Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "66.0" have entirely different histories.
master ... 66.0

40 changed files with 2845 additions and 1755 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -13,4 +13,3 @@
.gitattributes export-ignore .gitattributes export-ignore
*.yml export-ignore *.yml export-ignore
/wikipiki export-ignore /wikipiki export-ignore
/.github export-ignore

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
name: Tools
about: Report issues with the updaters, the troubleshooter, or any other tools.
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''
Please specify:
- the name of the file (i.e. updater.bat,
- steps to reproduce the issue
- actual result
- expected result
Blank out this field before typing, or start typing after the next line.

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
name: Troubleshooting help
about: Ask for help to solve problems with user.js
title: 'follow instructions or this will be closed as invalid'
labels: ''
assignees: ''
Issues will be closed as invalid if you do not troubleshoot first, or if you ignore the required info in the template.
We do not support forks or no-longer supported releases.
- [ ] I have read the troubleshooting guide, done the checks and confirmed this is caused by arkenfox
- _unchecked issues ~~may~~ will be closed as invalid_
- Browser version & OS:
- Steps to Reproduce (STR):
- Expected result:
- Actual result:
- Console errors and warnings:
- Anything else you deem worth mentioning:

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
name: user.js
about: Suggest changes to user.js
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''
We value feedback in general, but we value feedback from informed users more. There is no need for you to be an expert to participate (most of us aren't), but we hope that you at least understand our decisions before questioning them. We discuss all changes openly, and we do not make changes lightly. So, if you don't understand why we decided to add/remove/change a certain pref, search the repo. The answer is most certainly here.
If some change we made took you by surprise (in the wrong way), remember that keeping track of changes is your responsibility. Watch the repo, read the [changelogs](✓&q=is%3Aissue+label%3Achangelog), compare [releases]( as you update your copy of user.js, or use any other method you prefer.
Clear all of this when you're ready to type.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 arkenfox Copyright (c) 2017 ghacksuserjs
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

View File

@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
### 🟪 user.js ### ![][b] user.js
A `user.js` is a configuration file that can control Firefox settings - for a more technical breakdown and explanation, you can read more in the [wiki]( A `user.js` is a configuration file that can control hundreds of Firefox settings. For a more technical breakdown and explanation, you can read more on the [overview]( wiki page.
### 🟩 the arkenfox user.js ### ![][b] ghacks user.js
The `ghacks user.js` is a **template** which aims to provide as much privacy and enhanced security as possible, and to reduce tracking and fingerprinting as much as possible - while minimizing any loss of functionality and breakage (but it will happen).
[![License: MIT](]( Everyone, experts included, should at least read the [implementation]( wiki page, as it contains important information regarding a few `ghacks user.js` settings.
The `arkenfox user.js` is a **template** which aims to provide as much privacy and enhanced security as possible, and to reduce tracking and fingerprinting as much as possible - while minimizing any loss of functionality and breakage (but it will happen). Note that we do *not* recommend connecting over Tor on Firefox. Use the [Tor Browser]( if your [threat model]( calls for it, or for accessing hidden services.
Everyone, experts included, should at least read the [wiki](, as it contains important information regarding a few `user.js` settings. There is also an [interactive current release](, thanks to [icpantsparti2]( Also be aware that this `user.js` is made specifically for Firefox. Using it as-is in other Gecko-based browsers can be counterproductive, especially in the Tor Browser.
Note that we do *not* recommend connecting over Tor on Firefox. Use the [Tor Browser]( if your [threat model]( calls for it, or for accessing hidden services. Sitemap: [Releases](, [changelogs](, [Wiki](, [stickies]( [diffs](
Also be aware that the `arkenfox user.js` is made specifically for desktop Firefox. Using it as-is in other Gecko-based browsers can be counterproductive, especially in the Tor Browser. ### ![][b] acknowledgments
Literally thousands of sources, references and suggestions. That said...
### 🟧 sitemap * Martin Brinkmann at [ghacks]( <sup>1</sup>
* The ghacks community and commentators
* [12bytes](
* The 12bytes article now uses this user.js and supplements it with an additional JS hosted at [GitLab](
- [releases]( <sup>1</sup> The ghacks user.js was an independent project by [Thorin-Oakenpants]( started in early 2015 and was [first published]( at ghacks in August 2015. With Martin Brinkmann's blessing, it will keep the ghacks name.
- [changelogs](
- [wiki](
- [stickies](
- [diffs](
- [common questions and answers](
### 🟥 acknowledgments ### ![][b] [![License: MIT](](
Literally thousands of sources, references and suggestions. Many thanks, and much appreciated.
[b]: /wikipiki/bullet01.png

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
theme: jekyll-theme-midnight theme: jekyll-theme-midnight
title: user.js title: ghacks-user.js
description: An ongoing comprehensive user.js template for configuring and hardening Firefox privacy, security and anti-fingerprinting description: An ongoing comprehensive user.js template for configuring and hardening Firefox privacy, security and anti-fingerprinting

View File

@ -3,19 +3,17 @@ TITLE prefs.js cleaner
REM ### prefs.js cleaner for Windows REM ### prefs.js cleaner for Windows
REM ## author: @claustromaniac REM ## author: @claustromaniac
REM ## version: 2.8 REM ## version: 2.2
CD /D "%~dp0" CD /D "%~dp0"
IF /I "%~1"=="-unattended" (SET _ua=1)
:begin :begin
ECHO ######################################## ECHO ########################################
ECHO #### prefs.js cleaner for Windows #### ECHO #### prefs.js cleaner for Windows ####
ECHO #### by claustromaniac #### ECHO #### by claustromaniac ####
ECHO #### v2.8 #### ECHO #### v2.2 ####
ECHO ######################################## ECHO ########################################
CALL :message "This script should be run from your Firefox profile directory." CALL :message "This script should be run from your Firefox profile directory."
@ -24,22 +22,16 @@ CALL :message "This will allow inactive preferences to be reset to their default
ECHO This Firefox profile shouldn't be in use during the process. ECHO This Firefox profile shouldn't be in use during the process.
CALL :message "" CALL :message ""
TIMEOUT 1 /nobreak >nul TIMEOUT 1 /nobreak >nul
CHOICE /C SHE /N /M "Start [S] Help [H] Exit [E]"
CHOICE /C SHE /N /M "Start [S] Help [H] Exit [E]" IF ERRORLEVEL 3 (EXIT /B)
IF ERRORLEVEL 2 (GOTO :showhelp)
IF NOT EXIST "user.js" (CALL :abort "user.js not found in the current directory." 30) IF NOT EXIST "user.js" (CALL :abort "user.js not found in the current directory." 30)
IF NOT EXIST "prefs.js" (CALL :abort "prefs.js not found in the current directory." 30) IF NOT EXIST "prefs.js" (CALL :abort "prefs.js not found in the current directory." 30)
CALL :strlenCheck
CALL :FFcheck CALL :FFcheck
CALL :message "Backing up prefs.js..." CALL :message "Backing up prefs.js..."
FOR /F "delims=" %%# IN ('powershell -command get-date -format "{yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}"') DO @SET ldt=%%# SET "_time=%time: =0%"
COPY /B /V /Y prefs.js "prefs-backup-%ldt%.js" COPY /B /V /Y prefs.js "prefs-backup-%date:/=-%_%_time::=.%.js"
CALL :message "Cleaning prefs.js..." CALL :message "Cleaning prefs.js..."
CALL :cleanup CALL :cleanup
CALL :message "All done!" CALL :message "All done!"
@ -58,21 +50,6 @@ ECHO:
ECHO: %~1 ECHO: %~1
REM ### string length Check Function ####
SET /a cnt=0
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%G IN ('FINDSTR /N "^" prefs.js') DO (
ECHO:%%H >nul
SET /a cnt += 1
IF /I "%%G" NEQ "!cnt!" (
CALL :message "ERROR: line !cnt! in prefs.js is too long."
(CALL :abort "Aborting ..." 30)
REM ####### Firefox Check Function ###### REM ####### Firefox Check Function ######
:FFcheck :FFcheck
TASKLIST /FI "IMAGENAME eq firefox.exe" 2>NUL | FIND /I /N "firefox.exe">NUL TASKLIST /FI "IMAGENAME eq firefox.exe" 2>NUL | FIND /I /N "firefox.exe">NUL
@ -124,7 +101,7 @@ ECHO add-ons disabled. Then, restart it again normally, and see if the
CALL :message " problems were solved." CALL :message " problems were solved."
CALL :message "If you are able to identify the cause of your issues, please bring it up" CALL :message "If you are able to identify the cause of your issues, please bring it up"
ECHO on arkenfox user.js GitHub repository. ECHO on ghacks-user.js GitHub repository.

140 Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -2,83 +2,37 @@
## prefs.js cleaner for Linux/Mac ## prefs.js cleaner for Linux/Mac
## author: @claustromaniac ## author: @claustromaniac
## version: 2.1 ## version: 1.1
## special thanks to @overdodactyl and @earthlng for a few snippets that I stol..*cough* borrowed from the ## special thanks to @overdodactyl and @earthlng for a few snippets that I stol..*cough* borrowed from the
## DON'T GO HIGHER THAN VERSION x.9 !! ( because of ASCII comparison in update_prefsCleaner() ) currdir=$(pwd)
readonly CURRDIR=$(pwd)
## get the full path of this script (readlink for Linux, greadlink for Mac with coreutils installed) ## get the full path of this script (readlink for Linux, greadlink for Mac with coreutils installed)
SCRIPT_FILE=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null || greadlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null) sfp=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null || greadlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null)
## fallback for Macs without coreutils ## fallback for Macs without coreutils
[ -z "$SCRIPT_FILE" ] && SCRIPT_FILE=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} if [ -z "$sfp" ]; then sfp=${BASH_SOURCE[0]}; fi
## change directory to the Firefox profile directory
AUTOUPDATE=true cd "$(dirname "${sfp}")"
## download method priority: curl -> wget
if command -v curl >/dev/null; then
DOWNLOAD_METHOD='curl --max-redirs 3 -so'
elif command -v wget >/dev/null; then
DOWNLOAD_METHOD='wget --max-redirect 3 --quiet -O'
echo -e "No curl or wget detected.\nAutomatic self-update disabled!"
fQuit() { fQuit() {
## change directory back to the original working directory ## change directory back to the original working directory
cd "${CURRDIR}" cd "${currdir}"
[ "$1" -eq 0 ] && echo -e "\n$2" || echo -e "\n$2" >&2 echo -e "\n$2"
exit $1 exit $1
} }
fUsage() {
echo -e "\nUsage: $0 [-ds]"
echo -e "
Optional Arguments:
-s Start immediately
-d Don't auto-update"
download_file() { # expects URL as argument ($1)
declare -r tf=$(mktemp)
$DOWNLOAD_METHOD "${tf}" "$1" &>/dev/null && echo "$tf" || echo '' # return the temp-filename or empty string on error
fFF_check() { fFF_check() {
# there are many ways to see if firefox is running or not, some more reliable than others # there are many ways to see if firefox is running or not, some more reliable than others
# this isn't elegant and might not be future-proof but should at least be compatible with any environment # this isn't elegant and might not be future-proof but should at least be compatible with any environment
while [ -e lock ]; do while [ -e webappsstore.sqlite-shm ]; do
echo -e "\nThis Firefox profile seems to be in use. Close Firefox and try again.\n" >&2 echo -e "\nThis Firefox profile seems to be in use. Close Firefox and try again.\n"
read -r -p "Press any key to continue." read -p "Press any key to continue."
done done
} }
## returns the version number of a file
get_prefsCleaner_version() {
echo "$(sed -n '5 s/.*[[:blank:]]\([[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\)/\1/p' "$1")"
## updates the file based on the latest public version
update_prefsCleaner() {
declare -r tmpfile="$(download_file '')"
[ -z "$tmpfile" ] && echo -e "Error! Could not download" && return 1 # check if download failed
[[ $(get_prefsCleaner_version "$SCRIPT_FILE") == $(get_prefsCleaner_version "$tmpfile") ]] && return 0
mv "$tmpfile" "$SCRIPT_FILE"
chmod u+x "$SCRIPT_FILE"
"$SCRIPT_FILE" "$@" -d
exit 0
fClean() { fClean() {
# the magic happens here # the magic happens here
prefs="@@" prefs="@@"
@ -87,7 +41,7 @@ fClean() {
if [[ "$line" =~ $prefexp && $prefs != *"@@${BASH_REMATCH[1]}@@"* ]]; then if [[ "$line" =~ $prefexp && $prefs != *"@@${BASH_REMATCH[1]}@@"* ]]; then
prefs="${prefs}${BASH_REMATCH[1]}@@" prefs="${prefs}${BASH_REMATCH[1]}@@"
fi fi
done <<< "$(grep -E "$prefexp" user.js)" done <<< "`grep -E \"$prefexp\" user.js`"
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^$prefexp ]]; then if [[ "$line" =~ ^$prefexp ]]; then
@ -100,7 +54,19 @@ fClean() {
done < "$1" > prefs.js done < "$1" > prefs.js
} }
fStart() { echo -e "\n\n"
echo " ╔══════════════════════════╗"
echo " ║ prefs.js cleaner ║"
echo " ║ by claustromaniac ║"
echo " ║ v1.1 ║"
echo " ╚══════════════════════════╝"
echo -e "\nThis script should be run from your Firefox profile directory.\n"
echo "It will remove any entries from prefs.js that also exist in user.js."
echo "This will allow inactive preferences to be reset to their default values."
echo -e "\nThis Firefox profile shouldn't be in use during the process.\n"
select option in Start Help Exit; do
case $option in
if [ ! -e user.js ]; then if [ ! -e user.js ]; then
fQuit 1 "user.js not found in the current directory." fQuit 1 "user.js not found in the current directory."
elif [ ! -e prefs.js ]; then elif [ ! -e prefs.js ]; then
@ -108,64 +74,14 @@ fStart() {
fi fi
fFF_check fFF_check
mkdir -p prefsjs_backups bakfile="prefs.js.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")"
bakfile="prefsjs_backups/prefs.js.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")"
mv prefs.js "${bakfile}" || fQuit 1 "Operation aborted.\nReason: Could not create backup file $bakfile" mv prefs.js "${bakfile}" || fQuit 1 "Operation aborted.\nReason: Could not create backup file $bakfile"
echo -e "\nprefs.js backed up: $bakfile" echo -e "\nprefs.js backed up: $bakfile"
echo "Cleaning prefs.js..." echo "Cleaning prefs.js..."
fClean "$bakfile" fClean "$bakfile"
fQuit 0 "All done!" fQuit 0 "All done!"
while getopts "sd" opt; do
case $opt in
## change directory to the Firefox profile directory
cd "$(dirname "${SCRIPT_FILE}")"
# Check if running as root and if any files have the owner as root/wheel.
if [ "${EUID:-"$(id -u)"}" -eq 0 ]; then
fQuit 1 "You shouldn't run this with elevated privileges (such as with doas/sudo)."
elif [ -n "$(find ./ -user 0)" ]; then
printf 'It looks like this script was previously run with elevated privileges,
you will need to change ownership of the following files to your user:\n'
find . -user 0
fQuit 1
[ "$AUTOUPDATE" = true ] && update_prefsCleaner "$@"
echo -e "\n\n"
echo " ╔══════════════════════════╗"
echo " ║ prefs.js cleaner ║"
echo " ║ by claustromaniac ║"
echo " ║ v2.1 ║"
echo " ╚══════════════════════════╝"
echo -e "\nThis script should be run from your Firefox profile directory.\n"
echo "It will remove any entries from prefs.js that also exist in user.js."
echo "This will allow inactive preferences to be reset to their default values."
echo -e "\nThis Firefox profile shouldn't be in use during the process.\n"
[ "$QUICKSTART" = true ] && fStart
echo -e "\nIn order to proceed, select a command below by entering its corresponding number.\n"
select option in Start Help Exit; do
case $option in
;; ;;
Help) Help)
echo -e "\nThis script creates a backup of your prefs.js file before doing anything." echo -e "\nThis script creates a backup of your prefs.js file before doing anything."
echo -e "It should be safe, but you can follow these steps if something goes wrong:\n" echo -e "It should be safe, but you can follow these steps if something goes wrong:\n"
echo "1. Make sure Firefox is closed." echo "1. Make sure Firefox is closed."
@ -174,12 +90,10 @@ select option in Start Help Exit; do
echo "4. Rename or copy your latest backup to prefs.js." echo "4. Rename or copy your latest backup to prefs.js."
echo "5. Run Firefox and see if you notice anything wrong with it." echo "5. Run Firefox and see if you notice anything wrong with it."
echo "6. If you do notice something wrong, especially with your extensions, and/or with the UI, go to about:support, and restart Firefox with add-ons disabled. Then, restart it again normally, and see if the problems were solved." echo "6. If you do notice something wrong, especially with your extensions, and/or with the UI, go to about:support, and restart Firefox with add-ons disabled. Then, restart it again normally, and see if the problems were solved."
echo -e "If you are able to identify the cause of your issues, please bring it up on the arkenfox user.js GitHub repository.\n" echo -e "If you are able to identify the cause of your issues, please bring it up on ghacks-user.js GitHub repository.\n"
;; ;;
Exit) Exit)
fQuit 0 fQuit 0
;; ;;
esac esac
done done
fQuit 0

View File

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
This will reset the preferences that since FF91 have been
- removed from the arkenfox user.js
- deprecated by Mozilla but listed in the arkenfox user.js in the past
There is an archived version at
if you want the full list since jesus
Last updated: 5-March-2025
- [optional] close Firefox and backup your profile
- [optional] disable your network connection [1]
- start Firefox
- load about:config and press Ctrl+Shift+K to open the Web Console for about:config
- using about:config is important, so the script has the right permissions
- paste this script
- if you edited the list of prefs in the script, make sure the last pref does not have a trailing comma
- hit enter
- check the Info output to see which prefs were reset
- restart
- some prefs require a restart
- a restart will reapply your user.js
- [optional] re-enable your network connection
[1] Blocking Firefox from the internet ensures it cannot act on your reset preferences in the
period before you restart it, such as app and extension auto-updating, or downloading unwanted
components (GMP etc). It depends on what you're resetting and how long before you restart.
(() => {
if ('undefined' === typeof(Services)) return alert('about:config needs to be the active tab!');
const aPREFS = [
/* 129-140 */
'webchannel.allowObject.urlWhitelist', // 132
/* 116-128 */
'browser.contentanalysis.default_allow', // 127
'browser.messaging-system.whatsNewPanel.enabled', // 126
'', // 123
'dom.webnotifications.serviceworker.enabled', // 117
'javascript.use_us_english_locale', // 119
'layout.css.font-visibility.private', // 118
'layout.css.font-visibility.resistFingerprinting', // 116
'layout.css.font-visibility.standard', // 118
'layout.css.font-visibility.trackingprotection', // 118
'network.dns.skipTRR-when-parental-control-enabled', // 119
'permissions.delegation.enabled', // 118
'security.family_safety.mode', // 117
'widget.non-native-theme.enabled', // 127
/* 103-115 */
'browser.cache.offline.enable', // 115
'extensions.formautofill.heuristics.enabled', // 114
'network.cookie.lifetimePolicy', // 103 [technically removed in 104]
'privacy.clearsitedata.cache.enabled', // 114
'privacy.resistFingerprinting.testGranularityMask', // 114
'security.pki.sha1_enforcement_level', // 103
/* 92-102 */
'browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest', // 95
'dom.securecontext.whitelist_onions', // 97
'', // 102
'network.http.spdy.enabled', // 100
'layout.css.font-visibility.level', // 94
'security.ask_for_password', // 102
'security.csp.enable', // 99
'security.password_lifetime', // 102
'security.ssl3.rsa_des_ede3_sha', // 93
/* 129-140 */
/* 116-128 */
/* 103-115 */
/* 92-102 */
/* IMPORTANT: last active pref must not have a trailing comma */
/* reset parrot: check your open about:config after running the script */
let c = 0;
for (const sPname of aPREFS) {
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(sPname)) {
if (!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(sPname)) {'reset', sPname);
} else console.warn('failed to reset', sPname);
const d = (c==1) ? ' pref' : ' prefs';
alert(c ? 'successfully reset ' + c + d + "\n\nfor details check the console" : 'nothing to reset');
return 'all done';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
This will reset the preferences that are under sections 4600 & 4700 in the ghacks user.js
up to and including release 60-beta. These are the prefs that are no longer necessary,
or they conflict with, privacy.resistFingerprinting if you have that enabled.
For instructions see:[Scripts]
(function() {
let ops = [
/* section 4600 */
/* section 4700 */
/* reset parrot: check your open about:config after running the script */
if("undefined" === typeof(Services)) {
alert("about:config needs to be the active tab!");
let c = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = ops.length; i < len; i++) {
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(ops[i])) {
if (!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(ops[i])) {
console.log("reset", ops[i]);
} else { console.log("failed to reset", ops[i]); }
let d = (c==1) ? " pref" : " prefs";
if (c > 0) {
alert("successfully reset " + c + d + "\n\nfor details check the Browser Console (Ctrl+Shift+J)");
} else { alert("nothing to reset"); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
This will reset the preferences that have been deprecated by Mozilla
and used in the ghacks user.js up to and including release 60-beta
It is in reverse order, so feel free to remove sections that do not apply
For instructions see:[Scripts]
(function() {
let ops = [
/* deprecated */
/* ESR52.x users can remove sections 53-60 but it is not
crucial as your user.js will reinstate them */
/* 60 */
/* 59 */
/* 58 */
/* 57 */
/* 56 */
/* 55 */
/* 54 */
/* 53 */
/* End of ESR52.x section */
/* 52 */
/* 51 */
/* 50 */
/* 49 */
/* 48 */
/* 47 */
/* 46 */
/* 45 */
/* 44 */
/* 43 */
/* 42 and earlier */
'privacy.clearOnShutdown.passwords', // 42
'full-screen-api.approval-required', // 42
'browser.safebrowsing.reportErrorURL', // 41
'browser.safebrowsing.reportGenericURL', // 41
'browser.safebrowsing.reportMalwareErrorURL', // 41
'browser.safebrowsing.reportMalwareURL', // 41
'browser.safebrowsing.reportURL', // 41
'plugins.enumerable_names', // 41
'network.http.spdy.enabled.http2draft', // 41
'camera.control.autofocus_moving_callback.enabled', // 37
'privacy.donottrackheader.value', // 36
'network.websocket.enabled', // 35
'', // 31
'pageThumbs.enabled', // 25
/* reset parrot: check your open about:config after running the script */
if("undefined" === typeof(Services)) {
alert("about:config needs to be the active tab!");
let c = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = ops.length; i < len; i++) {
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(ops[i])) {
if (!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(ops[i])) {
console.log("reset", ops[i]);
} else { console.log("failed to reset", ops[i]); }
let d = (c==1) ? " pref" : " prefs";
if (c > 0) {
alert("successfully reset " + c + d + "\n\nfor details check the Browser Console (Ctrl+Shift+J)");
} else { alert("nothing to reset"); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
This will reset the preferences that have been removed completely from the ghacks user.js.
Last updated: 30-Jan-2019
For instructions see:[Scripts]
(function() {
let ops = [
/* removed in ghacks user.js v52-57 */
/* 52-alpha */
/* 54-alpha */
/* 55-alpha */
'dom.keyboardevent.dispatch_during_composition', // default is false anyway
'dom.vr.oculus.enabled', // covered by dom.vr.enabled
'dom.vr.openvr.enabled', // ditto
'dom.vr.osvr.enabled', // ditto
'extensions.pocket.api', // covered by extensions.pocket.enabled
'extensions.pocket.oAuthConsumerKey', // ditto
'', // ditto
/* 56-alpha: none */
/* 57-alpha */
'geo.wifi.xhr.timeout', // covered by geo.enabled
'', // ditto
'media.webspeech.recognition.enable', // default is false anyway
'gfx.layerscope.enabled', // default is false anyway
/* 58-alpha */
// excluding these e10 settings
// 'browser.tabs.remote.autostart',
// 'browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2',
// 'browser.tabs.remote.force-enable',
// 'browser.tabs.remote.separateFileUriProcess',
// 'extensions.e10sBlocksEnabling',
// 'extensions.webextensions.remote',
// 'dom.ipc.processCount',
// 'dom.ipc.shims.enabledWarnings',
// 'dom.ipc.processCount.extension',
// 'dom.ipc.processCount.file',
// 'security.sandbox.content.level',
// 'dom.ipc.plugins.sandbox-level.default',
// 'dom.ipc.plugins.sandbox-level.flash',
// 'security.sandbox.logging.enabled',
/* 59-alpha */
/* 60-beta - these were all at default anyway */
/* 61-beta */
/* 62-beta */
/* 63-beta */
/* 64-beta */
/* 65-beta */
/* reset parrot: check your open about:config after running the script */
if("undefined" === typeof(Services)) {
alert("about:config needs to be the active tab!");
let c = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = ops.length; i < len; i++) {
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(ops[i])) {
if (!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(ops[i])) {
console.log("reset", ops[i]);
} else { console.log("failed to reset", ops[i]); }
let d = (c==1) ? " pref" : " prefs";
if (c > 0) {
alert("successfully reset " + c + d + "\n\nfor details check the Browser Console (Ctrl+Shift+J)");
} else { alert("nothing to reset"); }

