cm 3177b2fdb7 AB#2032 Write IDs to disk and read when verifying (#212)
* AB#2032 Write IDs to disk and read when verifying

* Update

* update changelog

* update changelog

* cli verify: prefer flag values

* Rename fid file

Co-authored-by: Thomas Tendyck <>
2022-07-01 10:57:29 +02:00

494 lines
17 KiB

package cmd
import (
coordinatorstate ""
wgquick ""
// NewInitCmd returns a new cobra.Command for the init command.
func NewInitCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "init",
Short: "Initialize the Constellation cluster",
Long: "Initialize the Constellation cluster. Start your confidential Kubernetes.",
ValidArgsFunction: initCompletion,
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0),
RunE: runInitialize,
cmd.Flags().String("privatekey", "", "path to your private key")
cmd.Flags().String("master-secret", "", "path to base64-encoded master secret")
cmd.Flags().Bool("wg-autoconfig", false, "enable automatic configuration of WireGuard interface")
cmd.Flags().Bool("autoscale", false, "enable Kubernetes cluster-autoscaler")
return cmd
// runInitialize runs the initialize command.
func runInitialize(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
fileHandler := file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs())
vpnHandler := vpn.NewConfigHandler()
serviceAccountCreator := cloudcmd.NewServiceAccountCreator()
waiter := statuswaiter.New()
protoClient := &proto.Client{}
defer protoClient.Close()
return initialize(cmd, protoClient, serviceAccountCreator, fileHandler, waiter, vpnHandler)
// initialize initializes a Constellation. Coordinator instances are activated as contole-plane nodes and will
// themself activate the other peers as workers.
func initialize(cmd *cobra.Command, protCl protoClient, serviceAccCreator serviceAccountCreator,
fileHandler file.Handler, waiter statusWaiter, vpnHandler vpnHandler,
) error {
flags, err := evalFlagArgs(cmd, fileHandler)
if err != nil {
return err
var stat state.ConstellationState
err = fileHandler.ReadJSON(constants.StateFilename, &stat)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
return fmt.Errorf("missing Constellation state file: %w. Please do 'constellation create ...' before 'constellation init'", err)
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading Constellation state file: %w", err)
provider := cloudprovider.FromString(stat.CloudProvider)
config, err := readConfig(cmd.OutOrStdout(), fileHandler, flags.configPath, provider)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading and validating config: %w", err)
var sshUsers []*ssh.UserKey
for _, user := range config.SSHUsers {
sshUsers = append(sshUsers, &ssh.UserKey{
Username: user.Username,
PublicKey: user.PublicKey,
validators, err := cloudcmd.NewValidators(provider, config)
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.Println("Creating service account ...")
serviceAccount, stat, err := serviceAccCreator.Create(cmd.Context(), stat, config)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := fileHandler.WriteJSON(constants.StateFilename, stat, file.OptOverwrite); err != nil {
return err
coordinators, nodes, err := getScalingGroupsFromConfig(stat, config)
if err != nil {
return err
endpoints := ipsToEndpoints(append(coordinators.PublicIPs(), nodes.PublicIPs()...), strconv.Itoa(constants.CoordinatorPort))
cmd.Println("Waiting for cloud provider resource creation and boot ...")
if err := waiter.InitializeValidators(validators.V()); err != nil {
return err
if err := waiter.WaitForAll(cmd.Context(), endpoints, coordinatorstate.AcceptingInit); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("waiting for all peers status: %w", err)
var autoscalingNodeGroups []string
if flags.autoscale {
autoscalingNodeGroups = append(autoscalingNodeGroups, nodes.GroupID)
input := activationInput{
coordinatorPubIP: coordinators.PublicIPs()[0],
pubKey: flags.userPubKey,
masterSecret: flags.masterSecret,
nodePrivIPs: nodes.PrivateIPs(),
coordinatorPrivIPs: coordinators.PrivateIPs()[1:],
autoscalingNodeGroups: autoscalingNodeGroups,
cloudServiceAccountURI: serviceAccount,
sshUserKeys: ssh.ToProtoSlice(sshUsers),
result, err := activate(cmd, protCl, input, validators.V())
if err != nil {
return err
err = result.writeOutput(cmd.OutOrStdout(), fileHandler)
if err != nil {
return err
vpnConfig, err := vpnHandler.Create(result.coordinatorPubKey, result.coordinatorPubIP, string(flags.userPrivKey), result.clientVpnIP, constants.WireguardAdminMTU)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := writeWGQuickFile(fileHandler, vpnHandler, vpnConfig); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing wg-quick file: %w", err)
if flags.autoconfigureWG {
if err := vpnHandler.Apply(vpnConfig); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("configuring WireGuard: %w", err)
return nil
func activate(cmd *cobra.Command, client protoClient, input activationInput,
validators []atls.Validator,
) (activationResult, error) {
err := client.Connect(net.JoinHostPort(input.coordinatorPubIP, strconv.Itoa(constants.CoordinatorPort)), validators)
if err != nil {
return activationResult{}, err
respCl, err := client.Activate(cmd.Context(), input.pubKey, input.masterSecret, input.nodePrivIPs, input.coordinatorPrivIPs, input.autoscalingNodeGroups, input.cloudServiceAccountURI, input.sshUserKeys)
if err != nil {
return activationResult{}, err
