Kernel cmdline embedded in UKIs had no null terminator before. With newer versions of mkosi, it is already null-terminated so we shouldn't null terminate it twice. Co-authored-by: Malte Poll <1780588+malt3@users.noreply.github.com>
Install mkosi (from git):
cd /tmp/ git clone https://github.com/systemd/mkosi cd mkosi git checkout d8b32fbf3077b612db0024276e73cec3c2c87577 tools/generate-zipapp.sh cp builddir/mkosi /usr/local/bin/
Build systemd tooling (from git):
Ubuntu and Fedora ship outdated versions of systemd tools, so you need to build them from source:
# Ubuntu echo "deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $(lsb_release -cs) main restricted universe multiverse" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get build-dep systemd sudo apt-get install libfdisk-dev # Fedora sudo dnf builddep systemd git clone https://github.com/systemd/systemd --depth=1 meson systemd/build systemd -Drepart=true -Defi=true -Dbootloader=true BINARIES=( bootctl systemctl systemd-analyze systemd-dissect systemd-nspawn systemd-repart ukify ) ninja -C systemd/build ${BINARIES[@]} SYSTEMD_BIN=$(realpath systemd/build) echo installed systemd tools to "${SYSTEMD_BIN}"
Install tools:
Ubuntu / Debian
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --assume-yes --no-install-recommends \ bubblewrap \ coreutils \ curl \ dnf \ e2fsprogs \ efitools \ jq \ mtools \ ovmf \ python3-crc32c \ python3-pefile \ python3-pyelftools \ python3-setuptools \ qemu-system-x86 \ qemu-utils \ rpm \ sbsigntool \ squashfs-tools \ systemd-container \ util-linux \ virt-manager
sudo dnf install -y \ bubblewrap \ edk2-ovmf \ systemd-container \ qemu \ e2fsprogs \ squashfs-tools \ efitools \ sbsigntools \ coreutils \ curl \ jq \ util-linux \ virt-manager
Prepare secure boot PKI (see
When building your first image, prepare the secure boot PKI (see secure-boot/genkeys.sh
) for self-signed, locally built images.
After that, you can build the image with:
# export SYSTEMD_BIN=<path to systemd tools>
# OPTIONAL: to create a debug image, export the following line
# export DEBUG=true
# OPTIONAL: to enable the serial console, export the following line
# export AUTOLOGIN=true
# OPTIONAL: symlink custom path to secure boot PKI to ./pki
# ln -s /path/to/pki/folder ./pki
sudo make EXTRA_SEARCH_PATHS="${SYSTEMD_BIN}" -j $(nproc)
Raw images will be placed in mkosi.output.<CSP>/fedora~37/image.raw
Prepare Secure Boot
The generated images are partially signed by Microsoft (shim loader), and partially signed by Edgeless Systems (systemd-boot and unified kernel images consisting of the linux kernel, initramfs and kernel commandline).
For QEMU and Azure, you can pre-generate the NVRAM variables for secure boot. This is not necessary for GCP, as you can specify secure boot parameters via the GCP API on image creation.
libvirt / QEMU / KVM
secure-boot/generate_nvram_vars.sh mkosi.output.qemu/fedora~37/image.raw
These steps only have to performed once for a fresh set of secure boot certificates. VMGS blobs for testing and release images already exist.
First, create a disk without embedded MOK EFI variables.
# set these variables
export AZURE_SECURITY_TYPE=ConfidentialVM # or TrustedLaunch
export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME= # e.g. "constellation-images"
export AZURE_REGION=northeurope
export AZURE_DISK_NAME=constellation-$(date +%s)
export AZURE_RAW_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.azure/fedora~37/image.raw
export AZURE_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.azure/fedora~37/image.vhd
export AZURE_JSON_OUTPUT=${PWD}/mkosi.output.azure/fedora~37/image-upload.json
export BLOBS_DIR=${PWD}/blobs
upload/pack.sh azure "${AZURE_RAW_IMAGE_PATH}" "${AZURE_IMAGE_PATH}"
upload/upload_azure.sh --disk-name "${AZURE_DISK_NAME}-setup-secure-boot" ""
secure-boot/azure/launch.sh -n "${AZURE_DISK_NAME}-setup-secure-boot" -d --secure-boot true --disk-name "${AZURE_DISK_NAME}-setup-secure-boot"
Ignore the running launch script and connect to the serial console once available. The console shows the message "Verification failed: (0x1A) Security Violation". You can import the MOK certificate via the UEFI shell:
Press OK, then ENTER, then "Enroll key from disk".
Select the following key: /EFI/loader/keys/auto/db.cer
Press Continue, then choose "Yes" to the question "Enroll the key(s)?".
Choose reboot.