View File

@ -1,10 +1,65 @@
/*** arkenfox user.js troubleshooter.js v1.6.3 ***/
/*** ghacks-user.js troubleshooter.js v1.5.2 ***/
(function() { (function() {
if ("undefined" === typeof(Services)) return alert('about:config needs to be the active tab!'); if("undefined" === typeof(Services)) {
alert("about:config needs to be the active tab!");
const aPREFS = [ function getMyList(arr) {
let aRet = [];
let dummy = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(arr[i])) {
dummy = Services.prefs.getPrefType(arr[i]);
switch (dummy) {
case 32: // string (see
dummy = Services.prefs.getCharPref(arr[i]);
aRet.push({'name':arr[i],'value': dummy,'type':32});
case 64: // int
dummy = Services.prefs.getIntPref(arr[i]);
aRet.push({'name':arr[i],'value': dummy,'type':64});
case 128: // boolean
dummy = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(arr[i]);
aRet.push({'name':arr[i],'value': dummy,'type':128});
console.log("error detecting pref-type for '"+arr[i]+"' !");
return aRet;
function reapply(arr) {
for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
switch (arr[i].type) {
case 32: // string
Services.prefs.setCharPref(arr[i].name, arr[i].value);
case 64: // int
Services.prefs.setIntPref(arr[i].name, arr[i].value);
case 128: // boolean
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(arr[i].name, arr[i].value);
console.log("error re-appyling value for '"+arr[i].name+"' !"); // should never happen
function myreset(arr) {
for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
let ops = [
/* known culprits */ /* known culprits */
'network.cookie.cookieBehavior', 'network.cookie.cookieBehavior',
@ -16,7 +71,9 @@
/* Storage + Cache */ /* Storage + Cache */
'browser.cache.offline.enable', 'browser.cache.offline.enable',
'', '',
'dom.storageManager.enabled', 'dom.storageManager.enabled',
/* Workers, Web + Push Notifications */ /* Workers, Web + Push Notifications */
@ -31,6 +88,7 @@
/* Fonts */ /* Fonts */
'browser.display.use_document_fonts', 'browser.display.use_document_fonts',
'font.blacklist.underline_offset', 'font.blacklist.underline_offset',
'gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled', 'gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled',
'gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled', 'gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled',
'layout.css.font-loading-api.enabled', 'layout.css.font-loading-api.enabled',
@ -43,10 +101,12 @@
'dom.IntersectionObserver.enabled', 'dom.IntersectionObserver.enabled',
'dom.popup_allowed_events', 'dom.popup_allowed_events',
'full-screen-api.enabled', 'full-screen-api.enabled',
'intl.accept_languages', 'intl.accept_languages',
'javascript.options.asmjs', 'javascript.options.asmjs',
'javascript.options.wasm', 'javascript.options.wasm',
'permissions.default.shortcuts', 'permissions.default.shortcuts',
/* Hardware */ /* Hardware */
'dom.vr.enabled', 'dom.vr.enabled',
@ -54,8 +114,8 @@
/* Audio + Video */ /* Audio + Video */
'dom.webaudio.enabled', 'dom.webaudio.enabled',
'media.autoplay.default', // FF63+ 'media.autoplay.default', // FF63+
'media.autoplay.blocking_policy', // FF78+
/* Forms */ /* Forms */
'browser.formfill.enable', 'browser.formfill.enable',
@ -82,11 +142,13 @@
/* Plugins + Flash */ /* Plugins + Flash */
'plugin.default.state', 'plugin.default.state',
'plugin.state.flash', 'plugin.state.flash',
/* unlikely to cause problems */ /* unlikely to cause problems */
'dom.popup_maximum', 'dom.popup_maximum',
'layout.css.visited_links_enabled', 'layout.css.visited_links_enabled',
'mathml.disabled', 'mathml.disabled',
'network.auth.subresource-http-auth-allow', 'network.auth.subresource-http-auth-allow',
@ -94,117 +156,60 @@
'', '',
'privacy.trackingprotection.enabled', 'privacy.trackingprotection.enabled',
'security.data_uri.block_toplevel_data_uri_navigations', 'security.data_uri.block_toplevel_data_uri_navigations',
'', // FF82+
'' ''
] ]
// any runtime-set pref that everyone will have and that can be safely reset
const oFILLER = { type: 64, name: 'app.update.lastUpdateTime.browser-cleanup-thumbnails', value: 1580000000 };
function getMyList(arr) { // reset prefs that set the same value as FFs default value
const aRet = []; let aTEMP = getMyList(ops);
for (const sPname of arr) { myreset(aTEMP);
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(sPname)) { reapply(aTEMP);
const ptype = Services.prefs.getPrefType(sPname);
switch (ptype) {
case 32: // string (see
case 64: // int
case 128: // boolean
console.log("error detecting pref-type for '"+sPname+"' !");
return aRet;
function reapply(arr) { const aBACKUP = getMyList(ops);
for (const oPref of arr) { //console.log(aBACKUP.length, "user-set prefs from our list detected and their values stored.");
switch (oPref.type) {
case 32: // string
Services.prefs.setCharPref(, oPref.value);
case 64: // int
Services.prefs.setIntPref(, oPref.value);
case 128: // boolean
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(, oPref.value);
console.log("error re-appyling value for '""' !"); // should never happen
function myreset(arr) {
for (const oPref of arr) Services.prefs.clearUserPref(;
function resetAllMatchingDefault(arr) {
const aTmp = getMyList(arr);
function _main(aALL) {
const _h = (arr) => Math.ceil(arr.length/2);
let aTmp = aALL, aDbg = aALL;
myreset(aTmp.slice(0, _h(aTmp)));
while (aTmp.length) {
alert('NOW TEST AGAIN !');
if (confirm('if the problem still exists click OK, otherwise click Cancel.')) {
aTmp = aTmp.slice(_h(aTmp));
} else {
aTmp = aTmp.slice(0, _h(aTmp));
aDbg = aTmp; // update narrowed down list
if (aDbg.length == 1) break;
myreset(aTmp.slice(0, _h(aTmp))); // reset half of the remaining prefs
if (aDbg.length == 1) return alert("narrowed it down to:\n\n"+aDbg[0].name+"\n");
if (aDbg.length == aALL.length) {
const msg = "Failed to narrow it down beyond the initial "+aALL.length+" prefs. The problem is most likely caused by at least 2 prefs!\n\n" +
"Either those prefs are too far apart in the list or there are exactly 2 culprits and they just happen to be at the wrong place.\n\n" +
"In case it's the latter, the script can add a dummy pref and you can try again - Try again?";
if (confirm(msg)) return _main([...aALL, oFILLER]);
} else if (aDbg.length > 10 && confirm("Narrowed it down to "+aDbg.length+" prefs. Try narrowing it down further?")) {
return _main(aDbg.reverse());
alert("Narrowed it down to "+ aDbg.length.toString() +" prefs, check the console ...");
console.log('The problem is caused by 2 or more of these prefs:');
for (const oPref of aDbg) console.log(;
resetAllMatchingDefault(aPREFS); // reset user-set prefs matching FFs default value
const aBAK = getMyList(aPREFS);
//console.log(aBAK.length, "user-set prefs from our list detected and their values stored.");
const sMsg = "all detected prefs reset.\n\n" +
"IF the problem still exists, this script can't help you - click Cancel to re-apply your values and exit.\n\n" +
"Click OK if your problem is fixed.";
let myArr = aBACKUP;
let found = false;
let aDbg = [];
focus(); focus();
myreset(aBAK); myreset(aBACKUP); // reset all detected prefs
if (!confirm(sMsg)) { if (confirm("all detected prefs reset.\n\n!! KEEP THIS PROMPT OPEN AND TEST THE SITE IN ANOTHER TAB !!\n\nIF the problem still exists, this script can't help you - click cancel to re-apply your values and exit.\n\nClick OK if your problem is fixed.")) {
reapply(aBAK); aDbg = myArr;
myreset(myArr.slice(0, parseInt(myArr.length/2)));
while (myArr.length >= 2) {
alert("NOW TEST AGAIN !");
if (confirm("if the problem still exists click OK, otherwise click cancel.")) {
myArr = myArr.slice(parseInt(myArr.length/2));
if (myArr.length == 1) {
alert("The problem is caused by more than 1 pref !\n\nNarrowed it down to "+ aDbg.length.toString() +" prefs, check the console ...");
} else {
myArr = myArr.slice(0, parseInt(myArr.length/2));
aDbg = myArr;
if (myArr.length == 1) { found = true; break; }
myreset(myArr.slice(0, parseInt(myArr.length/2))); // reset half of the remaining prefs
else {
return; return;
} }
if (found) {
alert("narrowed it down to:\n\n"+myArr[0].name+"\n");
myreset(myArr); // reset the culprit
else {
console.log("the problem is caused by a combination of the following prefs:");
for (let i = 0, len = aDbg.length; i < len; i++) {
})(); })();

