Otto Bittner 5542f9c63c api: refactor attestationcfgapi cli
The cli now takes CSP and object kind as argument.
Also made upload an explicit command and the report
path/version an argument.
Previously the report was a flag. The CSP was hardcoded.
There was only one object kind (snp-report).
2023-11-24 15:49:48 +01:00

232 lines
7.3 KiB

Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
This package provides a CLI to interact with the Attestationconfig API, a sub API of the Resource API.
You can execute an e2e test by running: `bazel run //internal/api/attestationconfigapi:configapi_e2e_test`.
The CLI is used in the CI pipeline. Manual actions that change the bucket's data shouldn't be necessary.
The reporter CLI caches the observed version values in a dedicated caching directory and derives the latest API version from it.
Any version update is then pushed to the API.
package main
import (
const (
awsRegion = "eu-central-1"
awsBucket = "cdn-constellation-backend"
distributionID = constants.CDNDefaultDistributionID
envCosignPwd = "COSIGN_PASSWORD"
envCosignPrivateKey = "COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY"
// versionWindowSize defines the number of versions to be considered for the latest version. Each week 5 versions are uploaded for each node of the verify cluster.
versionWindowSize = 15
var (
// Cosign credentials.
cosignPwd string
privateKey string
func main() {
if err := newRootCmd().Execute(); err != nil {
// newRootCmd creates the root command.
func newRootCmd() *cobra.Command {
rootCmd := &cobra.Command{}
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("region", "r", awsRegion, "region of the targeted bucket.")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("bucket", "b", awsBucket, "bucket targeted by all operations.")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("testing", false, "upload to S3 test bucket.")
return rootCmd
func newUploadCmd() *cobra.Command {
uploadCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "upload {azure|aws} {snp-report|guest-firmware} <path>",
Short: "Upload an object to the attestationconfig API",
Long: fmt.Sprintf("Upload a new object to the attestationconfig API. For snp-reports the new object is added to a cache folder first."+
"The CLI then determines the lowest version within the cache-window present in the cache and writes that value to the config api if necessary. "+
"For guest-firmware objects the object is added to the API directly. "+
"Please authenticate with AWS through your preferred method (e.g. environment variables, CLI)"+
"to be able to upload to S3. Set the %s and %s environment variables to authenticate with cosign.",
envCosignPrivateKey, envCosignPwd,
Args: cobra.MatchAll(cobra.ExactArgs(3), isCloudProvider(0), isValidKind(1)),
PreRunE: envCheck,
RunE: runUpload,
uploadCmd.Flags().StringP("upload-date", "d", "", "upload a version with this date as version name.")
uploadCmd.Flags().BoolP("force", "f", false, "Use force to manually push a new latest version."+
" The version gets saved to the cache but the version selection logic is skipped.")
uploadCmd.Flags().IntP("cache-window-size", "s", versionWindowSize, "Number of versions to be considered for the latest version.")
return uploadCmd
func envCheck(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
if os.Getenv(envCosignPrivateKey) == "" || os.Getenv(envCosignPwd) == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("please set both %s and %s environment variables", envCosignPrivateKey, envCosignPwd)
cosignPwd = os.Getenv(envCosignPwd)
privateKey = os.Getenv(envCosignPrivateKey)
return nil
func runUpload(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (retErr error) {
ctx := cmd.Context()
log := logger.New(logger.PlainLog, zap.DebugLevel).Named("attestationconfigapi")
log.Infof("%s", args)
uploadCfg, err := newConfig(cmd, ([3]string)(args[:3]))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing cli flags: %w", err)
client, clientClose, err := attestationconfigapi.NewClient(
Bucket: uploadCfg.bucket,
Region: uploadCfg.region,
DistributionID: uploadCfg.distribution,
defer func() {
err := clientClose(cmd.Context())
if err != nil {
retErr = errors.Join(retErr, fmt.Errorf("failed to invalidate cache: %w", err))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating client: %w", err)
switch uploadCfg.provider {
case cloudprovider.AWS:
return uploadAWS(ctx, client, uploadCfg, file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs()), log)
case cloudprovider.Azure:
return uploadAzure(ctx, client, uploadCfg, file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs()), log)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported cloud provider: %s", uploadCfg.provider)
type uploadConfig struct {
provider cloudprovider.Provider
kind objectKind
path string
uploadDate time.Time
cosignPublicKey string
region string
bucket string
distribution string
url string
force bool
cacheWindowSize int
func newConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, args [3]string) (uploadConfig, error) {
dateStr, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("upload-date")
if err != nil {
return uploadConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("getting upload date: %w", err)
uploadDate := time.Now()
if dateStr != "" {
uploadDate, err = time.Parse(attestationconfigapi.VersionFormat, dateStr)
if err != nil {
return uploadConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing date: %w", err)
region, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("region")
if err != nil {
return uploadConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("getting region: %w", err)
bucket, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("bucket")
if err != nil {
return uploadConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("getting bucket: %w", err)
testing, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("testing")
if err != nil {
return uploadConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("getting testing flag: %w", err)
apiCfg := getAPIEnvironment(testing)
force, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("force")
if err != nil {
return uploadConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("getting force: %w", err)
cacheWindowSize, err := cmd.Flags().GetInt("cache-window-size")
if err != nil {
return uploadConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("getting cache window size: %w", err)
provider := cloudprovider.FromString(args[0])
kind := kindFromString(args[1])
path := args[2]
return uploadConfig{
provider: provider,
kind: kind,
path: path,
uploadDate: uploadDate,
cosignPublicKey: apiCfg.cosignPublicKey,
region: region,
bucket: bucket,
url: apiCfg.url,
distribution: apiCfg.distribution,
force: force,
cacheWindowSize: cacheWindowSize,
}, nil
type apiConfig struct {
url string
distribution string
cosignPublicKey string
func getAPIEnvironment(testing bool) apiConfig {
if testing {
return apiConfig{url: "", distribution: "ETZGUP1CWRC2P", cosignPublicKey: constants.CosignPublicKeyDev}
return apiConfig{url: constants.CDNRepositoryURL, distribution: constants.CDNDefaultDistributionID, cosignPublicKey: constants.CosignPublicKeyReleases}