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synced 2025-03-18 20:06:09 -04:00
test scheduling offers with locked funds
This commit is contained in:
@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ test("Can create crypto payment accounts", async () => {
test("Can post and remove offers", async () => {
// wait for alice to have at least 5 outputs of 0.5 XMR
await waitForUnlockedOutputs([aliceWallet], BigInt("500000000000"), 5);
await fundOutputs([aliceWallet], BigInt("500000000000"), 5);
// get unlocked balance before reserving funds for offer
const unlockedBalanceBefore = BigInt((await alice.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance());
@ -977,6 +977,96 @@ test("Can post and remove offers", async () => {
expect(BigInt((await alice.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance())).toEqual(unlockedBalanceBefore);
// TODO: support splitting outputs
// TODO: provide number of confirmations in offer status
test("Can schedule offers with locked funds", async () => {
let charlie: HavenoClient | undefined;
let err: any;
try {
// start charlie
charlie = await initHaveno();
const charlieWallet = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc("" + charlie.getWalletRpcPort(), TestConfig.defaultHavenod.walletUsername, TestConfig.defaultHavenod.accountPassword);
// fund charlie with 2 outputs of 0.5 XMR
const outputAmt = BigInt("500000000000");
await fundOutputs([charlieWallet], outputAmt, 2, false);
// schedule offer
const assetCode = "ETH";
const direction = "BUY";
let offer: OfferInfo = await postOffer(charlie, {assetCode: assetCode, direction: direction, awaitUnlockedBalance: false});
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "SCHEDULED");
// has offer
offer = await charlie.getMyOffer(offer.getId());
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "SCHEDULED");
// balances unchanged
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getLockedBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt * BigInt(2));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getReservedOfferBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
// peer does not see offer because it's scheduled
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
if (getOffer(await alice.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in peer's offers before posted");
// cancel offer
await charlie.removeOffer(offer.getId());
if (getOffer(await charlie.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found after canceling offer");
// balances unchanged
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getLockedBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt * BigInt(2));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getReservedOfferBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
// schedule offer
offer = await postOffer(charlie, {assetCode: assetCode, direction: direction, awaitUnlockedBalance: false});
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "SCHEDULED");
// restart charlie
const charlieConfig = {appName: charlie.getAppName()};
await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie);
charlie = await initHaveno(charlieConfig);
// has offer
offer = await charlie.getMyOffer(offer.getId());
assert.equal(offer.getState(), "UNKNOWN"); // TODO: offer status is unknown after restart
// peer does not see offer because it's scheduled
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
if (getOffer(await alice.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in peer's offers before posted");
// wait for deposit txs to unlock
await waitForUnlockedBalance(outputAmt, charlie);
// one output is reserved, one is unlocked
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt);
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getLockedBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getReservedOfferBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt);
// peer sees offer
await wait(TestConfig.maxTimePeerNoticeMs);
if (!getOffer(await alice.getOffers(assetCode, direction), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was not found in peer's offers after posted");
// cancel offer
await charlie.removeOffer(offer.getId());
// offer is removed from my offers
if (getOffer(await charlie.getMyOffers(assetCode), offer.getId())) throw new Error("Offer " + offer.getId() + " was found in my offers after removal");
// reserved balance becomes unlocked
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance())).toEqual(outputAmt * BigInt(2));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getLockedBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
expect(BigInt((await charlie.getBalances()).getReservedOfferBalance())).toEqual(BigInt(0));
} catch (err2) {
err = err2;
// stop and delete instances
if (charlie) await releaseHavenoProcess(charlie, true);
if (err) throw err;
// TODO (woodser): test grpc notifications
test("Can complete a trade", async () => {
@ -1108,7 +1198,7 @@ test("Can resolve disputes", async () => {
// wait for alice and bob to have unlocked balance for trade
const tradeAmount = BigInt("250000000000");
await waitForUnlockedOutputs([aliceWallet, bobWallet], tradeAmount * BigInt("6"), 4);
await fundOutputs([aliceWallet, bobWallet], tradeAmount * BigInt("6"), 4, true);
// register to receive notifications
const aliceNotifications: NotificationMessage[] = [];
@ -1825,14 +1915,18 @@ async function waitForUnlockedTxs(...txHashes: string[]) {
* Indicates if the wallet has an unlocked amount.