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
@ECHO OFF & SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion @ECHO OFF & SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
TITLE arkenfox user.js updater TITLE ghacks user.js updater
REM ## arkenfox user.js updater for Windows REM ## ghacks-user.js updater for Windows
REM ## author: @claustromaniac REM ## author: @claustromaniac
REM ## version: 4.20 REM ## version: 4.6
REM ## instructions:[Options]#-windows REM ## instructions:
SET v=4.19 SET v=4.7
CD /D "%~dp0" CD /D "%~dp0"
@ -22,20 +22,10 @@ IF /I "%~1"=="-multioverrides" (SET _multi=1)
IF /I "%~1"=="-merge" (SET _merge=1) IF /I "%~1"=="-merge" (SET _merge=1)
IF /I "%~1"=="-updatebatch" (SET _updateb=1) IF /I "%~1"=="-updatebatch" (SET _updateb=1)
IF /I "%~1"=="-singlebackup" (SET _singlebackup=1) IF /I "%~1"=="-singlebackup" (SET _singlebackup=1)
IF /I "%~1"=="-esr" (SET _esr=1)
GOTO parse GOTO parse
:endparse :endparse
FOR /F %%i IN ('PowerShell -Command "[Enum]::GetNames([Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -contains 'Tls12'"') DO (
IF "%%i" == "False" (
CALL :message "Your PowerShell version doesn't support TLS1.2 ^!"
ECHO: Instructions to update PowerShell are on the arkenfox wiki
IF DEFINED _updateb ( IF DEFINED _updateb (
REM The normal flow here goes from phase 1 to phase 2 and then phase 3. REM The normal flow here goes from phase 1 to phase 2 and then phase 3.
IF NOT "!_myname:~0,9!"=="[updated]" ( IF NOT "!_myname:~0,9!"=="[updated]" (
@ -59,7 +49,9 @@ IF DEFINED _updateb (
CALL :message "Updating script..." CALL :message "Updating script..."
REM Uncomment the next line and comment out the PowerShell call for testing. REM Uncomment the next line and comment out the PowerShell call for testing.
REM COPY /B /Y "!_myname!.bat" "[updated]!_myname!.bat" >nul REM COPY /B /Y "!_myname!.bat" "[updated]!_myname!.bat" >nul
CALL :psdownload "[updated]!_myname!.bat" (
PowerShell -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', '[updated]!_myname!.bat')"
) >nul 2>&1
IF EXIST "[updated]!_myname!.bat" ( IF EXIST "[updated]!_myname!.bat" (
START /min CMD /C "[updated]!_myname!.bat" !_myparams! START /min CMD /C "[updated]!_myname!.bat" !_myparams!
) ELSE ( ) ELSE (
@ -106,10 +98,7 @@ IF NOT EXIST user.js (
) )
:exitloop :exitloop
IF NOT "!_name!"=="" ( IF NOT "!_name!"=="" (
SET "_tempvar=" IF /I NOT "!_name!"=="!_name:ghacks=!" (
IF /I NOT "!_name!"=="!_name:ghacks=!" SET _tempvar=1
IF /I NOT "!_name!"=="!_name:arkenfox=!" SET _tempvar=1
IF !_tempvar! EQU 1 (
CALL :message "!_name! !_version:~2!,!_date!" CALL :message "!_name! !_version:~2!,!_date!"
) ELSE (CALL :message "Current user.js version not recognised.") ) ELSE (CALL :message "Current user.js version not recognised.")
) ELSE (CALL :message "Current user.js version not recognised.") ) ELSE (CALL :message "Current user.js version not recognised.")
@ -117,7 +106,7 @@ IF NOT EXIST user.js (
CALL :message "This batch should be run from your Firefox profile directory." CALL :message "This batch should be run from your Firefox profile directory."
ECHO: It will download the latest version of arkenfox user.js from github and then ECHO: It will download the latest version of ghacks user.js from github and then
CALL :message "append any of your own changes from user-overrides.js to it." CALL :message "append any of your own changes from user-overrides.js to it."
CALL :message "Visit the wiki for more detailed information." CALL :message "Visit the wiki for more detailed information."
@ -138,12 +127,10 @@ IF DEFINED _log (
) )
CALL :message "Retrieving latest user.js file from github repository..." CALL :message "Retrieving latest user.js file from github repository..."
CALL :psdownload "" (
PowerShell -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', '')"
) >nul 2>&1
CALL :message "Activating ESR section..."
CALL :activate ".x still uses all the following prefs"
IF DEFINED _multi ( IF DEFINED _multi (
FORFILES /P user.js-overrides /M *.js >nul 2>&1 FORFILES /P user.js-overrides /M *.js >nul 2>&1
@ -177,8 +164,8 @@ IF EXIST (
IF DEFINED _singlebackup ( IF DEFINED _singlebackup (
MOVE /Y user.js user.js.bak >nul MOVE /Y user.js user.js.bak >nul
) ELSE ( ) ELSE (
FOR /F "delims=" %%# IN ('powershell -command get-date -format "{yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}"') DO @SET ldt=%%# SET "_time=!time: =0!"
MOVE /Y user.js "user-backup-!ldt!.js" >nul MOVE /Y user.js "user-backup-!date:/=-!_!_time::=.!.js" >nul
) )
REN user.js REN user.js
CALL :message "Update complete." CALL :message "Update complete."
@ -209,7 +196,7 @@ IF NOT DEFINED _log (
) )
::::::::::::::: Message ::::::::::::::: REM ########### Message Function ###########
:message :message
SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion
IF NOT "2"=="%_log%" (ECHO:) IF NOT "2"=="%_log%" (ECHO:)
@ -218,35 +205,7 @@ IF NOT "2"=="%_log%" (ECHO:)
::::::::::::::: Download ::::::::::::::: REM ############ Merge function ############
PowerShell -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%~1', '%~2')"
) >nul 2>&1
::::::::::::::: Activate Section :::::::::::::::
:: arg1 = file
:: arg2 = line substring
SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%G IN ('FINDSTR /N "^" "%~1"') DO (
SET "_temp=%%H"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
IF "!_temp:%~2=!"=="!_temp!" (
) ELSE (
MOVE /Y updatertempfile "%~1" >nul
::::::::::::::: Merge :::::::::::::::
:merge :merge
SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F tokens^=2^,^*^ delims^=^'^" %%G IN ('FINDSTR /R /C:"^user_pref[ ]*\([ ]*[\"'].*[\"'][ ]*,.*\)[ ]*;" "%~1"') DO (SET "[%%G]=%%H") FOR /F tokens^=2^,^*^ delims^=^'^" %%G IN ('FINDSTR /R /C:"^user_pref[ ]*\([ ]*[\"'].*[\"'][ ]*,.*\)[ ]*;" "%~1"') DO (SET "[%%G]=%%H")
@ -285,13 +244,11 @@ MOVE /Y updatertempfile "%~1" >nul
::::::::::::::: Help ::::::::::::::: REM ############### Help ##################
:showhelp :showhelp
MODE 80,54 MODE 80,46
CALL :message "Available arguments (case-insensitive):" CALL :message "Available arguments (case-insensitive):"
CALL :message " -esr"
ECHO: Activate ESR related preferences
CALL :message " -log" CALL :message " -log"
ECHO: Write the console output to a logfile (user.js-update-log.txt) ECHO: Write the console output to a logfile (user.js-update-log.txt)
CALL :message " -logP" CALL :message " -logP"
@ -315,7 +272,7 @@ ECHO: Run without user input.
CALL :message " -singleBackup" CALL :message " -singleBackup"
ECHO: Use a single backup file and overwrite it on new updates, instead of ECHO: Use a single backup file and overwrite it on new updates, instead of
ECHO: cumulative backups. This was the default behaviour before v4.3. ECHO: cumulative backups. This was the default behaviour before v4.3.
CALL :message " -updateBatch" CALL :message " -updatebatch"
ECHO: Update the script itself on execution, before the normal routine. ECHO: Update the script itself on execution, before the normal routine.
CALL :message "" CALL :message ""

View File

@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash #!/usr/bin/env bash
## arkenfox user.js updater for macOS and Linux ## ghacks-user.js updater for macOS and Linux
## version: 4.0 ## version: 2.5
## Author: Pat Johnson (@overdodactyl) ## Author: Pat Johnson (@overdodactyl)
## Additional contributors: @earthlng, @ema-pe, @claustromaniac, @infinitewarp ## Additional contributors: @earthlng, @ema-pe, @claustromaniac
## DON'T GO HIGHER THAN VERSION x.9 !! ( because of ASCII comparison in update_updater() ) ## DON'T GO HIGHER THAN VERSION x.9 !! ( because of ASCII comparison in update_updater() )
# Check if running as root
if [ "${EUID:-"$(id -u)"}" -eq 0 ]; then
printf "You shouldn't run this with elevated privileges (such as with doas/sudo).\n"
exit 1
readonly CURRDIR=$(pwd) readonly CURRDIR=$(pwd)
SCRIPT_FILE=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null || greadlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null) sfp=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null || greadlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null)
[ -z "$SCRIPT_FILE" ] && SCRIPT_FILE=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} if [ -z "$sfp" ]; then sfp=${BASH_SOURCE[0]}; fi
readonly SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${SCRIPT_FILE}") readonly SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${sfp}")
######################### #########################
@ -47,28 +41,28 @@ ESR=false
# Download method priority: curl -> wget # Download method priority: curl -> wget
if command -v curl >/dev/null; then if [[ $(command -v 'curl') ]]; then
DOWNLOAD_METHOD='curl --max-redirs 3 -so' DOWNLOAD_METHOD='curl'
elif command -v wget >/dev/null; then elif [[ $(command -v 'wget') ]]; then
DOWNLOAD_METHOD='wget --max-redirect 3 --quiet -O' DOWNLOAD_METHOD='wget'
else else
echo -e "${RED}This script requires curl or wget.\nProcess aborted${NC}" echo -e "${RED}This script requires curl or wget.\nProcess aborted${NC}"
exit 1 exit 0
fi fi
show_banner() { show_banner () {
echo -e "${BBLUE} echo -e "${BBLUE}\n"
############################################################################ echo ' ############################################################################'
#### #### echo ' #### ####'
#### arkenfox user.js #### echo ' #### ghacks user.js ####'
#### Hardening the Privacy and Security Settings of Firefox #### echo ' #### Hardening the Privacy and Security Settings of Firefox ####'
#### Maintained by @Thorin-Oakenpants and @earthlng #### echo ' #### Maintained by @Thorin-Oakenpants and @earthlng ####'
#### Updater for macOS and Linux by @overdodactyl #### echo ' #### Updater for macOS and Linux by @overdodactyl ####'
#### #### echo ' #### ####'
############################################################################" echo ' ############################################################################'
echo -e "${NC}\n" echo -e "${NC}\n"
echo -e "Documentation for this script is available here: ${CYAN}[Options]#-maclinux${NC}\n" echo -e "Documentation for this script is available here: ${CYAN}${NC}\n"
} }
######################### #########################
@ -76,101 +70,123 @@ show_banner() {
######################### #########################
usage() { usage() {
echo echo -e "${BLUE}\nUsage: $0 [-h] [-p PROFILE] [-u] [-d] [-s] [-n] [-b] [-c] [-v] [-r] [-e] [-o OVERRIDE]\n${NC}" 1>&2 # Echo usage string to standard error
echo -e "${BLUE}Usage: $0 [-bcdehlnrsuv] [-p PROFILE] [-o OVERRIDE]${NC}" 1>&2 # Echo usage string to standard error echo 'Optional Arguments:'
echo -e " echo -e "\t-h,\t\t Show this help message and exit."
Optional Arguments: echo -e "\t-p PROFILE,\t Path to your Firefox profile (if different than the dir of this script)"
-h Show this help message and exit. echo -e "\t\t\t IMPORTANT: if the path include spaces, wrap the entire argument in quotes."
-p PROFILE Path to your Firefox profile (if different than the dir of this script) echo -e "\t-l, \t\t Choose your Firefox profile from a list"
IMPORTANT: If the path contains spaces, wrap the entire argument in quotes. echo -e "\t-u,\t\t Update and execute silently. Do not seek confirmation."
-l Choose your Firefox profile from a list echo -e "\t-d,\t\t Do not look for updates to"
-u Update and execute silently. Do not seek confirmation. echo -e "\t-s,\t\t Silently update user.js. Do not seek confirmation."
-d Do not look for updates to echo -e "\t-b,\t\t Only keep one backup of each file."
-s Silently update user.js. Do not seek confirmation. echo -e "\t-c,\t\t Create a diff file comparing old and new user.js within userjs_diffs. "
-b Only keep one backup of each file. echo -e "\t-o OVERRIDE,\t Filename or path to overrides file (if different than user-overrides.js)."
-c Create a diff file comparing old and new user.js within userjs_diffs. echo -e "\t\t\t If used with -p, paths should be relative to PROFILE or absolute paths"
-o OVERRIDE Filename or path to overrides file (if different than user-overrides.js). echo -e "\t\t\t If given a directory, all files inside will be appended recursively."
If used with -p, paths should be relative to PROFILE or absolute paths echo -e "\t\t\t You can pass multiple files or directories by passing a comma separated list."
If given a directory, all files inside will be appended recursively. echo -e "\t\t\t\t Note: If a directory is given, only files inside ending in the extension .js are appended"
You can pass multiple files or directories by passing a comma separated list. echo -e "\t\t\t\t IMPORTANT: do not add spaces between files/paths. Ex: -o file1.js,file2.js,dir1"
Note: If a directory is given, only files inside ending in the extension .js are appended echo -e "\t\t\t\t IMPORTANT: if any files/paths include spaces, wrap the entire argument in quotes."
IMPORTANT: Do not add spaces between files/paths. Ex: -o file1.js,file2.js,dir1 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t Ex: -o \"override folder\" "
IMPORTANT: If any file/path contains spaces, wrap the entire argument in quotes. echo -e "\t-n,\t\t Do not append any overrides, even if user-overrides.js exists."
Ex: -o \"override folder\" echo -e "\t-v,\t\t Open the resulting user.js file."
-n Do not append any overrides, even if user-overrides.js exists. echo -e "\t-r,\t\t Only download user.js to a temporary file and open it."
-v Open the resulting user.js file. echo -e "\t-e,\t\t Activate ESR related preferences."
-r Only download user.js to a temporary file and open it. echo -e
-e Activate ESR related preferences." echo 'Deprecated Arguments (they still work for now):'
echo echo -e "\t-donotupdate,\t Use instead -d"
echo -e "\t-update,\t Use instead -u"
echo -e
exit 1 exit 1
} }
legacy_argument () {
echo -e "${ORANGE}\nWarning: command line arguments have changed."
echo -e "$1 has been deprecated and may not work in the future.\n"
echo -e "Please view the new options using the -h argument.${NC}"
######################### #########################
# File Handling # # File Handling #
######################### #########################
download_file() { # expects URL as argument ($1) # Download files
