Introduces a new db key "<service>-previous" to track which instance was
last selected for a particular service. This allows for filtering the
list of available instances to exclude the instance that was last
picked, to ensure a (slightly) more even distribution of traffic.
There's still the possiblity of the following scenario, however:
:service instances > 2
/:service request #1 -> instance #1
/:service request #2 -> instance #2
/:service request #3 -> instance #1
/:service request #4 -> instance #2
where there are many ignored instances for a particular service. One
possible solution would be to implement the "<service>-previous" value
to be a list, rather than a single value, and push to that list until
only one element is left in the original "instance" array after
filtering, and then delete the "<service>-previous" key.
The name of the project is being refactored from Privacy Revolver to
Farside. The reasoning behind this is:
1. A shorter name is easier to remember
2. It can stand for "FOSS alternative redirecting service" (which I know
doesn't encapsulate all letters from "farside", but it's close enough).
This commit also includes improvements to the update script for
determining how far along the script is.
Rather than use a full blown framework*, adding basic routing with
Plug.Router seems to make more sense, since I'm not planning on hosting
any content through this app. The app itself will just be endpoints for
all available services that redirect the user to an available instance
for the requested service.
Note that I might change my mind about this, but that's unlikely. At
most there would just be a home page with info about available
instances, but even then that seems kinda pointless. Trying to keep this
as absolutely simple as possible.
*like Phoenix