# First steps with MiniConstellation <!-- vale off --> With the `constellation mini` command, you can deploy and test Constellation locally without a cloud subscription. This mode is called MiniConstellation. Conceptually, MiniConstellation is similar to [MicroK8s](https://microk8s.io/), [K3s](https://k3s.io/), and [minikube](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/). <!-- vale on --> MiniConstellation uses virtualization to create a local cluster with one control-plane node and one worker node. It **doesn't** require hardware with Confidential VM (CVM) support. For attestation, MiniConstellation currently uses a software-based vTPM provided by KVM/QEMU. :::caution MiniConstellation has specific soft- and hardware requirements such as a Linux OS running on an x86-64 CPU. Pay attention to all [prerequisites](#prerequisites) when setting up. ::: :::note Since MiniConstellation runs on your local system, cloud features such as load balancing, attaching persistent storage, or autoscaling aren't available. ::: ## Prerequisites * A Linux OS with the following components installed * [Constellation CLI](./install.md#install-the-constellation-cli) * [KVM kernel module](https://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page) * [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) * [xsltproc](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxslt/-/wikis/home) * (Optional) [virsh](https://www.libvirt.org/manpages/virsh.html) to observe and access your nodes * Other system requirements * An x86-64 CPU with at least 4 cores (6 cores are recommended) * At least 4 GB RAM (6 GB are recommended) * 20 GB of free disk space * Hardware virtualization enabled in the BIOS/UEFI (often referred to as Intel VT-x or AMD-V/SVM) * `iptables` rules configured to not drop forwarded packages. If running the following command returns no error, please follow [the troubleshooting guide](#vms-have-no-internet-access): ```bash sudo iptables -S | grep -q -- '-P FORWARD DROP' ``` ## Create your cluster The following creates your MiniConstellation cluster (may take up to 10 minutes to complete): ```bash constellation mini up ``` This will configure your current directory as the [workspace](../architecture/orchestration.md#workspaces) for this cluster. All `constellation` commands concerning this cluster need to be issued from this directory. ## Connect `kubectl` Configure `kubectl` to connect to your local Constellation cluster: ```bash export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/constellation-admin.conf" ``` Your cluster initially consists of a single control-plane node: ```shell-session $ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION control-plane-0 Ready control-plane 66s v1.24.6 ``` A worker node will request to join the cluster shortly. Before the new worker node is allowed to join the cluster, its state is verified using remote attestation by the [JoinService](../architecture/components.md#joinservice). If verification passes successfully, the new node receives keys and certificates to join the cluster. You can follow this process by viewing the logs of the JoinService: ```shell-session $ kubectl logs -n kube-system daemonsets/join-service -f {"level":"INFO","ts":"2022-10-14T09:32:20Z","caller":"cmd/main.go:48","msg":"Constellation Node Join Service","version":"2.1.0","cloudProvider":"qemu"} {"level":"INFO","ts":"2022-10-14T09:32:20Z","logger":"validator","caller":"watcher/validator.go:96","msg":"Updating expected measurements"} ... ``` Once the worker node has joined your cluster, it may take a couple of minutes for all resources to become available. You can check on the state of your cluster by running the following: ```shell-session $ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION control-plane-0 Ready control-plane 2m59s v1.24.6 worker-0 Ready <none> 32s v1.24.6 ``` ## Deploy a sample application 1. Deploy the [emojivoto app](https://github.com/BuoyantIO/emojivoto) ```bash kubectl apply -k github.com/BuoyantIO/emojivoto/kustomize/deployment ``` 2. Expose the frontend service locally ```bash kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=60s -n emojivoto --all deployments kubectl -n emojivoto port-forward svc/web-svc 8080:80 & curl http://localhost:8080 kill %1 ``` ## Terminate your cluster Once you are done, you can clean up the created resources using the following command: ```bash constellation mini down ``` This will destroy your cluster and clean up your workspace. The VM image and cluster configuration file (`constellation-conf.yaml`) will be kept and may be reused to create new clusters. ## Troubleshooting ### VMs have no internet access `iptables` rules may prevent your VMs from accessing the internet. Make sure your rules aren't dropping forwarded packages. List your rules: ```bash sudo iptables -S ``` The output may look similar to the following: ```shell-session -P INPUT ACCEPT -P FORWARD DROP -P OUTPUT ACCEPT -N DOCKER -N DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1 -N DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2 -N DOCKER-USER ``` If your `FORWARD` chain is set to `DROP`, you need to update your rules: ```bash sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT ```