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synced 2025-03-03 04:09:29 -05:00
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Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
package snp
import (
spb "github.com/google/go-sev-guest/proto/sevsnp"
// Validator for Azure confidential VM attestation.
type Validator struct {
hclValidator hclAkValidator
maa maaValidator
getter trust.HTTPSGetter
attestationVerifier attestationVerifier
attestationValidator attestationValidator
config *config.AzureSEVSNP
log attestation.Logger
type attestationVerifier interface {
SNPAttestation(attestation *spb.Attestation, options *verify.Options) error
type attestationValidator interface {
SNPAttestation(attestation *spb.Attestation, options *validate.Options) error
type attestationVerifierImpl struct{}
// SNPAttestation verifies the report signature, the VCEK certificate, as well as the certificate chain of the attestation report.
func (attestationVerifierImpl) SNPAttestation(attestation *spb.Attestation, options *verify.Options) error {
return verify.SnpAttestation(attestation, options)
type attestationValidatorImpl struct{}
// SNPAttestation validates the attestation report against the given set of constraints.
func (attestationValidatorImpl) SNPAttestation(attestation *spb.Attestation, options *validate.Options) error {
return validate.SnpAttestation(attestation, options)
// NewValidator initializes a new Azure validator with the provided PCR values.
func NewValidator(cfg *config.AzureSEVSNP, log attestation.Logger) *Validator {
if log == nil {
log = nopAttestationLogger{}
v := &Validator{
hclValidator: &azureInstanceInfo{},
maa: newMAAClient(),
config: cfg,
log: log,
getter: trust.DefaultHTTPSGetter(),
attestationVerifier: attestationVerifierImpl{},
attestationValidator: attestationValidatorImpl{},
v.Validator = vtpm.NewValidator(
// stub, since SEV-SNP attestation is already verified in trustedKeyFromSNP().
func(vtpm.AttestationDocument, *attest.MachineState) error {
return nil
return v
// getTrustedKey establishes trust in the given public key.
// It does so by verifying the SNP attestation document.
func (v *Validator) getTrustedKey(ctx context.Context, attDoc vtpm.AttestationDocument, extraData []byte) (crypto.PublicKey, error) {
trustedAsk := (*x509.Certificate)(&v.config.AMDSigningKey) // ASK, cached by the Join-Service
trustedArk := (*x509.Certificate)(&v.config.AMDRootKey) // ARK, specified in the Constellation config
// fallback certificates, used if not present in THIM response.
cachedCerts := sevSnpCerts{
ask: trustedAsk,
ark: trustedArk,
// transform the instanceInfo received from Microsoft into a verifiable attestation report format.
var instanceInfo azureInstanceInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(attDoc.InstanceInfo, &instanceInfo); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling instanceInfo: %w", err)
att, err := instanceInfo.attestationWithCerts(v.log, v.getter, cachedCerts)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing attestation report: %w", err)
// ASK, as cached in joinservice or reported from THIM / KDS.
ask, err := x509.ParseCertificate(att.CertificateChain.AskCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing ASK certificate: %w", err)
verifyOpts := &verify.Options{
TrustedRoots: map[string][]*trust.AMDRootCerts{
"Milan": {
Product: "Milan",
ProductCerts: &trust.ProductCerts{
Ask: ask,
Ark: trustedArk,
if err := v.attestationVerifier.SNPAttestation(att, verifyOpts); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("verifying SNP attestation: %w", err)
// Checks if the attestation report matches the given constraints.
// Some constraints are implicitly checked by validate.SnpAttestation:
// - the report is not expired
if err := v.attestationValidator.SNPAttestation(att, &validate.Options{
GuestPolicy: abi.SnpPolicy{
Debug: false, // Debug means the VM can be decrypted by the host for debugging purposes and thus is not allowed.
SMT: true, // Allow Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT). Normally, we would want to disable SMT
// but Azure does not allow to disable it.
VMPL: new(int), // Checks that Virtual Machine Privilege Level (VMPL) is 0.
// This checks that the reported TCB version is equal or greater than the minimum specified in the config.
