, PaymentAccountForm, PaymentAccountFormField, PaymentAccount, AvailabilityResult, Attachment, DisputeResult, Dispute, ChatMessage, MoneroNodeSettings } from "./protobuf/pb_pb";
@ -752,6 +752,24 @@ export default class HavenoClient {
* Unregister as a dispute agent.
* @param {string} disputeAgentType - type of dispute agent to register, e.g. mediator, refundagent
async unregisterDisputeAgent(disputeAgentType: string): Promise<void> {
try {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._disputeAgentsClient.unregisterDisputeAgent(new UnregisterDisputeAgentRequest().setDisputeAgentType(disputeAgentType), {password: this._password}, function(err: grpcWeb.RpcError) {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve();
} catch (e: any) {
throw new HavenoError(e.message, e.code);
* Get the user's balances.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user