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synced 2025-03-03 12:19:27 -05:00
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Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
package cmd
import (
func newUpgradeApplyCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "apply",
Short: "Apply an upgrade to a Constellation cluster",
Long: "Apply an upgrade to a Constellation cluster by applying the chosen configuration.",
Args: cobra.NoArgs,
RunE: runUpgradeApply,
cmd.Flags().BoolP("yes", "y", false, "run upgrades without further confirmation\n"+
"WARNING: might delete your resources in case you are using cert-manager in your cluster. Please read the docs.\n"+
"WARNING: might unintentionally overwrite measurements in the running cluster.")
cmd.Flags().Duration("timeout", 5*time.Minute, "change helm upgrade timeout\n"+
"Might be useful for slow connections or big clusters.")
cmd.Flags().Bool("conformance", false, "enable conformance mode")
cmd.Flags().Bool("skip-helm-wait", false, "install helm charts without waiting for deployments to be ready")
if err := cmd.Flags().MarkHidden("timeout"); err != nil {
return cmd
func runUpgradeApply(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
log, err := newCLILogger(cmd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating logger: %w", err)
defer log.Sync()
fileHandler := file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs())
upgradeID := generateUpgradeID(upgradeCmdKindApply)
kubeUpgrader, err := kubernetes.NewUpgrader(cmd.OutOrStdout(), constants.AdminConfFilename, log)
if err != nil {
return err
helmUpgrader, err := helm.NewUpgradeClient(kubectl.New(), constants.UpgradeDir, constants.AdminConfFilename, constants.HelmNamespace, log)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting up helm client: %w", err)
configFetcher := attestationconfigapi.NewFetcher()
// Set up two Terraform clients. They need to be configured with different workspaces
// One for upgrading existing resources
tfUpgrader, err := terraform.New(cmd.Context(), filepath.Join(constants.UpgradeDir, upgradeID, constants.TerraformUpgradeWorkingDir))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting up terraform client: %w", err)
// And one for showing existing resources
tfShower, err := terraform.New(cmd.Context(), constants.TerraformWorkingDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting up terraform client: %w", err)
applyCmd := upgradeApplyCmd{
helmUpgrader: helmUpgrader,
kubeUpgrader: kubeUpgrader,
terraformUpgrader: upgrade.NewTerraformUpgrader(tfUpgrader, cmd.OutOrStdout(), fileHandler, upgradeID),
configFetcher: configFetcher,
clusterShower: tfShower,
fileHandler: fileHandler,
log: log,
return applyCmd.upgradeApply(cmd)
type upgradeApplyCmd struct {
helmUpgrader helmUpgrader
kubeUpgrader kubernetesUpgrader
terraformUpgrader terraformUpgrader
configFetcher attestationconfigapi.Fetcher
clusterShower clusterShower
fileHandler file.Handler
log debugLog
func (u *upgradeApplyCmd) upgradeApply(cmd *cobra.Command) error {
flags, err := parseUpgradeApplyFlags(cmd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing flags: %w", err)
conf, err := config.New(u.fileHandler, constants.ConfigFilename, u.configFetcher, flags.force)
var configValidationErr *config.ValidationError
if errors.As(err, &configValidationErr) {
if err != nil {
return err
if upgradeRequiresIAMMigration(conf.GetProvider()) {
cmd.Println("WARNING: This upgrade requires an IAM migration. Please make sure you have applied the IAM migration using `iam upgrade apply` before continuing.")
if !flags.yes {
yes, err := askToConfirm(cmd, "Did you upgrade the IAM resources?")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("asking for confirmation: %w", err)
if !yes {
cmd.Println("Skipping upgrade.")
return nil
validK8sVersion, err := validK8sVersion(cmd, conf.KubernetesVersion, flags.yes)
if err != nil {
return err
var idFile clusterid.File
if err := u.fileHandler.ReadJSON(constants.ClusterIDsFilename, &idFile); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading cluster ID file: %w", err)
if err := u.confirmIfUpgradeAttestConfigHasDiff(cmd, conf.GetAttestationConfig(), flags); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("upgrading measurements: %w", err)
// not moving existing Terraform migrator because of planned apply refactor
tfOutput, err := u.migrateTerraform(cmd, conf, flags)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("performing Terraform migrations: %w", err)
// reload idFile after terraform migration
// it might have been updated by the migration
if err := u.fileHandler.ReadJSON(constants.ClusterIDsFilename, &idFile); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading updated cluster ID file: %w", err)
// extend the clusterConfig cert SANs with any of the supported endpoints:
// - (legacy) public IP
// - fallback endpoint
// - custom (user-provided) endpoint
sans := append([]string{idFile.IP, conf.CustomEndpoint}, idFile.APIServerCertSANs...)
