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synced 2025-03-08 14:55:54 -05:00

In the light of extending our eKMS support it will be helpful to have a tighter use of the word "KMS". KMS should refer to the actual component that manages keys. The keyservice, also called KMS in the constellation code, does not manage keys itself. It talks to a KMS backend, which in turn does the actual key management.
399 lines
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Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
package cmd
import (
grpcRetry "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/grpc/retry"
keyservice "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/keyservice/setup"
// NewInitCmd returns a new cobra.Command for the init command.
func NewInitCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "init",
Short: "Initialize the Constellation cluster",
Long: "Initialize the Constellation cluster. Start your confidential Kubernetes.",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0),
RunE: runInitialize,
cmd.Flags().String("master-secret", "", "path to base64-encoded master secret")
cmd.Flags().Bool("conformance", false, "enable conformance mode")
return cmd
type initCmd struct {
log debugLog
// runInitialize runs the initialize command.
func runInitialize(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
log, err := newCLILogger(cmd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating logger: %w", err)
defer log.Sync()
fileHandler := file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs())
newDialer := func(validator *cloudcmd.Validator) *dialer.Dialer {
return dialer.New(nil, validator.V(cmd), &net.Dialer{})
spinner := newSpinner(cmd.ErrOrStderr())
defer spinner.Stop()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(cmd.Context(), time.Hour)
defer cancel()
i := &initCmd{log: log}
return i.initialize(cmd, newDialer, fileHandler, license.NewClient(), spinner)
// initialize initializes a Constellation.
func (i *initCmd) initialize(cmd *cobra.Command, newDialer func(validator *cloudcmd.Validator) *dialer.Dialer,
fileHandler file.Handler, quotaChecker license.QuotaChecker, spinner spinnerInterf,
) error {
flags, err := i.evalFlagArgs(cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
i.log.Debugf("Using flags: %+v", flags)
i.log.Debugf("Loading config file from %s", flags.configPath)
conf, err := config.New(fileHandler, flags.configPath)
if err != nil {
return displayConfigValidationErrors(cmd.ErrOrStderr(), err)
i.log.Debugf("Checking cluster ID file")
var idFile clusterid.File
if err := fileHandler.ReadJSON(constants.ClusterIDsFileName, &idFile); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading cluster ID file: %w", err)
k8sVersion, err := versions.NewValidK8sVersion(conf.KubernetesVersion)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("validating kubernetes version: %w", err)
i.log.Debugf("Validated k8s version as %s", k8sVersion)
if versions.IsPreviewK8sVersion(k8sVersion) {
cmd.PrintErrf("Warning: Constellation with Kubernetes %v is still in preview. Use only for evaluation purposes.\n", k8sVersion)
provider := conf.GetProvider()
i.log.Debugf("Got provider %s", provider.String())
checker := license.NewChecker(quotaChecker, fileHandler)
if err := checker.CheckLicense(cmd.Context(), provider, conf.Provider, cmd.Printf); err != nil {
cmd.PrintErrf("License check failed: %v", err)
i.log.Debugf("Checked license")
validator, err := cloudcmd.NewValidator(provider, conf)
if err != nil {
return err
i.log.Debugf("Created a new validator")
serviceAccURI, err := i.getMarshaledServiceAccountURI(provider, conf, fileHandler)
if err != nil {
return err
i.log.Debugf("Got service account uri %s", serviceAccURI)
i.log.Debugf("Loading master secret file from %s", flags.masterSecretPath)
masterSecret, err := i.readOrGenerateMasterSecret(cmd.OutOrStdout(), fileHandler, flags.masterSecretPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing or generating master secret from file %s: %w", flags.masterSecretPath, err)
helmLoader := helm.NewLoader(provider, k8sVersion)
i.log.Debugf("Created new helm loader")
helmDeployments, err := helmLoader.Load(conf, flags.conformance, masterSecret.Key, masterSecret.Salt)
i.log.Debugf("Loaded helm heployments")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading Helm charts: %w", err)
spinner.Start("Initializing cluster ", false)
req := &initproto.InitRequest{
MasterSecret: masterSecret.Key,
Salt: masterSecret.Salt,
KmsUri: keyservice.ClusterKMSURI,
StorageUri: keyservice.NoStoreURI,
KeyEncryptionKeyId: "",
UseExistingKek: false,
CloudServiceAccountUri: serviceAccURI,
KubernetesVersion: versions.VersionConfigs[k8sVersion].ClusterVersion,
KubernetesComponents: versions.VersionConfigs[k8sVersion].KubernetesComponents.ToInitProto(),
HelmDeployments: helmDeployments,
EnforcedPcrs: conf.EnforcedPCRs(),
EnforceIdkeydigest: conf.EnforcesIDKeyDigest(),
ConformanceMode: flags.conformance,
InitSecret: idFile.InitSecret,
i.log.Debugf("Sending initialization request")
resp, err := i.initCall(cmd.Context(), newDialer(validator), idFile.IP, req)
i.log.Debugf("Got initialization response")
if err != nil {
var nonRetriable *nonRetriableError
if errors.As(err, &nonRetriable) {
cmd.PrintErrln("Cluster initialization failed. This error is not recoverable.")
