Moritz Sanft 52372ae808
bootstrapper: only err if no control plane IPs available (#3496)
Previously we errored out of the entire join if retrieval
of either LB IP or control plane public IP failed. This resulted
in the entire "use either IP" logic not working as intended. This now
makes it log a warning only if the IP retrievals fail, and only errors
out of the join if no IP can be found at all.
2024-11-26 10:38:18 +01:00

433 lines
12 KiB

Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
# JoinClient
The JoinClient is one of the two main components of the bootstrapper.
It is responsible for for the initial setup of a node, and joining an existing Kubernetes cluster.
The JoinClient is started on each node, it then continuously checks for an existing cluster to join,
or for the InitServer to bootstrap a new cluster.
If the JoinClient finds an existing cluster, it will attempt to join it as either a control-plane or a worker node.
package joinclient
import (
kubeadm ""
kubeconstants ""
const (
interval = 30 * time.Second
timeout = 30 * time.Second
joinTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// JoinClient is a client for requesting the needed information and
// joining an existing Kubernetes cluster.
type JoinClient struct {
nodeLock locker
diskUUID string
nodeName string
role role.Role
validIPs []net.IP
disk encryptedDisk
fileHandler file.Handler
timeout time.Duration
joinTimeout time.Duration
interval time.Duration
clock clock.WithTicker
dialer grpcDialer
joiner ClusterJoiner
metadataAPI MetadataAPI
log *slog.Logger
stopC chan struct{}
stopDone chan struct{}
// New creates a new JoinClient.
func New(lock locker, dial grpcDialer, joiner ClusterJoiner, meta MetadataAPI, disk encryptedDisk, log *slog.Logger) *JoinClient {
return &JoinClient{
nodeLock: lock,
disk: disk,
fileHandler: file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs()),
timeout: timeout,
joinTimeout: joinTimeout,
interval: interval,
clock: clock.RealClock{},
dialer: dial,
joiner: joiner,
metadataAPI: meta,
log: log.WithGroup("join-client"),
stopC: make(chan struct{}, 1),
stopDone: make(chan struct{}, 1),
// Start starts the client routine. The client will make the needed API calls to join
// the cluster with the role it receives from the metadata API.
// After receiving the needed information, the node will join the cluster.
func (c *JoinClient) Start(cleaner cleaner) error {
ticker := c.clock.NewTicker(c.interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
defer func() { c.stopDone <- struct{}{} }()
defer c.log.Info("Client stopped")
diskUUID, err := c.getDiskUUID()
if err != nil {
c.log.With(slog.Any("error", err)).Error("Failed to get disk UUID")
return err
c.diskUUID = diskUUID
for {
err := c.getNodeMetadata()
if err == nil {
c.log.With(slog.String("role", c.role.String()), slog.String("name", c.nodeName)).Info("Received own instance metadata")
c.log.With(slog.Any("error", err)).Error("Failed to retrieve instance metadata")
c.log.With(slog.Duration("interval", c.interval)).Info("Sleeping")
select {
case <-c.stopC:
return nil
case <-ticker.C():
var ticket *joinproto.IssueJoinTicketResponse
var kubeletKey []byte
for {
ticket, kubeletKey, err = c.tryJoinWithAvailableServices()
if err == nil {
c.log.Info("Successfully retrieved join ticket, starting Kubernetes node")
c.log.With(slog.Any("error", err)).Warn("Join failed for all available endpoints")
c.log.With(slog.Duration("interval", c.interval)).Info("Sleeping")
select {
case <-c.stopC:
return nil
case <-ticker.C():
if err := c.startNodeAndJoin(ticket, kubeletKey, cleaner); err != nil {
c.log.With(slog.Any("error", err)).Error("Failed to start node and join cluster")
return err
return nil
// Stop stops the client and blocks until the client's routine is stopped.
