#!/usr/bin/env bash lib=$(realpath @@BASE_LIB@@) || exit 1 shfmt=$(realpath @@SHFMT@@) || exit 1 # shellcheck source=lib.bash if ! source "${lib}"; then echo "Error: could not find import" exit 1 fi cd "${BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY}" || exit 1 scriptsStr=$(${shfmt} -f "${BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY}") readarray -t <<< "${scriptsStr}" scripts=("${MAPFILE[@]}") excludeDirs=( "helm/charts/cilium" ) for exclude in "${excludeDirs[@]}"; do for i in "${!scripts[@]}"; do if [[ ${scripts[i]} == *"${exclude}"* ]]; then unset 'scripts[i]' fi done done echo "Formatting the following scripts with shfmt:" for script in "${scripts[@]}"; do echo " ${script}" done ${shfmt} -i 2 -s -w -sr "${scripts[@]}"