terraform { required_providers { libvirt = { source = "dmacvicar/libvirt" version = "0.8.1" } random = { source = "hashicorp/random" version = "3.6.3" } } } resource "libvirt_domain" "instance_group" { count = var.amount name = "${var.base_name}-${var.role}-${local.group_uid}-${count.index}" memory = var.memory vcpu = var.vcpus machine = var.machine firmware = local.firmware dynamic "cpu" { for_each = var.boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? [1] : [] content { mode = "host-passthrough" } } dynamic "nvram" { for_each = var.boot_mode == "uefi" ? [1] : [] content { file = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/nvram/${var.role}-${count.index}_VARS.fd" template = var.nvram } } xml { xslt = file("${path.module}/${local.xslt_filename}") } kernel = local.kernel initrd = local.initrd cmdline = local.cmdline tpm { backend_type = "emulator" backend_version = "2.0" } disk { volume_id = element(libvirt_volume.boot_volume.*.id, count.index) } disk { volume_id = element(libvirt_volume.state_volume.*.id, count.index) } network_interface { network_id = var.network_id hostname = "${var.role}-${count.index}" addresses = [cidrhost(var.cidr, local.ip_range_start + count.index)] wait_for_lease = true } console { type = "pty" target_port = "0" } } resource "libvirt_volume" "boot_volume" { count = var.amount name = "constellation-${var.role}-${local.group_uid}-${count.index}-boot" pool = var.pool base_volume_id = var.boot_volume_id lifecycle { ignore_changes = [ name, # required. Allow legacy scale sets to keep their old names ] } } resource "libvirt_volume" "state_volume" { count = var.amount name = "constellation-${var.role}-${local.group_uid}-${count.index}-state" pool = var.pool size = local.state_disk_size_byte format = "qcow2" lifecycle { ignore_changes = [ name, # required. Allow legacy scale sets to keep their old names ] } } resource "random_id" "uid" { byte_length = 4 } locals { group_uid = random_id.uid.hex state_disk_size_byte = 1073741824 * var.state_disk_size ip_range_start = 100 kernel = var.boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? var.kernel_volume_id : null initrd = var.boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? var.initrd_volume_id : null cmdline = var.boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? [{ "_" = var.kernel_cmdline }] : null firmware = var.boot_mode == "uefi" ? var.firmware : null xslt_filename = var.boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? "tdx_domain.xsl" : "domain.xsl" }