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//go:build e2e
Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Package upgrade tests that the CLI's apply command works as expected and
// the operators eventually upgrade all nodes inside the cluster.
// The test is written as a go test because:
// 1. the helm cli does not directly provide the chart version of a release
// 2. the image patch needs to be parsed from the image-api's info.json
// 3. there is some logic required to setup the test correctly:
// - set microservice, k8s version correctly depending on input
// - set or fetch measurements depending on target image
package upgrade
import (
metaV1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
// tickDuration is the duration between two checks to see if the upgrade is successful.
var tickDuration = 10 * time.Second // small tick duration to speed up tests
// VersionContainer contains the versions that the cluster should be upgraded to.
type VersionContainer struct {
ImageRef string
Kubernetes versions.ValidK8sVersion
Microservices semver.Semver
// AssertUpgradeSuccessful tests that the upgrade to the target version is successful.
func AssertUpgradeSuccessful(t *testing.T, cli string, targetVersions VersionContainer, k *kubernetes.Clientset, wantControl, wantWorker int, timeout time.Duration) {
wg := queryStatusAsync(t, cli)
require.NotNil(t, k)
testMicroservicesEventuallyHaveVersion(t, targetVersions.Microservices, timeout)
log.Println("Microservices are upgraded.")
testNodesEventuallyHaveVersion(t, k, targetVersions, wantControl+wantWorker, timeout)
log.Println("Nodes are upgraded.")
func queryStatusAsync(t *testing.T, cli string) *sync.WaitGroup {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// The first control plane node should finish upgrading after 20 minutes. If it does not, something is fishy.
// Nodes can upgrade in <5mins.
testStatusEventuallyWorks(t, cli, 20*time.Minute)
return &wg
func testStatusEventuallyWorks(t *testing.T, cli string, timeout time.Duration) {
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
// Show versions set in cluster.
// The string after "Cluster status:" in the output might not be updated yet.
// This is only updated after the operator finishes one reconcile loop.
cmd := exec.CommandContext(context.Background(), cli, "status")
stdout, stderr, err := runCommandWithSeparateOutputs(cmd)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Stdout: %s\nStderr: %s", string(stdout), string(stderr))
return false
return true
}, timeout, tickDuration)
func testMicroservicesEventuallyHaveVersion(t *testing.T, wantMicroserviceVersion semver.Semver, timeout time.Duration) {
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
version, err := servicesVersion(t)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Unable to fetch microservice version: %v\n", err)
return false
if version != wantMicroserviceVersion {
log.Printf("Microservices still at version %v, want %v\n", version, wantMicroserviceVersion)
return false
return true
}, timeout, tickDuration)
func testNodesEventuallyHaveVersion(t *testing.T, k *kubernetes.Clientset, targetVersions VersionContainer, totalNodeCount int, timeout time.Duration) {
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
nodes, err := k.CoreV1().Nodes().List(context.Background(), metaV1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return false
// require is not printed in the logs, so we use fmt
tooSmallNodeCount := len(nodes.Items) < totalNodeCount
if tooSmallNodeCount {
log.Printf("expected at least %v nodes, got %v", totalNodeCount, len(nodes.Items))
return false
allUpdated := true
log.Printf("Node status (%v):", time.Now())
for _, node := range nodes.Items {
for key, value := range node.Annotations {
if targetVersions.ImageRef != "" {
if key == "constellation.edgeless.systems/node-image" {
if !strings.EqualFold(value, targetVersions.ImageRef) {
log.Printf("\t%s: Image %s, want %s\n", node.Name, value, targetVersions.ImageRef)
allUpdated = false
if targetVersions.Kubernetes != "" {
kubeletVersion := node.Status.NodeInfo.KubeletVersion
if kubeletVersion != string(targetVersions.Kubernetes) {
log.Printf("\t%s: K8s (Kubelet) %s, want %s\n", node.Name, kubeletVersion, targetVersions.Kubernetes)
allUpdated = false
return allUpdated
}, timeout, tickDuration)
// runCommandWithSeparateOutputs runs the given command while separating buffers for
// stdout and stderr.