if err := u.kubeUpgrader.ExtendClusterConfigCertSANs(cmd.Context(), sans); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("extending cert SANs: %w", err)
if conf.GetProvider() == cloudprovider.Azure || conf.GetProvider() == cloudprovider.GCP || conf.GetProvider() == cloudprovider.AWS {
var upgradeErr *compatibility.InvalidUpgradeError
err = u.handleServiceUpgrade(cmd, conf, idFile, tfOutput, validK8sVersion, flags)
switch {
case errors.As(err, &upgradeErr):
case err == nil:
cmd.Println("Successfully upgraded Constellation services.")
case err != nil:
return fmt.Errorf("upgrading services: %w", err)
err = u.kubeUpgrader.UpgradeNodeVersion(cmd.Context(), conf, flags.force)
switch {
case errors.Is(err, kubernetes.ErrInProgress):
cmd.PrintErrln("Skipping image and Kubernetes upgrades. Another upgrade is in progress.")
case errors.As(err, &upgradeErr):
case err != nil:
return fmt.Errorf("upgrading NodeVersion: %w", err)
} else {
cmd.PrintErrln("WARNING: Skipping service and image upgrades, which are currently only supported for AWS, Azure, and GCP.")
return nil
func diffAttestationCfg(currentAttestationCfg config.AttestationCfg, newAttestationCfg config.AttestationCfg) (string, error) {
// cannot compare structs directly with go-cmp because of unexported fields in the attestation config
currentYml, err := yaml.Marshal(currentAttestationCfg)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("marshalling remote attestation config: %w", err)
newYml, err := yaml.Marshal(newAttestationCfg)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("marshalling local attestation config: %w", err)
diff := string(diff.Diff("current", currentYml, "new", newYml))
return diff, nil
// migrateTerraform checks if the Constellation version the cluster is being upgraded to requires a migration
// of cloud resources with Terraform. If so, the migration is performed.
func (u *upgradeApplyCmd) migrateTerraform(
cmd *cobra.Command, conf *config.Config, flags upgradeApplyFlags,
) (res terraform.ApplyOutput, err error) {
u.log.Debugf("Planning Terraform migrations")
if err := u.terraformUpgrader.CheckTerraformMigrations(constants.UpgradeDir); err != nil {
return res, fmt.Errorf("checking workspace: %w", err)
vars, err := cloudcmd.TerraformUpgradeVars(conf)
if err != nil {
return res, fmt.Errorf("parsing upgrade variables: %w", err)
u.log.Debugf("Using Terraform variables:\n%v", vars)
opts := upgrade.TerraformUpgradeOptions{
LogLevel: flags.terraformLogLevel,
CSP: conf.GetProvider(),
Vars: vars,
TFWorkspace: constants.TerraformWorkingDir,
UpgradeWorkspace: constants.UpgradeDir,
// Check if there are any Terraform migrations to apply
// Add manual migrations here if required
// var manualMigrations []terraform.StateMigration
// for _, migration := range manualMigrations {
// u.log.Debugf("Adding manual Terraform migration: %s", migration.DisplayName)
// u.upgrader.AddManualStateMigration(migration)
// }
hasDiff, err := u.terraformUpgrader.PlanTerraformMigrations(cmd.Context(), opts)
if err != nil {
return res, fmt.Errorf("planning terraform migrations: %w", err)
if hasDiff {
// If there are any Terraform migrations to apply, ask for confirmation
fmt.Fprintln(cmd.OutOrStdout(), "The upgrade requires a migration of Constellation cloud resources by applying an updated Terraform template. Please manually review the suggested changes below.")
if !flags.yes {
ok, err := askToConfirm(cmd, "Do you want to apply the Terraform migrations?")
if err != nil {
return res, fmt.Errorf("asking for confirmation: %w", err)
if !ok {
cmd.Println("Aborting upgrade.")
if err := u.terraformUpgrader.CleanUpTerraformMigrations(constants.UpgradeDir); err != nil {
return res, fmt.Errorf("cleaning up workspace: %w", err)
return res, fmt.Errorf("aborted by user")
u.log.Debugf("Applying Terraform migrations")
tfOutput, err := u.terraformUpgrader.ApplyTerraformMigrations(cmd.Context(), opts)
if err != nil {
return tfOutput, fmt.Errorf("applying terraform migrations: %w", err)
// Patch MAA policy if we applied an Azure upgrade.