func (c *JoinClient) Stop() {
c.stopC <- struct{}{}
func (c *JoinClient) tryJoinWithAvailableServices() (ticket *joinproto.IssueJoinTicketResponse, kubeletKey []byte, err error) {
ctx, cancel := c.timeoutCtx()
defer cancel()
var endpoints []string
endpoint, _, err := c.metadataAPI.GetLoadBalancerEndpoint(ctx)
if err != nil {
c.log.Warn("Failed to get load balancer endpoint", "err", err)
endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)
ips, err := c.getControlPlaneIPs(ctx)
if err != nil {
c.log.Warn("Failed to get control plane IPs", "err", err)
endpoints = append(endpoints, ips...)
if len(endpoints) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("no control plane IPs found")
var joinErrs error
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
ticket, kubeletKey, err := c.requestJoinTicket(net.JoinHostPort(endpoint, strconv.Itoa(constants.JoinServiceNodePort)))
if err == nil {
return ticket, kubeletKey, nil
joinErrs = errors.Join(joinErrs, err)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("trying to join on all endpoints %v: %w", endpoints, joinErrs)
func (c *JoinClient) requestJoinTicket(serviceEndpoint string) (ticket *joinproto.IssueJoinTicketResponse, kubeletKey []byte, err error) {
ctx, cancel := c.timeoutCtx()
defer cancel()
certificateRequest, kubeletKey, err := certificate.GetKubeletCertificateRequest(c.nodeName, c.validIPs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
conn, err := c.dialer.Dial(serviceEndpoint)
if err != nil {
c.log.With(slog.String("endpoint", serviceEndpoint), slog.Any("error", err)).Error("Join service unreachable")
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("dialing join service endpoint: %w", err)
defer conn.Close()
protoClient := joinproto.NewAPIClient(conn)
req := &joinproto.IssueJoinTicketRequest{
DiskUuid: c.diskUUID,
CertificateRequest: certificateRequest,
IsControlPlane: c.role == role.ControlPlane,
ticket, err = protoClient.IssueJoinTicket(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
c.log.With(slog.String("endpoint", serviceEndpoint), slog.Any("error", err)).Error("Issuing join ticket failed")
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("issuing join ticket: %w", err)
return ticket, kubeletKey, err
func (c *JoinClient) startNodeAndJoin(ticket *joinproto.IssueJoinTicketResponse, kubeletKey []byte, cleaner cleaner) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), c.joinTimeout)
defer cancel()
clusterID, err := attestation.DeriveClusterID(ticket.MeasurementSecret, ticket.MeasurementSalt)
if err != nil {
return err
nodeLockAcquired, err := c.nodeLock.TryLockOnce(clusterID)
if err != nil {
c.log.With(slog.Any("error", err)).Error("Acquiring node lock failed")
return fmt.Errorf("acquiring node lock: %w", err)
if !nodeLockAcquired {
// There is already a cluster initialization in progress on
// this node, so there is no need to also join the cluster,
// as the initializing node is automatically part of the cluster.
c.log.Info("Node is already being initialized. Aborting join process.")
return nil
if err := c.updateDiskPassphrase(string(ticket.StateDiskKey)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("updating disk passphrase: %w", err)
if c.role == role.ControlPlane {
if err := c.writeControlPlaneFiles(ticket.ControlPlaneFiles); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing control plane files: %w", err)
if err := c.fileHandler.Write(certificate.CertificateFilename, ticket.KubeletCert, file.OptMkdirAll); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing kubelet certificate: %w", err)
if err := c.fileHandler.Write(certificate.KeyFilename, kubeletKey, file.OptMkdirAll); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing kubelet key: %w", err)
state := nodestate.NodeState{
Role: c.role,
MeasurementSalt: ticket.MeasurementSalt,
if err := state.ToFile(c.fileHandler); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("persisting node state: %w", err)
btd := &kubeadm.BootstrapTokenDiscovery{
APIServerEndpoint: ticket.ApiServerEndpoint,
Token: ticket.Token,
CACertHashes: []string{ticket.DiscoveryTokenCaCertHash},
// We currently cannot recover from any failure in this function. Joining the k8s cluster
// sometimes fails transiently, and we don't want to brick the node because of that.