Extract the VMGS from the running VM (this includes the MOK EFI variables) and delete the VM:
secure-boot/azure/extract_vmgs.sh --name "${AZURE_DISK_NAME}-setup-secure-boot"
secure-boot/azure/delete.sh --name "${AZURE_DISK_NAME}-setup-secure-boot"
Upload to CSP
- Install
cli (see here) - Login to AWS (see here)
- Choose secure boot PKI public keys (one of
can be used for local image buildspki_test
is used by the CI for non-release imagespki_prod
is used for release images
# set these variables
export AWS_IMAGE_NAME= # e.g. "constellation-v1.0.0"
export PKI=${PWD}/pki
export AWS_REGION=eu-central-1
export AWS_REPLICATION_REGIONS="us-east-2"
export AWS_BUCKET=constellation-images
export AWS_EFIVARS_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.aws/fedora~37/efivars.bin
export AWS_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.aws/fedora~37/image.raw
export AWS_IMAGE_FILENAME=image-$(date +%s).raw
export AWS_JSON_OUTPUT=${PWD}/mkosi.output.aws/fedora~37/image-upload.json
secure-boot/aws/create_uefivars.sh "${AWS_EFIVARS_PATH}"
- Install
(see here) - Login to GCP (see here)
- Choose secure boot PKI public keys (one of
can be used for local image buildspki_test
is used by the CI for non-release imagespki_prod
is used for release images
# set these variables
export GCP_IMAGE_FAMILY= # e.g. "constellation"
export GCP_IMAGE_NAME= # e.g. "constellation-v1.0.0"
export PKI=${PWD}/pki
export GCP_PROJECT=constellation-images
export GCP_REGION=europe-west3
export GCP_BUCKET=constellation-images
export GCP_RAW_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.gcp/fedora~37/image.raw
export GCP_IMAGE_FILENAME=$(date +%s).tar.gz
export GCP_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.gcp/fedora~37/image.tar.gz
export GCP_JSON_OUTPUT=${PWD}/mkosi.output.gcp/fedora~37/image-upload.json
upload/pack.sh gcp ${GCP_RAW_IMAGE_PATH} ${GCP_IMAGE_PATH}
For testing purposes, it is a lot simpler to disable Secure Boot for the uploaded image! Disabling Secure Boot allows you to skip the VMGS creation steps above.
- Install
(see here) - Login to Azure (see here)
- Optional (if Secure Boot should be enabled) Prepare virtual machine guest state (VMGS) with customized NVRAM or use existing VMGS blob
# set these variables
export AZURE_GALLERY_NAME= # e.g. "Constellation"
export AZURE_IMAGE_DEFINITION= # e.g. "constellation"
export AZURE_IMAGE_VERSION= # e.g. "1.0.0"
# Set this variable to a path if you want to use Secure Boot.
# Otherwise, set it to export AZURE_VMGS_PATH=
export AZURE_VMGS_PATH= # e.g. nothing OR "path/to/ConfidentialVM.vmgs"
# AZURE_SECURITY_TYPE can be one of
# - "ConfidentialVMSupported" (ConfidentialVM with secure boot disabled),
# - "ConfidentialVM" (ConfidentialVM with Secure Boot) or
# - TrustedLaunch" (Trusted Launch with or without Secure Boot)
export AZURE_SECURITY_TYPE=ConfidentialVMSupported
export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=constellation-images
export AZURE_REGION=northeurope
export AZURE_REPLICATION_REGIONS="northeurope eastus westeurope westus"
export AZURE_IMAGE_OFFER=constellation
export AZURE_PUBLISHER=edgelesssys
export AZURE_DISK_NAME=constellation-$(date +%s)
export AZURE_RAW_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.azure/fedora~37/image.raw
export AZURE_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.azure/fedora~37/image.vhd
export AZURE_JSON_OUTPUT=${PWD}/mkosi.output.azure/fedora~37/image-upload.json
upload/pack.sh azure "${AZURE_RAW_IMAGE_PATH}" "${AZURE_IMAGE_PATH}"
upload/upload_azure.sh -g --disk-name "${AZURE_DISK_NAME}" "${AZURE_VMGS_PATH}"
OpenStack is not one a global cloud provider, but rather a software that can be installed on-premises. This means we do not upload the image to a cloud provider, but to our CDN.
# set these variables
export REF= # e.g. feat-xyz (branch name encoded with dashes)
export STREAM= # e.g. "nightly", "debug", "stable" (depends on the type of image and if it is a release)
export IMAGE_VERSION= # e.g. v2.1.0" or output of pseudo-version tool
export OPENSTACK_BUCKET=cdn-constellation-backend
export OPENSTACK_BASE_URL="https://cdn.confidential.cloud"
export OPENSTACK_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.qemu/fedora~37/image.raw
export OPENSTACK_JSON_OUTPUT=${PWD}/mkosi.output.qemu/fedora~37/image-upload.json
# set these variables
export REF= # e.g. feat-xyz (branch name encoded with dashes)
export STREAM= # e.g. "nightly", "debug", "stable" (depends on the type of image and if it is a release)
export IMAGE_VERSION= # e.g. v2.1.0" or output of pseudo-version tool
export QEMU_BUCKET=cdn-constellation-backend
export QEMU_BASE_URL="https://cdn.confidential.cloud"
export QEMU_IMAGE_PATH=${PWD}/mkosi.output.qemu/fedora~37/image.raw
export QEMU_JSON_OUTPUT=${PWD}/mkosi.output.qemu/fedora~37/image-upload.json