* @param {MoneroWallet} wallet - wallet to check
* @param {MoneroWallet[]} wallets - wallets to check
* @param {BigInt} amt - amount to check
* @param {number?} numOutputs - number of outputs of the given amount (default 1)
* @param {boolean?} isLocked - specifies if the outputs must be locked or unlocked (default either)
async function hasUnlockedOutputs(wallet: any, amt: BigInt, numOutputs?: number): Promise<boolean> {
async function hasUnspentOutputs(wallets: any[], amt: BigInt, numOutputs?: number, isLocked?: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
if (numOutputs === undefined) numOutputs = 1;
const availableOutputs = await wallet.getOutputs({isSpent: false, isFrozen: false, minAmount: monerojs.BigInteger(amt.toString()), txQuery: {isLocked: false}});
return availableOutputs.length >= numOutputs;
for (const wallet of wallets) {
const unspentOutputs = await wallet.getOutputs({isSpent: false, isFrozen: false, minAmount: monerojs.BigInteger(amt.toString()), txQuery: {isLocked: isLocked}});
if (unspentOutputs.length < numOutputs) return false;
return true;
@ -1841,14 +1935,16 @@ async function hasUnlockedOutputs(wallet: any, amt: BigInt, numOutputs?: number)
* @param {MoneroWallet} wallets - monerojs wallets
* @param {BigInt} amt - the amount to fund
* @param {number?} numOutputs - the number of outputs of the given amount (default 1)
* @param {boolean?} waitForUnlock - wait for outputs to unlock (default false)
async function waitForUnlockedOutputs(wallets: any[], amt: BigInt, numOutputs?: number): Promise<void> {
async function fundOutputs(wallets: any[], amt: bigint, numOutputs?: number, waitForUnlock?: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (numOutputs === undefined) numOutputs = 1;
if (waitForUnlock === undefined) waitForUnlock = true;
// collect destinations
const destinations = [];
for (const wallet of wallets) {
if (await hasUnlockedOutputs(wallet, amt, numOutputs)) continue;
if (await hasUnspentOutputs([wallet], amt, numOutputs, waitForUnlock ? false : undefined)) continue;
for (let i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
destinations.push(new MoneroDestination((await wallet.createSubaddress()).getAddress(), monerojs.BigInteger(amt.toString())));
@ -1869,12 +1965,16 @@ async function waitForUnlockedOutputs(wallets: any[], amt: BigInt, numOutputs?:
// wait for txs to unlock
if (txHashes.length > 0) {
await waitForUnlockedTxs(...txHashes);
await wait(1000);
for (const wallet of wallets) await wallet.sync();
// mine until outputs unlock
let miningStarted = false;
while (!await hasUnspentOutputs(wallets, amt, numOutputs, waitForUnlock ? false : undefined)) {
if (!miningStarted) {
await startMining();
miningStarted = true;
await wait(5000);
if (miningStarted) await monerod.stopMining();
// convert monero-javascript BigInteger to typescript BigInt
@ -2038,7 +2138,13 @@ async function postOffer(maker: HavenoClient, config?: PostOfferConfig) {
// unlocked balance has decreased
const unlockedBalanceAfter = BigInt((await maker.getBalances()).getUnlockedBalance());
if (unlockedBalanceAfter === unlockedBalanceBefore) throw new Error("unlocked balance did not change after posting offer");
if (offer.getState() === "SCHEDULED") {
if (unlockedBalanceAfter !== unlockedBalanceBefore) throw new Error("Unlocked balance should not change for scheduled offer");
} else if (offer.getState() === "AVAILABLE") {
if (unlockedBalanceAfter === unlockedBalanceBefore) throw new Error("Unlocked balance did not change after posting offer");
} else {
throw new Error("Unexpected offer state after posting: " + offer.getState());
return offer;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user