cmd.PrintErrln("Terminate your cluster and try again.")
return err
i.log.Debugf("Writing Constellation id file")
idFile.CloudProvider = provider
if err := i.writeOutput(idFile, resp, cmd.OutOrStdout(), fileHandler); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (i *initCmd) initCall(ctx context.Context, dialer grpcDialer, ip string, req *initproto.InitRequest) (*initproto.InitResponse, error) {
doer := &initDoer{
dialer: dialer,
endpoint: net.JoinHostPort(ip, strconv.Itoa(constants.BootstrapperPort)),
req: req,
log: i.log,
i.log.Debugf("Making initialization call, doer is %+v", doer)
retrier := retry.NewIntervalRetrier(doer, 30*time.Second, grpcRetry.ServiceIsUnavailable)
if err := retrier.Do(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return doer.resp, nil
type initDoer struct {
dialer grpcDialer
endpoint string
req *initproto.InitRequest
resp *initproto.InitResponse
log debugLog
func (d *initDoer) Do(ctx context.Context) error {
conn, err := d.dialer.Dial(ctx, d.endpoint)
if err != nil {
d.log.Debugf("Dialing init server failed: %w. Retrying...", err)
return fmt.Errorf("dialing init server: %w", err)
defer conn.Close()
protoClient := initproto.NewAPIClient(conn)
d.log.Debugf("Created protoClient")
resp, err := protoClient.Init(ctx, d.req)
if err != nil {
return &nonRetriableError{fmt.Errorf("init call: %w", err)}
d.resp = resp
return nil
func (i *initCmd) writeOutput(idFile clusterid.File, resp *initproto.InitResponse, wr io.Writer, fileHandler file.Handler) error {
fmt.Fprint(wr, "Your Constellation cluster was successfully initialized.\n\n")
ownerID := hex.EncodeToString(resp.OwnerId)
i.log.Debugf("Owner id is %s", ownerID)
clusterID := hex.EncodeToString(resp.ClusterId)
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(wr, 0, 0, 2, ' ', 0)
// writeRow(tw, "Constellation cluster's owner identifier", ownerID)
writeRow(tw, "Constellation cluster identifier", clusterID)
writeRow(tw, "Kubernetes configuration", constants.AdminConfFilename)
if err := fileHandler.Write(constants.AdminConfFilename, resp.Kubeconfig, file.OptNone); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing kubeconfig: %w", err)
i.log.Debugf("Wrote out kubeconfig")
idFile.OwnerID = ownerID
idFile.ClusterID = clusterID
if err := fileHandler.WriteJSON(constants.ClusterIDsFileName, idFile, file.OptOverwrite); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing Constellation id file: %w", err)
i.log.Debugf("Wrote out Constellation id file")
fmt.Fprintln(wr, "You can now connect to your cluster by executing:")
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "\texport KUBECONFIG=\"$PWD/%s\"\n", constants.AdminConfFilename)
return nil
func writeRow(wr io.Writer, col1 string, col2 string) {
fmt.Fprint(wr, col1, "\t", col2, "\n")
// evalFlagArgs gets the flag values and does preprocessing of these values like
// reading the content from file path flags and deriving other values from flag combinations.