indentOut := text.NewIndentWriter(cmd.OutOrStdout(), []byte{'\t'})
cmd.Println("Activating the cluster ...")
if err := respCl.WriteLogStream(indentOut); err != nil {
return activationResult{}, err
clientVpnIp, err := respCl.GetClientVpnIp()
if err != nil {
return activationResult{}, err
coordinatorPubKey, err := respCl.GetCoordinatorVpnKey()
if err != nil {
return activationResult{}, err
kubeconfig, err := respCl.GetKubeconfig()
if err != nil {
return activationResult{}, err
ownerID, err := respCl.GetOwnerID()
if err != nil {
return activationResult{}, err
clusterID, err := respCl.GetClusterID()
if err != nil {
return activationResult{}, err
return activationResult{
clientVpnIP: clientVpnIp,
coordinatorPubKey: coordinatorPubKey,
coordinatorPubIP: input.coordinatorPubIP,
kubeconfig: kubeconfig,
ownerID: ownerID,
clusterID: clusterID,
}, nil
type activationInput struct {
coordinatorPubIP string
pubKey []byte
masterSecret []byte
nodePrivIPs []string
coordinatorPrivIPs []string
autoscalingNodeGroups []string
cloudServiceAccountURI string
sshUserKeys []*pubproto.SSHUserKey
type activationResult struct {
clientVpnIP string
coordinatorPubKey string
coordinatorPubIP string
kubeconfig string
ownerID string
clusterID string
// writeWGQuickFile writes the wg-quick file to the default path.
func writeWGQuickFile(fileHandler file.Handler, vpnHandler vpnHandler, vpnConfig *wgquick.Config) error {
data, err := vpnHandler.Marshal(vpnConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshalling VPN config: %w", err)
return fileHandler.Write(constants.WGQuickConfigFilename, data, file.OptNone)
func (r activationResult) writeOutput(wr io.Writer, fileHandler file.Handler) error {
fmt.Fprint(wr, "Your Constellation cluster was successfully initialized.\n\n")
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(wr, 0, 0, 2, ' ', 0)
writeRow(tw, "Your WireGuard IP", r.clientVpnIP)
writeRow(tw, "Control plane's public IP", r.coordinatorPubIP)
writeRow(tw, "Control plane's public key", r.coordinatorPubKey)
writeRow(tw, "Constellation cluster's owner identifier", r.ownerID)
writeRow(tw, "Constellation cluster's unique identifier", r.clusterID)
writeRow(tw, "WireGuard configuration file", constants.WGQuickConfigFilename)
writeRow(tw, "Kubernetes configuration", constants.AdminConfFilename)
if err := fileHandler.Write(constants.AdminConfFilename, []byte(r.kubeconfig), file.OptNone); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write kubeconfig: %w", err)
idFile := clusterIDFile{ClusterID: r.clusterID, OwnerID: r.ownerID, Endpoint: r.coordinatorPubIP}
if err := fileHandler.WriteJSON(constants.IDsFileName, idFile, file.OptNone); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing Constellation id file: %w", err)
fmt.Fprintln(wr, "You can now connect to your cluster by executing:")
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "\twg-quick up ./%s\n", constants.WGQuickConfigFilename)
fmt.Fprintf(wr, "\texport KUBECONFIG=\"$PWD/%s\"\n", constants.AdminConfFilename)
return nil
func writeRow(wr io.Writer, col1 string, col2 string) {
fmt.Fprint(wr, col1, "\t", col2, "\n")
// evalFlagArgs gets the flag values and does preprocessing of these values like
// reading the content from file path flags and deriving other values from flag combinations.
func evalFlagArgs(cmd *cobra.Command, fileHandler file.Handler) (initFlags, error) {
userPrivKeyPath, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("privatekey")
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing privatekey path argument: %w", err)
userPrivKey, userPubKey, err := readOrGenerateVPNKey(fileHandler, userPrivKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, err
autoconfigureWG, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("wg-autoconfig")
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing wg-autoconfig argument: %w", err)
masterSecretPath, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("master-secret")
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing master-secret path argument: %w", err)
masterSecret, err := readOrGenerateMasterSecret(cmd.OutOrStdout(), fileHandler, masterSecretPath)
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing or generating master mastersecret from file %s: %w", masterSecretPath, err)
autoscale, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("autoscale")
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing autoscale argument: %w", err)
configPath, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("config")
if err != nil {
return initFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing config path argument: %w", err)
return initFlags{
configPath: configPath,
userPrivKey: userPrivKey,
userPubKey: userPubKey,
autoconfigureWG: autoconfigureWG,
autoscale: autoscale,
masterSecret: masterSecret,
}, nil
// initFlags are the resulting values of flag preprocessing.
type initFlags struct {
configPath string
userPrivKey []byte
userPubKey []byte
masterSecret []byte
autoconfigureWG bool
autoscale bool
func readOrGenerateVPNKey(fileHandler file.Handler, privKeyPath string) (privKey, pubKey []byte, err error) {
var privKeyParsed wgtypes.Key
if privKeyPath == "" {
privKeyParsed, err = wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("generating WireGuard private key: %w", err)
privKey = []byte(privKeyParsed.String())
} else {
