/* Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ package main import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "log/slog" "github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/build" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/hack/bazel-deps-mirror/internal/bazelfiles" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/hack/bazel-deps-mirror/internal/issues" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/hack/bazel-deps-mirror/internal/mirror" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/hack/bazel-deps-mirror/internal/rules" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/logger" "github.com/spf13/cobra" ) func newUpgradeCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "upgrade", Short: "upgrade all Bazel dependency rules by recalculating expected hashes, uploading artifacts to the mirror (if needed) and formatting the rules.", RunE: runUpgrade, } cmd.Flags().Bool("unauthenticated", false, "Doesn't require authentication to the mirror but cannot upload files.") cmd.Flags().Bool("dry-run", false, "Don't actually change files or upload anything.") return cmd } func runUpgrade(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { flags, err := parseUpgradeFlags(cmd) if err != nil { return err } log := logger.NewTextLogger(flags.logLevel) log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Parsed flags: %+v", flags)) fileHelper, err := bazelfiles.New() if err != nil { return err } log.Debug("Searching for Bazel files in the current WORKSPACE and all subdirectories...") bazelFiles, err := fileHelper.FindFiles() if err != nil { return err } var mirrorUpload mirrorUploader switch { case flags.unauthenticated: log.Warn("Upgrading rules without authentication for AWS S3. If artifacts are not yet mirrored, this will fail.") mirrorUpload = mirror.NewUnauthenticated(flags.mirrorBaseURL, flags.dryRun, log) default: log.Debug("Upgrading rules with authentication for AWS S3.") mirrorUpload, err = mirror.New(cmd.Context(), flags.region, flags.bucket, flags.mirrorBaseURL, flags.dryRun, log) if err != nil { return err } } issues := issues.New() for _, bazelFile := range bazelFiles { fileIssues, err := upgradeBazelFile(cmd.Context(), fileHelper, mirrorUpload, bazelFile, flags.dryRun, log) if err != nil { return err } if len(fileIssues) > 0 { issues.Set(bazelFile.AbsPath, fileIssues) } } if len(issues) > 0 { log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Found %d issues in rules", len(issues))) issues.Report(cmd.OutOrStdout()) return errors.New("found issues in rules") } log.Info("No issues found") return nil } func upgradeBazelFile(ctx context.Context, fileHelper *bazelfiles.Helper, mirrorUpload mirrorUploader, bazelFile bazelfiles.BazelFile, dryRun bool, log *slog.Logger) (iss issues.ByFile, err error) { iss = issues.NewByFile() var changed bool // true if any rule in this file was changed log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Checking file: %s", bazelFile.RelPath)) buildfile, err := fileHelper.LoadFile(bazelFile) if err != nil { return iss, err } found := rules.Rules(buildfile, rules.SupportedRules) if len(found) == 0 { log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("No rules found in file: %s", bazelFile.RelPath)) return iss, nil } log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Found %d rules in file: %s", len(found), bazelFile.RelPath)) for _, rule := range found { changedRule, ruleIssues := upgradeRule(ctx, mirrorUpload, rule, log) if len(ruleIssues) > 0 { iss.Add(rule.Name(), ruleIssues...) } changed = changed || changedRule } if len(iss) > 0 { log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("File %s has issues. Not saving!", bazelFile.RelPath)) return iss, nil } if !changed { log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("No changes to file: %s", bazelFile.RelPath)) return iss, nil } if dryRun { diff, err := fileHelper.Diff(bazelFile, buildfile) if err != nil { return iss, err } log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Dry run: would save updated file %s with diff:\n%s", bazelFile.RelPath, diff)) return iss, nil } log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Saving updated file: %s", bazelFile.RelPath)) if err := fileHelper.WriteFile(bazelFile, buildfile); err != nil { return iss, err } return iss, nil } func upgradeRule(ctx context.Context, mirrorUpload mirrorUploader, rule *build.Rule, log *slog.Logger) (changed bool, iss []error) { log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Upgrading rule: %s", rule.Name())) upstreamURLs, err := rules.UpstreamURLs(rule) if errors.Is(err, rules.ErrNoUpstreamURL) { log.Debug("Rule has no upstream URL. Skipping.") return false, nil } else if err != nil { iss = append(iss, err) return false, iss } // learn the hash of the upstream artifact learnedHash, learnErr := mirrorUpload.Learn(ctx, upstreamURLs) if learnErr != nil { iss = append(iss, learnErr) return false, iss } existingHash, err := rules.GetHash(rule) if err == nil && learnedHash == existingHash { log.Debug("Rule already upgraded. Skipping.") return false, nil } changed, err = rules.PrepareUpgrade(rule) if err != nil { iss = append(iss, err) return changed, iss } rules.SetHash(rule, learnedHash) changed = true if _, fixErr := fixRule(ctx, mirrorUpload, rule, log); fixErr != nil { iss = append(iss, fixErr...) return changed, iss } return changed, iss } type upgradeFlags struct { unauthenticated bool dryRun bool region string bucket string mirrorBaseURL string logLevel slog.Level } func parseUpgradeFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) (upgradeFlags, error) { unauthenticated, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("unauthenticated") if err != nil { return upgradeFlags{}, err } dryRun, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("dry-run") if err != nil { return upgradeFlags{}, err } verbose, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool("verbose") if err != nil { return upgradeFlags{}, err } logLevel := slog.LevelInfo if verbose { logLevel = slog.LevelDebug } region, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("region") if err != nil { return upgradeFlags{}, err } bucket, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("bucket") if err != nil { return upgradeFlags{}, err } mirrorBaseURL, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("mirror-base-url") if err != nil { return upgradeFlags{}, err } return upgradeFlags{ unauthenticated: unauthenticated, dryRun: dryRun, region: region, bucket: bucket, mirrorBaseURL: mirrorBaseURL, logLevel: logLevel, }, nil }