renovate[bot] 6b2e41fcde
deps: update Terraform aws to v5.26.0 (#2579)
* deps: update Terraform aws to v5.26.0
* deps: tidy all modules


Signed-off-by: Daniel Weiße <>
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: edgelessci <>
2023-11-21 11:24:31 +01:00

259 lines
8.3 KiB

terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "5.26.0"
random = {
source = "hashicorp/random"
version = "3.5.1"
# Configure the AWS Provider
provider "aws" {
region = var.region
locals {
uid = random_id.uid.hex
name = "${}-${local.uid}"
initSecretHash = random_password.initSecret.bcrypt_hash
cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes = ""
ports_node_range = "30000-32767"
load_balancer_ports = flatten([
{ name = "kubernetes", port = "6443", health_check = "HTTPS" },
{ name = "bootstrapper", port = "9000", health_check = "TCP" },
{ name = "verify", port = "30081", health_check = "TCP" },
{ name = "konnectivity", port = "8132", health_check = "TCP" },
{ name = "recovery", port = "9999", health_check = "TCP" },
{ name = "join", port = "30090", health_check = "TCP" },
var.debug ? [{ name = "debugd", port = "4000", health_check = "TCP" }] : [],
target_group_arns = {
control-plane : [
for port in local.load_balancer_ports : module.load_balancer_targets[].target_group_arn
worker : []
iam_instance_profile = {
control-plane : var.iam_instance_profile_control_plane
worker : var.iam_instance_profile_worker_nodes
# zones are all availability zones that are used by the node groups
zones = distinct(sort([
for node_group in var.node_groups :
// wildcard_lb_dns_name is the DNS name of the load balancer with a wildcard for the name.
// example: given "" it will return "*"
wildcard_lb_dns_name = replace(aws_lb.front_end.dns_name, "/^[^.]*\\./", "*.")
tags = {
constellation-uid = local.uid,
in_cluster_endpoint = aws_lb.front_end.dns_name
out_of_cluster_endpoint = var.internal_load_balancer && var.debug ? module.jump_host[0].ip : local.in_cluster_endpoint
resource "random_id" "uid" {
byte_length = 4
resource "random_password" "initSecret" {
length = 32
special = true
override_special = "_%@"
resource "aws_vpc" "vpc" {
cidr_block = ""
tags = merge(local.tags, { Name = "${}-vpc" })
module "public_private_subnet" {
source = "./modules/public_private_subnet"
name =
vpc_id =
cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes = local.cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes
cidr_vpc_subnet_internet = ""
zone =
zones = local.zones
tags = local.tags
resource "aws_eip" "lb" {
# TODO(malt3): use for_each = toset(module.public_private_subnet.all_zones)
# in a future version to support all availability zones in the chosen region
# This should only be done after we migrated to DNS-based addressing for the
# control-plane.
for_each = var.internal_load_balancer ? [] : toset([])
domain = "vpc"
tags = merge(local.tags, { "constellation-ip-endpoint" = each.key == ? "legacy-primary-zone" : "additional-zone" })
resource "aws_lb" "front_end" {
name = "${}-loadbalancer"
internal = var.internal_load_balancer
load_balancer_type = "network"
tags = local.tags
security_groups = []
dynamic "subnet_mapping" {
# TODO(malt3): use for_each = toset(module.public_private_subnet.all_zones)
# in a future version to support all availability zones in the chosen region
# without needing to constantly replace the loadbalancer.
# This has to wait until the bootstrapper that we upgrade from (source version) use
# DNS-based addressing for the control-plane.
# for_each = toset(module.public_private_subnet.all_zones)
for_each = toset([])
content {
subnet_id = module.public_private_subnet.public_subnet_id[subnet_mapping.key]
allocation_id = var.internal_load_balancer ? "" :[subnet_mapping.key].id
enable_cross_zone_load_balancing = true
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [security_groups]
resource "aws_security_group" "security_group" {
name =
vpc_id =
description = "Security group for ${}"
tags = local.tags
egress {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]
description = "Allow all outbound traffic"
ingress {
from_port = split("-", local.ports_node_range)[0]
to_port = split("-", local.ports_node_range)[1]
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
description = "K8s node ports"
dynamic "ingress" {
for_each = local.load_balancer_ports
content {
description =
from_port = ingress.value.port
to_port = ingress.value.port
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
ingress {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [aws_vpc.vpc.cidr_block]
description = "allow all internal"
resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "log_group" {
name =
retention_in_days = 30
tags = local.tags
module "load_balancer_targets" {
for_each = { for port in local.load_balancer_ports : => port }
source = "./modules/load_balancer_target"
name = "${}-${}"
port = each.value.port
healthcheck_protocol = each.value.health_check
healthcheck_path = == "kubernetes" ? "/readyz" : ""
vpc_id =
lb_arn = aws_lb.front_end.arn
tags = local.tags
module "instance_group" {
source = "./modules/instance_group"
for_each = var.node_groups
base_name =
node_group_name = each.key
role = each.value.role
zone =
uid = local.uid
instance_type = each.value.instance_type
initial_count = each.value.initial_count
image_id = var.ami
state_disk_type = each.value.disk_type
state_disk_size = each.value.disk_size
target_group_arns = local.target_group_arns[each.value.role]
security_groups = []
subnetwork = module.public_private_subnet.private_subnet_id[]
iam_instance_profile = local.iam_instance_profile[each.value.role]
enable_snp = var.enable_snp
tags = merge(
{ Name = "${}-${each.value.role}" },
{ constellation-role = each.value.role },
{ constellation-node-group = each.key },
{ constellation-uid = local.uid },
{ constellation-init-secret-hash = local.initSecretHash },
{ "${}" = "owned" }
module "jump_host" {
count = var.internal_load_balancer && var.debug ? 1 : 0
source = "./modules/jump_host"
base_name =
subnet_id = module.public_private_subnet.public_subnet_id[]
lb_internal_ip = aws_lb.front_end.dns_name
ports = [for port in local.load_balancer_ports : port.port]
iam_instance_profile = var.iam_instance_profile_worker_nodes
security_group_id =
# TODO(31u3r): Remove once 2.12 is released
moved {
from = module.load_balancer_target_konnectivity
to = module.load_balancer_targets["konnectivity"]
moved {
from = module.load_balancer_target_verify
to = module.load_balancer_targets["verify"]
moved {
from = module.load_balancer_target_recovery
to = module.load_balancer_targets["recovery"]
moved {
from = module.load_balancer_target_join
to = module.load_balancer_targets["join"]
moved {
from = module.load_balancer_target_debugd[0]
to = module.load_balancer_targets["debugd"]
moved {
from = module.load_balancer_target_kubernetes
to = module.load_balancer_targets["kubernetes"]
moved {
from = module.load_balancer_target_bootstrapper
to = module.load_balancer_targets["bootstrapper"]