# Create your cluster :::info This recording presents the essence of this page. It's recommended to read it in full for the motivation and all details. ::: <asciinemaWidget src="/constellation/assets/create-cluster.cast" rows="20" cols="112" idleTimeLimit="3" preload="true" theme="edgeless" /> --- Creating your cluster requires two steps: 1. Creating the necessary resources in your cloud environment 2. Bootstrapping the Constellation cluster and setting up a connection See the [architecture](../architecture/orchestration.md) section for details on the inner workings of this process. :::tip If you don't have a cloud subscription, you can also set up a [local Constellation cluster using virtualization](../getting-started/first-steps-local.md) for testing. ::: ## The *create* step This step creates the necessary resources for your cluster in your cloud environment. Before you create the cluster, make sure to have a [valid configuration file](./config.md). ### Create <tabs groupId="provider"> <tabItem value="cli" label="CLI"> ```bash constellation create ``` *create* stores your cluster's state in a [`constellation-terraform`](../architecture/orchestration.md#cluster-creation-process) directory in your workspace. </tabItem> <tabItem value="terraform" label="Terraform"> Terraform allows for an easier GitOps integration as well as meeting regulatory requirements. Since the Constellation CLI also uses Terraform under the hood, you can reuse the same Terraform files. :::info Familiarize with the [Terraform usage policy](../reference/terraform.md) before manually interacting with Terraform to create a cluster. Please also refrain from changing the Terraform resource definitions, as Constellation is tightly coupled to them. ::: Download the Terraform files for the selected CSP from the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/tree/main/cli/internal/terraform/terraform). Create a `terraform.tfvars` file. There, define all needed variables found in `variables.tf` using the values from the `constellation-config.yaml`. To find the image reference for your CSP and region, execute: ```bash CONSTELL_VER=vX.Y.Z curl -s https://cdn.confidential.cloud/constellation/v1/ref/-/stream/stable/$CONSTELL_VER/image/info.json | jq ``` Initialize and apply Terraform to create the configured infrastructure: ```bash terraform init terraform apply ``` The Constellation [init step](#the-init-step) requires the already created `constellation-config.yaml` and the `constellation-id.json`. Create the `constellation-id.json` using the output from the Terraform state and the `constellation-conf.yaml`: ```bash CONSTELL_IP=$(terraform output ip) CONSTELL_INIT_SECRET=$(terraform output initSecret | jq -r | tr -d '\n' | base64) CONSTELL_CSP=$(cat constellation-conf.yaml | yq ".provider | keys | .[0]") jq --null-input --arg cloudprovider "$CONSTELL_CSP" --arg ip "$CONSTELL_IP" --arg initsecret "$CONSTELL_INIT_SECRET" '{"cloudprovider":$cloudprovider,"ip":$ip,"initsecret":$initsecret}' > constellation-id.json ``` </tabItem> </tabs> ## The *init* step The following command initializes and bootstraps your cluster: ```bash constellation init ``` Next, configure `kubectl` for your cluster: ```bash export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/constellation-admin.conf" ``` 🏁 That's it. You've successfully created a Constellation cluster.