download_file () {
declare -r url=$1
declare -r tf=$(mktemp) declare -r tf=$(mktemp)
local dlcmd=''
$DOWNLOAD_METHOD "${tf}" "$1" &>/dev/null && echo "$tf" || echo '' # return the temp-filename or empty string on error if [ $DOWNLOAD_METHOD = 'curl' ]; then
dlcmd="curl -o $tf"
dlcmd="wget -O $tf"
$dlcmd "${url}" &>/dev/null && echo "$tf" || echo '' # return the temp-filename (or empty string on error)
} }
open_file() { # expects one argument: file_path open_file () { #expects one argument: file_path
if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then
open "$1" open "$1"
elif [ "$(uname -s | cut -c -5)" == "Linux" ]; then elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then
xdg-open "$1" xdg-open "$1"
else else
echo -e "${RED}Error: Sorry, opening files is not supported for your OS.${NC}" echo -e "${RED}Error: Sorry, opening files is not supported for your OS.${NC}"
fi fi
} }
readIniFile() { # expects one argument: absolute path of profiles.ini readIniFile () { # expects one argument: absolute path of profiles.ini
declare -r inifile="$1" declare -r inifile="$1"
declare -r tfile=$(mktemp)
# tempIni will contain: [ProfileX], Name=, IsRelative= and Path= (and Default= if present) of the only (if) or the selected (else) profile if [ $(grep '^\[Profile' "$inifile" | wc -l) == "1" ]; then ### only 1 profile found
if [ "$(grep -c '^\[Profile' "${inifile}")" -eq "1" ]; then ### only 1 profile found grep '^\[Profile' -A 4 "$inifile" | grep -v '^\[Profile' > $tfile
tempIni="$(grep '^\[Profile' -A 4 "${inifile}")"
else else
echo -e "Profiles found:\n" grep -E -v '^\[General\]|^StartWithLastProfile=|^IsRelative=' "$inifile"
## cmd-substitution to strip trailing newlines and in quotes to keep internal ones: echo ''
echo "$(grep --color=never -E 'Default=[^1]|\[Profile[0-9]*\]|Name=|Path=|^$' "${inifile}")"
echo ''
read -p 'Select the profile number ( 0 for Profile0, 1 for Profile1, etc ) : ' -r read -p 'Select the profile number ( 0 for Profile0, 1 for Profile1, etc ) : ' -r
echo -e "\n" echo -e "\n"
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$ ]]; then if [[ $REPLY =~ ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$ ]]; then
tempIni="$(grep "^\[Profile${REPLY}" -A 4 "${inifile}")" || { grep '^\[Profile'${REPLY} -A 4 "$inifile" | grep -v '^\[Profile'${REPLY} > $tfile
echo -e "${RED}Profile${REPLY} does not exist!${NC}" && exit 1 if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
} echo "Profile${REPLY} does not exist!" && exit 1
else else
echo -e "${RED}Invalid selection!${NC}" && exit 1 echo "Invalid selection!" && exit 1
fi fi
fi fi
# extracting 0 or 1 from the "IsRelative=" line declare -r profpath=$(grep '^Path=' $tfile)
declare -r pathisrel=$(sed -n 's/^IsRelative=\([01]\)$/\1/p' <<< "${tempIni}") declare -r pathisrel=$(grep '^IsRelative=' $tfile)
# extracting only the path itself, excluding "Path=" rm "$tfile"
PROFILE_PATH=$(sed -n 's/^Path=\(.*\)$/\1/p' <<< "${tempIni}")
# update global variable if path is relative # update global variable
[[ ${pathisrel} == "1" ]] && PROFILE_PATH="$(dirname "${inifile}")/${PROFILE_PATH}" if [[ ${pathisrel#*=} == "1" ]]; then
PROFILE_PATH="$(dirname "$inifile")/${profpath#*=}"
} }
getProfilePath() { getProfilePath () {
declare -r f1=~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/profiles.ini declare -r f1=~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/profiles.ini
declare -r f2=~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini declare -r f2=~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini
if [ "$PROFILE_PATH" = false ]; then if [ "$PROFILE_PATH" = false ]; then
elif [ "$PROFILE_PATH" = 'list' ]; then elif [ "$PROFILE_PATH" = 'list' ]; then
local ini=''
if [[ -f "$f1" ]]; then if [[ -f "$f1" ]]; then
readIniFile "$f1" # updates PROFILE_PATH or exits on error ini="$f1"
elif [[ -f "$f2" ]]; then elif [[ -f "$f2" ]]; then
readIniFile "$f2" ini="$f2"
else else
echo -e "${RED}Error: Sorry, -l is not supported for your OS${NC}" echo -e "${RED}Error: Sorry, -l is not supported for your OS${NC}"
exit 1 exit 1
fi fi
readIniFile "$ini" # updates PROFILE_PATH or exits on error
#else #else
# PROFILE_PATH already set by user with -p # PROFILE_PATH already set by user with -p
fi fi
@ -181,54 +197,62 @@ getProfilePath() {
######################### #########################
# Returns the version number of a file # Returns the version number of a file
get_updater_version() { get_updater_version () {
echo "$(sed -n '5 s/.*[[:blank:]]\([[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\)/\1/p' "$1")" echo $(sed -n '5 s/.*[[:blank:]]\([[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\)/\1/p' "$1")
} }
# Update # Update
# Default: Check for update, if available, ask user if they want to execute it # Default: Check for update, if available, ask user if they want to execute it
# Args: # Args:
# -d: New version will not be looked for and update will not occur # -donotupdate: New version will not be looked for and update will not occur
# -u: Check for update, if available, execute without asking # -update: Check for update, if available, execute without asking
update_updater() { update_updater () {
[ "$UPDATE" = 'no' ] && return 0 # User signified not to check for updates if [ $UPDATE = 'no' ]; then
return 0 # User signified not to check for updates
declare -r tmpfile="$(download_file '')" declare -r tmpfile=$(download_file '')
[ -z "${tmpfile}" ] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download${NC}" && return 1 # check if download failed
if [[ $(get_updater_version "$SCRIPT_FILE") < $(get_updater_version "${tmpfile}") ]]; then if [[ $(get_updater_version "${SCRIPT_DIR}/") < $(get_updater_version "${tmpfile}") ]]; then
if [ "$UPDATE" = 'check' ]; then if [ $UPDATE = 'check' ]; then
echo -e "There is a newer version of available. ${RED}Update and execute Y/N?${NC}" echo -e "There is a newer version of available. ${RED}Update and execute Y/N?${NC}"
read -p "" -n 1 -r read -p "" -n 1 -r
echo -e "\n\n" echo -e "\n\n"
[[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || return 0 # Update available, but user chooses not to update if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then
return 0 # Update available, but user chooses not to update
fi fi
else else
return 0 # No update available return 0 # No update available
fi fi
mv "${tmpfile}" "$SCRIPT_FILE" mv "${tmpfile}" "${SCRIPT_DIR}/"
chmod u+x "$SCRIPT_FILE" chmod u+x "${SCRIPT_DIR}/"
"$SCRIPT_FILE" "$@" -d "${SCRIPT_DIR}/" "$@" -d
exit 0 exit 1
} }
######################### #########################
# Update user.js # # Update user.js #
######################### #########################
# Returns version number of a user.js file # Returns version number of a user.js file
get_userjs_version() { get_userjs_version () {
[ -e "$1" ] && echo "$(sed -n '4p' "$1")" || echo "Not detected." if [ -e $1 ]; then
echo "$(sed -n '4p' "$1")"
echo "Not detected."
} }
add_override() { add_override () {
input=$1 input=$1
if [ -f "$input" ]; then if [ -f "$input" ]; then
echo "" >> user.js echo "" >> user.js
cat "$input" >> user.js cat "$input" >> user.js