newIDFile := newIDFile(opts, tfOutput)
if err := mergeClusterIDFile(constants.ClusterIDsFilename, newIDFile, u.fileHandler); err != nil {
return tfOutput, fmt.Errorf("merging cluster ID files: %w", err)
cmd.Printf("Terraform migrations applied successfully and output written to: %s\n"+
"A backup of the pre-upgrade state has been written to: %s\n",
flags.pf.PrefixPrintablePath(filepath.Join(opts.UpgradeWorkspace, u.terraformUpgrader.UpgradeID(), constants.TerraformUpgradeBackupDir)),
} else {
u.log.Debugf("No Terraform diff detected")
u.log.Debugf("No Terraform diff detected")
tfOutput, err := u.clusterShower.ShowCluster(cmd.Context(), conf.GetProvider())
if err != nil {
return tfOutput, fmt.Errorf("getting Terraform output: %w", err)
return tfOutput, nil
func newIDFile(opts upgrade.TerraformUpgradeOptions, tfOutput terraform.ApplyOutput) clusterid.File {
newIDFile := clusterid.File{
CloudProvider: opts.CSP,
InitSecret: []byte(tfOutput.Secret),
IP: tfOutput.IP,
APIServerCertSANs: tfOutput.APIServerCertSANs,
UID: tfOutput.UID,
if tfOutput.Azure != nil {
newIDFile.AttestationURL = tfOutput.Azure.AttestationURL
return newIDFile
// validK8sVersion checks if the Kubernetes patch version is supported and asks for confirmation if not.
func validK8sVersion(cmd *cobra.Command, version string, yes bool) (validVersion versions.ValidK8sVersion, err error) {
validVersion, err = versions.NewValidK8sVersion(version, true)
if versions.IsPreviewK8sVersion(validVersion) {
cmd.PrintErrf("Warning: Constellation with Kubernetes %v is still in preview. Use only for evaluation purposes.\n", validVersion)
valid := err == nil
if !valid && !yes {
confirmed, err := askToConfirm(cmd, fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: The Kubernetes patch version %s is not supported. If you continue, Kubernetes upgrades will be skipped. Do you want to continue anyway?", version))
if err != nil {
return validVersion, fmt.Errorf("asking for confirmation: %w", err)
if !confirmed {
return validVersion, fmt.Errorf("aborted by user")
return validVersion, nil
// confirmIfUpgradeAttestConfigHasDiff checks if the locally configured measurements are different from the cluster's measurements.
// If so the function will ask the user to confirm (if --yes is not set).
func (u *upgradeApplyCmd) confirmIfUpgradeAttestConfigHasDiff(cmd *cobra.Command, newConfig config.AttestationCfg, flags upgradeApplyFlags) error {
clusterAttestationConfig, err := u.kubeUpgrader.GetClusterAttestationConfig(cmd.Context(), newConfig.GetVariant())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting cluster attestation config: %w", err)
// If the current config is equal, or there is an error when comparing the configs, we skip the upgrade.
equal, err := newConfig.EqualTo(clusterAttestationConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("comparing attestation configs: %w", err)
if equal {
return nil
cmd.Println("The configured attestation config is different from the attestation config in the cluster.")
diffStr, err := diffAttestationCfg(clusterAttestationConfig, newConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("diffing attestation configs: %w", err)
cmd.Println("The following changes will be applied to the attestation config:")
if !flags.yes {
ok, err := askToConfirm(cmd, "Are you sure you want to change your cluster's attestation config?")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("asking for confirmation: %w", err)
if !ok {
return errors.New("aborting upgrade since attestation config is different")
// TODO(elchead): move this outside this function to remove the side effect.
if err := u.kubeUpgrader.BackupConfigMap(cmd.Context(), constants.JoinConfigMap); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("backing up join-config: %w", err)
if err := u.kubeUpgrader.UpdateAttestationConfig(cmd.Context(), newConfig); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("updating attestation config: %w", err)
return nil
func (u *upgradeApplyCmd) handleServiceUpgrade(cmd *cobra.Command, conf *config.Config, idFile clusterid.File, tfOutput terraform.ApplyOutput, validK8sVersion versions.ValidK8sVersion, flags upgradeApplyFlags) error {
var secret uri.MasterSecret
if err := u.fileHandler.ReadJSON(constants.MasterSecretFilename, &secret); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading master secret: %w", err)
serviceAccURI, err := cloudcmd.GetMarshaledServiceAccountURI(conf.GetProvider(), conf, flags.pf, u.log, u.fileHandler)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting service account URI: %w", err)
err = u.helmUpgrader.Upgrade(
cmd.Context(), conf, idFile,
flags.upgradeTimeout, helm.DenyDestructive, flags.force, u.terraformUpgrader.UpgradeID(),
flags.conformance, flags.helmWaitMode, secret, serviceAccURI, validK8sVersion, tfOutput,
if errors.Is(err, helm.ErrConfirmationMissing) {
if !flags.yes {
cmd.PrintErrln("WARNING: Upgrading cert-manager will destroy all custom resources you have manually created that are based on the current version of cert-manager.")