for i := range 3 {
err = c.joiner.JoinCluster(ctx, btd, c.role, ticket.KubernetesComponents)
if err == nil {
c.log.Error("failed to join k8s cluster", "role", c.role, "attempt", i, "error", err)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("joining Kubernetes cluster: %w", err)
return nil
func (c *JoinClient) getNodeMetadata() error {
ctx, cancel := c.timeoutCtx()
defer cancel()
c.log.Debug("Requesting node metadata from metadata API")
inst, err := c.metadataAPI.Self(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
c.log.With(slog.Any("instance", inst)).Debug("Received node metadata")
if inst.Name == "" {
return errors.New("got instance metadata with empty name")
if inst.Role == role.Unknown {
return errors.New("got instance metadata with unknown role")
var ips []net.IP
if inst.VPCIP != "" {
ips = append(ips, net.ParseIP(inst.VPCIP))
c.nodeName = inst.Name
c.role = inst.Role
c.validIPs = ips
return nil
func (c *JoinClient) updateDiskPassphrase(passphrase string) error {
free, err := c.disk.Open()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("opening disk: %w", err)
defer free()
return c.disk.UpdatePassphrase(passphrase)
func (c *JoinClient) getDiskUUID() (string, error) {
free, err := c.disk.Open()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("opening disk: %w", err)
defer free()
return c.disk.UUID()
func (c *JoinClient) getControlPlaneIPs(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
instances, err := c.metadataAPI.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
c.log.With(slog.Any("error", err)).Error("Failed to list instances from metadata API")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("listing instances from metadata API: %w", err)
ips := []string{}
for _, instance := range instances {
if instance.Role == role.ControlPlane && instance.VPCIP != "" {
ips = append(ips, instance.VPCIP)
c.log.With(slog.Any("IPs", ips)).Info("Received control plane endpoints")
return ips, nil
func (c *JoinClient) writeControlPlaneFiles(files []*joinproto.ControlPlaneCertOrKey) error {
for _, cert := range files {
if err := c.fileHandler.Write(
filepath.Join(kubeconstants.KubernetesDir, kubeconstants.DefaultCertificateDir, cert.Name),
); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing control plane files: %w", err)
return nil
func (c *JoinClient) timeoutCtx() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
return context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), c.timeout)
type grpcDialer interface {
Dial(target string) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)
// ClusterJoiner has the ability to join a new node to an existing cluster.
type ClusterJoiner interface {
// JoinCluster joins a new node to an existing cluster.
ctx context.Context,
args *kubeadm.BootstrapTokenDiscovery,
peerRole role.Role,
k8sComponents components.Components,
) error
// MetadataAPI provides information about the instances.
type MetadataAPI interface {
// List retrieves all instances belonging to the current constellation.
List(ctx context.Context) ([]metadata.InstanceMetadata, error)
// Self retrieves the current instance.
Self(ctx context.Context) (metadata.InstanceMetadata, error)
// GetLoadBalancerEndpoint retrieves the load balancer endpoint.
GetLoadBalancerEndpoint(ctx context.Context) (host, port string, err error)
type encryptedDisk interface {
// Open prepares the underlying device for disk operations.
Open() (func(), error)
// UUID gets the device's UUID.
UUID() (string, error)
// UpdatePassphrase switches the initial random passphrase of the encrypted disk to a permanent passphrase.
UpdatePassphrase(passphrase string) error
type cleaner interface {
type locker interface {
// TryLockOnce tries to lock the node. If the node is already locked, it
// returns false. If the node is unlocked, it locks it and returns true.
TryLockOnce(clusterID []byte) (bool, error)