echo -e "Status: ${GREEN}Override file appended:${NC} ${input}" echo -e "Status: ${GREEN}Override file appended:${NC} ${input}"
elif [ -d "$input" ]; then elif [ -d "$input" ]; then
IFS=$'\n\b' # Set IFS IFS=$'\n\b' # Set IFS
FILES="${input}"/*.js FILES="${input}"/*.js
for f in $FILES for f in $FILES
@ -241,27 +265,26 @@ add_override() {
fi fi
} }
remove_comments() { # expects 2 arguments: from-file and to-file remove_comments () { # expects 2 arguments: from-file and to-file
sed -e '/^\/\*.*\*\/[[:space:]]*$/d' -e '/^\/\*/,/\*\//d' -e 's|^[[:space:]]*//.*$||' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -e 's|);[[:space:]]*//.*|);|' "$1" > "$2" sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*\/\/.*$//' -e '/^\/\*/,/\*\//d' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -e 's/);[[:space:]]*\/\/.*/);/' "$1" > "$2"
} }
# Applies latest version of user.js and any custom overrides # Applies latest version of user.js and any custom overrides
update_userjs() { update_userjs () {
declare -r newfile="$(download_file '')" declare -r newfile=$(download_file '')
[ -z "${newfile}" ] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download user.js${NC}" && return 1 # check if download failed
echo -e "Please observe the following information: echo 'Please observe the following information:'
Firefox profile: ${ORANGE}$(pwd)${NC} echo -e "\tFirefox profile: ${ORANGE}$(pwd)${NC}"
Available online: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version "$newfile")${NC} echo -e "\tAvailable online: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version $newfile)${NC}"
Currently using: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version user.js)${NC}\n\n" echo -e "\tCurrently using: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version user.js)\n${NC}\n"
if [ "$CONFIRM" = 'yes' ]; then if [ $CONFIRM = 'yes' ]; then
echo -e "This script will update to the latest user.js file and append any custom configurations from user-overrides.js. ${RED}Continue Y/N? ${NC}" echo -e "This script will update to the latest user.js file and append any custom configurations from user-overrides.js. ${RED}Continue Y/N? ${NC}"
read -p "" -n 1 -r read -p "" -n 1 -r
echo -e "\n" echo -e "\n"
if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then
echo -e "${RED}Process aborted${NC}" echo -e "${RED}Process aborted${NC}"
rm "$newfile" rm $newfile
return 1 return 1
fi fi
fi fi
@ -275,7 +298,9 @@ update_userjs() {
# backup user.js # backup user.js
mkdir -p userjs_backups mkdir -p userjs_backups
local bakname="userjs_backups/user.js.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")" local bakname="userjs_backups/user.js.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")"
[ "$BACKUP" = 'single' ] && bakname='userjs_backups/user.js.backup' if [ $BACKUP = 'single' ]; then
cp user.js "$bakname" &>/dev/null cp user.js "$bakname" &>/dev/null
mv "${newfile}" user.js mv "${newfile}" user.js
@ -288,10 +313,8 @@ update_userjs() {
# apply overrides # apply overrides
if [ "$SKIPOVERRIDE" = false ]; then if [ "$SKIPOVERRIDE" = false ]; then
while IFS=',' read -ra FILES; do while IFS=',' read -ra FILE; do
for FILE in "${FILES[@]}"; do
add_override "$FILE" add_override "$FILE"
done <<< "$OVERRIDE" done <<< "$OVERRIDE"
fi fi
@ -301,22 +324,24 @@ update_userjs() {
past_nocomments='userjs_diffs/past_userjs.txt' past_nocomments='userjs_diffs/past_userjs.txt'
current_nocomments='userjs_diffs/current_userjs.txt' current_nocomments='userjs_diffs/current_userjs.txt'
remove_comments "$pastuserjs" "$past_nocomments" remove_comments $pastuserjs $past_nocomments
remove_comments user.js "$current_nocomments" remove_comments user.js $current_nocomments
diffname="userjs_diffs/diff_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M").txt" diffname="userjs_diffs/diff_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M").txt"
diff=$(diff -w -B -U 0 "$past_nocomments" "$current_nocomments") diff=$(diff -w -B -U 0 $past_nocomments $current_nocomments)
if [ -n "$diff" ]; then if [ ! -z "$diff" ]; then
echo "$diff" > "$diffname" echo "$diff" > "$diffname"
echo -e "Status: ${GREEN}A diff file was created:${NC} ${PWD}/${diffname}" echo -e "Status: ${GREEN}A diff file was created:${NC} ${PWD}/${diffname}"
else else
echo -e "Warning: ${ORANGE}Your new user.js file appears to be identical. No diff file was created.${NC}" echo -e "Warning: ${ORANGE}Your new user.js file appears to be identical. No diff file was created.${NC}"
[ "$BACKUP" = 'multiple' ] && rm "$bakname" &>/dev/null if [ $BACKUP = 'multiple' ]; then
rm $bakname &>/dev/null
fi fi
rm "$past_nocomments" "$current_nocomments" "$pastuserjs" &>/dev/null fi
rm $past_nocomments $current_nocomments $pastuserjs &>/dev/null
fi fi
[ "$VIEW" = true ] && open_file "${PWD}/user.js" if [ "$VIEW" = true ]; then open_file "${PWD}/user.js"; fi
} }
######################### #########################
@ -324,9 +349,16 @@ update_userjs() {
######################### #########################
if [ $# != 0 ]; then if [ $# != 0 ]; then
readonly legacy_lc=$(echo $1 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
# Display usage if first argument is -help or --help # Display usage if first argument is -help or --help
if [ "$1" = '--help' ] || [ "$1" = '-help' ]; then if [ $1 = '--help' ] || [ $1 = '-help' ]; then
usage usage
elif [ $legacy_lc = '-donotupdate' ]; then
legacy_argument $1
elif [ $legacy_lc = '-update' ]; then
legacy_argument $1
else else
while getopts ":hp:ludsno:bcvre" opt; do while getopts ":hp:ludsno:bcvre" opt; do
case $opt in case $opt in
@ -367,12 +399,11 @@ if [ $# != 0 ]; then
ESR=true ESR=true
;; ;;
r) r)
tfile="$(download_file '')" tfile=$(download_file '')
[ -z "${tfile}" ] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download user.js${NC}" && exit 1 # check if download failed mv $tfile "${tfile}.js"
mv "$tfile" "${tfile}.js"
echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: user.js was saved to temporary file ${tfile}.js${NC}" echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: user.js was saved to temporary file ${tfile}.js${NC}"
open_file "${tfile}.js" open_file "${tfile}.js"
exit 0 exit 1
;; ;;
\?) \?)
echo -e "${RED}\n Error! Invalid option: -$OPTARG${NC}" >&2 echo -e "${RED}\n Error! Invalid option: -$OPTARG${NC}" >&2
@ -380,7 +411,7 @@ if [ $# != 0 ]; then
;; ;;
:) :)
echo -e "${RED}Error! Option -$OPTARG requires an argument.${NC}" >&2 echo -e "${RED}Error! Option -$OPTARG requires an argument.${NC}" >&2
exit 2 exit 1
;; ;;
esac esac
done done
@ -388,20 +419,9 @@ if [ $# != 0 ]; then
fi fi
show_banner show_banner
update_updater "$@" update_updater $@
getProfilePath # updates PROFILE_PATH or exits on error getProfilePath # updates PROFILE_PATH or exits on error
cd "$PROFILE_PATH" || exit 1 cd "$PROFILE_PATH" && update_userjs
# Check if any files have the owner as root/wheel.
if [ -n "$(find ./ -user 0)" ]; then
printf 'It looks like this script was previously run with elevated privileges,
you will need to change ownership of the following files to your user:\n'
find . -user 0
exit 1


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