MinimumTCB: kds.TCBParts{
BlSpl: v.config.BootloaderVersion.Value, // Bootloader
TeeSpl: v.config.TEEVersion.Value, // TEE (Secure OS)
SnpSpl: v.config.SNPVersion.Value, // SNP
UcodeSpl: v.config.MicrocodeVersion.Value, // Microcode
// This checks that the reported LaunchTCB version is equal or greater than the minimum specified in the config.
MinimumLaunchTCB: kds.TCBParts{
BlSpl: v.config.BootloaderVersion.Value, // Bootloader
TeeSpl: v.config.TEEVersion.Value, // TEE (Secure OS)
SnpSpl: v.config.SNPVersion.Value, // SNP
UcodeSpl: v.config.MicrocodeVersion.Value, // Microcode
// Check that CurrentTCB >= CommittedTCB.
PermitProvisionalFirmware: true,
// Check if the IDKey hash in the report is in the list of accepted hashes.
TrustedIDKeyHashes: v.config.FirmwareSignerConfig.AcceptedKeyDigests,
// The IDKey hash should not be checked if the enforcement policy is set to MAAFallback or WarnOnly to prevent
// an error from being returned because of the TrustedIDKeyHashes validation. In this case, we should perform a
// custom check of the MAA-specific values later. Right now, this is a double check, since a custom MAA check
// is performed either way.
RequireIDBlock: v.config.FirmwareSignerConfig.EnforcementPolicy == idkeydigest.Equal,
}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("validating SNP attestation: %w", err)
// Custom check of the IDKeyDigests, taking care of the WarnOnly / MAAFallback cases,
// but also double-checking the IDKeyDigests if the enforcement policy is set to Equal.
if err := v.checkIDKeyDigest(ctx, att, instanceInfo.MAAToken, extraData); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("checking IDKey digests: %w", err)
// Decode the public area of the attestation key and validate its trustworthiness.
pubArea, err := tpm2.DecodePublic(attDoc.Attestation.AkPub)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = v.hclValidator.validateAk(instanceInfo.RuntimeData, att.Report.ReportData, pubArea.RSAParameters); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("validating HCLAkPub: %w", err)
return pubArea.Key()
// checkIDKeyDigest validates the IDKeyDigest in the given attestation report against the accepted IDKeyDigests in the
// validator's config. If an IDKeyDigest is present in the report that is not in the accepted IDKeyDigests, the validation proceeds
// according to the enforcement policy. If the enforcement policy is set to MAAFallback, the maaToken is validated against the MAA.
// If the enforcement policy is set to WarnOnly, a warning is logged. If the enforcement policy is set to neither WarnOnly or MAAFallback, an
// error is returned.
func (v *Validator) checkIDKeyDigest(ctx context.Context, report *spb.Attestation, maaToken string, extraData []byte) error {
for _, digest := range v.config.FirmwareSignerConfig.AcceptedKeyDigests {
if bytes.Equal(digest, report.Report.IdKeyDigest) {
return nil
// IDKeyDigest that was not expected is present, check the enforcement policy and verify against
// the MAA if necessary.
switch v.config.FirmwareSignerConfig.EnforcementPolicy {
case idkeydigest.MAAFallback:
"Configured idkeydigests %x don't contain reported idkeydigest %x, falling back to MAA validation",
return v.maa.validateToken(ctx, v.config.FirmwareSignerConfig.MAAURL, maaToken, extraData)
case idkeydigest.WarnOnly:
"Configured idkeydigests %x don't contain reported idkeydigest %x",
return fmt.Errorf(
"configured idkeydigests %x don't contain reported idkeydigest %x",
// No IDKeyDigest that was not expected is present.
return nil
// azureInstanceInfo contains the necessary information to establish trust in
// an Azure CVM.
type azureInstanceInfo struct {
// VCEK is the PEM-encoded VCEK certificate for the attestation report.
VCEK []byte
// CertChain is the PEM-encoded certificate chain for the attestation report.
CertChain []byte
// AttestationReport is the attestation report from the vTPM (NVRAM) of the CVM.
AttestationReport []byte
// RuntimeData is the Azure runtime data from the vTPM (NVRAM) of the CVM.
RuntimeData []byte
// MAAToken is the token of the MAA for the attestation report, used as a fallback
// if the IDKeyDigest cannot be verified.
MAAToken string
// attestationWithCerts returns a formatted version of the attestation report and its certificates from the instanceInfo.
