* remove extra output and provide yaml option * Add some explanation on how yaml format could be used.
New images result in different PCR values for the image. This utility program makes it simple to update the expected PCR values of the CLI.
Run fetch_pcrs.sh
to create Constellations on all supported cloud providers and read their PCR states.
The result is printed to screen and written as Go code to files in ./pcrs
+ main
+ command -v constellation
+ command -v go
+ mkdir -p ./pcrs
+ constellation create azure 2 Standard_D4s_v3 --name pcr-fetch -y
Your Constellation was created successfully.
++ jq '.azurecoordinators | to_entries[] | select(.key|startswith("")) | .value.PublicIP' -rcM constellation-state.json
+ coord_ip=
+ go run ../main.go -coord-ip -o ./pcrs/azure_pcrs.go
connecting to Coordinator at
"0": "q27iAZeXGAiCPdu1bqRA2gAoyMO2KrXWY4YkTCQowc4=",
"9": "dEGJtQe3h+SI0z42yO7TklzwPixtM3iMCUeJPGRozvg="
+ constellation terminate
Your Constellation was terminated successfully.
+ constellation create gcp 2 n2d-standard-2 --name pcr-fetch -y
Your Constellation was created successfully.
++ jq '.gcpcoordinators | to_entries[] | select(.key|startswith("")) | .value.PublicIP' -rcM constellation-state.json
+ coord_ip=
+ go run ../main.go -coord-ip -o ./pcrs/gcp_pcrs.go
connecting to Coordinator at
"0": "DzXCFGCNk8em5ornNZtKi+Wg6Z7qkQfs5CfE3qTkOc8=",
"9": "gse53SjsqREEdOpImJH4KAb0b8PqIgwI+Ps/XSiFnN4="
+ constellation terminate
Your Constellation was terminated successfully.
To read the PCR state of any running Constellation node, run the following:
go run main.go -coord-ip <NODE_IP> -coord-port <COORDINATOR_PORT>
The output is similar to the following:
$ go run main.go -coord-ip -coord-port 12345
connecting to Coordinator at
"0": "DzXCFGCNk8em5ornNZtKi+Wg6Z7qkQfs5CfE3qTkOc8=",
"1": "XBoRlWuQx6nIDr5vgUL0DlJHy6H6u1dPU3qK2NyToc8=",
"10": "WLmYFRmDft/ajZJ056CAhpheU6Vbt73aR8eIQpLRGq0=",
"14": "4tPyJd6A5g09KduV3+nWZQCiEzHAiRT5DulmAqlvpZU=",
"17": "//////////////////////////////////////////8=",
"18": "//////////////////////////////////////////8=",
"19": "//////////////////////////////////////////8=",
"2": "PUWM/lXMA+ofRD8VYr7sjfUcdeFKn8+acjShPxmOeWk=",
"20": "//////////////////////////////////////////8=",
"21": "//////////////////////////////////////////8=",
"22": "//////////////////////////////////////////8=",
"3": "PUWM/lXMA+ofRD8VYr7sjfUcdeFKn8+acjShPxmOeWk=",
"4": "MmkueFj1rP2seH+bjeIRsO4dUnLnMdl7QgtGoAtQH7M=",
"5": "ExaiapuIfo0KMBo8wj6kPDORLocgnH1C0G/KY8DcV3A=",
"6": "PUWM/lXMA+ofRD8VYr7sjfUcdeFKn8+acjShPxmOeWk=",
"7": "UZcW+fhFRMpFkgU+EfKG2s3KdmgEA+TD2quLmthQHbo=",
"8": "KLSMootYaHBjysWKq9CAYXkXpeYx9PUBimlSEZGJqUM=",
"9": "gse53SjsqREEdOpImJH4KAb0b8PqIgwI+Ps/XSiFnN4="
Extend Config
To set measurement values in Constellation config, use yaml
format option.
Optionally filter down results measurements per cloud provider:
./pcr-reader --coord-ip ${COORD_IP} --format yaml | yq e 'del(.[0,6,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23])' -
Meaning of PCR values
An overview about what data is measured into the different registers can be found in the TPM spec.
We use the TPM and its PCRs to verify all nodes of a Constellation run with the same firmware and OS software.
Azure trusted launch
PCR[0] measures the firmware volume (FV). Changes to FV also change PCR[0], making it unreliable for attestation. PCR[6] measures the VM ID. This is unusable for cluster attestation for two reasons:
- The Coordinator does not know the VM ID of nodes wanting to join the cluster, so it can not compute the expected PCR[6] for the joining VM
- A user may attest any node of the cluster without knowing the VM ID
PCR[10] is used by Linux Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA).
IMA creates runtime measurements based on a measurement policy (which is obsolete for Constellation, since we use dm-verity).
The first entry of the runtime measurements is the boot_aggregate
. It is a SHA1 hash over PCRs 0 to 7.
As detailed earlier, PCR[6] is different for every VM in Azure, therefore PCR[10] will also be different since it includes PCR[6], meaning we can not use it for attestation.
IMA writing its measurements into PCR[10] can not be disabled without rebuilding the kernel.
Azure flexible deployment and attestation (FDA)
With FDA CVMs measuring all of the firmware, it should be possible to use all PCRs for attestation since we know, and can choose, what firmware is running.
GCP confidential VM
GCP uses confidential VMs based on AMD SEV-ES with a vTPM interface.
PCR[0] contains the measurement of a string marking the VM as using ADM SEV-ES. All firmware measurements seem to be constant.