/*** Version: up to and including FF/ESR78 This will reset the preferences that are under sections 4600 & 4700 in the arkenfox user.js. These are the prefs that are no longer necessary, or they conflict with, privacy.resistFingerprinting if you have that enabled. For instructions see: https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/wiki/3.1-Resetting-Inactive-Prefs-[Scripts] ***/ (() => { if ('undefined' === typeof(Services)) return alert('about:config needs to be the active tab!'); const aPREFS = [ /* section 4600 */ 'dom.maxHardwareConcurrency', 'dom.enable_resource_timing', 'dom.enable_performance', 'device.sensors.enabled', 'browser.zoom.siteSpecific', 'dom.gamepad.enabled', 'dom.netinfo.enabled', 'media.webspeech.synth.enabled', 'media.video_stats.enabled', 'dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled', 'media.ondevicechange.enabled', 'webgl.enable-debug-renderer-info', 'dom.w3c_pointer_events.enabled', 'ui.use_standins_for_native_colors', 'ui.systemUsesDarkTheme', 'ui.prefersReducedMotion', /* section 4700 */ 'general.useragent.override', 'general.buildID.override', 'general.appname.override', 'general.appversion.override', 'general.platform.override', 'general.oscpu.override', /* reset parrot: check your open about:config after running the script */ '_user.js.parrot' ]; console.clear(); let c = 0; for (const sPname of aPREFS) { if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(sPname)) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(sPname); if (!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(sPname)) { console.info('reset', sPname); c++; } else console.warn('failed to reset', sPname); } } focus(); const d = (c==1) ? ' pref' : ' prefs'; alert(c ? 'successfully reset ' + c + d + "\n\nfor details check the console" : 'nothing to reset'); return 'all done'; })();