privKey, err = fileHandler.Read(privKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("reading the VPN private key: %w", err)
privKeyParsed, err = wgtypes.ParseKey(string(privKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing the WireGuard private key: %w", err)
pubKey = []byte(privKeyParsed.PublicKey().String())
return privKey, pubKey, nil
func ipsToEndpoints(ips []string, port string) []string {
var endpoints []string
for _, ip := range ips {
if ip == "" {
endpoints = append(endpoints, net.JoinHostPort(ip, port))
return endpoints
// readOrGenerateMasterSecret reads a base64 encoded master secret from file or generates a new 32 byte secret.
func readOrGenerateMasterSecret(writer io.Writer, fileHandler file.Handler, filename string) ([]byte, error) {
if filename != "" {
// Try to read the base64 secret from file
encodedSecret, err := fileHandler.Read(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(encodedSecret))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(decoded) < constants.MasterSecretLengthMin {
return nil, errors.New("provided master secret is smaller than the required minimum of 16 Bytes")
return decoded, nil
// No file given, generate a new secret, and save it to disk
masterSecret, err := util.GenerateRandomBytes(constants.MasterSecretLengthDefault)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := fileHandler.Write(constants.MasterSecretFilename, []byte(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(masterSecret)), file.OptNone); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Your Constellation master secret was successfully written to ./%s\n", constants.MasterSecretFilename)
return masterSecret, nil
func getScalingGroupsFromConfig(stat state.ConstellationState, config *config.Config) (coordinators, nodes cloudtypes.ScalingGroup, err error) {
switch {
case len(stat.GCPCoordinators) != 0:
return getGCPInstances(stat, config)
case len(stat.AzureCoordinators) != 0:
return getAzureInstances(stat, config)
case len(stat.QEMUCoordinators) != 0:
return getQEMUInstances(stat, config)
return cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, errors.New("no instances to initialize")
func getGCPInstances(stat state.ConstellationState, config *config.Config) (coordinators, nodes cloudtypes.ScalingGroup, err error) {
if len(stat.GCPCoordinators) == 0 {
return cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, errors.New("no control-plane nodes available, can't create Constellation without any instance")
// GroupID of coordinators is empty, since they currently do not scale.
coordinators = cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{
Instances: stat.GCPCoordinators,
GroupID: "",
if len(stat.GCPNodes) == 0 {
return cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, errors.New("no worker nodes available, can't create Constellation with one instance")
// TODO: make min / max configurable and abstract autoscaling for different cloud providers
nodes = cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{
Instances: stat.GCPNodes,
GroupID: gcp.AutoscalingNodeGroup(stat.GCPProject, stat.GCPZone, stat.GCPNodeInstanceGroup, config.AutoscalingNodeGroupMin, config.AutoscalingNodeGroupMax),
func getAzureInstances(stat state.ConstellationState, config *config.Config) (coordinators, nodes cloudtypes.ScalingGroup, err error) {
if len(stat.AzureCoordinators) == 0 {
return cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, errors.New("no control-plane nodes available, can't create Constellation cluster without any instance")
// GroupID of coordinators is empty, since they currently do not scale.
coordinators = cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{
Instances: stat.AzureCoordinators,
GroupID: "",
if len(stat.AzureNodes) == 0 {
return cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, errors.New("no worker nodes available, can't create Constellation cluster with one instance")
// TODO: make min / max configurable and abstract autoscaling for different cloud providers
nodes = cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{
Instances: stat.AzureNodes,
GroupID: azure.AutoscalingNodeGroup(stat.AzureNodesScaleSet, config.AutoscalingNodeGroupMin, config.AutoscalingNodeGroupMax),
func getQEMUInstances(stat state.ConstellationState, config *config.Config) (coordinators, nodes cloudtypes.ScalingGroup, err error) {
coordinatorMap := stat.QEMUCoordinators
if len(coordinatorMap) == 0 {
return cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, errors.New("no coordinators available, can't create Constellation without any instance")
// QEMU does not support autoscaling
coordinators = cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{
Instances: stat.QEMUCoordinators,
GroupID: "",
if len(stat.QEMUNodes) == 0 {
return cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{}, errors.New("no nodes available, can't create Constellation with one instance")
// QEMU does not support autoscaling
nodes = cloudtypes.ScalingGroup{
Instances: stat.QEMUNodes,
GroupID: "",
// initCompletion handels the completion of CLI arguments. It is frequently called
// while the user types arguments of the command to suggest completion.
func initCompletion(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
if len(args) != 0 {
return []string{}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveError
return []string{}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveDefault