This introduces a number of new changes:
- Services are now inserted into redis with a prefix prepended to the
key name. This allows for easier filtering to get only live instances.
- The home page now uses an eex template for displaying all live
instances for every service, determined by the last update
- A "last_updated" field was added
- farside.ex was added to contain all functionality related to querying
for instances (WIP)
- Other improvements
Rather than use a full blown framework*, adding basic routing with
Plug.Router seems to make more sense, since I'm not planning on hosting
any content through this app. The app itself will just be endpoints for
all available services that redirect the user to an available instance
for the requested service.
Note that I might change my mind about this, but that's unlikely. At
most there would just be a home page with info about available
instances, but even then that seems kinda pointless. Trying to keep this
as absolutely simple as possible.
*like Phoenix
Once a list of available URLs has been determined for a particular
service, the list is written as "service -> [list of instances]" to a
local redis connection. These can then be used in the greater routing
logic to pick a random instance from the list, or use a fallback
instance if none are determined to be available.
My initial thought for this: create a simple redis db for storing key
value pairs of instance -> list of live instances for each privacy front
end (libreddit, bibliogram, etc). A script executed on a certain
schedule would (in the background) check each instance to make sure it
isn't down or unreasonably slow. If the instance is available, add it to
a list of available instances in the db.
When a user navigates to the revolver url (something like
<url>/<service>/<...>), the app would pick a random value from the list
returned by redis.get('<service>') and forward the user to that
As a side note, this could instead load the instances json from a remote
source (like github or something) so that changes to instances don't
need to involve a redeploy of the entire app.