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Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Package deploy provides functions to deploy initial resources for the node operator.
package deploy
import (
mainconstants "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constants"
updatev1alpha1 "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/operators/constellation-node-operator/api/v1alpha1"
cspapi "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/operators/constellation-node-operator/internal/cloud/api"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
k8sErrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
// InitialResources creates the initial resources for the node operator.
func InitialResources(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client, imageInfo imageInfoGetter, scalingGroupGetter scalingGroupGetter, uid string) error {
logr := log.FromContext(ctx)
if err := cleanupPlaceholders(ctx, k8sClient); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cleaning up placeholder node version: %w", err)
logr.Info("cleaned up placeholders")
scalingGroups, err := scalingGroupGetter.ListScalingGroups(ctx, uid)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("listing scaling groups: %w", err)
if len(scalingGroups) == 0 {
return errors.New("determining initial node image: no scaling group found")
if err := createAutoscalingStrategy(ctx, k8sClient, scalingGroupGetter.AutoscalingCloudProvider()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating initial autoscaling strategy: %w", err)
imageReference, err := scalingGroupGetter.GetScalingGroupImage(ctx, scalingGroups[0].GroupID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("determining initial node image: %w", err)
imageVersion, err := imageInfo.ImageVersion()
if err != nil {
// do not fail if the image version cannot be determined
// this is important for backwards compatibility
logr.Error(err, "determining initial node image version")
imageVersion = ""
if err := createNodeVersion(ctx, k8sClient, imageReference, imageVersion); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating initial node version %q: %w", imageReference, err)
return nil
// createAutoscalingStrategy creates the autoscaling strategy resource if it does not exist yet.
func createAutoscalingStrategy(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Writer, provider string) error {
err := k8sClient.Create(ctx, &updatev1alpha1.AutoscalingStrategy{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{APIVersion: "update.edgeless.systems/v1alpha1", Kind: "AutoscalingStrategy"},
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: constants.AutoscalingStrategyResourceName,
Spec: updatev1alpha1.AutoscalingStrategySpec{
Enabled: true,
DeploymentName: "constellation-cluster-autoscaler",
DeploymentNamespace: "kube-system",
AutoscalerExtraArgs: map[string]string{
"cloud-provider": provider,
"logtostderr": "true",
"stderrthreshold": "info",
"v": "2",
"namespace": "kube-system",
if k8sErrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
return nil
return err
// createNodeVersion creates the initial nodeversion resource if it does not exist yet.
func createNodeVersion(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client, imageReference, imageVersion string) error {
latestComponentCM, err := findLatestK8sComponentsConfigMap(ctx, k8sClient)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("finding latest k8s-components configmap: %w", err)
err = k8sClient.Create(ctx, &updatev1alpha1.NodeVersion{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{APIVersion: "update.edgeless.systems/v1alpha1", Kind: "NodeVersion"},
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: mainconstants.NodeVersionResourceName,
Spec: updatev1alpha1.NodeVersionSpec{
ImageReference: imageReference,
ImageVersion: imageVersion,
KubernetesComponentsReference: latestComponentCM.Name,
KubernetesClusterVersion: latestComponentCM.Data[mainconstants.K8sVersionFieldName],
if k8sErrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// cleanupPlaceholders deletes the existing resources from older operator versions if they are placeholders.
func cleanupPlaceholders(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client) error {
if err := cleanupPlaceholderAutoscalingStrategy(ctx, k8sClient); err != nil {
return err
if err := cleanupPlaceholderScalingGroups(ctx, k8sClient); err != nil {
return err
return cleanupPlaceholderNodeVersion(ctx, k8sClient)
func cleanupPlaceholderAutoscalingStrategy(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client) error {
logr := log.FromContext(ctx)
autoscalingStrategy := &updatev1alpha1.AutoscalingStrategy{}
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: constants.AutoscalingStrategyResourceName}, autoscalingStrategy)
if k8sErrors.IsNotFound(err) {
logr.Info("no old autoscalingstrategy resource found - skipping cleanup", "name", constants.AutoscalingStrategyResourceName)
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logr.Info("cleaning up old autoscalingstrategy resource", "name", constants.AutoscalingStrategyResourceName, "error", err)
return err
if autoscalingStrategy.Spec.AutoscalerExtraArgs["cloud-provider"] != constants.PlaceholderImageName {
logr.Info("old autoscalingstrategy resource is not a placeholder - skipping cleanup", "name", constants.AutoscalingStrategyResourceName)
return nil
logr.Info("deleting old autoscalingstrategy resource", "name", constants.AutoscalingStrategyResourceName)
return k8sClient.Delete(ctx, autoscalingStrategy)
// cleanupPlaceholderScalingGroups deletes the existing scalinggroup resource from older operator versions if they are placeholders.
