# First steps Thank you for getting involved! Before you start, please familiarize yourself with the [documentation](https://docs.edgeless.systems/constellation). Please follow our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) when interacting with this project. If you want to support our development: * Add a GitHub Star to the project * Share our projects on social media * Join the [Confidential Computing Discord](https://discord.gg/rH8QTH56JN) Constellation is licensed under the [AGPLv3](LICENSE). When contributing, you also need to agree to our [Contributor License Agreement](https://cla-assistant.io/edgelesssys/constellation). # Developer docs We have some documentation, guidelines and conventions that you can go through to familiarize yourself with the project and get started hacking on it. * Building, testing, deploying: [local development](/dev-docs/workflows/build-test-run.md) * [Code conventions](/dev-docs/conventions.md#code-conventions) * [Process conventions](/dev-docs/conventions.md#process-conventions) * [Repository layout](/dev-docs/layout.md#repository-layout) * [Upgrading Kubernetes](/dev-docs/workflows/upgrade-kubernetes.md)