// Certificates are retrieved in the following precedence:
// 1. ASK or ARK from THIM
// 2. ASK or ARK from fallbackCerts
// 3. ASK or ARK from AMD KDS.
func (a *azureInstanceInfo) attestationWithCerts(logger attestation.Logger, getter trust.HTTPSGetter,
fallbackCerts sevSnpCerts,
) (*spb.Attestation, error) {
report, err := abi.ReportToProto(a.AttestationReport)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("converting report to proto: %w", err)
// Product info as reported through CPUID[EAX=1]
sevProduct := &spb.SevProduct{Name: spb.SevProduct_SEV_PRODUCT_MILAN, Stepping: 0} // Milan-B0
productName := kds.ProductString(sevProduct)
att := &spb.Attestation{
Report: report,
CertificateChain: &spb.CertificateChain{},
Product: sevProduct,
// If the VCEK certificate is present, parse it and format it.
vcek, err := a.parseVCEK()
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("Error parsing VCEK: %v", err)
if vcek != nil {
att.CertificateChain.VcekCert = vcek.Raw
} else {
// Otherwise, retrieve it from AMD KDS.
logger.Infof("VCEK certificate not present, falling back to retrieving it from AMD KDS")
vcekURL := kds.VCEKCertURL(productName, report.GetChipId(), kds.TCBVersion(report.GetReportedTcb()))
vcek, err := getter.Get(vcekURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("retrieving VCEK certificate from AMD KDS: %w", err)
att.CertificateChain.VcekCert = vcek
// If the certificate chain from THIM is present, parse it and format it.
ask, ark, err := a.parseCertChain()
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("Error parsing certificate chain: %v", err)
if ask != nil {
logger.Infof("Using ASK certificate from Azure THIM")
att.CertificateChain.AskCert = ask.Raw
if ark != nil {
logger.Infof("Using ARK certificate from Azure THIM")
att.CertificateChain.ArkCert = ark.Raw
// If a cached ASK or an ARK from the Constellation config is present, use it.
if att.CertificateChain.AskCert == nil && fallbackCerts.ask != nil {
logger.Infof("Using cached ASK certificate")
att.CertificateChain.AskCert = fallbackCerts.ask.Raw
if att.CertificateChain.ArkCert == nil && fallbackCerts.ark != nil {
logger.Infof("Using ARK certificate from %s", constants.ConfigFilename)
att.CertificateChain.ArkCert = fallbackCerts.ark.Raw
// Otherwise, retrieve it from AMD KDS.
if att.CertificateChain.AskCert == nil || att.CertificateChain.ArkCert == nil {
"Certificate chain not fully present (ARK present: %t, ASK present: %t), falling back to retrieving it from AMD KDS",
(att.CertificateChain.ArkCert != nil),
(att.CertificateChain.AskCert != nil),
kdsCertChain, err := trust.GetProductChain(productName, abi.VcekReportSigner, getter)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("retrieving certificate chain from AMD KDS: %w", err)
if att.CertificateChain.AskCert == nil && kdsCertChain.Ask != nil {
logger.Infof("Using ASK certificate from AMD KDS")
att.CertificateChain.AskCert = kdsCertChain.Ask.Raw
if att.CertificateChain.ArkCert == nil && kdsCertChain.Ask != nil {
logger.Infof("Using ARK certificate from AMD KDS")
att.CertificateChain.ArkCert = kdsCertChain.Ark.Raw
return att, nil
type sevSnpCerts struct {
ask *x509.Certificate
ark *x509.Certificate
// parseCertChain parses the certificate chain from the instanceInfo into x509-formatted ASK and ARK certificates.
// If less than 2 certificates are present, only the present certificate is returned.
