Otto Bittner 8f21972aec
attestation: add awsSEVSNP as new variant (#1900)
* variant: move into internal/attestation
* attesation: move aws attesation into subfolder nitrotpm
* config: add aws-sev-snp variant
* cli: add tf option to enable AWS SNP

For now the implementations in aws/nitrotpm and aws/snp
are identical. They both contain the aws/nitrotpm impl.
A separate commit will add the actual attestation logic.
2023-06-09 15:41:02 +02:00

73 lines
2.3 KiB

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
load("//bazel/go:go_test.bzl", "go_test")
name = "nitrotpm",
srcs = [
importpath = "",
visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"],
deps = [
name = "nitro_test",
srcs = [
embed = [":nitrotpm"],
# keep
gotags = select({
"//bazel/settings:tpm_simulator_enabled": [],
"//conditions:default": ["disable_tpm_simulator"],
deps = [
name = "nitrotpm_test",
srcs = [
embed = [":nitrotpm"],
deps = [