ok, askErr := askToConfirm(cmd, "Do you want to upgrade cert-manager anyway?")
if askErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("asking for confirmation: %w", err)
if !ok {
cmd.Println("Skipping upgrade.")
return nil
err = u.helmUpgrader.Upgrade(
cmd.Context(), conf, idFile,
flags.upgradeTimeout, helm.AllowDestructive, flags.force, u.terraformUpgrader.UpgradeID(),
flags.conformance, flags.helmWaitMode, secret, serviceAccURI, validK8sVersion, tfOutput,
return err
func parseUpgradeApplyFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) (upgradeApplyFlags, error) {
workDir, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("workspace")
if err != nil {
return upgradeApplyFlags{}, err
yes, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("yes")
if err != nil {
return upgradeApplyFlags{}, err
timeout, err := cmd.Flags().GetDuration("timeout")
if err != nil {
return upgradeApplyFlags{}, err
force, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("force")
if err != nil {
return upgradeApplyFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing force argument: %w", err)
logLevelString, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("tf-log")
if err != nil {
return upgradeApplyFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing tf-log string: %w", err)
logLevel, err := terraform.ParseLogLevel(logLevelString)
if err != nil {
return upgradeApplyFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing Terraform log level %s: %w", logLevelString, err)
conformance, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("conformance")
if err != nil {
return upgradeApplyFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing conformance flag: %w", err)
skipHelmWait, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("skip-helm-wait")
if err != nil {
return upgradeApplyFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing skip-helm-wait flag: %w", err)
helmWaitMode := helm.WaitModeAtomic
if skipHelmWait {
helmWaitMode = helm.WaitModeNone
return upgradeApplyFlags{
pf: pathprefix.New(workDir),
yes: yes,
upgradeTimeout: timeout,
force: force,
terraformLogLevel: logLevel,
conformance: conformance,
helmWaitMode: helmWaitMode,
}, nil
func mergeClusterIDFile(clusterIDPath string, newIDFile clusterid.File, fileHandler file.Handler) error {
idFile := &clusterid.File{}
if err := fileHandler.ReadJSON(clusterIDPath, idFile); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading %s: %w", clusterIDPath, err)
if err := fileHandler.WriteJSON(clusterIDPath, idFile.Merge(newIDFile), file.OptOverwrite); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing %s: %w", clusterIDPath, err)
return nil
type upgradeApplyFlags struct {
pf pathprefix.PathPrefixer
yes bool
upgradeTimeout time.Duration
force bool
terraformLogLevel terraform.LogLevel
conformance bool
helmWaitMode helm.WaitMode
type kubernetesUpgrader interface {
UpgradeNodeVersion(ctx context.Context, conf *config.Config, force bool) error
ExtendClusterConfigCertSANs(ctx context.Context, alternativeNames []string) error
GetClusterAttestationConfig(ctx context.Context, variant variant.Variant) (config.AttestationCfg, error)
UpdateAttestationConfig(ctx context.Context, newAttestConfig config.AttestationCfg) error
GetMeasurementSalt(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error)
BackupConfigMap(ctx context.Context, name string) error
type helmUpgrader interface {
ctx context.Context, config *config.Config, idFile clusterid.File, timeout time.Duration,
allowDestructive, force bool, upgradeID string, conformance bool, helmWaitMode helm.WaitMode,
masterSecret uri.MasterSecret, serviceAccURI string, validK8sVersion versions.ValidK8sVersion, tfOutput terraform.ApplyOutput,
) error
type terraformUpgrader interface {
PlanTerraformMigrations(ctx context.Context, opts upgrade.TerraformUpgradeOptions) (bool, error)
ApplyTerraformMigrations(ctx context.Context, opts upgrade.TerraformUpgradeOptions) (terraform.ApplyOutput, error)
CheckTerraformMigrations(upgradeWorkspace string) error
CleanUpTerraformMigrations(upgradeWorkspace string) error
UpgradeID() string