#!/bin/bash # Remove cloudflare instances from services-full.json rm -f out.json file="services-full.json" while read -r line; do if [[ "$line" == "\"https://"* ]]; then domain=$(echo "$line" | sed -e "s/^\"https:\/\///" -e "s/\",//" -e "s/\"//") ips=$(dig "$domain" +short || true) cf=0 echo "$domain" for ip in $ips do echo " - $ip" resp=$(curl -s "$ip") # Cloudflare does not allow accessing sites using their IP, # and returns a 1003 error code when attempting to do so. This # allows us to check for sites using Cloudflare for proxying, # rather than just their nameservers. if [[ "$resp" == *"error code: 1003"* ]]; then cf=1 echo " ! Using cloudflare proxy, skipping..." break fi done if [ $cf -eq 0 ]; then echo "$line" >> out.json fi else echo "$line" >> out.json fi done <$file # Remove any trailing commas from new instance lists #sed -i -e ':begin' -e '$!N' -e 's/,\n]/\n]/g' -e 'tbegin' -e 'P' -e 'D' out.json #cat out.json | jq --indent 2 . > services.json #rm -f out.json