func (i *initCmd) evalFlagArgs(cmd *cobra.Command) (initFlags, error) {
masterSecretPath, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("master-secret")
i.log.Debugf("Master secret path flag value is %s", masterSecretPath)
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing master-secret path flag: %w", err)
conformance, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("conformance")
i.log.Debugf("Conformance flag is %t", conformance)
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing autoscale flag: %w", err)
configPath, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("config")
i.log.Debugf("Config path flag is %s", conformance)
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing config path flag: %w", err)
return initFlags{
configPath: configPath,
conformance: conformance,
masterSecretPath: masterSecretPath,
}, nil
// initFlags are the resulting values of flag preprocessing.
type initFlags struct {
configPath string
masterSecretPath string
conformance bool
// masterSecret holds the master key and salt for deriving keys.
type masterSecret struct {
Key []byte `json:"key"`
Salt []byte `json:"salt"`
// readOrGenerateMasterSecret reads a base64 encoded master secret from file or generates a new 32 byte secret.
func (i *initCmd) readOrGenerateMasterSecret(outWriter io.Writer, fileHandler file.Handler, filename string) (masterSecret, error) {
if filename != "" {
i.log.Debugf("Reading master secret from file")
var secret masterSecret
if err := fileHandler.ReadJSON(filename, &secret); err != nil {
return masterSecret{}, err
if len(secret.Key) < crypto.MasterSecretLengthMin {
return masterSecret{}, fmt.Errorf("provided master secret is smaller than the required minimum of %d Bytes", crypto.MasterSecretLengthMin)
if len(secret.Salt) < crypto.RNGLengthDefault {
return masterSecret{}, fmt.Errorf("provided salt is smaller than the required minimum of %d Bytes", crypto.RNGLengthDefault)
return secret, nil
// No file given, generate a new secret, and save it to disk
i.log.Debugf("Generating new master secret")
key, err := crypto.GenerateRandomBytes(crypto.MasterSecretLengthDefault)
if err != nil {
return masterSecret{}, err
salt, err := crypto.GenerateRandomBytes(crypto.RNGLengthDefault)
if err != nil {
return masterSecret{}, err
secret := masterSecret{
Key: key,
Salt: salt,
i.log.Debugf("Generated master secret key and salt values")
if err := fileHandler.WriteJSON(constants.MasterSecretFilename, secret, file.OptNone); err != nil {
return masterSecret{}, err
fmt.Fprintf(outWriter, "Your Constellation master secret was successfully written to ./%s\n", constants.MasterSecretFilename)
return secret, nil
func readIPFromIDFile(fileHandler file.Handler) (string, error) {
var idFile clusterid.File
if err := fileHandler.ReadJSON(constants.ClusterIDsFileName, &idFile); err != nil {
return "", err
if idFile.IP == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("missing IP address in %q", constants.ClusterIDsFileName)
return idFile.IP, nil
func (i *initCmd) getMarshaledServiceAccountURI(provider cloudprovider.Provider, config *config.Config, fileHandler file.Handler) (string, error) {
i.log.Debugf("Getting service account URI")
switch provider {
case cloudprovider.GCP:
i.log.Debugf("Handling case for GCP")
path := config.Provider.GCP.ServiceAccountKeyPath
i.log.Debugf("GCP service account key path %s", path)
var key gcpshared.ServiceAccountKey
if err := fileHandler.ReadJSON(path, &key); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("reading service account key from path %q: %w", path, err)
i.log.Debugf("Read GCP service account key from path")
return key.ToCloudServiceAccountURI(), nil
case cloudprovider.AWS:
i.log.Debugf("Handling case for AWS")
return "", nil // AWS does not need a service account URI
case cloudprovider.Azure:
i.log.Debugf("Handling case for Azure")
creds := azureshared.ApplicationCredentials{
TenantID: config.Provider.Azure.TenantID,
AppClientID: config.Provider.Azure.AppClientID,
ClientSecretValue: config.Provider.Azure.ClientSecretValue,
Location: config.Provider.Azure.Location,
return creds.ToCloudServiceAccountURI(), nil
case cloudprovider.QEMU:
i.log.Debugf("Handling case for QEMU")
return "", nil // QEMU does not use service account keys
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported cloud provider %q", provider)
type grpcDialer interface {
Dial(ctx context.Context, target string) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)
type nonRetriableError struct {
err error
// Error returns the error message.
func (e *nonRetriableError) Error() string {
return e.err.Error()
// Unwrap returns the wrapped error.
func (e *nonRetriableError) Unwrap() error {
return e.err