func cleanupPlaceholderScalingGroups(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client) error {
logr := log.FromContext(ctx)
names := []string{constants.PlaceholderControlPlaneScalingGroupName, constants.PlaceholderWorkerScalingGroupName}
for _, name := range names {
scalingGroup := &updatev1alpha1.ScalingGroup{}
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: name}, scalingGroup)
if k8sErrors.IsNotFound(err) {
logr.Info("no old scalinggroup resource found - skipping cleanup", "name", name)
} else if err != nil {
logr.Info("cleaning up old scalinggroup resource", "name", name, "error", err)
return err
if scalingGroup.Spec.AutoscalerGroupName != name || scalingGroup.Spec.GroupID != name {
logr.Info("real scalinggroup resource found - skipping cleanup", "name", name)
logr.Info("cleaning up old scalinggroup resource")
if err := k8sClient.Delete(ctx, scalingGroup); err != nil {
logr.Info("cleaning up old scalinggroup resource", "name", name, "error", err)
return err
return nil
// cleanupPlaceholder deletes the existing nodeversion resource from older operator versions if it was a placeholder.
func cleanupPlaceholderNodeVersion(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client) error {
logr := log.FromContext(ctx)
nodeVersion := &updatev1alpha1.NodeVersion{}
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: mainconstants.NodeVersionResourceName}, nodeVersion)
if k8sErrors.IsNotFound(err) {
logr.Info("no old nodeversion resource found - skipping cleanup")
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logr.Info("cleaning up old nodeversion resource", "error", err)
return err
if nodeVersion.Spec.ImageReference != constants.PlaceholderImageName {
logr.Info("real nodeversion resource found - skipping cleanup")
return nil
logr.Info("cleaning up old nodeversion resource")
return k8sClient.Delete(ctx, nodeVersion)
// findLatestK8sComponentsConfigMap finds most recently created k8s-components configmap in the kube-system namespace.
// It returns an error if there is no or multiple configmaps matching the prefix "k8s-components".
func findLatestK8sComponentsConfigMap(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client) (corev1.ConfigMap, error) {
var configMaps corev1.ConfigMapList
err := k8sClient.List(ctx, &configMaps, client.InNamespace("kube-system"))
if err != nil {
return corev1.ConfigMap{}, fmt.Errorf("listing configmaps: %w", err)
// collect all k8s-components configmaps
componentConfigMaps := []corev1.ConfigMap{}
for _, configMap := range configMaps.Items {
if strings.HasPrefix(configMap.Name, "k8s-components") {
componentConfigMaps = append(componentConfigMaps, configMap)
if len(componentConfigMaps) == 0 {
return corev1.ConfigMap{}, fmt.Errorf("no configmaps found")
// find latest configmap
var latestConfigMap corev1.ConfigMap
for _, cm := range componentConfigMaps {
if cm.CreationTimestamp.After(latestConfigMap.CreationTimestamp.Time) {
latestConfigMap = cm
return latestConfigMap, nil
type imageInfoGetter interface {
ImageVersion() (string, error)
type scalingGroupGetter interface {
// GetScalingGroupImage retrieves the image currently used by a scaling group.
GetScalingGroupImage(ctx context.Context, scalingGroupID string) (string, error)
// GetScalingGroupName retrieves the name of a scaling group.
GetScalingGroupName(scalingGroupID string) (string, error)
// GetScalingGroupName retrieves the name of a scaling group as needed by the cluster-autoscaler.
GetAutoscalingGroupName(scalingGroupID string) (string, error)
// ListScalingGroups retrieves a list of scaling groups for the cluster.
ListScalingGroups(ctx context.Context, uid string) ([]cspapi.ScalingGroup, error)
// AutoscalingCloudProvider returns the cloud-provider name as used by k8s cluster-autoscaler.
AutoscalingCloudProvider() string