// If more than 2 certificates are present, an error is returned.
func (a *azureInstanceInfo) parseCertChain() (ask, ark *x509.Certificate, retErr error) {
rest := bytes.TrimSpace(a.CertChain)
i := 1
var block *pem.Block
for block, rest = pem.Decode(rest); block != nil; block, rest = pem.Decode(rest) {
if i > 2 {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("parse certificate %d: more than 2 certificates in chain", i)
if block.Type != "CERTIFICATE" {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("parse certificate %d: expected PEM block type 'CERTIFICATE', got '%s'", i, block.Type)
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("parse certificate %d: %w", i, err)
// https://www.amd.com/content/dam/amd/en/documents/epyc-technical-docs/specifications/57230.pdf
// Table 6 and 7
switch cert.Subject.CommonName {
case "SEV-Milan":
ask = cert
case "ARK-Milan":
ark = cert
retErr = fmt.Errorf("parse certificate %d: unexpected subject CN %s", i, cert.Subject.CommonName)
switch {
case i == 1:
retErr = fmt.Errorf("no PEM blocks found")
case len(rest) != 0:
retErr = fmt.Errorf("remaining PEM block is not a valid certificate: %s", rest)
// parseVCEK parses the VCEK certificate from the instanceInfo into an x509-formatted certificate.
// If the VCEK certificate is not present, nil is returned.
func (a *azureInstanceInfo) parseVCEK() (*x509.Certificate, error) {
newlinesTrimmed := bytes.TrimSpace(a.VCEK)
if len(newlinesTrimmed) == 0 {
// VCEK is not present.
return nil, nil
block, rest := pem.Decode(newlinesTrimmed)
if block == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no PEM blocks found")
if len(rest) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received more data than expected")
if block.Type != "CERTIFICATE" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected PEM block type 'CERTIFICATE', got '%s'", block.Type)
vcek, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing VCEK certificate: %w", err)
return vcek, nil
// validateAk validates that the attestation key from the TPM is trustworthy. The steps are:
// 1. runtime data read from the TPM has the same sha256 digest as reported in `report_data` of the SNP report.
// 2. modulus reported in runtime data matches modulus from key at idx 0x81000003.
// 3. exponent reported in runtime data matches exponent from key at idx 0x81000003.
// The function is currently tested manually on a Azure Ubuntu CVM.
func (a *azureInstanceInfo) validateAk(runtimeDataRaw []byte, reportData []byte, rsaParameters *tpm2.RSAParams) error {
var runtimeData runtimeData
if err := json.Unmarshal(runtimeDataRaw, &runtimeData); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling json: %w", err)
sum := sha256.Sum256(runtimeDataRaw)
if len(reportData) < len(sum) {
return fmt.Errorf("reportData has unexpected size: %d", len(reportData))
if !bytes.Equal(sum[:], reportData[:len(sum)]) {
return errors.New("unexpected runtimeData digest in TPM")
if len(runtimeData.Keys) < 1 {
return errors.New("did not receive any keys in runtime data")
rawN, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(runtimeData.Keys[0].N)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decoding modulus string: %w", err)
if !bytes.Equal(rawN, rsaParameters.ModulusRaw) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected modulus value in TPM")
rawE, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(runtimeData.Keys[0].E)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decoding exponent string: %w", err)
paddedRawE := make([]byte, 4)
copy(paddedRawE, rawE)
exponent := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(paddedRawE)
// According to this comment [1] the TPM uses "0" to represent the default exponent "65537".
// The go tpm library also reports the exponent as 0. Thus we have to handle it specially.
// [1] https://github.com/tpm2-software/tpm2-tools/pull/1973#issue-596685005
if !((exponent == 65537 && rsaParameters.ExponentRaw == 0) || exponent == rsaParameters.ExponentRaw) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected N value in TPM")
return nil
// hclAkValidator validates an attestation key issued by the Host Compatibility Layer (HCL).
// The HCL is written by Azure, and sits between the Hypervisor and CVM OS.
// The HCL runs in the protected context of the CVM.
type hclAkValidator interface {
validateAk(runtimeDataRaw []byte, reportData []byte, rsaParameters *tpm2.RSAParams) error
// akPub are the public parameters of an RSA attestation key.
type akPub struct {
E string
N string
type runtimeData struct {
Keys []akPub
// nopAttestationLogger is a no-op implementation of AttestationLogger.
type nopAttestationLogger struct{}
// Infof is a no-op.
func (nopAttestationLogger) Infof(string, ...interface{}) {}
// Warnf is a no-op.
func (nopAttestationLogger) Warnf(string, ...interface{}) {}
type maaValidator interface {
validateToken(ctx context.Context, maaURL string, token string, extraData []byte) error