func runCommandWithSeparateOutputs(cmd *exec.Cmd) (stdout, stderr []byte, err error) {
stdout = []byte{}
stderr = []byte{}
stdoutIn, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("create stdout pipe: %w", err)
stderrIn, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("create stderr pipe: %w", err)
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("start command: %w", err)
continuouslyPrintOutput := func(r io.Reader, prefix string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for scanner.Scan() {
output := scanner.Text()
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", prefix, output)
switch prefix {
case "stdout":
stdout = append(stdout, output...)
case "stderr":
stderr = append(stderr, output...)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go continuouslyPrintOutput(stdoutIn, "stdout", wg)
go continuouslyPrintOutput(stderrIn, "stderr", wg)
if err = cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("wait for command to finish: %w", err)
return stdout, stderr, err
// Setup checks that the prerequisites for the test are met:
// - a workspace is set
// - a CLI path is set
// - the constellation-upgrade folder does not exist.
func Setup(workspace, cliPath string) error {
workingDir, err := workingDir(workspace)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting working directory: %w", err)
if err := os.Chdir(workingDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("changing working directory: %w", err)
if _, err := getCLIPath(cliPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting CLI path: %w", err)
return nil
// workingDir returns the path to the workspace.
func workingDir(workspace string) (string, error) {
workingDir := os.Getenv("BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY")
switch {
case workingDir != "":
return workingDir, nil
case workspace != "":
return workspace, nil
return "", errors.New("neither 'BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY' nor 'workspace' flag set")
// WriteUpgradeConfig writes the target versions to the config file.
func WriteUpgradeConfig(require *require.Assertions, image string, kubernetes string, microservices string, configPath string) VersionContainer {
fileHandler := file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs())
attestationFetcher := attestationconfigapi.NewFetcher()
cfg, err := config.New(fileHandler, configPath, attestationFetcher, true)
var cfgErr *config.ValidationError
var longMsg string
if errors.As(err, &cfgErr) {
longMsg = cfgErr.LongMessage()
require.NoError(err, longMsg)
imageFetcher := imagefetcher.New()
imageRef, err := imageFetcher.FetchReference(
cfg.GetRegion(), cfg.UseMarketplaceImage(),
log.Printf("Setting image version: %s\n", image)
cfg.Image = image
defaultConfig := config.Default()
var kubernetesVersion versions.ValidK8sVersion
if kubernetes == "" {
kubernetesVersion = defaultConfig.KubernetesVersion
} else {
kubernetesVersion = versions.ValidK8sVersion(kubernetes) // ignore validation because the config is only written to file
var microserviceVersion semver.Semver
if microservices == "" {
microserviceVersion = defaultConfig.MicroserviceVersion
} else {
version, err := semver.New(microservices)
microserviceVersion = version
log.Printf("Setting K8s version: %s\n", kubernetesVersion)
cfg.KubernetesVersion = kubernetesVersion
log.Printf("Setting microservice version: %s\n", microserviceVersion)
cfg.MicroserviceVersion = microserviceVersion
err = fileHandler.WriteYAML(constants.ConfigFilename, cfg, file.OptOverwrite)
return VersionContainer{ImageRef: imageRef, Kubernetes: kubernetesVersion, Microservices: microserviceVersion}
// getCLIPath returns the path to the CLI.
func getCLIPath(cliPathFlag string) (string, error) {
pathCLI := os.Getenv("PATH_CLI")
var relCLIPath string
switch {
case cliPathFlag != "":
relCLIPath = cliPathFlag
case pathCLI != "":
relCLIPath = pathCLI
return "", errors.New("neither 'PATH_CLI' nor 'cli' flag set")
// try to find the CLI in the working directory
// (e.g. when running via `go test` or when specifying a path manually)
workdir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("getting working directory: %w", err)
absCLIPath := relCLIPath
if !filepath.IsAbs(relCLIPath) {
absCLIPath = filepath.Join(workdir, relCLIPath)
if _, err := os.Stat(absCLIPath); err == nil {
return absCLIPath, nil
// fall back to runfiles (e.g. when running via bazel)
return runfiles.Rlocation(pathCLI)