Line: 2: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 2: no users/groups matched Line: 3: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 3: no users/groups matched Line: 4: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 4: no users/groups matched Line: 5: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 5: no users/groups matched Line: 6: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 6: no users/groups matched Line: 7: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 7: no users/groups matched Line: 8: incorrect codeowner user: 3u13r Line: 8: no users/groups matched Line: 9: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 9: no users/groups matched Line: 10: incorrect codeowner user: derpsteb Line: 10: no users/groups matched Line: 11: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 11: no users/groups matched Line: 12: incorrect codeowner user: elchead Line: 12: no users/groups matched Line: 13: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 13: no users/groups matched Line: 14: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 14: no users/groups matched Line: 15: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 15: no users/groups matched Line: 16: incorrect codeowner user: thomasten Line: 16: no users/groups matched Line: 17: incorrect codeowner user: 3u13r Line: 17: no users/groups matched Line: 18: incorrect codeowner user: derpsteb Line: 18: no users/groups matched Line: 19: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 19: no users/groups matched Line: 20: incorrect codeowner user: derpsteb Line: 20: no users/groups matched Line: 21: incorrect codeowner user: thomasten Line: 21: no users/groups matched Line: 22: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 22: no users/groups matched Line: 23: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 23: no users/groups matched Line: 24: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 24: no users/groups matched Line: 25: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 25: no users/groups matched Line: 26: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 26: no users/groups matched Line: 27: incorrect codeowner user: 3u13r Line: 27: no users/groups matched Line: 28: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 28: no users/groups matched Line: 29: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 29: no users/groups matched Line: 30: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 30: no users/groups matched Line: 31: incorrect codeowner user: derpsteb Line: 31: no users/groups matched Line: 32: incorrect codeowner user: thomasten Line: 32: no users/groups matched Line: 33: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 33: no users/groups matched Line: 34: incorrect codeowner user: 3u13r Line: 34: no users/groups matched Line: 35: incorrect codeowner user: derpsteb Line: 35: no users/groups matched Line: 36: incorrect codeowner user: derpsteb Line: 36: no users/groups matched Line: 37: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 37: no users/groups matched Line: 38: incorrect codeowner user: derpsteb Line: 38: no users/groups matched Line: 39: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 39: no users/groups matched Line: 40: incorrect codeowner user: elchead Line: 40: no users/groups matched Line: 41: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 41: no users/groups matched Line: 42: incorrect codeowner user: thomasten Line: 42: no users/groups matched Line: 43: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 43: no users/groups matched Line: 44: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 44: no users/groups matched Line: 45: incorrect codeowner user: thomasten Line: 45: no users/groups matched Line: 46: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 46: no users/groups matched Line: 47: incorrect codeowner user: 3u13r Line: 47: no users/groups matched Line: 48: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 48: no users/groups matched Line: 49: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 49: no users/groups matched Line: 50: incorrect codeowner user: thomasten Line: 50: no users/groups matched Line: 51: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 51: no users/groups matched Line: 52: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 52: no users/groups matched Line: 53: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 53: no users/groups matched Line: 54: incorrect codeowner user: katexochen Line: 54: no users/groups matched Line: 55: incorrect codeowner user: derpsteb Line: 55: no users/groups matched Line: 56: incorrect codeowner user: elchead Line: 56: no users/groups matched Line: 57: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 57: no users/groups matched Line: 58: incorrect codeowner user: 3u13r Line: 58: no users/groups matched Line: 59: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 59: no users/groups matched Line: 60: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 60: no users/groups matched Line: 61: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 61: no users/groups matched Line: 62: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 62: no users/groups matched Line: 63: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 63: no users/groups matched Line: 64: incorrect codeowner user: msanft Line: 64: incorrect codeowner user: elchead Line: 64: no users/groups matched Line: 65: incorrect codeowner user: malt3 Line: 65: no users/groups matched Line: 66: incorrect codeowner user: 3u13r Line: 66: no users/groups matched Line: 67: incorrect codeowner user: daniel-weisse Line: 67: no users/groups matched
Markus Rudy 32d3b4e87c
ci: introduce keep-sorted ()
Long lists of items in source code or config can be hard to work with as
a human, most problematic being out-of-order entries in an otherwise
ordered list. This is where keep-sorted comes to the rescue: we can
leave two little comments on every listing we care about, and
keep-sorted ensures that the listing stays in order.

This commit also applied keep-sorted to the CODEOWNERS file, hopefully
demonstrating its usefulness to some extent. I'd expect more uses for
keep-sorted to be discovered organically over time.

keep-sorted is super fast, so it should not be a problem to add it to
the //:tidy target, even if we scan all files in the code base. On my

$ time (find . -not -path "./.git/*" -type f | sort | xargs "${keep_sorted}" --mode fix)

real	0m0.249s
user	0m0.124s
sys	0m0.129s
2024-01-30 14:39:49 +01:00

69 lines
1.9 KiB

# keep-sorted start
.golangci.yml @katexochen
/3rdparty/gcp-guest-agent @malt3
/bazel @malt3
/bazel/ci @katexochen
/bazel/container @katexochen
/bazel/sh @katexochen
/bootstrapper @3u13r
/cli/internal/cloudcmd @daniel-weisse
/cli/internal/cmd/upgrade* @derpsteb
/cli/internal/libvirt @daniel-weisse
/cli/internal/terraform @elchead
/csi @daniel-weisse
/debugd @malt3
/disk-mapper @daniel-weisse
/docs @thomasten
/e2e @3u13r
/hack/azure-snp-report-verify @derpsteb
/hack/bazel-deps-mirror @malt3
/hack/cli-k8s-compatibility @derpsteb
/hack/clidocgen @thomasten
/hack/fetch-broken-e2e @katexochen
/hack/gocoverage @katexochen
/hack/oci-pin @malt3
/hack/qemu-metadata-api @daniel-weisse
/hack/remove-tf-providers @katexochen
/hack/terraform @3u13r
/hack/tools @katexochen
/hack/versioninfogen @daniel-weisse
/image @malt3
/internal/api @derpsteb
/internal/atls @thomasten
/internal/attestation @daniel-weisse
/internal/cloud @3u13r
/internal/compatibility @derpsteb
/internal/config @derpsteb
/internal/constellation/featureset @malt3
/internal/constellation/helm @derpsteb
/internal/constellation/kubecmd @daniel-weisse
/internal/constellation/state @elchead
/internal/containerimage @malt3
/internal/crypto @thomasten
/internal/cryptsetup @daniel-weisse
/internal/file @daniel-weisse
/internal/grpc @thomasten
/internal/imagefetcher @malt3
/internal/installer @3u13r
/internal/kms @daniel-weisse
/internal/kubernetes @malt3
/internal/license @thomasten
/internal/logger @daniel-weisse
/internal/nodestate @daniel-weisse
/internal/osimage @malt3
/internal/retry @katexochen
/internal/semver @derpsteb
/internal/sigstore @elchead
/internal/staticupload @malt3
/internal/versions @3u13r
/joinservice @daniel-weisse
/keyservice @daniel-weisse
/measurement-reader @daniel-weisse
/operators @malt3
/rpm @malt3
/terraform-provider-constellation @msanft @elchead
/tools @malt3
/upgrade-agent @3u13r
/verify @daniel-weisse
# keep-sorted end