terraform { required_providers { azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "3.74.0" } random = { source = "hashicorp/random" version = "3.6.0" } } } provider "azurerm" { features { resource_group { prevent_deletion_if_contains_resources = false } } } locals { uid = random_id.uid.hex name = "${var.name}-${local.uid}" init_secret_hash = random_password.init_secret.bcrypt_hash tags = { constellation-uid = local.uid, } ports_node_range = "30000-32767" cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes = "" ports = flatten([ { name = "kubernetes", port = "6443", health_check_protocol = "Https", path = "/readyz", priority = 100 }, { name = "bootstrapper", port = "9000", health_check_protocol = "Tcp", path = null, priority = 101 }, { name = "verify", port = "30081", health_check_protocol = "Tcp", path = null, priority = 102 }, { name = "konnectivity", port = "8132", health_check_protocol = "Tcp", path = null, priority = 103 }, { name = "recovery", port = "9999", health_check_protocol = "Tcp", path = null, priority = 104 }, { name = "join", port = "30090", health_check_protocol = "Tcp", path = null, priority = 105 }, var.debug ? [{ name = "debugd", port = "4000", health_check_protocol = "Tcp", path = null, priority = 106 }] : [], ]) // wildcard_lb_dns_name is the DNS name of the load balancer with a wildcard for the name. // example: given "name-1234567890.location.cloudapp.azure.com" it will return "*.location.cloudapp.azure.com" wildcard_lb_dns_name = var.internal_load_balancer ? "" : replace(data.azurerm_public_ip.loadbalancer_ip[0].fqdn, "/^[^.]*\\./", "*.") // deduce from format (subscriptions)/$ID/resourceGroups/$RG/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/$NAME" // move from the right as to ignore the optional prefixes uai_resource_group = element(split("/", var.user_assigned_identity), length(split("/", var.user_assigned_identity)) - 5) // deduce as above uai_name = element(split("/", var.user_assigned_identity), length(split("/", var.user_assigned_identity)) - 1) in_cluster_endpoint = var.internal_load_balancer ? azurerm_lb.loadbalancer.frontend_ip_configuration[0].private_ip_address : azurerm_public_ip.loadbalancer_ip[0].ip_address out_of_cluster_endpoint = var.debug && var.internal_load_balancer ? module.jump_host[0].ip : local.in_cluster_endpoint } resource "random_id" "uid" { byte_length = 4 } resource "random_password" "init_secret" { length = 32 special = true override_special = "_%@" } resource "azurerm_attestation_provider" "attestation_provider" { count = var.create_maa ? 1 : 0 # name must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only. name = format("constell%s", local.uid) resource_group_name = var.resource_group location = var.location lifecycle { # Attestation policies will be set automatically upon creation, even if not specified in the resource, # while they aren't being incorporated into the Terraform state correctly. # To prevent them from being set to null when applying an upgrade, ignore the changes until the issue # is resolved by Azure. # Related issue: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm/issues/21998 ignore_changes = [open_enclave_policy_base64, sgx_enclave_policy_base64, tpm_policy_base64, sev_snp_policy_base64] } } resource "azurerm_application_insights" "insights" { name = local.name location = var.location resource_group_name = var.resource_group application_type = "other" tags = local.tags } resource "azurerm_public_ip" "loadbalancer_ip" { count = var.internal_load_balancer ? 0 : 1 name = "${local.name}-lb" domain_name_label = local.name resource_group_name = var.resource_group location = var.location allocation_method = "Static" sku = "Standard" tags = local.tags lifecycle { ignore_changes = [name] } } // Reads data from the resource of the same name. // Used to wait to the actual resource to become ready, before using data from that resource. // Property "fqdn" only becomes available on azurerm_public_ip resources once domain_name_label is set. // Since we are setting domain_name_label starting with 2.10 we need to migrate // resources for clusters created before 2.9. In those cases we need to wait until loadbalancer_ip has // been updated before reading from it. data "azurerm_public_ip" "loadbalancer_ip" { count = var.internal_load_balancer ? 