3.1 tidy up

This commit is contained in:
claustromaniac 2017-12-03 15:07:15 +00:00
parent a6c93b3982
commit 457ef9ec2f

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@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ GOTO parse
IF DEFINED _updateb (
REM THe normal flow here goes from phase 1 to phase 2 and then phase 3.
REM The normal flow here goes from phase 1 to phase 2 and then phase 3.
IF NOT "!_myname:~0,9!"=="[updated]" (
IF EXIST "[updated]!_myname!.bat" (
REM Phase 3
REM The new script, with the original name, should:
REM Delete the [updated]*.bat script
REM Begin the normal script routine.
IF EXIST "[updated]!_myname!.bat" (
REN [updated]!_myname!.bat [updated]!_myname!.bat.old
DEL /F "[updated]!_myname!.bat.old"
ECHO Script updated^^!
@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ IF DEFINED _updateb (
) ELSE (
REM Phase 2
REM The [updated]*.bat script will:
REM Copy itself overwriting the original batch.
REM Start that script in a new CMD instance.
REM Exit.
IF "!_myname!"=="[updated]" (
ECHO The [updated] label is reserved. Rename this script and try again.
TIMEOUT 300 >nul
) ELSE (
REM Phase 2
REM The [updated]*.bat script will:
REM Copy itself overwriting the original batch.
REM Start that script in a new CMD instance.
REM Exit.
IF EXIST !_myname:~9!.bat (
REN !_myname:~9!.bat !_myname:~9!.bat.old
DEL /F !_myname:~9!.bat.old