Ben Busby ff97d258f0
Use quantum core for update scheduling
Rather than requiring a traditional crontab install, the app now
leverages quantum-core (link below) to schedule the instance update/sync
task every 5 minutes. Some updates as a result:

  - The new job is scheduled at runtime in server.ex.
  - The update.exs script was refactored to be compiled along with the
    rest of the app as instances.ex.
  - Scheduler and Server modules were added for creating and executing
    the new update task
  - All shell scripts were removed, as they are no longer needed
2021-11-24 09:35:21 -07:00

35 lines
684 B

defmodule Farside.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
app: :farside,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.8",
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
deps: deps()
# Run "mix help" to learn about applications.
def application do
extra_applications: [:logger],
mod: {Farside.Application, []}
# Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies.
defp deps do
{:httpoison, "~> 1.8"},
{:jason, "~> 1.1"},
{:plug_attack, "~> 0.4.2"},
{:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0"},
{:poison, "~> 5.0"},
{:quantum, "~> 3.0"},
{:redix, "~> 1.1"}