0 : 1 name = "${local.name}-lb" resource_group_name = var.resource_group depends_on = [azurerm_public_ip.loadbalancer_ip] } resource "azurerm_public_ip" "nat_gateway_ip" { name = "${local.name}-nat" resource_group_name = var.resource_group location = var.location allocation_method = "Static" sku = "Standard" tags = local.tags } resource "azurerm_nat_gateway" "gateway" { name = local.name location = var.location resource_group_name = var.resource_group sku_name = "Standard" idle_timeout_in_minutes = 10 } resource "azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association" "example" { nat_gateway_id = azurerm_nat_gateway.gateway.id subnet_id = azurerm_subnet.node_subnet.id } resource "azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_association" "example" { nat_gateway_id = azurerm_nat_gateway.gateway.id public_ip_address_id = azurerm_public_ip.nat_gateway_ip.id } resource "azurerm_lb" "loadbalancer" { name = local.name location = var.location resource_group_name = var.resource_group sku = "Standard" tags = local.tags dynamic "frontend_ip_configuration" { for_each = var.internal_load_balancer ? [] : [1] content { name = "PublicIPAddress" public_ip_address_id = azurerm_public_ip.loadbalancer_ip[0].id } } dynamic "frontend_ip_configuration" { for_each = var.internal_load_balancer ? [1] : [] content { name = "PrivateIPAddress" private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic" subnet_id = azurerm_subnet.loadbalancer_subnet[0].id } } } module "loadbalancer_backend_control_plane" { source = "./modules/load_balancer_backend" name = "${local.name}-control-plane" loadbalancer_id = azurerm_lb.loadbalancer.id frontend_ip_configuration_name = azurerm_lb.loadbalancer.frontend_ip_configuration[0].name ports = local.ports } module "loadbalancer_backend_worker" { source = "./modules/load_balancer_backend" name = "${local.name}-worker" loadbalancer_id = azurerm_lb.loadbalancer.id frontend_ip_configuration_name = azurerm_lb.loadbalancer.frontend_ip_configuration[0].name ports = [] } resource "azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool" "all" { loadbalancer_id = azurerm_lb.loadbalancer.id name = "${var.name}-all" } resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "network" { name = local.name resource_group_name = var.resource_group location = var.location address_space = [""] tags = local.tags } resource "azurerm_subnet" "loadbalancer_subnet" { count = var.internal_load_balancer ? 1 : 0 name = "${local.name}-lb" resource_group_name = var.resource_group virtual_network_name = azurerm_virtual_network.network.name address_prefixes = [""] } resource "azurerm_subnet" "node_subnet" { name = "${local.name}-node" resource_group_name = var.resource_group virtual_network_name = azurerm_virtual_network.network.name address_prefixes = [local.cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes] } resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "security_group" { name = local.name location = var.location resource_group_name = var.resource_group tags = local.tags dynamic "security_rule" { for_each = concat( local.ports, [{ name = "nodeports", port = local.ports_node_range, priority = 200 }] ) content { name = security_rule.value.name priority = security_rule.value.priority direction = "Inbound" access = "Allow" protocol = "Tcp" source_port_range = "*" destination_port_range = security_rule.value.port source_address_prefix = "*" destination_address_prefix = "*" } } } module "scale_set_group" { source = "./modules/scale_set" for_each = var.node_groups base_name = local.name node_group_name = each.key role = each.value.role zones = each.value.zones tags = merge( local.tags, { constellation-init-secret-hash = local.init_secret_hash }, { constellation-maa-url = var.create_maa ? azurerm_attestation_provider.attestation_provider[0].attestation_uri : "" }, ) initial_count = each.value.initial_count state_disk_size = each.value.disk_size state_disk_type = each.value.disk_type location = var.location instance_type = each.value.instance_type confidential_vm = var.confidential_vm secure_boot = var.secure_boot resource_group = var.resource_group user_assigned_identity = var.user_assigned_identity image_id = var.image_id network_security_group_id = azurerm_network_security_group.security_group.id subnet_id = azurerm_subnet.node_subnet.id backend_address_pool_ids = each.value.role == "control-plane" ? [ azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool.all.id, module.loadbalancer_backend_control_plane.backendpool_id ] : [ azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool.all.id, module.loadbalancer_backend_worker.backendpool_id ] marketplace_image = var.marketplace_image } module "jump_host" { count = var.internal_load_balancer && var.debug ? 1 : 0 source = "./modules/jump_host" base_name = local.name resource_group = var.resource_group location = var.location subnet_id = azurerm_subnet.loadbalancer_subnet[0].id ports = [for port in local.ports : port.port] lb_internal_ip = azurerm_lb.loadbalancer.frontend_ip_configuration[0].private_ip_address } data "azurerm_subscription" "current" { } data "azurerm_user_assigned_identity" "uaid" { name = local.uai_name resource_group_name = local.uai_resource_group }